Chapter 93: Revenge Arc: Operation: Kill Konan Aftermath Part I
Chapter 93: Revenge Arc: Operation: Kill Konan Aftermath Part I
The day after The Battle of Ame:
With his hands chained before him, Mubi was surrounded by four of his fellow Ame-nin as they guided him towards what he assumed was the village leaders office in Ames tallest building. Although it was a few floors below where the villages command center was located, it hadnt escaped unscathed as errant or targeted jutsu had blown holes in the building. Following after the two guards in front of him, they turned into a hallway which appeared to have suffered some extensive damage making him suspect some of the Purple Zetsu had entered the building at different levels likely trying to find the auxiliary command center, or to work their way upwards to dislodge the defenders that had taken position outside the main one to stop the jutsu Fury from being unleashed.
Mubi paused suddenly causing his guards to tense in anticipation of him bolting, but that didnt occur to him as his attention was focused on a dried pool of blood located within an alcove built into the hallway. As the blood had clearly been human, since the zetsu bled a white milky substance, Mubi imagined some Ame-nin had used the alcove for cover to defend the hall, but had been hit by a jutsu or just overrun, but in either case they had likely died there. A feeling of anger and guilt welled up within him, much of the anger he directed towards the woman still in charge of Ame despite his best efforts, but he also reserved a good portion of it for himself.
However, he didnt need to be a Yamanaka to know who the Ame-nin surrounding him held responsible, especially as one of the men behind him said, Admiring your handywork traitor? He then pushed him forcefully as he ordered, Get moving, you piece of shit!
The mans fellow guards didnt say anything themselves, but it was clear they echoed his sentiments. However, they all tensed as a female voice called out towards them from further up the hall, I believe Lady Konans orders were that the prisoner was to be treated with respect.
We havent chucked him off the roof like he deserves, the man replied unrepentantly, Id say we honored the spirit of her orders.
Fuyous face didnt react to his response, which made the man and his colleagues somewhat nervous since the young woman was Konans aide, and second in command of the villages jounin. Her silence stretched for several moments, before finally saying in a dispassionate manner, Ill take him off your hands then, lest you feel temped to see how much further you can come to remaining within the boundaries of that spirit without breaking it. Youre dismissed.
The guards bristled for a moment, but with a shrug they and the man that she had been addressing turned to find a new assignment. Turning her attention to Mubi, she said, Follow me.
She didnt wait to see if he listened as she began to walk in the direction that she had come from. Mubi felt the temptation to make a break for it as unlike the guards that had just left, Fuyou demeanor didnt appear as if she was escorting one Ames biggest traitors. But, considering the halls layout, and that the path away from her would lead him right into the guards that she had just dismissed, and would likely love to toss him from the building while claiming they had been trying to apprehend him, he decided to simply follow along.
It was a brief, and silent trip until they stopped before a set of double doors, which Fuyou opened before stepping aside and stating, Please step inside.
Doing as instructed, he entered the spacious office as Fuyou closed the doors behind him. His gaze immediately settled on Konan, whose arm was in a sling as a result of the crossbow bolt that he had fired at her during her battle with Tobi. She kept her back towards him while looking out the offices large window onto Ame, which despite a day having passed since the battle, there were still signs of the fires that had broken out during the fighting as large columns of smoke rose up to the sky at several points of the city.
Konan didnt look back towards him, as she said, Will you join me in observing the ramifications of our actions?
Mubi was about to retort angrily out of reflex, but came up short as her words indicated that she felt some burden of responsibility for Ames current condition. Having not left the building since he had been taken prisoner, he stepped up to the window and felt as if he had been punched in the gut as he saw the results of the carnage that he had helped unleash on his home. The feeling of guilt that he had felt earlier, came roaring back and would have pulled him down into despair. However, it was quickly replaced by anger as Konan turned away from the scene to walk deeper into the room as she said, You and I, it turns out, are not that dissimilar.
Im nothing like you, Mubi whirled to face her as he responded angerly, Youre a monster, who personally butchered, or sent assassins after anyone remotely connected to Hanzo or felt the slightest bit of loyalty to him. Hell, one of the bitches that you sent after my team is sitting right outside the door.
And you worked with another of them in your Salamander Resistance, Konan replied calmly sucking some of the oxygen from the flames of his anger. So, Im inclined to believe that youre willing to put the past aside when necessary.
Mubis single eye glared at the blue-haired woman, but he found it hard to maintain his ire in the face of her passive disposition. Sighing, he responded, Suiren probably hates you even more than me. In light of that, it was easy to overlook the hand that she had in Oboro and Kagaris deaths.
Konan nodded as a small flicker of guilt appeared on her face as she said, Yes, but unlike you, her hatred of me has set her down a destructive path.
Mubis eye widened in surprise as he nodded his head towards the window, You dont consider my hand in this a destructive path.
Konan shook her head slightly before responding, It led to a destructive outcome, but I imagine that when you first started out on it, seeing our home in flames was the last thing you expected. Mubi remained silently so she continued, We are much the same in that regard.
I already told you, were nothing alike, Mubi snapped.
I wouldnt be so sure of that, Konan said as she returned to the window to stare out on her home, When my friends and I first started Akatsuki, we didnt use violence to try and bring about the changes that we desired. We had hoped that our actions of helping the towns and villages hardest hit by Hanzos lust for power would motivate the people to rise up against him. But when we finally caught his attention that all changed. You see, he had aligned with Hanzou of the Leaf to eliminate us, and used his Root and intelligence network to find our hideout.
Which naturally justifies all the horrible things youve done over the years, Mubi said cutting her off.
Konan glared at him for dismissing what she considered her most painful memory, but forced her anger away as she replied, No, not even after how he made Nagato, the man you knew as Pain, kill our dear friend Yahiko in order to save me. Or how Yahiko to spite him ran himself through on the blade. Mubi was surprised that he could see genuine pain on Konans face, making it clear the memory still hurt her deeply. He was about to apologize, but she quickly buried it away again as she said, However, perhaps you could understand why we may have allowed ourselves to believe as much. You after all allied yourself with those who were not as disinclined as you were to use violence to achieve the result of toppling me.
Mubi looked away guiltily as Konan continued, In your desire to build the Salamander Resistance into a movement to be taken seriously quickly, you unfortunately let in a cancer in the form of Kandachi. The one-eyed genin frowned at the mention of Hanzous former Second in Command. A man that he had used to look up to, so when he had joined the Salamander Resistance, Mubi had been filled with pride. Naturally, Mubi at first had looked to him for advice since with a powerful figure of Hanzos regime like Kandachi as a member, the small resistance movement he had started had practically tripled in size and support almost overnight. However, as most people flocked to it because of Kandachis involvement, it wasnt long before the man had wrested control of the Salamander Resistance from him. At which point, he had started the terror bombing campaign to tax and weaken Ames defense and had also contacted Sasuke to help remove Konan from power.
Mubi realized that Konan knew all this and more, especially as she said, Thus, it must have come as something of a boon when Naruko captured him, and many of the others responsible. But you realized that because of the bombings, you no longer had a peaceful avenue to remove me from power. Therefore, even after resuming leadership, you decided to proceed with Kandachis alliance with Sasuke.
It was nave of me to believe that we could ever have removed you peacefully, Mubi stated bitterly.
Perhaps, Konan replied, If I was the despot you believe me to be, and that I felt Hanzo was. The peaceful methods we in Akatsuki initially advocated for were supposed to have gotten the people motivated to confront him. Then as his support began to wane, he would have turned to more heavy-handed means of keeping people inline which would have only grown our support more. It must likely ends in violence, as a despot will cling to power. But this method tends to leave the dreamers hands the cleanest of bloodshed. Konan sighed sadly as she once more turned away from the window, before explaining, You say such a method is nave, and in a manner of speaking you are correct. The reason I believe this, is because when we are such dreamers, we imagine that the vast majority of the people surely feel as us. But sadly, this just isnt the case. The vast majority of the people are just trying to get by, and will do so under even the most horrible of regimes so long as they can etch out some small level of comfort in their current circumstances. The truth is, the world doesnt change through the actions of the masses, but through the actions of dedicated people on the extremes, with most people just trying to adapt to the outcome.
Whats your point, Mubi said confused.
My point is, Konan said facing him and holding the hand of her uninjured hand out towards the window, Whereas when Pain and I removed Hanzo from power, it affected only the people on the extremes of both camps, your own attempt to remove me has affected the vast majority of the people of Ame. Most of whom will see you as the villain that you admittedly and deservedly see me as.
Mubi frowned as he couldnt exactly deny Konans point, so admitted defeatedly, So, I guess we arent so different after all.
Konan nodded as she stated, In the eyes of those we have wronged through our choices. Yes, there is no difference between us, just a matter of who came out the victor. More to the point, I think you would have found that had you succeeded, much as was the case when we did, in order to secure your powerbase, you would have needed to move to eliminate those that supported the previous leader. They after all would be the first to move against you in turn, before you can secure your victory. Perhaps it was a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts, but your decision to come after me shows why almost all regimes that take power through force tend to execute those associated with the previous one. Which leads us to what I should do now that you have failed.
Mubi straightened as he said, However you decide to deal with me, please let the brunt of the responsibility lie with me.
Konan moved to sit behind her desk, as Mubi moved before her it to receive her response. To his surprise, and disappointment she said, Im afraid that I cannot grant such a request. He was about to beg, knowing that much like him, there had been quite a few people that had joined early on in the Salamander Resistances history that hadnt supported Kandachis way of doing things. Yet, to his surprise Konan added, For you see, my intention are to let you and the Salamander Resistance members that had nothing to do with the bombings go.
Go?! Mubi said shocked, I dont understand.
Konan inclined her head as she stated, Yes, and it would be my hope that you and they would return to Ame to once more serve and protect it. Seeing that Mubi was rather flabbergasted, she explained, It has become clear to me that back then, rather than eliminating the threats that weI feared would try to retake Ame. All I did was sow the seeds of hate in more hearts. A harvest that took a few years to grow, but has finally come about. Luckily, rather than reaping what I sowed, I had allies I could truly rely on. As such, Im in a position to do things better this time around.
Do you think this makes what you did to us alright? Mubi asked feeling some vestiges of his anger returning at the idea that Konan was using her leniency of him as a way to put her past actions behind her.
However, she quickly proved that wasnt the case as she replied, No. Standing from her desk, she came around to stand before him as she said, This isnt about making the past right. That sadly is beyond my power. All I can do in regards to my own sins, is to be a better person here in the present. Whether you forgive me or not, has no bearing on my actions. This is something that I believe you will come to understand as well.
What do you mean?
Konan gave a grim smile as she explained, There are going to be a lot of people that will hate the idea that I dont execute or imprison you for life. Youre going to have to bear that anger, much as I will. However, you shouldnt make trying to earn their forgiveness the reason for staying. If you do stay, then do it because you want to build a better Ame for the people that live here, perhaps in time their forgiveness will come with it. Or it wont, and you can at least live secure in the knowledge that our actions going forward may leave Ame better than we both have made it at this moment.
And what if I feel the only way to make it better is by taking your life, Mubi replied although without any real hostility in his voice.
If that turns out to be the case, Konan said calmly, and you succeed, then I imagine there will be a lot of people who would feel I was a fool for not handling you in a more extreme manner. It would be you however, who proved them right, and the case could then be made that I was right to target you and your team for elimination in the first place. My supporters will in turn set their sights on eliminating you, unless you act to take them out first, and the cycle will continue. This is our chance together to break it. Im not asking for you to forgive me, or to even stop hating me. But I am asking you to be strong enough to bear that hatred, so that it dies here with us.
If you feel that way, then why not give all the resistance members their freedom?
Because, Konan replied as she returned to the window, while we shinobi live on the extremes of any political conflict, and as such handle our differencesviolently. For it is what we are trained to do after all. Moreover, while these clashes can at times impact the people that we are charged with protecting, those responsible for the bombings went out and targeted those same people specifically. It is going to be hard enough to convince the shinobi populace to put their anger at you and the others aside. We are however used to it, as that is how the shinobi world has operated for almost a hundred years with todays enemy being tomorrows ally. However, the civilian populace hasnt signed up for that, and so I feel it best to let the civilian courts handle the matter of punishing those that went out and targeted them. Those courts have already passed judgement on Kandachi and the others we caught. But there were members who have only now been apprehended, and so they will receive the same sentences as he and the others have.
I see, Mubi replied, before asking, And what happens after they serve their time?
Then I will extend to them the same offer that I have you.
That surprised Mubi, which prompted him to ask, Wouldnt you be afraid in Kandachis case of introducing the same cancer that I did?
Yes, Konan admitted. However, there will be plenty of people who believe I shouldnt be extending such a deal to you either. It will be you that decides who is ultimately correct in this particular case, just as it will be for him. She did allow some steel to enter her voice as she said, Also, do not take my leniency to be carelessness. I will be watching, and if it appears that you are trying to come at me again. Then, you will be dealt with. Mubi swallowed heavily, before nodding his understanding prompting her to say, Then think it over and let me know if you believe you can work with me to help rebuild Ame to be stronger than ever. Fuyou will take you to some guest quarters in the meantime.
Mubi nodded before walking towards the double doors, but paused to look one last time at what had been the end result of the hatred he harbored for Ames current leader. Looking over his shoulder, he could see that Konan had also returned to staring out on the damage that had been done. Understanding that she also felt responsible, he also came to realize that Ames near destruction had truly been set in motion by both of them acting years apart, and if one of them had been willing to act in a different manner, it perhaps could have been avoided. After all, while it might not be the case with him, many members of the Resistance had family members, who should Konan decide to just execute them, would undoubtedly come to resent her much as, if not more, then their lost loved ones had.
He understood that as things were between them, he was essentially being asked to give up a lot more then her. Since his grudge against her paled in comparison to the one she would have towards him, but he also realized there would now be a lot of people in Ame who felt the same about him, and she would effectively be acting as the shield to blunt their own righteously held anger. Ultimately, he didnt know if Konans decision to forgive him and the others would break the cycle as she seemed to hope it would. Yet, he also came to understand that all he could truly do, was to not contribute to its continuation. Which as recent history had just demonstrated, might just be the one hard decision that needed to be made which insured that his home was never brought to the brink of annihilation again.
Yamame felt a cold lump of dread settle in her gut as she neared the Darkness Village War Room. With it having been a little over a week passing since the attack on Ame, she knew that the various department heads were in the process of studying all aspects of the operation. The purpose of which was to determine what elements had worked, and what had failed. While to Yamane the operation had been a mixed bag, in the Darkness Village itself, it was being treated as a great victory.
She could understand why it would, since it had in essence gone up against a more established minor shinobi village and escaped more or less intact. Having sacrificed elements of the invasion force that truthfully, had always been considered expendable. However, that was just the propaganda line being fed to the rank and file shinobi of the village. Particularly as Ame and the Alliance for the most part had escaped relatively unscathed as well.
Yamame, although she hadnt been included in any of the high-level meetings, had no trouble imagining that Sasuke in truth felt rather frustrated with what had been achieved. Especially as while it was being reported that he had triumphed over his rival, the nine-tailed Jinchuriki. She had heard a rumor to suggest that he hadnt exactly escaped unscathed, with one of the pilots of the flying machine that had extracted him from Ame having shared with her shortly after the vehicle carrying Sasuke had arrived at a refueling point on the return trip to Darkness, that the villages leader had looked like a walking corpse for the most part after the battle. With the reason she had approached the man in first place being due to how several Root members had quickly escorted a shrouded Sasuke from the craft almost as soon as it landed, she had hoped to learn that the Uchiha had been weakened once more so she could avenge Iruka. Although, the thought of doing so didnt seem to fill her with the same pressing need that she had felt when she had first arrived in the village. However, as Sasuke had emerged a few hours later to heap praise upon his forces, she had dismissed the pilots story as being his mistaking some battle form of the Uchiha as a weakened state.
Yet, in the time since she began to suspect that hadnt been the case, as she had been unable to locate the pilot or any of the crew members that had been aboard that particular craft. Yamame having done a little digging into the abilities of the body that Sasuke had come to possess, suspected that the missing crew and Sasukes healthy appearance when he had addressed his forces were likely linked.
Which was why a part of the dread currently coiling up in her gut was due to a worry that someone may have noticed her talking to the pilot. But, even if no one had, she knew that didnt mean she was exactly free from the danger of being absorbed into the Darkness leader to replace whatever genetic mass he had lost in his last battle. For, while most of the Darkness village was operating under the assumption the battle had been a great victory. She knew there were forces within the Land of Crows that were quite furious over the attack even taking place in the first place. The loudest one being the Leader of the Land of Crows Samurai forces, General Budo.
Not a terribly surprising development, since Yamame had learned that the General had been against the founding of the Darkness Village from the moment it had been announced. Thus, with him being able to point to the fact that not only was Konan still in power, but the clients that had hired the Darkness village in the first place had all been captured. Moreover, because of the timing of the attack, the leaders that made up the Shinobi Alliance were calling for Sasuke to be turned over to face justice, not only for the attack, but using a forbidden Jutsu to try and destroy the Rain Village. As such, Budo was bringing an incredible amount of political pressure to bear in order to convince the Emperor to do just that.
However, the Child Emperor of the Land of Crows had thus far rebuffed his generals demand that they give the alliance what the desired. Mainly since it was clear to all that the true power behind the throne was the Prime Minister Honest, and as he was the one that had invited Sasuke to establish a village in the first place, he wasnt inclined to turn on his ally just yet. Particularly, as Honest almost seemed pleased by the chaos Sasukes attack had caused throughout the Shinobi World. Due not only from the manner in which the attack had been made possible, but from how the fledgling village had demonstrated that it was to be taken seriously. Yamane wasnt sure how the other two Samurai member states of the Three Blade alliance were taking the development, but she suspected that Honest didnt care, as she imagined that at least one reason he was supporting Sasuke was to have a military force of his own should he need to move against Budo at some point, who was his biggest political rival in the Land of Crows.
Yet, that didnt mean the Darkness Village wouldnt offer up some scapegoat to blame how relatively little was achieved, despite the Grand Victory, as Sasuke had proclaimed it. With it being clear that at the very least, Ame had expected a fight of some kind to happen during the Akatsuki Ceremony. Yamame feared that she would be made that scapegoat since although the Raikage had acted as she had expected, his doing so didnt exactly deliver on the chaos to the defending forces of Ame that she had promised it would.
Approaching the doors of the Darkness Villages war chamber, one of the guards waved her in stating, You may enter.
Stepping through them, Yamame found that the crescent like desks which last time had been connected to one another to form a larger circular one, had been pulled apart into five different portions. With each portion, but one, being occupied by one of the villages department heads as well as an aide or two. With them still being arrayed in a circle and despite the empty desk which she suspected was where the medical head would have sat if she bothered to show, Yamame suspected that she would be asked to stand at the center of the formation so strode to the middle as confidently as she could. Raising a fist to her chest, she bowed at the waist deeply as she asked, You summoned me Lord Sasuke.
Sasuke inclined his head, but it was the woman sitting beside him and who stood suddenly as she informed Yamame, Despite our great victory over Ame, aspects of the plan did not live up to the promises that were made, and the purpose of this tribunal is to get to the bottom as to why. As well as to assign the proper blame to those parties. As she finished her statement and Tamaki sat, she sent a pointed glare towards Mizuki which caught Yamame somewhat by surprise.
The former Kiri-nin wasnt sure what exactly the woman that many assumed was Sasukes lovers issue was with the Darkness villages intelligence head. But she suspected it may be tied to a rumor that Tamaki had undergone the same Animal Curse Mark transformation as Mizuki. Whatever the reason though, Yamame suspected that depending on how the hearing about to take place went, she may end up paying the price for the irritation the woman felt towards the muscular white-haired man, who merely grinned back in response to the sharp look he had recieved. Whether Mizukis apparent carefree attitude was due to his having confidence in her ability to answer the upcoming questions well, or he was just positive that he would escape having any blame placed on him as he would leave her as the scapegoat for it, Yamame was aware that she was effectively on her own.
Therefore, she stiffened her spine as Udon, the Leader of the Darknesss villages Root Forces said, As youre well aware, Ame was better prepaid for our attack then we anticipated, particularly as they were able to teleport their civilians to safety, as well as secured assistance from unusual sources to aid in Ames defense. It has been suggested by some that the reason they came to suspect the attack was the Raikages sudden reversal in his decision not to attend the ceremony.
Although, Yamame found it easy to assign the blame for the suggestion that the aspect of the plan that she had suggest would be faulted for tipping the alliance off at the feet of Tamaki. She found the proposal had at least one other backer as Suigetsu said from a table behind her, The Raikage is a stubborn bastard from everything that I have heard. Of course his deciding to come would tip them off, or at the very least make them suspect that he was up to something.
Yamame didnt bother to turn towards the Leader of Darknesss standard forces. Instead, she kept her gaze on Sasuke, irking the woman sitting beside him, as she tried to gleam some manner of insight into what the Darkness Villages leader was thinking. It proved nearly impossible, but she did get the feeling that he wasnt as taken with the theory as his Jounin Commander was. Her gaze drifted to Mizuki, who appeared as relaxed as ever, and began to suspect that the reason for it was because unlike Tamaki and Suigetsu both of whom likely backed the theory just being mentioned, he was seasoned enough to see the faults with it. Shifting her focus to Udon, she wasnt surprised that she couldnt read him either, but again believed the Root Commander wasnt a supporter of it either.
Confident, that at the very least that she would easily be able to defend herself from the accusation that her contribution to the plan had resulted in the stiffer resistance they had experienced, she found that it was just a matter of how hard she should push back. Deciding it was best to make a name for herself, she said, I suppose that I can understand why some of the less seasoned among us would believe that. However, if I were to fault anything for the Alliances being prepared for us. I would say it was a result of Lord Sasukes need to mix his personal desire to hurt the nine-tail jinchuriki with the objectives from the previous operation at the Leafs Maximum Security Prison.
Behind her, Suigetsu had been about to respond to her thinly disguised insult, but he trailed off as he realized that she was placing the blame on Sasuke. While Udon remained as hard to read as ever, even Mizuki went a little pale as if expecting her to suddenly burst into flames. A flame which was easy to hear in Tamakis voice as she shot to her feet, while shouting, You ungrateful whore! It is because of Lord Sasuke that you are free now instead of
However, Sasuke caused her to come to an abrupt stop as he said evenly, Explain.
Tamaki retook her seat, as Yamame let out a breath that she hadnt realized she had been holding. Knowing she was fully committed now, she did just that as she stated, The Raikage announced his decision to attend the ceremony only a few days before it. While that might not exclude that his decision might have helped in pointing to us attacking Ame during the ceremony. Many of the defenses that Ame had put into place would have required far more than a few days of advanced notice. For starters, I have never heard of a teleportation jutsu powerful enough to teleport an entire citys population. Not to mention, developing one that was selective enough to leave the defenders in place. Then there was the appearance of those women that work for the Great Tree Shipping Company. While we know that company has worked with the Leaf several times in the past, including disrupting the supply gathering operation Lord Mizuki had established in the Land of Rice Paddies. I imagine it couldnt just commit the women that it usually charges with protecting its most valuable shipments overnight, meaning those women likely slowly completed their assignments before relocating to Ame. This allowed them to do so, with a minimum amount of disruption to the Companys business, and served the added purpose of making it harder to detect the fact that Ame suddenly had almost a dozen more S class level defenders.
Udon inclined his head in agreement, before stating, Those are excellent points as to why the Raikages attendance likely wasnt when they began making these preparations. However, you charged that their coming to suspect our attacked was because of a desire to link hurting Naruto Uzumaki with our objectives in the prison. That I havent heard any evidence of. Perhaps, your desire to place the blame on Lord Sasuke is due to some lingering affection for Iruka.
Yamame frowned as she replied, I wont deny that I held some affection for Iruka. After all, he was going to give me my freedom, as you well know. But I have that now, and I see no reason for tossing it away over a dead man. A part of Yamame was surprised to find that even as she was saying them to prevent Udons charge from sticking, she was finding that her words held a great deal of truth in them. After all, with the passage of time, and her anger at Irukas death abating, she was finding that she had attained everything Iruka had promised her, and more. Moreover, if she played her cards right, she could become a powerful player in a village that was poised to become a major force in the Shinobi World. Granted, a part of her was disgusted at herself for even considering abandoning her quest to avenge Iruka. Yet, she was finding it easier and easier to ignore that part lately.
Focusing on Sasuke, who remained unreadable she continued, I understand the true objective of the prison raid wasnt to free us regular prisoners, but the ones that had been locked in the MS wing. In truth, I suspect the true objective of the entire overall operation was something else entirely, with the Prison Raid likely being for Lord Suigetsu and Lord Udons sakes. Yamame knew she had hit the mark, as even Udon let the unreadable mask that he called a face slip for a moment, since she was sure no aspect of the true objective of the operation had been recorded. Confident whatever that portion of the plan was, it had been tied to Sasukes debilitated state which she had witnessed when she had first arrived in Darkness, she said, I believe that unrevealed portion of the plan likely would have required Lord Sasuke to at least reveal his involvement to some degree. But, by linking it to the Prison Raid, which I imagine was only done so Lord Sasuke could have Iruka killed, and to make it clear that he was involved in order to hurt the Uzumaki. It served to tip the Alliance off to something bigger being in the works. Which, as the Uzumaki was going to attend the Akatsuki Reformation Ceremony, made it all the more likely that it would be targeted.
They would have no reason to suspect that we would have targeted Ame specifically though, Tamaki shot back.
Wouldnt they? Yamame responded unfazed by the outburst. You dont go attacking a major villages prison facility to free prisoners out of the kindness of your heart. Not unless you have plans to use them somehow. Not to mention, due to the Leafs interference in Lord Mizukis operation, they knew someone was gathering supplies for some unknown purpose. So, with them being aware someone was gathering supplies to outfit some unknown force, and a prison raid that would supply said force with bodies, why wouldnt the Alliance suspect an attack was brewing?
Mizuki decided to chime in, as he said, Theres also the matter of escalation to consider. Which was because they knew we were linked to the Prison attack, if we were going to display the force that we were assembling in a spectacular fashion, then we needed to hit a grander target. They wouldnt have gotten much grander then the Akatsuki Ceremony, so even if they werent a hundred percent sure we were coming. They really lost nothing in preparing as if we were.
Mizuki looked to Sasuke, likely expecting some sort of response, but instead the Uchiha stood from his seat. He then began to approach Yamame, who suddenly felt as if the Earths gravity had quadrupled in strength as it took all her willpower to remain standing. As the Uchiha approached her, she wanted to run screaming from him as it felt as if he was a shingami that was coming for her. The Uchiha stopped inches from her, with his black eyes boring into hers, and what felt like her very soul before he calmly said, Are you afraid of me?
Yes, Yamame answered with a whimper, and just like that the pressure was suddenly gone causing her to collapse to her knees.
Sasuke then looked towards Mizuki as he stated, She is now second in command of the Intelligence Department. He then began walking past her, but before leaving the circle of desks stopped to add, Suigetsu, Tamaki, it would do well for the two of you to begin looking underneath the underneath. Remember, this village only tolerates the worthy being in command positions.
The Uchiha then exited the room, leaving Yamame rather shocked with what had happened considering the fears that she had upon entering. Getting to her feet, she registered that she was receiving a glare from Tamaki, who quickly took off after the Uchiha. Yet, to her surprise Suigetsu didnt seem all that put out by Sasukes reprimand as he made his way for the exit along with Udon and the others. Getting back to her feet, Yamame smiled as Mizuki joined her and said, Fuck me, for a moment their I thought you were dead. It took balls to tell fearless leader it was his own vendetta which probably tipped them off. Still, you might want to make sure you never share such observations outside of these walls.
Yamame nodded, as she was aware that the missing VTOL crew had likely made such a mistake, not to mention had possibly seen that the Uzumaki had probably hurt the Uchiha as badly as it was being reported that Sasuke had hurt him. Yet, while the environment that she found herself in was fret with peril, she was also finding that her currently excelling in it was even further dampening her desire to avenge Irukas passing. After all, it had been her effort in his remedial program that he had decided to reward, likely to justify the effort that he was expending. Just as currently it was her efforts in the Darkness Villages Shinobi Program that was now being rewarded, which considering she had just been promoted to second in charge of a major department was truly making her question why she should throw it away for the memory of a man that had ultimately failed to deliver on what he had promised. Still, as she began to follow after Mizuki, she couldnt really explain why it was that despite the pride that she was feeling in her talents being recognized, the recognition felt hollow in comparison to the times that she had received a simple, Well done, or nod of the head from the instructor when she had answered some question that had been asked during one of his lessons.
For Naruto it felt as if he had been running through a black void for an untold period of time, which was just beginning to give way as the edges of the darkness before him were pieced by light. As the light began to banish the darkness, like a rising sun, he became more aware of his surroundings, and realized that he was lying down in a comfortable bed. He felt that he wasnt alone, and could feel one of the people with him was leaning over him with a hand hovering above his chest. As his senses sharpened, he suspected the person standing over him was female, since he could smell a perfume coming from her skin. Although pleasant, he couldnt place it as any of the brands that his lovers favored, although he suspected it came from Suna as its scent was light, and was probably made from a dessert flower as it had much in common with a few perfumes Temari favored.
As a result, he suspected that he may still be in Suna, which caused his mind to fill the remaining darkness surrounding him with memories of the conflict in Ame, and his attempt to save the kunoichi that Fury had been sealed in. Realizing the light filtering into the darkened world was just because of his eyes struggling to open, he concentrated on the task and almost immediately regretted it as his world was filled with a blinding white light. Which as it faded, he found himself staring up at an attractive long brown-haired woman with matching eyes who was dressed in white, and although struck with a sense of familiarity, he couldnt place why.
The woman gave him a soft smile, before saying kindly, Welcome back.
Naruto tried to respond with a question to confirm his location, but only managed to croak out a few words. The woman smiled while responding as if she understood him as she poured water into a glass from a pitcher, Youre currently in the Hidden Oasis Inn. You were brought here after a local caravan found you and a kunoichi in the desert when they went to investigate a large explosion. We also had sent people to investigate, wjp met up with them as they were coming here.
The woman handed him the glass which Naruto drank thirstily feeling as if it was the first in a long while. But, he immediately asked, The woman is she
She has been taken prisoner, the lady replied, While our search party was heading to the site of the explosion, we received word from Ame that you had likely teleported here with her so knew of her involvement with the attack. Not that she would have been in any condition to escape
A knock sounded at the door causing the woman to stop, which prompted Naruto to frown wondering what she had meant, and if it was related to why he felt so warm and stiff. Not waiting for a response from the rooms occupants, the door opened revealing Pakura. The kunoichis eyes quickly reflected her happiness, and he thought she might bound across the room. But, she quickly got ahold of herself as she sent a quick look to the rooms other occupant. She smiled at the woman, but Naruto thought he noticed some skittishness in his lover as if unsure how to behave in the other womans presence. However, she quickly focused on him to say, Naruto its good to see youre finally awake.
Naruto struggled to sit up, and as he did so, realized that he was naked beneath the light sheet covering him so settled back down. He sighed as the small exertion left him with tingles of discomfort from muscles that had remained stationary for too long so replied, Thanks Pakura. How long was I out?
Her face reflected some of the worry that he imagined she had felt during the time as it almost screamed, Too long! But, she only let some of it tinge her voice as she said, Almost a week and a half.
Narutos couldnt help the surprise look that appeared on his face. It grew somewhat more so, as the other woman present said, To be honest, Im rather surprised to see you up so soon.
Focusing on the woman, he was again struck by a sense that he should know her. Pakura able to read her lovers confusion at the womans presence said, Naruto, this is Ameno. She is The Head of Sunas Medical program, and a member of the Shinobi Council.
Naruto inclined his head as he said, It is nice to meet you Lady Ameno. Although, I would prefer it be under different circumstances.
I can imagine so, Ameno said with a polite smile.
Still, since youre here, its safe to assume there was something wrong with me worth looking at. So, why am I not in the hospital?
Ameno sent a look towards Pakura, and to Naruto it appeared almost yearning. He suspected that his lover sensed it despite her focus having been on him as her discomfort, although well masked, reappeared momentarily, and he suspected it was most likely a result of his presence. Or more accurately, his presence with Ameno there. Although, unsure why, he got the feeling that Pakura was acting a little like a spouse that had cheated, and now found herself in the same room with her partner and the one she had cheated with. Amenos gaze drifted to him, and he suspected that she was also feeling that something was off with the green-haired woman as well. However, rather then commenting, she answered his question as she explained, Pakura felt that you would probably be more comfortable here as you recovered, and considering the damage that you did to your room the last time you stayed at our hospital, I was inclined to agree.
Naruto chuckled although without a lot of mirth, since the doctors gaze hardened towards him as a result. So, what was wrong with me, he asked bringing a hand up to his chin as he rubbed the stubble there. Is it related to why I feel so flushed?
Nodding the Suna Doctor explained, Yes, although you are through the worst of it. Youve suffering from extreme scoring of your chakra pathways.
Naruto gave her a blank look, so Pakura interjected, Basically, due to how you probably absorbed an overabundance of Chakra from Hotaru to prevent her from unleashing Fury. You took in more chakra than you could safely handle, which caused your pathways to enlarge and as a result miniature cracks appeared. It is a phenom that is most common when people tried to seal Bijuu into adults.
Nodding in understanding, he realized that it was in essence what Mito had suffered through when she had sealed Kiyomi inside herself. Recalling how she had spent months being bed ridden with fever, he stated, All in all, it cant be that bad, right? Otherwise, Id be in the hospital despite what happened during my last visit.
Ameno shook her head even as she stated, In a matter of speaking that is correct. Although, I suspect if you hadnt been the jinchuriki of the nine-tails, and hadnt just finished fighting in a battle for most of the day, even you would have died.
Then what about the woman Hotaru, Naruto asked worriedly, If it could have been that disastrous for me, is she going to be okay?
Ameno looked at him with genuine surprise at where his thoughts, while Pakura favored him with a soft smile. Recovering her demeanor, the brown-haired woman answered, Shes definitely worse off, and will probably be feverish for a few more weeks. But, Im guessing that one of the purposes of the seal that had been implanted in her back was to slowly enlarge her chakra pathways. Most likely so she could make a bigger explosion. Because of this and her still being in one piece, I suspect shell make a full recovery.
Naruto let out a sigh of relief, before stating genuinely, Thats good. Turning his thoughts to his own situation, he asked, Can I assume that the same holds true for me?
Amenos face again reflected her surprise at Narutos concern for an enemy, but she hid it away before replying, Yes, although you should refrain from using any chakra in the coming weeks, and by refrain, I mean dont use it under any circumstances. It is the only way the scoring is going to heal.
I hate to ask, Naruto said sounding a little nervous, But, will I be well enough by the time the Chunin Exams start.
Pakura laughed as she said, Howd I know that would be your first question after hearing the diagnosis?
Naruto chuckled as well, before stating, Technically it wasnt my first question. Pakura smiled at him, as he added, As to how I imagined you knew it would come up. Well, maybe because there hasnt been one for a few years now, and Id really hate to be left out
Because you couldnt help trying to be a damn hero, Pakura said harshly as the humor she had displayed just a few seconds earlier disappeared. Although, Naruto looked as if he had expected her sudden outburst, likely knowing quite a few of his lovers were of similar opinions about his latest reckless decision, she could tell Ameno had been surprised by the harshness of Pakuras rebuke.
Naruto could tell his lover wasnt sure how to explain her emotional response, so he took the spotlight off her as he explained, I know it was reckless of me. But, after reading her file I couldnt just leave her to die. It looks like she lost her mentor, and was letting her anger control her.
Pakura crossed her arms and still sounding upset said, So, what? Youre saying shes youre next Sasuke. Are you hoping to save her from her own darkness? She tried to kill herself while trying to level a city.
Naruto sighed, before replying, Honestly, I didnt think that far ahead. I was just thinking that if I could save her life, I should probably try to.
Ameno nodded, before saying, A fine sentiment, although Im sure there are parties that would have found it better if she had died. At least that was the case at first. Naruto looked at her in confusion, but instead of elaborating she stated, However, in regards to your recovery, while itll probably be close. Provided you dont make your condition worse by using chakra, the damage should be healed by the time the exams start. Well, if there are exams that is. However, again rather than explaining, she said, Ill take my leave now. Ill be back in a few days to see how your recovery is progressing.
Naruto nodded, but could see that Ameno had already shifted her focus to Pakura. Again, his lover seemed nervous, and he noticed that the Suna medic was also exhibiting similar signs, although hers seemed to stem from a place of concern. Watching the two women, he got the feeling that Ameno was unsure how to part with her fellow Suna-nin as if something had happened recently that had shifted the relationship between them or threatened to. After a moment of searching, the medic finally said, Pakura, do you think we can talk privately?
Pakura bit her lip, but quickly answered, Let me catch Naruto up on some of the things that you glossed over. We can meet up in a few days after the next council meeting like usual.
Ameno nodded looking both relieved and even more nervous, before saying, Sure, sounds good. Focusing back on Naruto, she said, It was a pleasure to meet you officially. Before quickly leaving the room.
Pakura watched the doctor leave, and kept her gaze on the door since she imagined her lover definitely had some questions about her behavior. Which after several moments of her refusing to turn towards him, resulted in his asking, Did something happen between you and her?
The green-haired woman, tensed before sighing as she replied, Yes she kissed me. Naruto stared at her back with his brows raising in confusion as he could tell that she was concerned with how he would react. But, having witnessed her making out with many of his other lovers while they shared him, her current behavior caused him to chuckle. Which caused Pakura to whirl on him as she said, Its not funny, especially since its your fault. Naruto couldnt help laughing harder, causing her to pout as she said, Dont you realize that Ive been tearing myself up over this.
Seeing his lover was serious, he calmed himself as he asked, Did you think I would be upset?
I dont know, she admitted as she moved to sit next to him beside the bed, But, as it happened just before Ame was attacked, it did feel a bit like I cheated since I didnt bring it up to you sooner. Besides, you did beat the shit out of that Inuzuka for making a move on Hana.
Naruto shook his head, before smiling up at his lover, That you feel that way is why I cant be upset. There was a lot going on so I can understand why you kept it to yourself. Besides, Koreshige had it coming. His focus shifted to the door that the kunoichi medic had left from before adding, Still, Im guessing the past week has been hard on her as well. Pakura smiled at the back of her lovers head, as she could feel he was truly sympathizing with what Ameno was likely feeling, especially as he accurately surmised, I guessing that after the kiss, you told her that you werent sure how you felt and needed some time to process it. He turned his blue eye gaze on her, and took her hand as he added, It must have been hard on both of you. Especially with her coming over to check on me. Pakura nodded feeling especially warmed by her lovers understanding gaze, which faded to annoyance as a mischievous smirk appeared as he asked, Now what did you mean by this is all my fault.
Pakura took her hand from his, as she crossed her arms to ask, And just why do you think I find myself in this situation?
Because you wanted to expand your circle of friends. Naruto replied teasingly.
Pakura couldnt keep from smiling slightly, despite trying to remain annoyed with him. Leaning forward, she gripped Narutos flaccid cock through the sheet covering it and beginning to stroke it said, I suppose thats true in a manner of speaking. If by expand my circle of friends, you mean introducing another woman to the pleasure of joining our Family.
Naruto shivered as his dick became harder, and the head of it peaked out from beneath the silken sheets. Focusing on his lover, he asked, I thought you were going to fill me in on what Ive missed this past week.
Pakura let go of his cock allowing it to stand up straight, and then gripped the now uncovered rod as she said, All in good time. But, first I think its high time that you fill me up.
Although always eager to do so, Naruto asked, Wasnt it the doctors orders that I take it easy?
Pakura licked her lips before lowering her face towards her lovers cock, she then rolled her tongue around its head causing him to groan, at which point she replied, She said, no using chakra. So, that means no clone fueled orgies. But, youre not telling me that youre not man enough to handle me one on one without your bag of chakra powered tricks, are you?
Naruto didnt reply as Pakura wrapped her lips around his cock, causing him to grip the large bun on the back of her head as she began bobbing on his rod. He groaned as she began to stroke the portion of him that she couldnt comfortably swallow, and to his surprise almost immediately felt like cumming. Attributing it to his likely having not done so in a little under two weeks, he gave a mental shrug as he believed that if something distressing had required his immediate attention then Pakura would have already informed him.
He tried to sit-up, but she quickly placed a hand on his chest to keep him on his back. She then let his cock slip from her lips with a wet pop as she said, Lets not get too carried away. You should still take it easy.
Youre sending me mixed signal here, Naruto teased as Pakura straightened up and began pushing the violet shorts that she wore down her legs, No wonder Ameno is confused about your intentions.
Pakuras shorts hit the floor as she replied, Then just lie back and let me make my intentions clear. Naruto complied with her request, as she climbed into the bed to straddle his hips. Where she then gripped his rod, which she stroked as she guided it towards her dripping and waiting pussy. They both shivered as she slid his head against her entrance. Meeting her lovers eyes, the green-haired woman let out a loud moan as his cock slipped inside her, which grew deeper as she slid down his length until he was pressed against her womb.
She placed her hands on his chest, and took a moment to savor being connected physically to Naruto again, feeling as if a missing piece of her had returned, before saying, You dont know how hard it was for me to wait for you to wake up. Beginning to move her hips back and forth she moaned as she added, Gods, its so hard Naruto smiled figuring she was no longer talking about her wait which was at an end, and received confirmation as she stated breathlessly while moving faster and faster, and big.
Not entirely used to being just a passive participant, and despite still being stiff in more places then Pakura was currently riding, he reached up to begin fondling her breasts through her shirt. She moaned appreciatively as he began teasing her hardened nubs through the material, and desiring to feel his warmth directly, she reached behind her to undo the clasp behind her neck. Once released, her shirt began to fall away prompting Naruto to remove his hands, but once her tits were exposed, the sight provided him with the motivation to sit up and latch his mouth around one of her hardened nubs while he massaged the other tit in his hand.
Pakura cooed happily as she wrapped her arms around her lovers head to pull him firmer against the breast that he was sucking on, and began working her hips frantically to scratch the itch that was building inside her. Naruto moaned causing shivers to pass through her, and down her spine causing her pleasure to intensify. Which spiked again, as he switched to her other breast and began rolling his tongue around her nipple before latching on.
As the cock buried within her came closer and closer to finally soothing the itch within, she found herself facing the difficult decision of whether to back-off to prolong the moment or pressing forward to find relief. Although a part of her wanted to prolong the moment, Naruto pulled his mouth from her tit to state, IIm at my limit.
Pakura was rather surprised at first, since she knew he tended to be the one to outlast his lovers in order to satisfy the many women that shared his bed, but she recognized her lovers long nap had also likely been the longest period he had gone without some relief since first opening the scroll that contained the secrets of the Binding and Temptations Touch. She also felt a hint of excitement at just how big a load would be her rewarded, and found herself wondering if she should stay put or ingest the creamy goodness orally. However, the decision was removed from her as Narutos hands reached up behind her to clamp down on her shoulders and he buried his rod fully inside her.
Pakuras eyes grew wide as her womb was suddenly filled to capacity and then some, and as she screamed her release up towards the heavens, was glad her lover had such a tight hold on her as she felt otherwise that she may have been propelled into them by the geyser of jizz, that was expanding her womb almost uncomfortably. As the torrent began to subside, her lovers grip on her loosened and he fell back onto the bed while breathing heavily. She followed suit as she toppled over to lay beside him, and felt some relief as her womb began pushing out the overflow it had received.
Naruto gave her a soft smile as he said, Sorry, I was a little quick on the trigger there.
Pakura returned the smile as she said, Dont apologize. You still got the job done, and now that youve filled me up. How about I finish filling you in about what youve missed.
Are you sure that you dont want to finish talking about whats going on between you and Ameno, Naruto asked, and regretted it as a small frown appeared on Pakuras face showing that she was still uncomfortable about the subject.
However, it quickly faded as she rolled onto her stomach as she replied, Maybe later, but there are a few things that you should probably be made aware of.
More so then a lady doc trying to put the moves on one of my girls, Naruto said sounding rather possessive, which brought a smile to Pakuras face.
Leaning in to kiss him hungrily, she replied, I do enjoy spending time with Ameno, and I even find her sexually attractive, which is your fault by the way. But if she puts me in a position where Im going to have to chose between you and her. Well, how can I ever give up the man that gave me a reason to keep on living?
Naruto reached up and cupped her face as he stated, Sounds like you already know what youre going to say.
Well, there are a few things I want to run by you first, but Ive had plenty of time to think on it over the past week and a half, she replied as she turned his hand to kiss the palm. But, shifting focus she said, But, first let me tell you about all that youve missed. To start
A child-like Nel closed the door as Pakura began to explain to Naruto what had happened over the course of the nearly two weeks that he was unconscious, as well as some events to come. Although pensive at first as she turned away, she began skipping through the hall just as Rikku and Selphie stepped into it while they discussed the details of a project that they were working on. However, she quickly stopped after the two kunoichi passed her and turned down a different hall while continuing on their way to their workshop within the Hidden Oasis Inn.
Nel began moving morosely as she made her way to her next destination, as she recalled hiding herself and Kiyomi when Saras Caravan arrived to investigate the explosion which had turned a city size portion of the desert into chakra infused glass. Particularly as she had felt her lover appear near said explosion.
Sara had quickly secured Naruto and taken the kunoichi he had been with into custody. Naturally, the tribal leader had been able to find Kiyomi, and a now child-like Nel due to the Fox mark the red-head human-Bijuu had. Sara having quickly surmised that Nel had hidden Kiyomi away as her presence would be harder to explain then Narutos, had promised to send word to her daughter in order to come up with a convincing cover story.
That story arrived in the form of Soifon and Yuffie who had taken over protecting many of the gold-level shipments between Suna and Konoha as the Bijuu had quietly stopped in order to filter into Ame without being noticed. They had then escorted Nel and Kiyomi to Suna under the story that the owner of the Great Tree Shipping company had quietly left Konoha, as her body double went to Ame, to attend a business meeting with the Suna Branch manager, but had suddenly fallen ill during the trip. At which time, she had proceeded straight to the Hidden Oasis Inn upon arriving in the Sand village due to her owning the property and her being unaware that the attack on Ame had already begun.
For the most part, Narutos lovers who called the Hidden Oasis Inn home had treated Nel exactly as they had during the few times, they had encountered her on Kiyomis property. Which was to say like the small child that she resembled. Not too surprising since she had rarely interacted with any of them, not to mention of the four people to have witnessed her having taken an adult form, one was likely back in his new village, while one of the three that remained had been incapacitated for most of the last two weeks. Kakashi she doubted had felt the matter worth mentioning to anyone. Which had left Kiyomi, who truthfully had been back up and about with a few days of arriving at Suna, but had remained in her guest room for most her time at the inn, keeping up appearances, as she had explained to the few Family members that had asked.
Arriving at said room, Nel was about to knock on the door, but paused as she began feeling a bout of nervousness take hold. She felt it stemmed from the fact, that unlike the other women staying at the inn, Kiyomi might recognize that despite her resuming her child form, that not everything had returned to how it had been before the Battle of Ame. Although, she had interacted with Kiyomi several times since her sister had awoken, Nel often had the sense that her behavior wasnt fooling her fellow Bijuu.
She was about to turn away, deciding that she didnt wish push her luck. But, stiffened as Kiyomi called to her, Nel, I know youre out there. I think its time that we have the chat you seem to want to avoid.
Nel sighed, but put on a chipper face as she pushed the door open stating, I dont know what youre talking about. Im not avoiding you or anything.
Dont you mean, Nel isnt avoiding you? Kiyomi asked putting down the report that she had been reading, and sent a knowing look her sisters way. That is how you spoke previously.
Nel considered trying to push on, but sighed before asking, Was it just my speech?
No, Kiyomi said indicating for Nel to take a chair that had been placed by the side of her bed for the few guests that she had entertained since regaining consciousness in order to further the story that she was Kiyomi, and the woman in Ame was Mito. One such guest being Matsuris uncle, who had asked to meet with her upon hear of her arrival in town. To the red-heads surprise, the man had been rather pleasant, as the suspicious part of her had long believed the man feared the day when his niece would retire to take over the Water Locating and Gathering business her parents had started. But, if he had some dark intentions to ensure that day never arrived, she had been unable to sense them. But, focusing on her sister, she explained, Although you try to run around here as carefree as you usually behave, to those that know you I imagine theyd see those tiny shoulders arent as burden free as they used to be. That, and although your size has shrunken since Ame, your chakra levels have not also returned to their previous diminished state.
With her surprise clearly evident on her face, Nel asked, Y You mean youve known all this time? Receiving a nod from her sister, she then inquired, Why didnt you say anything?
Kiyomi shrugged as Nel climbed into the chair before stating, Before getting into my reasons, I would rather have this conversation with you woman to woman.
Nel frowned, but figuring the jig was up so nodded. Almost immediately, it appeared as if Nel began aging. Which as she grew larger as a result, Kiyomi figured it wasnt the first time Nel had done so as it was clear that she had modified the oversized green dress her child-like self had favored as hidden snap together bottoms let loose so that the bottom portion acted as a skirt, while the top just barely covered the impressive bust her sister was growing into. Watching as the innocence of her child form gave way to a sultry females, Kiyomi found the transformation rather sensual. Which came to an end, with Nel appearing to be a woman in her late twenties.
Her sister touched the plaster skull which Naruto had given her, and now fit her head perfectly as she asked, Is that better?
Much, Kiyomi replied, before explaining, I figured you returned to that other form as you wanted time to process what has happened. I imagine some of the burden you are now carrying is due to what happened to Naruto.
Because it was my fault that he got hurt, Nel blurted suddenly, If I hadnt of been so stupid and just stayed put as you told me then
Lots of Ame-nin who are still with us might not be, since they would have faced the hired mercenaries that you had taken care of. Not to mention, your running around as you did while searching for Naruto threw those Zero-tails into confusion, Kiyomi said indicating the report she had been reading.
Nel still appeared upset as she countered, But, because of me how many more people will suffer because of Sasuke? Can you really say I did good knowing he is still out there because of me?
Kiyomi smiled as she said, Yes, because we dont know what would have happened if you werent there. Seeing her sister was about to protest, she quickly continued, Nel, perhaps Naruto lost focus because you were there. I wasnt there, and since you have been busy pretending to be a kid, and hes been unconscious all this time, I dont have all the details. But, when he brought you before me, he was blaming himself for your condition.
Then dont you see, Nel said agitatedly, I shouldnt have gone.
Kiyomi shook her head as she countered, But, we cant know what would have happened if you didnt. For all we know, Naruto could still have been injured. If that had happened, who would have protected him then until Mikoto and Kushina arrived?
Nel came up short for a minute, before stating, He wouldnt have lost. He managed to hit Sasuke with his Wind Clone Bomb. If he didnt need to protect me when Sasuke broke free of the shell that his defense had created, he wouldnt have left himself open.
Kiyomi shrugged dismissively, as she said, Perhaps, or perhaps not. For all we know, he would have acted differently and caught a random piece of shrapnel. Leaving him in need of protection without someone there willing to do it. We can both play the what if game. So, how about we just agree that while things didnt turn out as well as we hoped, they also didnt go the way we feared either?
II guess, Nel replied although reluctantly.
Kiyomi gave her sister a pleased smile, before growing rather somber as she said, Now with that out of the way. I need to apologize to you and ask for your forgiveness.
Nel was surprised by her sisters sudden admission, especially as she could see that whatever it was Kiyomi felt that she needed to apologize for. Her face conveyed that she was worried about how it would affect her.
Nel tried to put her sister at ease as she said, Im sure it cant be that bad. I possess all my memories from when I was trapped in my child-form. You have been nothing but supportive and kind to me.
Kiyomi tried to smile, but failed as she replied, Im afraid this stems from before our reunion. Do you remember anything from when you reformed?
Nel frowned as she tried to recall the period in question, but all she could recall was various emotional states and fractured images. Some of those images contained women that she had met while living in Kiyomis mansion, but in the images, it seemed as if they were trying to seal her away or something along those lines. Focusing on her sister, she replied, It isnt clear, but I feel as if some of Narutos lovers from Konoha had tried to seal me away. I think Guren was there also fighting against them.
Kiyomi inclined her head, but clarified as she began to look more and more upset, Yes, at the time Guren still served Orochimaru, who was interested in testing out a young mans ability to control you. Or, more accurately perhaps an ability to control all Bijuu, but you just so happened to be free of a host at the time. However, Shizune and the others werent there to seal you. But to banish you to another dimension.
Banish, Nel said surprised.
Kiyomi nodded as the guilt she felt came off in waves as she explained, Yes, the idea was that by doing so it would derail Akatsukis plans by denying them the ability to collect all us Bijuu. Since, you were currently free of a host, Tsunade believed she could do so without upsetting the political balance. Kiyomi paused, as she felt on the verge of tears, aware that her sister may come to despise her, but continued, However, before she implemented it she asked me if she should proceed, and I told her to do so. I wanted to protect Narutoand I was still angry at how you and the others had abandoned me when Indra came to enslave us. So I told her there was nothing between us. She paused to look at her sister, and could see that Nel still appeared to be stunned, so added, I Im sorry. I can understand if you never wish to speak to me again, but please dont hold it against the others. They still hadnt understood the truth about us at that point, and
Kiyomi had looked away as she spoke, unwilling to witness the point where Nels surprise turned to anger. But she trailed off as to her surprise, she suddenly found her sister had joined her on the bed and had wrapped her arms around her. Crushing Kiyomis head against her chest, the green haired Bijuu said, Thank you.
Kiyomi pulled away to ask, How can you thank me after what I just admitted?
Nel smiled softly at her sister as she answered, Because it is easy to see that it has been tearing you up, and since then, youve also rescued me from that statue, given me a body, and a home. The three-tailed Bijuu wiped a tear from her sisters cheek, as she added, Also, you waited until a time when I could truly understand what it was that you had done. It was really brave of you, and in case it isnt clear, I forgive you.
Thank you, Kiyomi said feeling the burden of her guilt falling from her shoulders, It is
A knock sounded at her door, cutting her off, and before she could ask who it was, a distinct voice asked, Kiyomi, may I come in?
Nel let out a little eep, as the visitor needed no introduction. Kiyomi looked to her sister, to gauge how to respond and found Nel regressing back to her child-form. The transformation went much faster in reverse, or Nel just sped it up. But, as soon as it was complete, she hoped off the bed and disappeared under it. Kiyomi shook her head, guessing her sister needed more time to come to grips with the guilt she felt at, failing Naruto. However, eager to see her lover and guessing Nels panicked disappearing act meant she didnt need to send him away, she responded, Im decent.
Naruto gave her a bright smile as he stepped into the room wearing a light robe, as he asked, Considering the number of times that Ive seen you sans clothing that really wouldnt have been a Have you been crying?
Kiyomi realized her face may still carry a few hints as to her previous mood so admitted, I was just remembering some painful memories.
Do you want to talk about it?
Shaking her head, the red-head said, Its alright. Im better now. Giving her lover a reassuring smile, she asked, So, may I take it Pakura brought you up to speed about whats transpired while you were sleeping? In between bouts of love-making I imagine if the mood she is conveying through her mark is any indication. I take it that she also told you about her slight doctor problem.
Naruto nodded while obviously surprised Kiyomi knew about Pakuras issue with Ameno prompting him to begin asking, How did However, he paused before switching to, More importantly, how are you feeling?
As well as can be expected, Kiyomi replied with a smile. I pushed myself perhaps a bit too far when I teleported here after healing that Uchiha bastard, but nowhere near as far as my idiotic lover. I was mostly recovered within a day or so of arriving here, but considering that Ameno woman visited me just after I did so, and Im supposedly just a mere business woman nearly done in by the harsh trek to Suna well I figured it would perhaps be wiser to stay out of sight for a while.
Naruto at least had the decency to look rather sheepish as a result of her dig at his recklessness, but reached out to take her hand as he said, Thank you for healing Obito. Im sure it isnt a position that you wanted to be in.
Oh, on the contrary, Kiyomi replied with a rather malicious smile, Im quite glad to keep him around in the world of the living. I imagine that he is in for quite the rude awakening. It is what I believe you intend to do with him that I take issue with. After his sham trial that is. Rather then letting that Tobi persona of his be a scapegoat for his actions, you should allow me to remove that mask of his so the entire world can see him for what he truly is. A large part of him agreed with his lover, but before he could go into his reasons why, she stated, Although, I suppose Im one to talk. In the grand scheme of things, my crimes against humanity probably greatly outnumber his. She focused a worried gaze on her lover as she added, But, this is going to be a dangerous game you are playing Naruto, are you sure it is worth it just to keep your promise to Rin?
Naruto shook his head in the negative even as he replied, Yes, but I didnt ask you to keep him alive just to honor my promise to Rin. He could see that surprised his Bijuu lover, so he explained, Its clear now that Obito was just another pawn. Once he realizes that, hell probably be rather motivated to find the one that has been manipulating him, and hell have insights into Black Zetsu that we lack. Which well need, since Pakura told me that they have both the Rinnegan and the statue.
Kiyomi nodded before saying, Yes, I had Sage check on the statue using her connection once I awoke and I realized there was no reason for them to want the Rinnegan without it.
Really, Naruto said letting a little amusement enter in his tone, There was no other reason that they could have wanted a legendary Dojutsu except related to the statue.
Kiyomi did allow a small smile to appear, as she said, Fine, there were plenty of reasons to want them. But, considering their previous plan relied on the use of both the Rinnegan and statue, it stood to reason that the reason they would tip their hand about their desire and help Sasuke was because they wanted to take possession of both again. Which, became clear enough when Sage said that she couldnt connect to it any longer. They even managed to block the seal I left on it to call it to me, and collapsed the cave we had hidden it in.
They? Naruto asked with a note of confusion.
Whoever aided Zetsu in grabbing the Gedo Mazo while we were busy defending Ame, Kiyomi stated in response.
Are you sure he had any help? Naruto asked uncertain, Perhaps they grabbed it beforehand, and we only noticed after the fact.
Kiyomi shook her head in the negative, as she explained, After Sage reported that she couldnt connect to it any longer, I asked Rin to investigate where we had stashed it. She found a fishing shack nearby that had been recently torched. Which apparently served as cover for the tunnel that they had dug down to the cavern, which they had probably just collapsed. Perhaps hoping that if we didnt have a means of connecting to it, that we would waste time trying to dig out the cavern to find clues.
Naruto nodded, as he added, Which in turn might give them time to try and figure out who took it in the first place. Receiving a nodded from the red-headed Bijuu, he asked, Why did you send Rin?
In case whoever took it had someone watching the area, Kiyomi replied. It stands to reason that even if they didnt get a good look at her, Sages possessing of the Rinnegan was too much of a coincidence for Zetsu to ignore. His timing of when he grabbed the Gedo Mazo suggests that he at least suspects his unseen opponents were interested in what was happening in Ame. Thus, I didnt want to send Sage or Naruko, not to mention anyone with a connection that could be easily traced, in case they were spotted by someone watching the site, and confirm they were connected to the statues taking. But, if they spotted a supposedly dead kunoichi investigating what had happened, it would probably lead them to asking more questions than they would receive answers for.
Inclining his head, at his lovers reasoning he asked, Ive noticed you started just calling that black version, Zetsu. Im guessing you feel thats because it is more than just a variant.
Yes, Kiyomi said gravely, Kakashi has made it clear that when it betrayed Obito, it felt it was discarding a pawn. But, from how Konan described it, when it was connected to a white one, she made it seem that Tobi was calling the shots. But I think that the truth was somewhere in the middle, with them being in a partnership of sorts. Yet, whatever Obito thought he was going to get out of it, was just a smaller part in Zetsus grander scheme, and with its possession of the statue and Rinnegan, and no Akatsuki for Obito to lead as Madara. Zetsu felt there was no further use for him.
Naruto agreed with his lovers reasoning, but wondered aloud, Still, without the Bijuu what does possessing them gain him. Its pretty obvious that whatever the plan was, required the Bijuu to be sealed within the statue. It is likely, even though he has both, that weve thwarted his plans already.
I wouldnt be so sure, Kiyomi said with a quick shake of her head, It is possible that those Zero Tails were meant to gather chakra to fill in for us.
Shit, Naruto said worriedly before then asking, Then whats to stop him from just setting those things loose on some unsuspecting town or village.
I dont think we need to worry about that actually, Kiyomi replied calmly. If it truly were so simply, I suspect Zetsu would have done so long ago. Truthfully, I suspect the attack on Ame would have been the most opportune time to use them. Kukaku apparently faced quite a few in the past as part of a mission her last host performed. Even when they got loose, only one of them became strong enough to pose a problem for her, because it was leeching off her chakra. As it did so, the kanji on its mask changed from zero all the way to four. Although, they all snacked on members of the research facility once released, none of the others grew that strong.
So, youre saying it is a matter of quality over quantity, Naruto said feeling some of his worry fading.
Yes, Kiyomi responded, Or, as in the case of that woman you encountered Amaru, the zero tails that she contained was feeding on her negative feelings for years. With the final push of her masters faked death supercharging it to the point it gave you and Sasuke a hard time. Truthfully, though as the recent battle against them has showed, most individual people that one could feed on to become more of a threat would be more than enough to fend them off, and entire towns of people would be required in most cases before they would effectively gain a tail. Considering that the amount of chakra they would need to gather to replace all us Bijuu would result in a massacre of unprecedented levels, well I imagine unless the people jumped into their arms willingly, its going to spark a response sooner or later. One that I think Zetsu is going to want to avoid for the time being.
Meaning that Ame was probably Bla Zetsus only real opportunity to use them effectively considering the number of S-class shinobi that were going to be gathered in one spot, Naruto stated.
Exactly, his lover replied, However, this does seem to suggest that perhaps us Bijuu arent the only means of powering the Gedo Mazo. If that is the case, and perhaps this is more worrying, then it meant the collection of us Bijuu might have been the easiest path to achieving his goals.
Naruto frowned as he asked, Why would that be worrisome?
Giving him a grave look of concern his lover answered, Because, what I mean by easiest was that for almost the past century the location of all the Bijuu had been known, so when it came time to begin collecting the jinchuriki, we had the opportunity to be clued into Zetsus scheme. Which means, if Zetsu has abandoned attempting to get its hands on the Bijuu, we currently have no idea of where it intends to strike next.
Naruto felt his concerns comeback in full since when the plan had been for Tobis Akatsuki to collect the jinchuriki, by extension there had been a means to judge how close or far they were from success. If there was some yet unknow source that could be used, then that meant Zetsu could technically already have gathered all the pieces it needed or be in place to do so, and they would be none the wiser.
However, Kiyomi sensing where her lovers thoughts were heading said, I still think we have some time before we need to worry.
Why is that?
Well, it has been several weeks already and the world is still here for starters, Kiyomi replied causing him to smile. Before turning more serious as she added, Plus, I think Zetsus discarding of Obito and its apparently having help with taking back the statue means that for the most part, it is effectively switching to its Plan B. Meaning, soon its new allies may begin taking the stage. There can only be a handful of Chakra sources that can rival us Bijuu out there, so sooner or later we might catch a break as they disappear. If say, some mountain villages protective spirit suddenly goes missing or something along those lines happen. Well, chances are one of the shinobi villages might get called in. Naruto nodded in agreement guessing things might not be so grim, which became easier as Kiyomi added, Also, I feel that Zetsu is a being that doesnt work on a timetable that humans are used to. If Im right, then he may have been at this for centuries, and perhaps even longer. The reason it seemed when Tobi and it were controlling Akatsuki that it was moving so quickly was because it was a plan that was nearing completion. But it was one that we know was actually being put into action over at least two-decades, and probably even longer, since we also suspect the actual Madara was involved at some point. Giving her lover a rather predatory smile, she said, It will probably move slowly for a while, hoping with the many crisis that will continue to spring up that we will forget about it. But, as we move our ambition forward, well hopefully begin to quiet much of the chaos between villages meaning its machination will begin to stand out. At which point, well put an end to it and its schemes once and for all.
Kiyomi smiled as she saw her words gave Naruto some respite from some of the worries their conversation had created in him. But she could see some remained, likely linked to some of the other matters that Pakura had filled him in on, such as how Gaara had resisted turning Hotaru over to Ame, at least until it became clear that however Naruto had stopped its release from killing her, meant the jutsu couldnt be duplicated. Which to many of the women in the Family, made it clear that the Kazekage was hoping to beef up his villages offensive capabilities. Although admittedly a jutsu like Fury could be used as a defensive measure as well, much as Hotarus clan had used it since its creation. Yet, regardless of how Gaara had wanted to use the jutsu provided his shinobi had been capable of duplicating it, it didnt take much imagination to come to believe the reason for the sudden interest in such a powerful jutsu was tied to the recent tension between him and Naruto. A tension that was likely to grow considering Tsunades upcoming push to kick Kumo out of the Alliance in response to the Raikages actions during the recent battle. Which, if things went as they planned, would likely reveal that much as the Third Hokage before him, Gaaras dedication to the idea of peace was one where no price was too steep.
However, she pushed such concerns aside as she focused on a somewhat less dire matter she asked, Switching subjects, Ive heard about what your latest bout of reckless has done to your chakra pathways. Shall I fix it for you?
Naruto sighed as he sat back in the chair Nel had been using earlier as he replied, No, while tempting. I think I should let myself heal normally. Provided I behave I should be ready in time for the Chunin exams.
If they happen, Kiyomi thought to herself, but decided not to upset her lover further by mentioning the possibility of them not.
Her lover continued unaware of her thoughts as he added, Besides, much like you, I can use the excuse of a long recovery to let me spend some time here.
Kiyomi smiled at the idea of spending some much needed rest and relaxation time with her lover, away from the majority of her sisters. Although, she doubted there would be much resting involved if she got her way, not to mention the other women of the Hidden Oasis Inn. Commenting as much, she said, Im sure that will make everyone here happy. I imagine it was difficult for them to hold themselves back while you rested.
Leaning forward Naruto pulled her into a kiss, which upon ending he asked, Only them?
Kiyomi smiled as she reached into his robe, and finding his cock semi-erect began pumping it as she answered, Oh, I may have had a night or two where I might have been tempted to have my way with you while you were sleeping.
Well, Im awake now, Naruto said as he reached beneath the sheet covering her lower half. Finding her snatch was wet and ready he asked, What did you want to do with me?
Kiyomi moaned as his fingers began exploring her aching pussy, however remembering her sister was hiding under the bed suddenly blurted, Give you a bath!
Naruto pulled back, and asked, Are you saying I stink?
Maybe a little, Kiyomi replied, causing her lover to sniff himself. Laughing at the display she said, But its a manly one. Still a bath couldnt hurt.
Will milady be joining me, Naruto asked holding his hand out.
Taking it happily, she said, I would be delighted to.
After the door closed, Nel waited almost a minute before crawling out from beneath the bed. She sighed in disappointment from her reaction to Narutos voice, but hadnt been able to stop herself. She recognized that from everything that she knew about the Uzumaki, Kiyomi was right in her belief that he wouldnt blame her for the outcome of his battle with the Uchiha. Yet, she still felt responsible for Sasuke still being a threat to him and everything he held dear, and so reasoned that until she grew strong enough to right what she had done, that she didnt deserve to find the same happiness that her sisters had with him. Puffing up with determination, Nel headed out in order to return to Ame as she figured there, she would be able to gather the strength that she desired without running into Naruto for a while.
If there was a place in the shinobi world that Tsunade truly loathed, it was the Grass Village. Which was somewhat surprising even to her considering there were places that she had visited which held some of her most painful memories. But, despite it being her first time in the minor village, she found it easily topped her list of places that she would never want to return to. Her negative reaction to the village wasnt due to anything she had experienced there thus far as its people appeared kind enough, and by all appearances the village itself gave off the vibe of a rather wealthy and cultured medium size town. Yet, no matter where she went within it, she felt unnerved as if thousands of eyes were locked on her, recording her every action, waiting for the slipup that could be used against her to squeeze some favor whether small or large from her. She knew the feeling was perhaps mostly due to her own bias against the Shinobi of Grass, and wasnt exactly in line with the ambition her Family was working towards. However, she couldnt really help it, particularly since she knew that most of the wealth the Grass Village displayed was a result of their diplomatic corps, and politics was such a dirty business.
Walking towards the Grass Villages Central Administrations building where its leader and his Diplomatic forces conducted much of their business, Tsunade thought to herself, Although, I suppose Im one to talk. The Hokage sighed as it was due to her own political manipulations that had her and the other leaders of the alliance about to meet on the matter of expelling Kumogakure from it.
Tsunade knew that she was playing a rather dangerous game, but felt it was one that needed to be played. Something she had made sure to explain to her Family members in Kumo, before even proposing it to anyone else. To her surprise, it hadnt taken any real convincing on her part before she had received their blessing. She suspected that it was because Mabui and the others could also see the writing on the wall, since if Kumo had succeeded in retaking Yugito it was likely that it would have withdrawn from the Alliance on its own. Moreover, they also understood that if as the Family suspected, now that The Raikage had failed to take back the former host of the Two-tailed Bijuu, it meant he was going to set his sights on taking Naruto, and as such the Alliance existed in name only as far as Kumos leadership was concerned.
However, it was not an opinion shared by all of the Familys allies, particularly Gaara, who upon learning of her plant to call a meeting of the Alliance leaders to kick Kumo from it, had demanded a private one with her to discuss the matter. That meeting, which had been held in Ame, had been a rather cantankerous one as the Kazekage essentially accused her of endangering the peace that they had built due to her feelings for Naruto. Tsunade had at first ignored the complaint to instead point out how despite the Raikage having learned of the attack on Ame, rather than providing that information to the Alliance, he had instead concocted a scheme to retake Yugito. Gaara had pointed out to her, that was a rather hypocritical stance for her to take, since Tsunade had given her blessing for Naruto to aid Yugitos defection in the first place. Tsunade conceded that she could understand why Gaara felt that way, as she admitted that a part of the reason was because she felt taking a weapon from a man that she didnt trust only benefitted her village. However, Tsunade had added that as far as she was concerned, that despite the political implications that arouse from Naruto aiding Yugitos flight from Kumo, it had primarily been a personal issue. She had pointed out that Naruto loved Yugito, and upon learning that she was unhappy in Kumo did what he always did for those he cared for, put their happiness and well-being first.
Gaara had responded that Naruto needed to recognize that he couldnt just act as he wanted because people that he cared about were involved. Which had allowed Tsunade to respond that it was rather hypocritical of Gaara to think such, since he had been a benefactor of one of those times. The Kazekage had responded by pointing out that Narutos ambition had also benefitted as a result of his decision to aid him. But Tsunade suspected Gaara recognized that Naruto hadnt really factored such into his decision when he had made up his mind about going. Particularly as at the time there was no guarantee that Gaara would be able to clear his name and retake his place as Kazekage.
That was about the point of the meeting when Tsunade had lost it, because Gaara had then essentially reiterated that she cant act as her lover was wont to do. Although, Naruto had still been asleep when the meeting took place, so she couldnt be sure what his position on her desire to remove Kumo from the Alliance would be, although personally she was, Tsunade had countered that she believed he would be against her decision. However, regardless of that, Tsunade stated that she would still have proceeded with it because she felt it was the right move for Konoha, since unlike her predecessor the Third Hokage, she was not willing to let the Raikage get away with his antics in order to prolong a false peace. It was Tsunades belief that appeasing bullies and tyrants only lasted so long as they could be appeased by what you were willing to give up through peaceful means, since what people failed to realize was such people were already willing to use violence to achieve their aims. But there was no reason to, so long as such people could get what they wanted without the effort, but the moment people stopped giving in without a fight, was the moment such tyrants revealed the lengths to which they were always prepared to go to in order to get what they desired.
Tsunade was confident that the Raikage would abandon the Alliance as soon as it became necessary to do so. She was also of the opinion that he would have abandoned it had he succeeded in taking Yugito, and the only reason he would fight to remain was because he had now set his sights on Naruto and planned to use the Chunin Exams to get him. Gaara had countered that Naruto was being targeted because of his decision to aid Yugito, and thus bore the responsibility of facing this newest challenge. Not ducking it through her political maneuvering. Tsunade had nearly tested Gaaras supposed perfect defense, but had restrained herself from doing so as she admitted that her lover would even likely agree with the Kazekage. However, for her, it was a matter of what kind of Kage, she was going to be. Which was why, even if Naruto were awake to tell her to stop, she would still proceed with the vote to kick Kumo from the Alliance.
Of course, Tsunade was a person that had no problem having her cake while eating it to. Which in this case, meant that she fully expected her measure would fail when they voted at the meeting she was heading to. Still, she had meant every word that she had said to Gaara, however while one purpose of the meeting was to put the Raikage on notice that she wasnt her predecessor, and so would not just roll over for his antics. A rather large secondary reason for doing so was also to gauge Gaaras response to the attempt.
To Tsunade, Gaara was proving to be a Kage much in the same vein as the Third Hokage, in that almost no sacrifice appeared too large to pay for the Kazekage so long as the current stability lasted just a little longer. She could certainly understand the impulse, but she believed that whatever peace it did buy was an illusion. When the Third had for example signed off on the plan to kill Hizashi Hyuuga rather than his brother, it may have thwarted the Raikages plot. But so too would have just standing up to him, as the fact that the Raikage hadnt pressed the issue showed that Kumo was no more willing to go to war for the Byakugan then the Leaf had been. After all, it was quite clear that Hiashi Hyuuga was still alive, which meant the killer of Kumos Head Jounin had never been delivered justice. The Raikage would have been well within his right to push the issue, as soon as the ruse had been discovered. Moreover, by trying to trick him it would have actually strengthened his position. However, his quietly accepting it showed Tsunade that he hadnt been any more willing to go to war then Sarutobi had been. Thus, to her, the right move would have been to call the Raikages bluff, not try to avoid the situation altogether by offering up the life of an innocent man. In her book, Gaara would be doing the same should he cast the vote that would allow Kumo to remain within the Alliance. Reaching the chamber doors, she took a heavy breath as the guards began to open them since she feared the implications should the vote proceed as she expected. But she knew the die was already cast, so it was now just a matter of picking up the pieces regardless of the outcome.
Konans gaze turned towards the chamber entrance as Tsunade stepped inside the Grass Villages council chambers. The blonde womans eyes narrowed as she noticed that she wasnt the last to arrive as she had intended, since one of the other participants still wasnt present, but in his place was a large video screen with a crew of technicians operating a camera and control panel. Turning her focus towards the Grass Village leader she said, Whats this, the bastard doesnt even have the courage to face us in person.
Grasss Leader, Zosui, was about to respond, but suddenly the screen flared to life as the Raikage fired back, I would gladly have attended in person. But, as youve made it clear that you view us as your enemy, I cant leave Kumo in case this is some rouse to eliminate me, and clear the way for an invasion.
Ive made it clear, Tsunade said angrily as she stalked towards the screen as if she intended to reach through it to pull the Raikage to her. Youre the bastard that while Ame was fighting for its very survival decided to try and kidnap one of its defenders.@@novelbin@@
A defender who for all intents and purposes was
Lord Raikage, Lady Hokage, Zosui said as he interjected himself into the conversation, This method of communication isnt exactly cheap, and unfortunately is also rather limiting in the amount of time we will have, so perhaps we can focus on the topic at hand. Not rehash old arguments.
Tch, fine, Tsunade said as she turned away to take her seat, before explaining, The reason that Ive called this meeting to have Kumo removed from the Alliance is because the Raikages actions show me that he is not to be trusted. His sudden decision to reverse his stance on attending the Akatsuki Reformation Ceremony leads me to believe that he became aware of the attack that Sasuke was planning, and so decided to take advantage of the chaos.
Konan wasnt too surprised that the Raikage remained silent, since she shared Tsunades opinion on the matter. Moreover, she suspected that the reason Zosui had proposed the meeting take place in Grass was because the Raikage had already secured the Grass Leaders vote, not to mention his assistance in blunting Tsunades initiative to kick Kumo from the Alliance. Which, if anything had given Konan pause in backing the Hokages plan was that she believed it would result in Ay owing the Grass leader a rather substantial favor. She suspected that was indeed the case, as the Raikage remained silent and it was instead Zosui who said, That is a rather heavy charge. I imagine that you have proof.
Tsunade frowned at the raven-haired man as she admitted, Not at the moment. But he did attack Yugito during the battle, and after she kicked his ass, which if you are going to ask for proof of, just have the camera crew on his side pan down so we can get a good look at his chest, she left a little calling card there.
Although the Raikage remained silent, Konan could hear the sound of Ays teeth grinding together, so was aware that Tsunades dig had hit the mark. However, Zosui pushed back in his place as he said, I dont think anyone here is doubting that portion of events took place. However, in your opening statement, you claimed your reasoning for threatening Kumos membership in the Alliance was because the Raikage had proof of the attack, and did not share it. That is a charge that you lack evidence for.
Why else would he attend the ceremony? Tsunade said not needing to fake the anger she was feeling. Why else would his party have arrived by foot, but he stashed one of his villages Iron Boats nearby so they could make their escape with Yugito by sea.
Indeed, Zosui said not exactly sounding dismissive, even as he continued, The scenario you are spinning sounds entirely likely.
What! The Raikage said suddenly with a voice mixed in surprise and anger.
However, the Grass Villages leader ignored him while he stated, Yet, I can do that as well. Such as the Raikage decided to attend the ceremony, because much like you, Lady Konan, and Lord Gaara, he suspected that an attack would occur during the ceremony. Thus, he decided to hedge his bets and put elements in place to take back what he viewed as his property. Zosui, held up a hand as he forestalled Tsunades outburst as he said, Yes, Im aware you dont share that opinion about the two-tailed host. However, that is beside the point. After all, unless you can prove the Raikage was given advance knowledge of the attack, there is nothing wrong with him deciding to anticipate Sasuke Uchihas actions and to take advantage of it.
What! Tsunade said jumping to her feet, He attacked a member of this alliance while it was busy defending itself from enemies.
Zosui shook his head as he said, Is that really what he did though?
Konans frown matched the one Tsunade was wearing, but sensing that Zosui was about to spring some trap on the Hokage remained silent. At least until he directed his pupil-less grey eyes on her as he said, Lady Konan, if Im not mistaken, this new incarnation of Akatsuki is not tied to your forces. You intend to use it as an unaligned group meant to aid minor countries that do not have shinobi villages of their own, or find themselves embroiled by plots enacted by the major ones.
That is correct, Konan said cautiously, as she recognized exactly the argument that her fellow Minor Shinobi Village leader was about to make.
Then with that being the case, Zosui said turning his gaze back to Tsunade, I feel this was not the case of the Raikage betraying the Alliance so much as his deciding to use the chaos of the attack to settle a personal grievance with Yugito Ni. He was under no compulsion to share his hunch about an attack happening during the ceremony, just as Suna, Ame, and Konoha felt no need to share its suspicions with Kumo or my own village.
Konan could see that Tsunade struggled to compose herself before replying, We didnt share our suspicions because you and the Raikage werent planning to attend. When the Raikage changed his mind, we felt it was best to keep silent since we were suspicious of his reasons.
As well you should have been as it turned out, Zosui said causing both the Raikage and Tsunade to wear similar expressions of surprise. But again, unless you can prove that the Raikage received advanced warning, then Im afraid I cant support your desire to remove Kumo from the Alliance. As far as Im concerned, he limited himself to attacking a woman whom he had an obvious grievance against. Having made my opinion known, I think we should call for the vote.
Konan didnt need to use her fox mark to know that Tsunade was having to fight back a desire to smash her desk to splinters. A feeling that she could certainly understand as the Raikage was now wearing a rather smug expression. Although, she knew Tsunade hadnt really wanted to kick Kumo out, she imagined most of her anger was directed towards herself at being outplayed as it were. Primarily, as it would allow Gaara to vote for Kumo to remain, and argue that it was because Zosui had made the stronger argument. Which while admittedly he did, Konan knew it would be small comfort for a certain blonde who when Tsunade had voiced her fears about the Kazekages current attitude had pushed back against the Hokage claiming Gaara wouldnt abandon someone who had been willing to sacrifice so much for him. Particularly as she had shared her and the Familys concerns with him that the Raikage having failed to take Yugito, would next use the Chunin Exams as a cover to take the nine-tailed jinchuriki instead. She imagined that it was a good thing Naruto was still in Suna, as she believed should Gaara vote as Konan imagined he was going to, then it would only be in thanks to the Uzumaki that the Kazekage wasnt greeted with a Wind Scythe upon his return home.
Naruto was curled up with Yukata on a couch in one of the Hidden Oasiss common rooms as they watched an action movie together. The Uzumaki, despite still suffering from the scoring his Chakra Pathways had undergone due to his saving Hotaru, wasnt finding himself with a lack for things to do. In fact, he was almost rather grateful for it, since it had highlighted to him that despite his being there for his lovers on an individual basis, he was unintentionally favoring his lovers from Konoha in group settings. He had come to this realization rather quickly during his stay at the Hidden Oasis Inn, since it operated rather differently than the Hidden Eddy Inn. An easy thing to dismiss at first, since the Hidden Eddy had Miya acting as a landlady to act as a central figure when he wasnt present. But Naruto soon realized it wasnt just that, as the kunoichi that lived in Suna didnt have as many reasons to gather together as their Konoha counterparts. As such, when it came to meals and the like it was for the most part everyone took care of themselves.
At least, that was until Temari had returned from Ame shortly after he had awakened, at which point he discovered she had kind of adapt Miyas roll whenever her duties permitted her to remain in Suna. He wasnt too surprised by that, as he was well aware of how she had effectively raised Kankuro. But he had been rather surprised to learn that she actually enjoyed cooking for her fellow Suna kunoichi a great deal. The realization that he had missed this side of Temari showed him that he needed to spend more time not just with his lovers on an individual basis, but in the same environment that he shared with his lovers in Konoha, and had taken for granted that he was underserving his lovers from the other villages due to the existence of places like the Den and Club N.
Growing, somewhat bored with the movie and desiring some action of a different kind, he was about to reach under Yukatas shirt to determine if she was also dissatisfied with it, and would appreciate a more physical way to pass the time, when suddenly they both jumped as they heard a loud slamming of the front door. Not hearing any shouting, although he heard another door slam deeper in the inn, he wondered what had happened. He got a good idea of which of his lovers was upset when a few minutes later he heard banging of pots and pans
Kissing Yukata on the cheek, he got up to investigate so proceeded towards the sound of metal clanging and drawers opening and shutting harder then they needed to be. Stepping into the kitchen, he saw Temari was wearing a thin robe with an apron and had already thrown some mixture together, which she was rather aggressively beating with a whisk by the island at the center of the kitchen. Coming up behind her, he wrapped his hands around her stomach as he asked, Is everything okay?
Im fine, Temari said in a not exactly believable manner.
Naruto frowned since everything about her demeanor was saying the opposite, so stated, Far be it for me to question you, but if I were those eggs Id be begging for mercy.
Temari slammed the bowl down as she said, Dont make light of this?
Make light of what, Naruto said teasingly, You just told me everything was okay. Temari turned in his arms to glare at him, which caused to grow more serious as he sighed, Im guessing you heard the results of the vote.
Temaris annoyance at him evaporated as it was replaced by surprise, How did you hear about it already?
Kiyomi, Naruto answered, before explaining, As soon as Tsunade left Grass, she teleported to her to find out what happened.
Thats nice, Temari said drily. I found out as my dear brother sent an official communique stating Kumo would remain in the Alliance.
Naruto frowned, as he asked, I thought that was the result we wanted it.
It was, Temari said heatedly as her voice rose in anger. She then turned away from him as she broke free of his grip before smashing her fists on the kitchen island behind her. Sounding sad, she said softly, I really thought he would vote to kick them out. I can understand why he wouldnt want to risk the Alliance for Yugito. But to be willing to let the Raikage target you
Naruto wrapped his arms around her again as he said, I told Gaara that Id be willing to deal with whatever consequences arouse as a result of my actions. Your brother is just giving me an opportunity to stand by my word. Im the one that hanged the Raikages target on my back, not Gaara. Besides, Kiyomi made it sound like even Tsunade was forced to admit that Zosui made some excellent points against her argument. In this case, someone just out played us.
Temari turned to face him, and he could see the worry in her teal eyes as she replied, Thats not it. Gaara would have voted the same even if we had evidence that the Raikage was sitting in on Sasukes meetings as he planned his attack.
I think thats a bit much, Naruto said with a frown.
Is it? Temari asked back, although her tone didnt seem to indicate that she thought it was. Something has changed with him, and I didnt want to see it. But, why else would he have refused to turn that Hotaru woman over to Konan until Sunas jutsu experts determined that Fury was gone?
Maybe because it was better for everyone that jutsu couldnt be replicated? Naruto offered.
Or, he was disappointed by that development as he wanted to replicate it, Temari fired back. Naruto, hes willing to sacrifice you at the alter of peace. I dont know what he is capable anymore.
Although, he wanted to dismiss Temaris worries as being a bit much, he could see that she was genuinely concerned by them so said, Lets not go talking about me like Im already dead. He kissed her to silence her protest, before continuing, And remember, Im not exactly blameless in this debacle either. I was willing to act in a manner that would have destroyed the Alliance if it meant Yugito got to live as she desired. Gaara has a reason to be upset at that, since he is thinking about the welfare of his citizens, including you. To him, the peace we currently have should be protected.
But his peace is a lie, Temari said quickly. Especially when it involves someone like the Raikage.
Meeting her worried gaze, he said, That may be, but even if we succeed in our ambition there will be people that say the peace, we build is one as well if our actions behind the scenes were ever discovered. Would we fight any less to preserve it?
To his surprise, Temari nodded as she responded, Yes, because you wouldnt let it continue if it required the sacrifice of innocent people to maintain it. Naruto felt deeply touched that his lover felt so highly of him, especially as she placed her head against his chest to say, II dont want to lose you.
You wont, Naruto responded definitively.
Pulling her head from his chest, she said, You cant kno
She was silenced as Naruto kissed her passionately, and as he pulled back saw her worries were being replaced by desire, but he reiterated, You wont lose me, Temari.
Temari stared into his blue eyes, and although he had stopped short of promising her. She saw that he was determined to live up to his vow, so nodded. She was about to turn back to finish the meal that she had been preparing, when suddenly the pre-heat timer on the oven went off. To her surprise, she suddenly found herself being picked up and sat on the island prompting her to ask, Naruto, what are you doing?
She moaned as Naruto reached between her thighs to discover she wasnt wearing any underwear and while rubbing along her slit answered, Im just checking to see if the oven has indeed gotten up to temperature. At which point, he pushed his middle finger into her, and rubbing along her upper-wall caused her to lean back on her elbows as he said, Yep, it is definitely hot enough.
Smmmstop, Temari said between moans, II need to get dinner ready.
Naruto pulled his finger from her, but rather then helping her down, pushed her thighs apart. Taking in her glistening snatch, he said, Dont think I can comply with you there. Looks like I started a leak down here. Lets see if I can take care of this.
Leaning forward, he clamped his mouth to her pussy which caused Temari to gasp as she involuntarily grabbed his head. Which she pulled towards her now positively drenched quim. She surrendered to the pleasure as his tongue alternated between exploring her depths, and pushing her clit about. Naruto soon began using his tongue to concentrate on her pleasure button, and so started working his middle and index finger within her tight passage. The combination proved too much for her, causing Temari to cry out as she drenched her lovers chin and hand in her love juices.
Naruto brought his face up to hers as he said, Whelp, looks like I made it worse.
Temari panting in post orgasmic bliss, felt rather annoyed at her lover considering how her mood not but a few minutes earlier had been filled with anger at her brother, as well as worry for the now smiling blond fool. Yet now all she felt was a burning need to be connected to him and as such, she said, I hate how you do that.
Narutos smile only grew bigger as he said while undoing his pants, Ah, you dont mean that.
Gripping his face possessively, Temari admitted, No, I dont. Before pulling him into a passionate kiss where she tasted herself on his lips. Naruto threw himself into the kiss as well as he pushed his pants to the floor, and after kicking them free of his feet rubbed his engorged cock against her slit.
Temari was about to pull her lips from his to tell him to stop teasing her, but ended up doing so anyway as he pushed his kunoichi slayer inside causing her to hiss, Yes!!! Naruto recaptured her lips as he slowly moved within her. Temari was in heaven, but knew it was about to get better as he pulled back to stand straight and took hold of her hips. He then began pistoning his rod within her at a blistering pace as he did his best to fuck her worldly concerns out of her.
The kitchen filled with the slapping sounds of his flesh ramming into hers, as Temaris cries increased in tempo and volume. Her vision began to blur, as her brain began to shut down in order to just process the pleasure that she was feeling. Before everything just went white as a particularly powerful thrust crushed her womb and hammered a final spike of pleasure into her which caused her to erupt in euphoric release. Her legs instinctually wrapped around his waist to insure he released his seed inside her, not that he intended to do so anywhere else as he pushed his rod fully within her to paint her womb in his essence. Temaris white world of bliss exploded into technicolor as she came yet again, before everything went dark as she passed out.
As Temaris legs went slack around him, he smiled at the blissed-out expression his lover now wore, before pulling out, and then turned his focus towards the ingredients she had gathered in order to puzzle out what she had planned to make. Not really sure if he was correct, he nevertheless had an idea of what he would be able to do with them so set to work. As he began preparing, he let some of his own worries about Gaaras decision come to the forefront of his mind, more specially how he had been unwilling to turn Hotaru over until his jutsu development specialists had made it clear that Fury couldnt be recreated, and Temaris belief that his actions werent to make sure that the jutsu didnt fall into the wrong hands. But instead, to make sure it would fall into his. He didnt really want to believe that, specifically as Gaara had in the past been the voice within Suna to prevent new weapon programs from being developed. Such as after becoming Kazekage, his shut down the Immortal Army project which Joseki had started using captured equipment salvaged from Haidos ship after the debacle with the descendants of the Gelel Empire.
However, before he could travel too far down the path of his own concerns, his focus turned to one of the kitchens entrances to find Yukata entering. She smiled at him, before saying, I thought I heard some baking going on in here? Naruto arched an eyebrow not entirely sure what she meant, at least until the puppet using kunoichi stepped between Temaris legs and said, Mmmm, creampies, my favorite.
Temari moaned pleasantly as whatever dreamworld she was currently occupying suddenly took a sexual turn. Naruto felt his own dick lurch as Yukata sucked his seed from her fellow Suna-nin just stuffed snatch. While he didnt turn away, unwilling to deny himself the pleasure of watching Yukata enjoy her desert, he remained focused on getting dinner ready while silently promising her that hed give her all the pies she could handle later.
Next Chapter: Revenge Arc: Operation: Kill Konan Aftermath Part II
Authors note: Hello Everyone. To begin, let me thank everyone that reviewed and commented on the previous chapter. I greatly appreciate it. Also, I apologize for how long this chapter took, but my free time has been consumed with other activities other than writing, not that I ever have enough free time to begin with. Plus, this chapter was harder then most to write, as I had trouble decided scenes and their order. Such as one featuring the Cult, which shine a light on their role for the foreseeable future. But, Im not sure if I should cut it, include it here, or put it as its own LBB chapter. I still havent made up my mind, so Ill see what I feel as I work on the next chapter. Which, Im going to try and finish as soon as possible.
In any case, I hope this one proves to have been worth the wait. I would have preferred to release a super-size chapter to just wrap this arc up. But, ultimately felt I had kept you all waiting long enough. So, I will try to have the next one done shortly, but hope this one tides you all over until then. Again, thank you all for the support and feedback youve provided over the years. I wish an amazing 2019 to all my readers, and hope you continue to find my stories entertaining. Thank you all, sincerely The Lemon Sage.
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