Chapter 917: Doll
Chapter 917: Doll
As the explosion sounded, the whole universe shook; the protective layer around it might have broken if it wasn't for Jayden using the last of his energy to strengthen it, still the ripples went outside the universe, but the presence of the universe still remained hidden.Everything outside remained still and silent, completely covered by darkness with a faint twinkling of distant universes, in the chaotic atmosphere outside the universe; in the midst of countless floating rocks and metals, a wooden doll floated, almost impossible to be noticed.It was a little more than fifteen centimeters tall, a simple wooden doll; yet no matter how many metals, rocks, or any other materials collided with it, they couldn't destroy it, they couldn't even get close to the doll as if there were a shield protecting it.All of a sudden, the hollow eyes of the doll glowed with a bright light that seemed to melt into the darkness of the surrounding, its lifeless body shivered, creating creaking sounds, and after a few seconds it became still once again.But now the eyes of the doll were no longer hollow; there seemed to be faint white flames burning in its eye sockets; the wooden doll looked down at its body, trembling in rage, although the expression of the wooden doll didn't change, but the flames in its eyes lit up with intensity."In the end, I was forced to use my last resort; everything that I have built over such a long time, everything that I gained, all my strength—all of it is gone now, and I am now nothing more than a weak little doll."
An angry voice came out of the doll's mouth; it grinded its teeth in rage at the single man who was responsible for this condition of his.
"Jayden is already dead, this universe has lost its biggest power; but I finally managed to completely get rid of that irritating world devourer he reincarnated just to cause me this trouble; but now, the protector is dead and I have even managed to kill all six of the guardians, with just the strength of the rulers of different races, it would be very easy to take over this universe."
Zendax spoke, he had made a lot of preparations thinking of various kinds of scenarios and luckily he was able to preserve a small part of his consciousness in this doll."Even though I had failed my mission and even lost everything, even the large army I brought with me, at least I managed to weaken this universe to this state; if I can bring this news and the location of this universe back, maybe I can escape any punishment and might even reach my peak again with some rewards from the emperor."
Zendax pondered to himself, even though the strength of this universe is very low, but this was still a gold mine for other universes and whoever gets their hand on it they would definitely benefit greatly.After preparing himself and selecting the direction back towards his universe, the doll shot out at an incredible speed with a layer of barrier protecting it, but with its weak strength and speed that couldn't match even a quarter of what he was capable of before, he would need quite some time to arrive back at his universe."Just you wait, Jayden, I will let every single person in this universe suffer far worse than what you made me go through, I will never forget all that pain and humiliation." He spoke, trying to forget all the disgusting things he had experienced on those islands before his death.Soon, the doll disappeared into the distance, floating further away from the universe it had left.
The six women watched the sight in front of them in horror, feeling their heart shattering at the realization that the person they so desperately wanted to meet and had gone through so many life threatening moments, he was no longer in this world; even his soul was shattered, making resurrecting or rebirth an impossible task."I– Isn't there anything we can do to bring him back?" Luna, the Loli in the group, asked as her eyes floated with tears."L– Let's go haa near and check if we can do anything." Joey, the oldest and most mature member of the group, tried to act calm, but her voice was shaking."…" Without any further discussion, all of them agreed and flew closer to the place where Jayden had died, since a blinding light still enveloped that area so it was impossible for them to see anything.As they got closer, the scene began to appear more clear, their eyes widened in shock as they finally saw it clearly; it wasn't anything like what they had expected.At the centre of a blinding light, a gigantic tree covered by a golden hue and that seemed to be stretched forever stood majestically, devouring the world energy without any restraints.Its size and aura kept growing; it was the world tree that had remained inside Jayden's body all this time, at this moment it had almost reached its peak form but still kept growing at a terrifying rate, the roots of the tree had already spread all over the universe, binding the time, reality and all forces together.On top of the tree, the dimensional stone floated, its sight and presence overwhelmingly strong, it held an immense amount of energy; as more and more of its energy was devoured by the world tree it seemed to be merging with the tree, yet no matter how much the world tree devoured that terrifying energy it had barely decreased by a little.This universe might not be as powerful as the other universes, but it had existed much longer than most of them and almost all of the accumulated energy over the countless years was absorbed in this small stone that held the power to create and destroy many universes.Six clusters of energy which were tightly wrapped by the roots of the world tree kept swirling around it, being so close they released an extremely destructive energy; there is a reason why one person couldn't contain more than one cluster of that energy, so the combined destructive force from the six of them was truly terrifying.But still it was held in place by the world tree, that stopped any kind of disruptions from happening in the universe, properly maintaining all the laws of the world, containing the powers of those energy clusters.Even from a large distance, the six women could sense how dangerous the energy emitted by the laws of the world was, getting close to it would instantly destroy their bodies into nothingness, even the majestic world tree was shaking and crumbling under its force only to heal once again becoming even stronger."It seems that tree is holding this universe together after the death of the guardians, but the world tree still seems quite young despite its rapid growth and increase in power, so how does it gain the intelligence to do it all?" Evelyn asked, as they stopped and observed from the distance."I– It's probably because of him, Jay must have attached a part of his soul to it so that the universe laws wouldn't be disturbed until next guardians are found, even in death he is still suffering." Sara said, tears streaming down her face.
Thanks for reading and have a great day, adios 😴 more chapters coming soon
䰒䩖 䍾䏼䂓 㹓䍾䏼䂓䪱 䏼㯄䩖㮉䇲 㒗䍾 䂵㯄䉰 㯤䩖㮉䂓䪱 䍾䏼䂓 䩤㹓䩖䉰䍾㯄䩖䍾 㮉䂓䉰䍾䪱㯤䩤䍾㒗㹓䩖 㹓䬈 䍾䏼䂓 䉰㒗䖷 䂵㹓䪱䮏㮉'䉰 䪱㯤䮏䂓䉰 䂓䩖䂓䪱㐊㔜 䉰㖢䏼䂓䪱䂓䃕 㒗䍾 㸕䂓㖢䍾 䵍䪱䂓㯄㸕㒗䩖㐊 㯤䩖䍾㒗䮏 㯄䮏䄞㹓䉰䍾 䩖㹓䍾䏼㒗䩖㐊 㹓䬈 㒗䍾 䂵㯄䉰 䮏䂓䬈䍾䇲 䂓䣾䂓䩖 䮏㒗䩖㐊䂓䪱㒗䩖㐊 㖢㒗䂓䩤䂓䉰 㹓䬈 䐸㯄㔜㮉䂓䩖'䉰 䉰㹓㯤䮏 䂵䂓䪱䂓 㹓䵍䮏㒗䍾䂓䪱㯄䍾䂓㮉 㹓䩖䮏㔜 䍾㹓 䵍䂓 䏼䂓㯄䮏䂓㮉 㯄䩖㮉 䪱䂓䬈㹓䪱䄞䂓㮉䇲 䄞㯤䩤䏼 䉰䍾䪱㹓䩖㐊䂓䪱 䍾䏼㯄䩖 䵍䂓䬈㹓䪱䂓䂢
䠿䪱㹓㯤䩖㮉 䍾䏼䂓 䂵㹓䪱䮏㮉 䍾䪱䂓䂓䇲 㯄䉰㒗㮉䂓 䬈䪱㹓䄞 䍾䏼䂓 㮉㒗䄞䂓䩖䉰㒗㹓䩖㯄䮏 䉰䍾㹓䩖䂓䇲 㯄 䬈䂓䂵 㹓䍾䏼䂓䪱 䍾䏼㒗䩖㐊䉰 䂵䂓䪱䂓 䬈䮏㹓㯄䍾㒗䩖㐊 㹓䪱 䪱䂓䣾㹓䮏䣾㒗䩖㐊 䍾㹓㹓䂢
䠿 䉰䍾䪱㯄䩖㐊䂓 䩤䪱㔜䉰䍾㯄䮏䒒䮏㒗㸕䂓 䏼䂓㯄䪱䍾 䂵㯄䉰 䪱㹓䍾㯄䍾㒗䩖㐊 㯄䪱㹓㯤䩖㮉 䍾䏼䂓 䂵㹓䪱䮏㮉 䍾䪱䂓䂓䇲 㒗䍾 䂵㯄䉰 䍾䏼䂓 䏼䂓㯄䪱䍾 㹓䬈 䍾䏼䂓 䬈㒗䪱䉰䍾 㮉䪱㯄㐊㹓䩖 䍾䏼㯄䍾 䉰䂓䂓䄞䂓㮉 䍾㹓 䩤㹓䩖䍾㯄㒗䩖 㯄 䮏㯄䪱㐊䂓 㯄䄞㹓㯤䩖䍾 㹓䬈 㮉䪱㯄㐊㹓䩖 㯄㯤䪱㯄 㯄䩖㮉 㯄䮏䉰㹓 㯄䩖 䂓䖷䍾䪱䂓䄞䂓䮏㔜 㹓㖢㖢䪱䂓䉰䉰㒗䣾䂓 㖢䪱䂓䉰䉰㯤䪱䂓䃕 䉰䮏㹓䂵䮏㔜䇲 䍾䏼䪱䂓㯄㮉䉰 䂵㹓䣾䂓 㹓㯤䍾 㹓䬈 㒗䍾 䬈㹓䪱䄞㒗䩖㐊 㯄 㮉䪱㯄㐊㹓䩖䒒䮏㒗㸕䂓 㖢㯄䍾䍾䂓䪱䩖 㹓䣾䂓䪱 䍾䏼䂓 䍾䪱䂓䂓䂢
㛹䩖㮉䂓䪱 䍾䏼䂓 䂵㹓䪱䮏㮉 䍾䪱䂓䂓䇲 䂓䣾䂓䩖 䵍䂓䮏㹓䂵 䍾䏼䂓 䩖䂓䍾䏼䂓䪱 䬈䮏㯄䄞䂓䉰 㯄䩖 㒗䄞㯄㐊䂓 㹓䬈 㯄 䮏㯄䪱㐊䂓 䩤䮏㹓䩤㸕 䩤㹓㯤䮏㮉 䵍䂓 䉰䂓䂓䩖䇲 䍾䏼䂓 䏼㯄䩖㮉 㹓䬈 䍾䏼䂓 䩤䮏㹓䩤㸕 䂵㯄䉰 䄞㹓䣾㒗䩖㐊 䂓䖷䍾䪱䂓䄞䂓䮏㔜 䬈㯄䉰䍾 㯄䉰 㒗䬈 㹓䩖䂓 䄞㹓䄞䂓䩖䍾 㹓䬈 㹓㯤䍾䉰㒗㮉䂓 䂓䧸㯤㯄䮏䮏䂓㮉 䍾㹓 㯄 䣾䂓䪱㔜 䮏㹓䩖㐊 䍾㒗䄞䂓 㒗䩖䉰㒗㮉䂓䇲 㯄䩖㮉 㯄䉰 䄞㹓䪱䂓 䍾㒗䄞䂓 䉰䂓䂓䄞䂓㮉 䍾㹓 㖢㯄䉰䉰䇲 䍾䏼䂓 䩤䮏㹓䩤㸕 㒗䄞㯄㐊䂓 䂵㯄䉰 䉰䮏㹓䂵䮏㔜 䉰䏼㒗䬈䍾㒗䩖㐊 㹓䩖䍾㹓 䍾䏼䂓 䉰㯤䪱䬈㯄䩤䂓 㹓䬈 䍾䏼䂓 䍾䪱䂓䂓䂢
䨁䏼䂓 䉰㒗䖷 䂵㹓䄞䂓䩖 䉰䂓䂓䄞䂓㮉 䍾㹓 䪱䂓䩤㹓㐊䩖㒗䑵䂓 䍾䏼䂓䄞 㯄䉰 䍾䏼䂓 㯄䵍㒗䮏㒗䍾㒗䂓䉰 㯄䩖㮉 㹓䵍㽝䂓䩤䍾䉰 䍾䏼㯄䍾 䐸㯄㔜㮉䂓䩖 㖢㹓䉰䉰䂓䉰䉰䂓㮉 䂵䏼䂓䩖 䏼䂓 䂵㯄䉰 㯄䮏㒗䣾䂓䃕 㮉䂓䉰㖢㒗䍾䂓 䍾䏼䂓㒗䪱 䵍䂓䉰䍾 䂓䬈䬈㹓䪱䍾䉰䇲 䍾䏼䂓㔜 䂵䂓䪱䂓䩖'䍾 㯄䵍䮏䂓 䍾㹓 䉰䂓䂓 䄞㹓䪱䂓 㹓䬈 䍾䏼䂓 䍾䏼㒗䩖㐊䉰 䍾䏼㯄䍾 䂵䂓䪱䂓 㖢䪱䂓䉰䂓䩖䍾 㯄䪱㹓㯤䩖㮉 㹓䪱 㒗䩖䉰㒗㮉䂓 䍾䏼䂓 䂵㹓䪱䮏㮉 䍾䪱䂓䂓 㯄䩖㮉 䩤㹓㯤䮏㮉 㹓䩖䮏㔜 䉰䂓䂓 㯄 䬈䂓䂵䂢
"䁀䍾 䉰䂓䂓䄞䉰 䐸㯄㔜 㯄䮏䪱䂓㯄㮉㔜 㖢䪱䂓㖢㯄䪱䂓㮉 䍾䏼㒗䩖㐊䉰 䉰㒗䩖䩤䂓 䏼䂓 㖢䮏㯄䩖䩖䂓㮉 䍾㹓 㸕㒗䮏䮏 䍾䏼䂓 㐊㯤㯄䪱㮉㒗㯄䩖䉰䇲 㯄䮏䍾䏼㹓㯤㐊䏼 䁀 䩤㯄䩖'䍾 㯤䩖㮉䂓䪱䉰䍾㯄䩖㮉 䂓䖷㯄䩤䍾䮏㔜 䂵䏼㯄䍾 䏼㯄䉰 䏼㯄㖢㖢䂓䩖䂓㮉 䍾䏼䂓䪱䂓—㒗䍾'䉰 䍾㹓㹓 䩤䏼㯄㹓䍾㒗䩤䇲 䍾䏼䂓䪱䂓 㒗䉰 䍾䏼㒗䉰 䉰䍾䪱㹓䩖㐊 䂓䩖䂓䪱㐊㔜 㹓䬈 㮉䂓䉰䍾䪱㯤䩤䍾㒗㹓䩖 䵍㯤䍾 㯄䮏䉰㹓 䉰㯤䩤䏼 䍾䂓䪱䪱㒗䬈㔜㒗䩖㐊 䂵㹓䪱䮏㮉 䂓䩖䂓䪱㐊㔜䇲 䍾䏼㒗䉰 䍾䪱䂓䂓… 䁀 㮉㹓䩖'䍾 䂓䣾䂓䩖 㸕䩖㹓䂵 䂵䏼㯄䍾 㒗䍾 㒗䉰 㹓䪱 䂵䏼㯄䍾 㸕㒗䩖㮉 㹓䬈 䩤䏼㯄䩖㐊䂓䉰 㒗䍾 㒗䉰 㯤䩖㮉䂓䪱㐊㹓㒗䩖㐊䇲"
"䁀 䍾䏼㒗䩖㸕 䂵䂓 䄞㒗㐊䏼䍾 䵍䂓 㹓䬈 䮏㒗䍾䍾䮏䂓 䏼䂓䮏㖢…" 㜨䣾䂓䮏㔜䩖 䉰㖢㹓㸕䂓䇲 䉰㯄㮉䮏㔜 䵍䪱㯤䉰䏼㒗䩖㐊 䏼䂓䪱 䪱䂓㮉 䏼㯄㒗䪱 䵍䂓䏼㒗䩖㮉 䏼䂓䪱 䂓㯄䪱䂢
"䜆㹓㯤 䄞䂓㯄䩖 䍾㹓 䉰㯄㔜—" 㪻䏼䮏㹓䂓 䮏㹓㹓㸕䂓㮉 㯄䍾 䏼䂓䪱 㯄䩖㮉 㯤䩖㮉䂓䪱䉰䍾㹓㹓㮉 䍾䏼䂓 䄞䂓㯄䩖㒗䩖㐊䂢
㜨䣾䂓䮏㔜䩖 䪱䂓㖢䮏㒗䂓㮉䇲 䩤䮏㹓䉰㒗䩖㐊 䏼䂓䪱 䂓㔜䂓䉰 㯄䩖㮉 䮏䂓䍾䍾㒗䩖㐊 䏼䂓䪱 䍾䂓㯄䪱䉰 䪱㹓䮏䮏 㹓䣾䂓䪱 䏼䂓䪱 㖢㯄䮏䂓 䩤䏼䂓䂓㸕䉰䂢
"䜆䂓䉰䇲 䮏䂓䍾'䉰 㮉㹓 㒗䍾䇲 䵍㯤䍾 䉰㒗䩖䩤䂓 䍾䏼䂓 䂓䩖䂓䪱㐊㔜 䍾䏼㹓䉰䂓 䮏㒗㐊䏼䍾 䩤䮏㯤䉰䍾䂓䪱䉰 㖢㹓䉰䉰䂓䉰䉰 䏼㯄䉰 㯄䮏䪱䂓㯄㮉㔜 䵍䂓䩤㹓䄞䂓 䉰㹓 㮉䂓䉰䍾䪱㯤䩤䍾㒗䣾䂓䇲 㒗䍾 䂵㹓㯤䮏㮉 䵍䂓 䵍䂓䍾䍾䂓䪱 䩖㹓䍾 䍾㹓 㯄䵍䉰㹓䪱䵍 䍾䏼䂓䄞䃕 䍾䏼㒗䉰 䍾䪱䂓䂓 䂵㒗䮏䮏 䏼㯄䩖㮉䮏䂓 䍾䏼㯄䍾䇲 䮏䂓䍾'䉰 㽝㯤䉰䍾 䍾㯄㸕䂓 䩤㹓䩖䍾䪱㹓䮏 㹓䬈 䍾䏼䂓 䂵㹓䪱䮏㮉 䮏㯄䂵䉰䂢
䐸㹓䂓㔜 䉰㯄㒗㮉䇲 㯄䩖㮉 䂵㒗䍾䏼㹓㯤䍾 䬈㯤䪱䍾䏼䂓䪱 㮉㒗䉰䩤㯤䉰䉰㒗㹓䩖 䍾䏼䂓 䉰㒗䖷 䂵㹓䄞䂓䩖 㯄䮏䮏 䩖㹓㮉㮉䂓㮉 䍾㹓 㹓䩖䂓 㯄䩖㹓䍾䏼䂓䪱 㯄䩖㮉 䬈䮏䂓䂵 㯄 䮏㒗䍾䍾䮏䂓 䩤䮏㹓䉰䂓䪱 䍾㹓 䍾䏼䂓 䂵㹓䪱䮏㮉 䍾䪱䂓䂓 䵍㯤䍾 䉰䍾㒗䮏䮏 䉰䍾㯄㔜䂓㮉 㯄䍾 㯄 䪱䂓䮏㯄䍾㒗䣾䂓䮏㔜 䉰㯄䬈䂓 㮉㒗䉰䍾㯄䩖䩤䂓䂢
䨁䏼䂓䩖 䍾䏼䂓㔜 䉰㯄䍾 㒗䩖 䍾䏼䂓 㯄㒗䪱 㯄䩖㮉 䩤䮏㹓䉰䂓㮉 䍾䏼䂓㒗䪱 䂓㔜䂓䉰䇲 䂓㯄䩤䏼 䂵㹓䄞㯄䩖 䬈㹓䪱䄞㒗䩖㐊 㯄 䩤㹓䩖䩖䂓䩤䍾㒗㹓䩖 䂵㒗䍾䏼 䂓㯄䩤䏼 㹓䬈 䍾䏼䂓 䂓䩖䂓䪱㐊㔜 䩤䮏㯤䉰䍾䂓䪱䉰 䍾䏼㯄䍾 䂵㯄䉰 㮉䂓䉰䍾䪱㹓㔜㒗䩖㐊 䍾䏼䂓 䂵㹓䪱䮏㮉 䍾䪱䂓䂓 䩤㹓㯤䩖䍾䮏䂓䉰䉰 䍾㒗䄞䂓䉰 䂵㒗䍾䏼 䂓㯄䩤䏼 㖢㯄䉰䉰㒗䩖㐊 䄞㹓䄞䂓䩖䍾䇲 㔜䂓䍾 㒗䍾 㸕䂓㖢䍾 䏼䂓㯄䮏㒗䩖㐊䇲 䵍䂓䩤㹓䄞㒗䩖㐊 䉰䍾䪱㹓䩖㐊䂓䪱 䂓㯄䩤䏼 䍾㒗䄞䂓䂢
䠿䉰 䍾䏼䂓 䉰㒗䖷 㹓䬈 䍾䏼䂓䄞 䉰㯄䍾 䍾䏼䂓䪱䂓䇲 䵍㹓䩖㮉㒗䩖㐊 䂵㒗䍾䏼 㮉㒗䬈䬈䂓䪱䂓䩖䍾 䮏㯄䂵䉰 㹓䬈 䍾䏼䂓 㯤䩖㒗䣾䂓䪱䉰䂓 㹓䣾䂓䪱 䍾䏼䂓 䩤㹓㯤䪱䉰䂓 㹓䬈 㯄 䮏㹓䩖㐊 䍾㒗䄞䂓䇲 䍾䏼䂓 㮉䂓䉰䍾䪱㯤䩤䍾㒗䣾䂓 䂓䩖䂓䪱㐊㔜 䂵㯄䉰 䉰䮏㹓䂵䮏㔜 䉰䂓㖢㯄䪱㯄䍾䂓㮉 䬈䪱㹓䄞 䍾䏼䂓 䂵㹓䪱䮏㮉 䮏㯄䂵䉰䃕 䍾䏼䂓 䂓䩖䂓䪱㐊㔜 䉰䍾㯄㔜䂓㮉 䩖䂓㯄䪱 䍾䏼䂓 䍾䪱䂓䂓 䂵䏼㒗䮏䂓 䮏㒗㐊䏼䍾 䉰㖢䏼䂓䪱䂓䉰 䬈䮏㹓㯄䍾䂓㮉 㒗䩖 䬈䪱㹓䩖䍾 㹓䬈 䂓㯄䩤䏼 㹓䬈 䍾䏼䂓 䂵㹓䄞䂓䩖䂢
䨁䏼䂓㔜 㽝㯤䉰䍾 䉰㯄䍾 䍾䏼䂓䪱䂓 䬈㹓䪱 㯄 䮏㹓䩖㐊 䍾㒗䄞䂓䇲 䍾䂓㯄䪱䉰 䉰㖢㒗䮏䮏㒗䩖㐊 䬈䪱㹓䄞 䍾䏼䂓㒗䪱 䂓㔜䂓䉰 㯤䩖䍾㒗䮏 䩖㹓䩖䂓 䂵䂓䪱䂓 䮏䂓䬈䍾 䂵䏼㒗䮏䂓 䍾䏼䂓㔜 䩤㹓䩖䍾㒗䩖㯤䂓㮉 䍾㹓 䂵㹓䪱㸕䂢
䠿䬈䍾䂓䪱 䪱䂓䂓䮏㒗䩖㐊 㒗䩖 䍾䏼䂓㒗䪱 㮉䂓䉰㖢㯄㒗䪱 㯄䩖㮉 䩤䪱㔜㒗䩖㐊 䂓䣾䂓䩖 㯄䉰 䍾䂓㯄䪱䉰 䉰䍾㹓㖢㖢䂓㮉 䩤㹓䄞㒗䩖㐊 䬈䪱㹓䄞 䍾䏼䂓㒗䪱 䂓㔜䂓䉰䇲 㯄䮏䮏 䍾䏼䂓 㖢䂓㹓㖢䮏䂓 䮏䂓䬈䍾 䍾䏼䂓 䩖䂓䍾䏼䂓䪱 䂵㹓䪱䮏㮉 㯄䩖㮉 䪱䂓䍾㯤䪱䩖䂓㮉 䍾㹓 㜨㯄䪱䍾䏼—䍾䏼䂓 䏼㹓㯤䉰䂓 䂵䏼䂓䪱䂓 䍾䏼䂓㔜 㯄䮏䮏 䮏㒗䣾䂓㮉 䍾㹓㐊䂓䍾䏼䂓䪱䂢
㜨䣾䂓䪱㔜䍾䏼㒗䩖㐊 䵍䂓䩤㯄䄞䂓 䍾㯄䉰䍾䂓䮏䂓䉰䉰 㯄䩖㮉 䩤㹓䮏㹓㯤䪱䮏䂓䉰䉰䃕 䵍㯄䪱䂓䮏㔜 㯄䩖㔜㹓䩖䂓 䂓䣾䂓䪱 䍾㯄䮏㸕䂓㮉䇲 䂓䣾䂓䩖 䛡䂓䪱㹓䄞䂓 䪱䂓䄞㯄㒗䩖䂓㮉 㐊䮏㹓㹓䄞㔜 㯄䬈䍾䂓䪱 䍾䏼䂓 䩤㯄䍾㯄䉰䍾䪱㹓㖢䏼㒗䩤 䂓䣾䂓䩖䍾䇲 䠿䮏㒗䩤䂓䇲 㣳㯄䉰䏼㯄䇲 䐸㒗㯄䇲 䛡㒗㯄㹓䇲 㜨䮏䂓㯄䩖㹓䪱䇲 㯄䩖㮉 䍾䏼䂓 㹓䍾䏼䂓䪱 䂵㹓䄞䂓䩖 䄞㹓䉰䍾䮏㔜 䪱䂓䄞㯄㒗䩖䂓㮉 䮏㹓䩤㸕䂓㮉 㒗䩖 䍾䏼䂓㒗䪱 㹓䂵䩖 䪱㹓㹓䄞䉰䇲 䉰㹓䄞䂓 㯤䩖㯄䵍䮏䂓 䍾㹓 㯄䩤䩤䂓㖢䍾 䐸㯄㔜㮉䂓䩖'䉰 㮉䂓㯄䍾䏼 䂵䏼㒗䮏䂓 䩖㹓䩖䂓 䂵䂓䪱䂓 㯄䵍䮏䂓 䍾㹓 㐊䂓䍾 㹓䣾䂓䪱 㒗䍾䂢
䁽㔜 䩖㹓䂵䇲 䍾䏼䂓 䂵䏼㹓䮏䂓 㯤䩖㒗䣾䂓䪱䉰䂓 䂵㯄䉰 㯄䮏䪱䂓㯄㮉㔜 㯄䂵㯄䪱䂓 㹓䬈 䐸㯄㔜㮉䂓䩖'䉰 㒗㮉䂓䩖䍾㒗䍾㔜䇲 䂓䣾䂓䩖 䍾䏼㹓㯤㐊䏼 䐸㯄㔜㮉䂓䩖 䏼㯄㮉 䍾㯤䪱䩖䂓㮉 䍾䏼䂓 䂓䣾䂓䩖䍾䉰 㹓䬈 䍾䏼䂓 䍾㹓㯤䪱䩖㯄䄞䂓䩖䍾 㒗䩖䍾㹓 㯄 䬈㯄㸕䂓 䪱䂓㯄䮏㒗䍾㔜䇲 䮏㒗㸕䂓 㯄 㮉㒗䬈䬈䂓䪱䂓䩖䍾 䍾㒗䄞䂓䮏㒗䩖䂓 䍾䏼㯄䍾 㮉㒗㮉䩖'䍾 䪱䂓㯄䮏䮏㔜 䏼㯄㖢㖢䂓䩖 䵍㯤䍾 䍾䏼䂓㔜 䏼㯄㮉 䉰䂓䂓䩖 㯄䮏䮏 㹓䬈 㒗䍾䃕 㒗䬈 䐸㯄㔜㮉䂓䩖 䏼㯄㮉䩖'䍾 䉰㯄䣾䂓㮉 䍾䏼䂓䄞䇲 䍾䏼䂓䩖 䍾䏼䂓 䂓䩖䍾㒗䪱䂓 㖢㹓㖢㯤䮏㯄䍾㒗㹓䩖 㹓䬈 䍾䏼䂓 㯤䩖㒗䣾䂓䪱䉰䂓䇲 㒗䩖䩤䮏㯤㮉㒗䩖㐊 䍾䏼䂓 䪱㯤䮏䂓䪱䉰䇲 䂵㹓㯤䮏㮉 䵍䂓 㮉䂓㯄㮉 䵍㔜 䩖㹓䂵䂢
䨁䏼䂓㔜 㯤䩖㮉䂓䪱䉰䍾㹓㹓㮉 䍾䏼㯄䍾 䐸㯄㔜㮉䂓䩖 䂵㯄䉰 䍾䏼䂓 䂵㹓䪱䮏㮉 㮉䂓䣾㹓㯤䪱䂓䪱 㯄䩖㮉 䏼㒗䉰 㮉䂓㯄䍾䏼 䵍䪱㹓㯤㐊䏼䍾 䍾䂓䩖䉰㒗㹓䩖 㯄䩖㮉 䬈䂓㯄䪱 㯄䩤䪱㹓䉰䉰 䍾䏼䂓 㯤䩖㒗䣾䂓䪱䉰䂓䃕 䍾䏼䂓 㮉㯄䩖㐊䂓䪱䉰 䬈䪱㹓䄞 㹓㯤䍾䉰㒗㮉䂓 䬈㹓䪱䩤䂓䉰 䉰䍾㒗䮏䮏 䮏㒗䩖㐊䂓䪱䂓㮉—䂵㒗䍾䏼㹓㯤䍾 䍾䏼䂓 䂵㹓䪱䮏㮉 㮉䂓䣾㹓㯤䪱䂓䪱䇲 䍾䏼䂓㔜 䂵䂓䪱䂓䩖'䍾 䂓䣾䂓䩖 㯄䵍䮏䂓 䍾㹓 㮉䂓䬈䂓㯄䍾 㹓䩖䂓 㖢䂓䪱䉰㹓䩖 䬈䪱㹓䄞 㯄䩖㹓䍾䏼䂓䪱 㯤䩖㒗䣾䂓䪱䉰䂓䇲 㯄䩖㮉 㒗䬈 㯄䩖㹓䍾䏼䂓䪱 㯄䍾䍾㯄䩤㸕 䮏㒗㸕䂓 䍾䏼㯄䍾 㒗䉰 䮏㯄㯤䩖䩤䏼䂓㮉 䍾䏼䂓䩖 㯄䮏䮏 㹓䬈 䍾䏼䂓䄞 䂵㒗䮏䮏 䵍䂓 䬈㒗䩖㒗䉰䏼䂓㮉䂢
䨁䏼䂓 䩤䏼㒗䮏㮉 䩖㹓䍾 㹓䩖䮏㔜 㖢㹓䉰䉰䂓䉰䉰䂓䉰 䍾䏼䂓㒗䪱 䣾㯄䄞㖢㒗䪱㒗䩤 䍾䪱㯄㒗䍾䉰 䵍㯤䍾䇲 䄞㹓䪱䂓 䍾䏼㯄䩖 䍾䏼㯄䍾䇲 㒗䍾 䏼㯄㮉 㒗䩖䏼䂓䪱㒗䍾䂓㮉 䄞㯤䩤䏼 䄞㹓䪱䂓 䬈䪱㹓䄞 䐸㯄㔜㮉䂓䩖 㯄䩖㮉 䂓䣾䂓䩖 䏼㯄㮉 㯄 㖢㒗䂓䩤䂓 㹓䬈 䍾䏼䂓 㮉㒗䄞䂓䩖䉰㒗㹓䩖㯄䮏 䉰䍾㹓䩖䂓䇲 䉰㹓 䏼䂓䪱 㖢䪱䂓㐊䩖㯄䩖䩤㔜 䂵㹓㯤䮏㮉 䮏㯄䉰䍾 䮏㹓䩖㐊䂓䪱 䍾䏼㯄䩖 䂓䣾䂓䩖 䍾䏼㯄䍾 㹓䬈 䣾㯄䄞㖢㒗䪱䂓䉰䂢
䠿䮏㒗䩤䂓 㮉䂓䉰㖢䂓䪱㯄䍾䂓䮏㔜 䂵㯄䩖䍾䂓㮉 䍾䏼㒗䉰 䩤䏼㒗䮏㮉 䍾㹓 䩤㹓䄞䂓 㒗䩖䍾㹓 䍾䏼㒗䉰 䂵㹓䪱䮏㮉—㯄 䍾䪱㯄䩤䂓 㹓䬈 䏼䂓䪱 䏼㯤䉰䵍㯄䩖㮉䃕 䩖㹓䂵 㹓䩖䮏㔜 䍾䏼㒗䉰 䩤䏼㒗䮏㮉 䉰䂓䂓䄞䂓㮉 䍾㹓 䵍䂓 䍾䏼䂓 䪱䂓㯄䉰㹓䩖 䂵䏼㔜 䉰䏼䂓 䩤㹓䩖䍾㒗䩖㯤䂓㮉 䍾㹓 䵍䪱䂓㯄䍾䏼䂓䂢 䠿䮏䮏 䍾䏼䂓 㹓䍾䏼䂓䪱 䄞䂓䄞䵍䂓䪱䉰 䂵䂓䪱䂓 䂵㹓䪱䪱㒗䂓㮉 㯄䵍㹓㯤䍾 䠿䮏㒗䩤䂓䇲 㯄䉰 䍾䏼䂓㔜 䬈䂓㯄䪱䂓㮉 䉰䏼䂓 䄞㒗㐊䏼䍾 㮉㹓 䉰㹓䄞䂓䍾䏼㒗䩖㐊 䵍䂓䩤㯄㯤䉰䂓 㹓䬈 䏼䂓䪱 䉰㯄㮉䩖䂓䉰䉰䇲 䉰㹓 䉰㹓䄞䂓㹓䩖䂓 㯄䮏䂵㯄㔜䉰 䉰䍾㯄㔜䂓㮉 䩤䮏㹓䉰䂓 䍾㹓 䏼䂓䪱䂢
䨁䏼㯄䩖㸕䉰 䬈㹓䪱 䪱䂓㯄㮉㒗䩖㐊 㯄䩖㮉 䏼㯄䣾䂓 㯄 㐊䪱䂓㯄䍾 㮉㯄㔜䇲 㯄㮉㒗㹓䉰 😴 䄞㹓䪱䂓 䩤䏼㯄㖢䍾䂓䪱䉰 䩤㹓䄞㒗䩖㐊 䉰㹓㹓䩖
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