Entering Apocalypse in Easy-Mode

Chapter 227 Some Background Story

As soon as they got under the tree, they felt a soothing coolness. The sight of people practicing over the vast green plains under the clear blue sky is amazing scenery. Like a painting moved by some kind of magic.

Clyde wasn't particularly eager to hear what Samuel had to say and just wanted to enjoy the sight before his eyes. Under the shade of a large tree and the cool breeze.

However, Samuel of course, continued what he wanted to say.

"I've never said how I was doing when the Selection Stage happened, right?" said Samuel.

"No," Clyde replied, without turning to look at him.

He continued. "I'm just an ordinary construction worker. What I make with that job is just enough for my family to eat every day. Me, my wife, and my daughter.

But we live happily. I'm lucky to have a good wife and I'm always grateful. She never complains, even though I can never make her happy." 

Clyde turned his head this time. What Samuel said caught his attention, even though just a little.

Samuel turned out to be a good and loving husband. Clyde had already guessed that he and his wife must really love their daughter. It's not like him who has always been ignored.

"We were having a picnic at the time," Samuel said.

'Here we go,' thought Clyde. He knew that this was when the floating notification of the Selection Stage appeared. And Samuel's world got destroyed. And his family got killed.

Clyde already suspected the rest of the story. He did not feel too much empathy for him. After all, isn't that what happens to everyone?

It's just... He doesn't have good memories in his old world so he doesn't feel too sad or lost when the Selection Stage occurs.

"You know the rest, the Selection Stage happened and we tried to survive. On the second day, I was faced with a very difficult situation.

When Clyde looked at Samuel's face, he looked ahead but not at the plains or the people practicing. Clyde knew Samuel's crimson eyes were looking back at the incident he mentioned.

Clyde saw both of Samuel's fists clenched so tightly that the veins were showing.

"There is someone who claims to be a Celestial envoy. She forced me to choose between saving my daughter, or my wife."

Clyde's eyes widened slightly when he heard that. He was already shocked when he heard that a Celestial envoy had approached him.

However, it turns out that the envoy did not come to make an offer like what happened to him before. But to have Samuel observe such a pitiful trial.

"That evil woman forced me to choose who should live, between my daughter or my wife." Samuel turned to Clyde. "Can you imagine that?"

Clyde can't imagine that. He chose not to answer him.

"And surely, I couldn't choose between them. In the end, she killed them both. My daughter and wife."

Samuel exhaled loudly, as if to drive away his sadness. But of course, it can't be that easy.


Samuel suddenly smiled to cover his pain. "I don't know which Celestials ordered that woman to do it. That's why I intend to look for that woman among the Celestials."

Samuel paused. The looks of determination were evident in his crimson eyes.

"She must be there," Samuel said. And then he smiled even wider, as if he wanted to brush off all the bad memories he had just said earlier.

"Sorry, you have to listen to my rant."

"It's okay," Clyde said.

"Now you know what motivates me to keep going. Your turn, if you want."

Clyde shook his head. "I don't really want to talk about it."

'Because there really isn't much to say.'

"That's alright," Samuel said. "I just want you to know, about why I'm so curious about how you got your power."

"I understand."

"You probably find me annoying, right?"

"Yes," Clyde answered without hesitation.

Samuel let out a chuckle. "I expected it. Well, now at least you know. It's alright if you don't want to share secrets about your powers."

Clyde thought for a few moments. And then he said. "If I knew how, I would tell you."

Clyde couldn't pretend to understand Samuel's feelings. Because he doesn't. But at least he knows that Samuel must be very hurt and has a big feeling of revenge just like him.

Olaflyn might know something. After all, he is the sage. So Clyde intends to ask him about Samuel's problem about how he can gain power quickly when he has lost his power of the system.

Samuel stood and spoke. "Thank you for sparring with me. I realized that I'm still far from capable."

Clyde didn't comment on that.

Samuel walked away from that place. Leaving Clyde alone in the shadow of this big tree.

He dropped his back on the soft grass and looked up at the sky. Clyde thought, this was the first time he had heard someone explain someone's background story. Turns out, it was pretty sad.

He had never cared about that before.

His conversation with Samuel Clyde made him think about Asqa, Sonya, and the five people. They must also have their own background story and Clyde suddenly wants to know about that.

He doesn't know why, maybe because his own life doesn't have an interesting story.

Clyde closed his eyes and let the breeze caress him until he fell asleep.


In the center of the room, the holographic text of the book Clyde had brought from Olaflyn floated before the eyes of the three people inside.

The three of them - Maethion, Vernik, and Madri - had spent the whole night dissecting the book. But most of the information the three of them got was only about the lore about the Nexus of Creation. There is still no certain information about its location.

"Are you sure there's something useful in this book?" Vernik asked in an irritated tone. His wrinkled face made his appearance worse.

"I'm sure. Don't talk too much and just keep looking," Maethion replied in a curt tone. He also hadn't rested and focused on reading the book since last night so the bespectacled Elf wasn't in a very good mood either.

Vernik shot an angry glance at Maethion. But he swallowed his anger again at hearing Mathion's tone. He sighed, some things required his energy even more at this time. That is a book containing hundreds of these pieces of information.

They kept looking and searching until finally, Madri found something.

The brown-skinned woman frowned. "I guess I found something."

Vernik and Maethion immediately looked at her.

"What did you find?" Vernik asked with obvious curiosity.

Madri waved her hand in the direction of the two of them. Then the holographic text that was created from Mana flew towards Vernik and Maethion simultaneously and they immediately read it.

"There is a gate within a certain location in the The All Territory which is the path to the realm where the Nexus of Creation is located," Vernik read out loud. "This is what we're looking for!"

"Yes, but how do we find this gate?" Maethion asked. His eyes were still focused on staring at each paragraph of the text and he immediately realized something. "After this page, we can find clearer clues," Maethion said.

Vernik and Madri also agreed with his words. Olaflyn must have placed lore in the first half of the book and placed how to find it in the latter half.

Their enthusiasm that had been extinguished had now risen again. The three Senior Councils read faster and faster.

Several hours passed, and they were finally able to find a bright spot, even if it was small.

"That Celestial's domain would be too difficult for us to enter," said Vernik, shaking his head.

"Let's find another location," Madri suggested.

They continued reading. But all the places they found were within the powerful Celestials' domains.

Vernik sighed as he slumped back into the chair. "Let's send Clyde and his friends."

Maethion turned to Vernik. He wanted to refute him. However, only Clyde is capable of doing this.

They finally found something good after all this time. Maethion knew he couldn't pass up this opportunity.

"Let's call the other members first. This is something big and they must know," said Mathion.

Vernik and Madri thought silently. But finally, they agreed.

"I agree," Vernik said.

"Me too," said Madri.

The three of them proceed to contact other members of the Senior Council for this matter.


Clyde woke up when the sun had set and the sky had turned orange.

He opened his eyes and looked around. Many of the people who had been training had left leaving only a few groups.

'I slept too long.'

At this time, it was impossible for anyone to pay attention to him, so Clyde took Asqa's silver necklace and channeled his Mana through his bracelet.

He closed his eyes again so as not to arouse suspicion. If anyone saw, they would only think that Clyde was still sleeping.


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