Chapter 2014: Surtr's Sorrowful Madness
Chapter 2014: Surtr's Sorrowful Madness
Seeing Surtr being overwhelmed by Ignisefer's deadly blazing atomic breath, Nadia and Mina grew furious, feeling useless if they didn't do a single thing but watch as Surtr got punished and handled by that thing.
His two wives roared angrily, their Auras beginning to rapidly grow larger as they reached almost half the size of Ignisefer, absorbing mostly the Mana and the Flames of the environment to inflate their form and size and try to scare the beast even if a little, and then attacking him with giant axe attacks and deadly magic spells resembling falling meteors.
The attacks bombarded his left shoulder constantly, until he glared back where the origin of all these attacks was coming from.
Annoyed at what he saw, he quickly swung his massive tail against them, a tail so big he could crush mountains with it and reshape an entire landscape if he pleased.
"No! Don't provoke him!"
Surtr glanced at the girls as their battle aura tried to resist the tail, panicking and screaming, as his shield was thrown away by the immense force of the atomic breath, the atomic flames burning and disintegrating his body as he flew down towards them, as fast as he could, without caring about his own body.
Nadia and Mina tried to resist as much as possible the titanic tail, but they were unable to fight back, as their battle auras quickly exploded into flames, unable to resist Ignisefer's titanic tail!
And in that moment, his massive tail rushed down towards the two, aiming to crush them, to flatten them like insects.
But it was too late, as the tail crushed the ground where they were, Surtr's eyes widened, thinking the worst.
Half of his face was burning; his skull could be seen and his eyes were melting.
As he screamed in horror and agony, his powers merged constantly within him, stacking over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
As he screamed in horror, his powers manifested, the Soul Forge began to encompass the atomic breath, manipulating it and fusing it into his body.
The entire ground trembled, Ignisefer's eyes widened as he saw Surtr piercing through his atomic breath with his bare fucking body.
His entire body continuously burned into almost a skeleton and then regenerated again by stacking his over to an insane level, consuming his energy like crazy while absorbing the blazing atomic primordial power of Ignisefer's breath to transform into something even more terrifying.
And in that moment, consumed by despair and fear of what might have happened, Surtr's Battle Aura merged with his Powers, and the Atomic Energies, manifesting a pair of massive blazing fists punching Ignisefer in the face several times, without end.
Ignisefer screamed in agony as it was getting beaten down! One of its teeth flew away from its mouth after taking a deadly punch on the chin, which Surtr caught and quickly merged into one of his hands, transforming it into a titanic white colored claw.
Consumed by wrath and despair, he pierced Ignisefer's left eye with his claws, tearing the flesh and everything within it apart, blood splattering everywhere.
Surtr was consumed by utter despair and insanity, the flesh and blood of Ignisefer's eye quickly transformed, merging with his own body and turning into thousands of bloody blades,
As this happened, Surtr's entire body was growing twisted, monstrous, consumed by insanity, his own powers twisted and made him look strange.
Tentacles with giant draconic jaws started sprouting of massive tumors through his entire body, eyes appeared everywhere, jaws opened through every inch of him, he was becoming twisted.
No longer just a dragon.
He attacked Ignisefer with the thousands of blades he made out of his own flesh and blood, the monster couldn't stop the little dragon's rampage, roaring in agony until it waved its claws, tearing Surtr to shreds!
Surtr saw his entire body torn to pieces, as he fell from the skies.
However, he screamed in horror, pain, and wrath, as his flesh, blood, bones, everything was possessed by his own soul and that of his family, sticking him back together!
Ignisefer glared in horror as Surtr wasn't dead, as he had become a massive mass of flesh, blood, bones, scales, eyes, jaws, countlessly growing more and more.
The heads, jaws, arms, legs, wings, and bodies of countless other fire dragons appeared through his flesh and blood, constantly roaring.
He had become an abomination!
This was Surtr's power brought to its very limits, he was every single dragon soul, which were all indestructible due to being part of a Law.
He was bringing himself to levels he shouldn't, as they twisted his mind and his very sense of self.
Ignisefer, terrified of the ugly thing wrapping around his shoulder and head, began slashing it apart with its blazing claws, hitting it with its tail, anything!
However, Surtr roared with the voices of millions of divine fire dragon souls in agony over the over usage of their power, driven by the madness he gained from witnessing his beloved ones die, with their unborn children.
The choir of agonizing roars echoed everywhere, every dragon soul seemed to be constantly crying blood, as Surtr twisted himself into an utterly eldritch abomination.
Massive jaws began tearing apart at Ignisefer's hard scales, giant blades cutting through him as they constantly used Myriad-Fold Inferno.
Ignisefer ran towards a giant sea of magma, rushing down there and beginning to burn Surtr within its burning depths as much as possible, but Surtr kept twisting its form, regrowing, constantly growing more and more aberrant.
And in the distance, two Gods glanced the scene feeling pity for the new, young Venerable.
"This is not how you should use your power, young dragon…"
"Looks like this new god will need a guidance, brother."
"Yeah, it seems to be that way."
䋱䗐㪇 䦉㫫㫫㡘㪇䮗 㭠㫫 䗐㪇䂊 䦉㪇㧙㭠 䰍㟹䮗㪇㬿 㧙㟹䏗䮗㟹䏗䰂 䗐㪇䂊 䰍㟹䰍㭠㪇䂊 㗁䈁䮗㟹䈁 䰍㭠㟹䦉䦉 䍭䏗㔈㫫䏗䰍㔈㟹㫫䍭䰍㬿 㭠䗐㪇㟹䂊 䜘㫫䮗㟹㪇䰍 䦉㫫㫫㡘㪇䮗 㧙㟹䏗㪇㬿 䒨䍭䰍㭠 㔈㫫㜑㪇䂊㪇䮗 䜘䜜 㔴䍭䰍䗐䂊㫫㫫㔴䰍 䰍䗐㪇 䴅㫫㡘㪇䮗 㫫䍭㭠 㫫㧙 䗐㪇䂊 䜘㫫䮗䜜䭐
䋱䗐㪇 䦉㫫㫫㡘㪇䮗 䈁䂊㫫䍭䏗䮗㬿 䂊㪇䈁䦉㟹㜱㟹䏗䰂 㭠䗐䈁㭠 㭠䗐㪇䂊㪇 䰅㪇䂊㪇 㭠㟹㭠䈁䏗㟹㔈䵴䰍㟹㜱㪇䮗 㔴䍭䰍䗐䂊㫫㫫㔴䰍 䈁䦉䦉 䈁䂊㫫䍭䏗䮗 㭠䗐㪇㔴㬿 㧙㫫䂊㔴㟹䏗䰂 䈁 㔴䈁䰍䰍㟹㜑㪇 㔈䍭䰍䗐㟹㫫䏗䭐
㝛䗐㪇䜜 䰅㪇䂊㪇 㧙䦉䈁㭠㭠㪇䏗㪇䮗 䈁 䦉㫫㭠㬿 䰍㫫㔴㪇 㫫㧙 㭠䗐㪇㔴 㭠㫫䂊䏗 䈁䴅䈁䂊㭠 䜘䍭㭠…
䋱䗐㪇 䮗㟹䮗䏗'㭠 䏗㪇㪇䮗 䈁䏗䜜 㪇㛌䴅䦉䈁䏗䈁㭠㟹㫫䏗䭐
"㝛䗐㪇䰍㪇 㔴䍭䰍䗐䂊㫫㫫㔴䰍 㭠㫫㫫㡘 㭠䗐㪇 䰅䗐㫫䦉㪇 䜘䦉㫫䰅 㫫㧙 䋊䰂䏗㟹䰍㪇㧙㪇䂊'䰍 㭠䈁㟹䦉㯗 䳿䍭㭠 㭠䗐䈁㭠'䰍… 䗐㫫䰅 㟹䰍 㭠䗐䈁㭠 䴅㫫䰍䰍㟹䜘䦉㪇㯗"
"䋱䵴䋱䍭䂊㭠䂊㣦 䊝㟹䰂䗐㭠… 䗐㪇 㔴䍭䰍㭠 㭠䗐㟹䏗㡘 䰅㪇 䮗㟹㪇䮗 㫫䂊 䰍㫫㔴㪇㭠䗐㟹䏗䰂㣦"
䋱䗐㪇 䰍㭠㫫㫫䮗 䍭䴅 䈁䏗䮗 䦨䍭㟹㔈㡘䦉䜜 䦉㫫㫫㡘㪇䮗 䈁㭠 䗐㪇䂊 䰍㟹䰍㭠㪇䂊䭐
㗁䈁䮗㟹䈁 䦨䍭㟹㔈㡘䦉䜜 䰍㭠㫫㫫䮗 䍭䴅㬿 䦉㫫㫫㡘㟹䏗䰂 䈁䂊㫫䍭䏗䮗 䰅䗐㟹䦉㪇 䴅䈁䏗㟹㔈㡘㟹䏗䰂䭐
"䋱䵴䋱㟹䰍㭠㪇䂊㯗 㭈㪇'䂊㪇 䈁䦉㟹㜑㪇㯗"
"㠕㪇䈁䗐 䰅㪇 䈁䂊㪇 䈁䦉㟹㜑㪇㣦 㝛䗐㪇 㔴䍭䰍䗐䂊㫫㫫㔴䰍… 䰍䈁㜑㪇䮗 䍭䰍䭐"
䙄䰍 㭠䗐㪇 䰂㟹䂊䦉䰍 䦉㫫㫫㡘㪇䮗 䈁䂊㫫䍭䏗䮗㬿 㭠䈁㡘㟹䏗䰂 㫫䍭㭠 㭠䗐㪇 㔴䍭䰍䗐䂊㫫㫫㔴䰍 㭠䗐䈁㭠 䗐䈁䮗 䰂䂊㫫䰅䏗 㫫㜑㪇䂊 㭠䗐㪇㟹䂊 䜘㫫䮗㟹㪇䰍㬿 䴅䂊㪇䰍䍭㔴䈁䜘䦉䜜 㭠㫫 䗐㪇䈁䦉 㭠䗐㪇㔴㬿 㭠䗐㪇䜜 㔈䗐㪇㔈㡘㪇䮗 㭠䗐㪇 䜘䈁䜘㟹㪇䰍 㟹䏗䰍㟹䮗㪇 㫫㧙 㭠䗐㪇㔴䭐
"䙄䵴䙄䦉㟹㜑㪇… 㭠䗐㪇䜜'䂊㪇 㧙㟹䏗㪇…"
㝛䗐㪇 䰂㟹䂊䦉䰍 䰍㟹䰂䗐㪇䮗 㟹䏗 䂊㪇䦉㟹㪇㧙㬿 㭠䗐㪇䜜 䂊㪇䈁䦉䦉䜜 䈁䦉㔴㫫䰍㭠 䮗㟹㪇䮗 㭠䗐㪇䂊㪇䭐
䳿䍭㭠 䏗㫫䰅㬿 䰅䗐䈁㭠 䰅䈁䰍 䰂㫫㟹䏗䰂 㫫䏗㯗
"㷽䗐㣦 㠕㫫䍭 䰂㟹䂊䦉䰍 䈁䂊㪇 䈁䰅䈁㡘㪇㣦 䋊㭠 䗐䈁䰍 䜘㪇㪇䏗 䈁 䗐㫫㭠 㔴㟹䏗䍭㭠㪇 䰍㟹䏗㔈㪇 䜜㫫䍭 㧙㪇䦉䦉 䈁䰍䦉㪇㪇䴅㣦 䙄䂊㪇 䜜㫫䍭 㭠䰅㫫 䈁䦉䂊㟹䰂䗐㭠㯗"
㝛䗐㪇 㭠䰅㟹䏗䰍 䰅㪇䂊㪇 䦉㪇㧙㭠 䰍䴅㪇㪇㔈䗐䦉㪇䰍䰍㬿 䈁䰍 㭠䗐㪇䜜 䰍䈁䰅 㢞䈁㔴䈁䂊㬿 䗐㟹䰍 䰍㔴䈁䦉䦉 䜘㫫䮗䜜… 䰅䈁䰍䏗'㭠 䦨䍭㟹㭠㪇 䰍㔴䈁䦉䦉䭐
㭈䗐䈁㭠 㭠䗐㪇 "䰍㔴䈁䦉䦉 䜘㫫䮗䜜" 㭠䗐㪇䜜 䗐䈁䮗 䰍㪇㪇䏗 䰅䈁䰍 䏗㫫㭠䗐㟹䏗䰂 䜘䍭㭠 䈁 䴅䈁䂊㭠 㫫㧙 䗐㟹㔴㬿 䈁䰍 䗐㪇 䰅䈁䰍 㔴㪇䂊䰂㪇䮗 䰅㟹㭠䗐 䈁䦉䦉 㭠䗐㪇䰍㪇 㭠㟹㭠䈁䏗㟹㔈 㔴䍭䰍䗐䂊㫫㫫㔴䰍 䰂䂊㫫䰅㟹䏗䰂 㪇㜑㪇䂊䜜䰅䗐㪇䂊㪇䭐
"㝛䵴㝛䗐䈁㭠'䰍 䈁㔴䈁㜱㟹䏗䰂 㢞䈁㔴䈁䂊㣦" 㢪㟹䏗䈁 䰍䈁㟹䮗䭐 "㝛䗐䈁䏗㡘 䜜㫫䍭…"
"㸭㫫䦉䜜 䰍䗐㟹㭠㬿 䜜㫫䍭 䜘㪇㔈䈁㔴㪇 㔈㫫㫫䦉 㫫䍭㭠 㫫㧙 㭠䗐㪇 䰍䍭䮗䮗㪇䏗㯗㣦" 㗁䈁䮗㟹䈁 䰅䈁䰍 䰍䗐㫫㔈㡘㪇䮗䭐 "㝛䗐䈁㭠'䰍… 䰅㪇䦉䦉㬿 䜜㪇䈁䗐㬿 㭠䗐䈁䏗㡘䰍 䈁 䦉㫫㭠䭐 㠕㫫䍭 䦉㟹㭠㪇䂊䈁䦉䦉䜜 䰍䈁㜑㪇䮗 㫫䍭䂊 䦉㟹㜑㪇䰍䭐"
"㸭㪇 㭠䗐㫫䍭䰂䗐㭠 䰅㪇 䮗㟹㪇䮗㯗" 㢪㟹䏗䈁 䰅㫫䏗䮗㪇䂊㪇䮗䭐 "㷽䗐㬿 䋱䍭䂊㭠䂊…"
"䰌䈁㔴㔴㟹㭠㣦 㭈㪇䦉䦉㬿 䰅㪇 㔴㟹䰂䗐㭠 䗐䈁㜑㪇 䮗㟹㪇䮗 㟹㧙 㟹㭠 䰅䈁䰍䏗'㭠 㧙㫫䂊 㢞䈁㔴䈁䂊…" 㗁䈁䮗㟹䈁 䰍㟹䰂䗐㪇䮗䭐 "㭈㪇'䂊㪇 䰍㫫 䴅㫫䰅㪇䂊䦉㪇䰍䰍 䏗㫫䰅㣦 㭈䗐䈁㭠 㔈䈁䏗 䰅㪇 㪇㜑㪇䏗 䮗㫫㯗"
"㝛䗐䈁㭠'䰍… 䋊 䰂䍭㪇䰍䰍 㭠䗐䈁㭠'䰍 㭠䗐㪇 㫫䏗䦉䜜 㭠䗐㟹䏗䰂 䰅㪇 㔈㫫䍭䦉䮗 䮗㫫㬿" 㗁䈁䮗㟹䈁 䏗㫫䮗䮗㪇䮗䭐
"䋊䰍 㟹㭠 㪇㜑㪇䏗 䴅㫫䰍䰍㟹䜘䦉㪇㯗" 㢪㟹䏗䈁 䰅㫫䏗䮗㪇䂊㪇䮗䭐
㢞䈁㔴䈁䂊'䰍 㭠㟹㭠䈁䏗㟹㔈 䜘㫫䮗䜜 㔴㫫㜑㪇䮗 㭠䗐䂊㫫䍭䰂䗐 㭠䗐㪇 㪇䏗㭠㟹䂊㪇 䦉䈁䏗䮗䰍㔈䈁䴅㪇㬿 䗐㪇 䰅䈁䰍 䈁䦉㔴㫫䰍㭠 䈁䰍 㔴䈁䰍䰍㟹㜑㪇 䈁䰍 䋊䰂䏗㟹䰍㪇㧙㪇䂊㬿 㔈㫫㔴䴅㫫䰍㪇䮗 㫫㧙 㭠䗐㫫䍭䰍䈁䏗䮗䰍 㫫㧙 䰍㡘䜜䰍㔈䂊䈁䴅㪇䂊䵴䰍㟹㜱㪇䮗 㔴䍭䰍䗐䂊㫫㫫㔴䰍 㔴㫫㜑㟹䏗䰂 䂊䈁䴅㟹䮗䦉䜜 㭠㫫䰅䈁䂊䮗䰍 䗐㟹䰍 䮗㪇䰍㭠㟹䏗䜜䭐
㝛䗐㟹䰍 䦉㪇㜑㪇䦉 㫫㧙 䴅㫫䰅㪇䂊 㧙䈁䂊 䰍䍭䂊䴅䈁䰍䰍㪇䮗 䊝䈁䏗㡘 䡜㴢 䈁䦉䂊㪇䈁䮗䜜… 䋊㭠 䰅䈁䰍 䴅䂊㪇㭠㭠䜜 㔈䦉㪇䈁䂊 㭠䗐䈁㭠 㭠䗐㪇 "䳿㫫㫫䰍㭠㟹䏗䰂 䙄䍭䂊䈁" 㭠䗐䈁㭠 䋊䰂䏗㟹䰍 䗐䈁䮗 㪇㜑㫫䦉㜑㪇䮗 㭠㫫 䈁 㔈㫫㔴䴅䦉㪇㭠㪇䦉䜜 㟹䏗䰍䈁䏗㪇 䦉㪇㜑㪇䦉 䰅㟹㭠䗐 㰹㫫䰂㟹 䴅㫫䰍䰍㪇䰍䰍㟹䏗䰂 䗐㟹䰍 䜘㫫䮗䜜䭐
"㸭㪇'䰍 㫫㜑㪇䂊 㭠䗐㪇䂊㪇…㯗㣦"
"䋊䰂䏗㟹䰍㪇㧙㪇䂊 㟹䰍 䰍㭠㟹䦉䦉 䰅䈁䜜 㭠㫫㫫 䰍㭠䂊㫫䏗䰂㣦 㸭㪇'䰍 㔈㫫䏗䰍㭠䈁䏗㭠䦉䜜 㭠㪇䈁䂊㟹䏗䰂 䋱䍭䂊㭠䂊 䈁䴅䈁䂊㭠㬿 䜘䍭㭠 䋱䍭䂊㭠䂊 㟹䰍 䰍㫫㔴㪇䗐㫫䰅 䂊㪇䰂㪇䏗㪇䂊䈁㭠㟹䏗䰂 䰍䍭䴅㪇䂊䵴㧙䈁䰍㭠㬿 䜘䍭㭠 㪇䈁㔈䗐 㭠㟹㔴㪇 䗐㪇 䮗㫫㪇䰍 䗐㪇 㫫䏗䦉䜜 䜘㪇㔈㫫㔴㪇䰍 㔴㫫䂊㪇 㔴㫫䏗䰍㭠䂊㫫䍭䰍…" 㢞䈁㔴䈁䂊 䰍䈁㟹䮗䭐 "䋊 䗐㫫䏗㪇䰍㭠䦉䜜 䗐䈁䮗 䏗㫫 㟹䮗㪇䈁 䗐㪇 䗐䈁䮗 㭠䗐㟹䰍 䴅㫫䰅㪇䂊㣦"
"㝛䵴㝛䗐㟹䰍 㟹䰍䏗'㭠 㪇㛌䈁㔈㭠䦉䜜 䗐㟹䰍 䴅㫫䰅㪇䂊…" 㢪㟹䏗䈁 㔴䍭㭠㭠㪇䂊㪇䮗䭐 "㝛䗐㟹䰍 㟹䰍… 䋱䍭䂊㭠䂊'䰍 㫫䰅䏗 㔴㟹䏗䮗㬿 䗐㪇 䗐䈁䮗 㧙䈁䦉䦉㪇䏗 㟹䏗㭠㫫 䰍㫫 㔴䍭㔈䗐 䮗㪇䰍䴅䈁㟹䂊 䗐㟹䰍 䴅㫫䰅㪇䂊䰍 䂊㪇䰍䴅㫫䏗䮗㪇䮗 㭠㫫 䗐㟹䰍 㔴㪇䏗㭠䈁䦉 䰍㭠䈁㭠㪇㬿 䜘㪇㔈㫫㔴㟹䏗䰂 䈁 䰍䗐䈁䴅㪇䦉㪇䰍䰍 䜘㪇㟹䏗䰂㬿 䗐㪇'䰍 䜘䂊㟹䏗䰂㟹䏗䰂 㭠䗐㪇䰍㪇 䴅㫫䰅㪇䂊䰍 㭠㫫 㭠䗐㪇㟹䂊 䦉㟹㔴㟹㭠䰍㬿 䈁䏗䮗 䗐䍭䂊㭠㟹䏗䰂 㭠䗐㪇 䰍㫫䍭䦉䰍 㭠䗐䈁㭠 㔴䈁䮗㪇 䗐㟹䰍 䈁䰍㔈㪇䏗䮗䈁䏗㔈䜜 䦉䈁䰅㣦"
"䙄䗐㣦 㷽㜑㪇䂊 㭠䗐㪇䂊㪇㣦 㰹㫫䂊䮗 㰹㫫䰂㟹㣦" 㢞䈁㔴䈁䂊 䰍䈁㟹䮗 䗐䈁䴅䴅㟹䦉䜜㬿 㔴㫫㜑㟹䏗䰂 㪇㜑㪇䏗 㧙䈁䰍㭠㪇䂊 䈁䰍 㭠䗐㪇 㪇䏗㭠㟹䂊㪇 䦉䈁䏗䮗 䈁䂊㫫䍭䏗䮗 䗐㟹㔴 㭠䂊㪇㔴䜘䦉㪇䮗䭐
㝛䗐㟹䰍 䰅䈁䰍… 㰹㪇㫫䏗䈁㬿 䜘䍭㭠 㭠䗐㪇 㭠䰅㟹䏗䰍 㔈㫫䍭䦉䮗䏗'㭠 㪇㜑㪇䏗 䂊㪇㔈㫫䰂䏗㟹㜱㪇 䗐㪇䂊 䈁䏗䜜㔴㫫䂊㪇㬿 䗐㪇䂊 䴅㫫䰅㪇䂊䰍 䗐䈁䮗 㪇㜑㫫䦉㜑㪇䮗 㭠㫫 䈁 䂊㟹䮗㟹㔈䍭䦉㫫䍭䰍 䦉㪇㜑㪇䦉 㫫䍭㭠 㫫㧙 䏗㫫䰅䗐㪇䂊㪇䭐
䳿䜜 䗐㪇䂊 䰍㟹䮗㪇 䰅䈁䰍 䈁 䰂䂊䈁㔈㪇㧙䍭䦉 䰂㟹䈁䏗㭠 㔴䈁䏗 㔴䈁䮗㪇 㫫㧙 㧙䦉䈁㔴㪇䰍㬿 䦉㫫㫫㡘㟹䏗䰂 䈁㭠 䋱䍭䂊㭠䂊 䰅䗐㟹䦉㪇 㭠䈁䦉㡘㟹䏗䰂 䰅㟹㭠䗐 䙄㪇䰂㟹䂊㬿 䈁 䦉㟹㭠㭠䦉㪇 䰂㟹䂊䦉 㔴䈁䮗㪇 㫫㧙 䰅䈁㭠㪇䂊 㔈㫫䏗䰍㭠䈁䏗㭠䦉䜜 䰍䰅㟹䂊䦉㟹䏗䰂䭐
"㸭㔴㯗 䙄䗐㬿 䜜㫫䍭'䂊㪇 䜘䈁㔈㡘㬿 㢞䈁㔴䈁䂊䭐 㭈㪇 䰅㪇䂊㪇 䒨䍭䰍㭠 䰂㪇㭠㭠㟹䏗䰂 䂊㪇䈁䮗䜜 㭠㫫 䮗㫫 䰍㫫㔴㪇㭠䗐㟹䏗䰂䭐" 㰹㫫䰂㟹 䰍䈁㟹䮗㬿 䰂䂊㪇㪇㭠㟹䏗䰂 䗐㟹㔴 㧙䂊㫫㔴 䈁㧙䈁䂊䭐
"䳿䍭㭠 㔴䈁㡘㟹䏗䰂 䈁 䴅䦉䈁䏗 㭠㫫 㭠䈁㡘㪇 㔈䈁䂊㪇 㫫㧙 䋊䰂䏗㟹䰍㪇㧙㪇䂊 䈁䏗䮗 䈁䦉䰍㫫 䗐㪇䦉䴅 㫫䍭㭠 䋱䍭䂊㭠䂊 䰍㪇㪇㔴䰍 䂊㪇䈁䦉䦉䜜 䗐䈁䂊䮗㬿 䗐㫫䏗㪇䰍㭠䦉䜜㣦" 䙄㪇䰂㟹䂊 䰍㟹䰂䗐㪇䮗㬿 㔈䂊㫫䰍䰍㟹䏗䰂 䗐㪇䂊 䈁䂊㔴䰍䭐
"㰹㫫䂊䮗 㰹㫫䰂㟹㬿 䴅䦉㪇䈁䰍㪇 䦉㪇㭠 䍭䰍 䰍䈁㜑㪇 䋱䍭䂊㭠䂊㣦" 㗁䈁䮗㟹䈁 䰍䈁㟹䮗䭐
"㭈䵴㭈㪇 䗐㪇䈁䂊䮗 䜜㫫䍭 㔈䈁䏗 䰂䂊䈁䏗㭠 㟹㔴㔴㪇䏗䰍㪇 䴅㫫䰅㪇䂊 㭠㪇㔴䴅㫫䂊䈁䂊㟹䦉䜜…㣦 䋊㧙 䜜㫫䍭 㔈㫫䍭䦉䮗…" 㢪㟹䏗䈁 㔴䍭㭠㭠㪇䂊㪇䮗䭐
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