Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 99 — Lazy day (2/2)

Chapter 99 — Lazy day (2/2)


While Aster was away practicing magic in the corner, quietly giggling to himself and mumbling all the ideas he had, Silvia was also experimenting with her ice magic... but in a somewhat different way than usual. She did so the entire morning, pretending to be asleep as her little brother and mother did their thing together.

The last few days were rather frustrating for the young girl. While Aster had his mother's fingers to ease his aching boy parts, she had no idea how to deal with hers. It got to a point where she couldn't think about anything else but that itch between her thighs. Dreams were filled with images of her little brother's penis—how it looked, how it felt against her tongue, all the throbbing, how his foreskin moved... everything. To make things worse, everything was wet down there and dripped ALL THE TIME.

Her poor pussy was getting all swollen and sore from all the rubbing she did to make that annoying itch go away. But nothing seemed to work! So, this is why she did what she did—a little bit of innocent ice magic practice.

"Show me," Nivalis demanded quietly enough that Aster wouldn't hear. She lifted her hand, expecting Silvia to reveal what she was hiding between her pale, trembling thighs. "Now," the woman added firmly, her fingers motioning for her daughter to hurry up.

— "B-but... I didn't do anything, I swear..." Silvia began saying but stopped when her eyes met her mother's blue, piercing stare. They were both sitting on their knees facing each other, naked. For a long minute, they simply stared at each other in total silence, the only sounds being Aster's giggles and mumbles from his magic practice. And, of course, Silvia's heart was beating like a war drum. The day of judgment had finally come.

"Sweetie," Nivalis whispered after a long exhale, her stern expression softening ever so slightly. "Just... show me. I saw it." She lifted her fingers again, motioning for her daughter to do as told.

The young girl knew better than to keep resisting at that point. Biting her lower lip, she reluctantly opened her smooth legs, revealing a glistening, slick icicle between her hairless pussy lips. It had the exact length, girth, and shape of her brother's penis, all shiny and covered in her wetness.

Veins were carved into its surface, among other small details that made it look almost too real. Even two tiny, cute testicles were added to its base, identical to the real ones. "I'm sorry, Mom. I know you don't like me doing anything weird like this, but please..." Silvia mumbled in shame, feeling her face burning bright red.

Nivalis knew how mischievous her daughter could be at times and was ready for anything she might see... yet still, the sight of an icy replica of her little boy's most private parts took her by surprise. She blinked a few times, unable to say anything in response as her eyes struggled to comprehend what exactly they were looking at. For another long moment, the silence continued as Nivalis struggled for words, fixed on the phallus between those pink pussy lips.

Silvia wasn't sure what to do, so she just handed it over to her mother, who still had a palm open. "My... princess parts..." she mumbled almost inaudibly, failing to find the courage within herself to look anywhere but at the floor. Her long silver hair waved down her bare shoulders and back, reaching past her waist. "They itch a lot, and this... it's just... I was thinking ice could help with it?" she whispered meekly.

"Uh-huh..." Nivalis replied quietly, holding onto her son's icy penis. It looked quite realistic. The little tip, veins... everything about it seemed perfect to the last detail. Except the real thing was quite burning to the touch, this one was cold. "But why does it look like your brother's boy parts, again?" she asked after another long moment of silence, blue eyes finally looking up from the icicle and instead staring at Silvia, expression blank and unreadable.

— "Well... mistakes were made. I was... uh... just wanted to make a normal icicle, you see. One thing after another, and somehow it ended like this. A-and, well," the girl mumbled quietly, fidgeting nervously with her fingers. She knew how silly that sounded but couldn't come up with anything else.

The silence continued as her mother stared at her for what felt like an eternity, neither saying anything nor moving a muscle. It felt like a battle of wills. The girl's lips were tightly pressed together while she waited for some sort of reaction or response. 'I'm so screwed...' she thought to herself; both heard how much her heart was pounding inside her petite body.

— "I know that this looks bad, okay? But—" Silvia began saying, only for her mother to interrupt her by raising her hand in front of herself, the other still holding onto that ice penis, fingers clenched tightly around its shaft. It began melting a little, water dripping onto the bed. Without Silvia's mana constantly flowing into it, nothing was preventing it from melting.

"Have you put it inside?" Nivalis asked in a quiet, nearly emotionless tone. She slowly turned her head to glance at Aster, who was still busy mumbling in the corner, the fire dancing wildly in his hands as he experimented with it. Whatever he was doing, he seemed to be making some progress. She watched him for only a moment before looking back at her daughter. "Well?"

Silvia kept shaking her head furiously, silver hair waving from side to side. "N-no! I... I just rubbed myself with it... nothing more. I swear!" she replied, eyes wide and sincere. A few seconds later, she added, in a quiet voice that even Nivalis couldn't hear, "It's too big for me..."

Nivalis didn't say anything else in return. She simply sighed quietly and looked back at the icy shaft in her palm, inspecting it closely once more while her daughter was on the verge of tears. The silence was deafening.

The girl was about to say something, make another silly excuse, but stopped herself when she noticed her mother's soft fingers slowly wrapping around the base of that penis icicle, giving it a little tug. Just like she did with Aster's real one, much to her confusion. Silvia then glanced down at her mom, noticing the familiar wetness between those just as pale thighs.

"C-can you make one for me?" Nivalis suddenly asked in a hushed voice, sounding almost desperate. Her cheeks were burning red, matching her daughter's, as if they had caught on fire. "Wait... forget it. Just... pretend I haven't said a word," she quickly added while putting a hand on her face, realizing what she had just asked. A sigh escaped her lips as she gently rubbed her forehead.

Silvia blinked twice, unsure whether she had heard her mother right. "Is it itching for you as well?" she asked hesitantly, eyes locked on her mother's slit, completely hairless and just as pink, peeking from between her legs.

Nivalis nodded weakly after a moment, avoiding eye contact with her daughter. "Yeah," she replied with a quiet exhale. "Not sure why it happens... I thought at first there must be something wrong with me, but if it happens to you too... there must be something wrong with this place, or maybe the air or food... I have no idea," Nivalis whispered, looking down at her legs, adding an even quieter, "No wonder why your brother became so... active."

— "I feel it too, and it has been getting worse every day. It was bearable at first, but not anymore..." Silvia replied in a matching tone, gossiping with her mother like two young girls. Her voice was barely audible as she continued, "It gets so wet down there... all the time. Right?"

Her mother nodded again in response, looking at her daughter with an understanding gaze. "Does it help? This thing?" Nivalis asked after an awkward pause, lifting the icy shaft; it looked just like her baby boy's real one.

— "A little, yes. I think so, yeah," Silvia replied, still playing with her fingers nervously. She glanced at Aster every few seconds to ensure he wasn't watching them, and each time, she saw that his back was turned to them as he did his magic stuff. 'Must be he figured out something important,' she thought before turning her gaze back to Nivalis. "So... am I in trouble for playing with it? I know it sounds weird, but it feels much better if... it looks like him when I rub it. Don't know why," she mumbled out, feeling ashamed of herself.

Nivalis closed her eyes for a moment, furrowing her brows as she tried to process what Silvia just said. The icicle kept dripping water onto the blanket below her. "This isn't good. You shouldn't have done this," she finally answered, glancing at the girl. "But... you're not in trouble. The way I'm helping your brother is not much better, to be honest. We are all just... trying to survive. Alright?"

Silvia gave an awkward smile as Nivalis spoke. A small, uncomfortable silence settled between them for a moment before she replied by whispering with a shy, "Soo, do you want me to make one for you then...? It really helps down there." Her eyes flickered down at the melting penis in her mother's hand.

"I-I..." Nivalis stammered slightly, unsure how to respond. It was so incredibly stupid and embarrassing, but it felt like it might be the only way she could find some relief from this burning itch between her legs. "Suppose? If that's okay with you, sweetie," she finally mumbled back, finding it hard to believe her own words.

It took another heartbeat, or two before their gazes finally met. The girls gave each other a silent, understanding nod that said more than words ever could hope to convey. Both a promise that this was just between them and a mutual acceptance of how weird and messed up their situation truly was. A small smile tugged at Silvia's lips as she reached forward to take back the melting penis.

— "Maybe just use mine? It's much easier to restore than making an entirely new one. No need to waste mana," the girl whispered to her mother before focusing on the mana inside her chest and feeling it flow down to her right hand, filling the icy toy with cold. It stopped melting the very next second, slowly returning to its former glory. "There," she mumbled, handing a ready-to-use shaft to her mother.

Nivalis felt her heart skip a beat at those words; the realization that she was about to rub herself with something that had been touching her daughter's private parts just moments ago made her face flush even more. But she was so desperate to feel something between her legs that it barely bothered her anymore, if at all. She licked her dry lips and reached for it, the cold surface of that penis touching her palm.

It was just so... perfect—every little vein, every detail, exactly like his. An odd mix of anticipation and anxiety bubbled up inside Nivalis; she desperately wanted to feel its coldness down there, but at the same time, she knew it wasn't a good idea. A terrible one, for sure.

But then she remembered how she kissed her son before without even thinking about it. And if something weren't done quickly... she would do things to her precious boy—unforgivable things.

"Get behind me and... do the thing I did, alright? It should help," Silvia's soft voice snapped Nivalis out of her thoughts. "I'll block the view for you and give a heads up if he's coming back." The girl turned around to face Aster instead. Her buttcheeks pressed against her feet as she sat there on her knees, leaving Nivalis staring at her petite back. "You can start. Let me know if it starts melting again," she added, giving a little wink.

"Thank you... sweetie," Nivalis mumbled, taking a sharp breath. Slowly and hesitantly, she put the shaft on the ground before her and crawled over it, feeling the freezing tip touch her wet folds. "Mm..." she hummed as her eyes rolled back into her skull. A single touch made her shiver lightly, and not because of the cold.

— "It's nice, isn't it?" Silvia asked with a quiet giggle, feeling Nivalis grabbing onto her shoulders for support.

"It... is," the woman replied in a whisper as she began moving her hips back and forward, letting out a soft gasp every time her son's penis brushed against her clit. Her breasts moved up and down with each motion, rubbing against the girl's back.

Silvia listened to her mother's quiet moans and watched Aster still doing his thing. Fire danced around him like a butterfly, sometimes brightening the entire cave and sometimes only glowing weakly. Minutes passed by as the sounds of wetness became louder and more frequent, Nivalis' hips rocking back and forth at a steady pace.

It was super awkward, sitting like this and feeling her mother's movements against her back. But the girl said nothing, happy that her special secret ice-magic technique helped soothe the pain. 'Damn, I'm smart. I should become an inventor! Surely no one has ever thought of making fake boy parts to rub their lady bits with,' she thought proudly, her flat chest puffing up slightly.

"Almost... there," Nivalis whispered, muffling her moans by pressing her mouth against her daughter's naked shoulder. Her grip tightened around the girl when she started grinding faster and harder on that shaft below her, its coldness numbing her sensitive flesh, making it tingle weirdly. For a brief moment, she forgot herself in all those sensations, not noticing how that little head slipped inside her. Just a tip of it, for a split second. But it was enough to send shockwaves throughout her body, her back arching involuntarily. Words "my sweet boy..." escaped her lips.

Silvia felt every single one of those movements, her mother's soft breasts against her back moving up and down rapidly, her breath hot against her skin. She wanted to say something and ask if everything was okay, but the words wouldn't come out. And the 'being close' thing? Confusion was written on her youthful face as she was unsure what it meant.

Then she got even more confused when Nivalis suddenly started shaking violently behind her. The woman wrapped her arms around her daughter's tiny waist tightly, holding onto her as if for dear life. "Are you okay? What was that?" the girl whispered, feeling a bit scared and worried now. It did sound like she was in pain, but not quite. It was strange.

"I-I..." Nivalis tried to answer but couldn't finish the sentence as another wave of pleasure washed over her body, making her tremble and quiver like a leaf in the wind. She could barely keep herself upright as her pussy clenched repeatedly, desperate for that icy shaft to penetrate her all the way down, feel those testicles slap against her. Her head spun wildly as she gasped for breath, struggling to find the right words. "I'm... okay," was all she managed to say.

— "Is everything okay? Are you hurt?" Silvia repeated, feeling an incredibly strong heartbeat against her back, so much that it seemed like it would jump out any moment now. Nivalis didn't reply; instead, she simply rested against Silvia's shoulder while panting quietly. "Mom?" the girl asked again, turning her head to see her mother's red cheeks and closed eyes. Her mouth was slightly open as she struggled to breathe.

"I-I'm fine, honey..." Nivalis whispered back slowly after a few long moments. "I just... umm... it felt really good," she added hesitantly before opening her eyes and looking up at Silvia. Blushing only intensified as she realized what she had just confessed to—enjoyed her son's penis. And yet, the pleasure that coursed through her veins was so intense that it was impossible to lie.

— "It felt good? I don't understand," Silvia asked, still quite confused. Yeah, it was definitely nice rubbing down there. There is no doubt about that. But not THIS good. "What happened just now? In the end?"

The mother hesitantly lifted herself off the shaft, leaving it glistening with her slick juices, quite melted as well. She sat back, legs open to either side, giving the girl a perfect view of her swollen pussy. "It's..." Nivalis whispered while her entrance clenched rhythmically. "...an orgasm. I think so, at least," she finished quietly, finally looking into Silvia's golden eyes and noticing her staring at her private parts.

Still looking at her mother's pink folds, the girl asked softly, "What's that?"

"Similar to what Aster experiences when he feels really good down there. Right before he goes soft, remember?" she replied quietly, trying to compose herself. Her legs felt numb, so she used her hands to close them, covering herself. "Sorry, sweetie... I didn't expect it to feel so... intense," Nivalis added while putting a hand on her face, hiding her embarrassment behind it.

Silvia shifted her golden gaze up now that her mother's swollen pussy was out of sight. "But I never had it..." the girl whispered shyly, biting her lower lip. "I didn't know girls can have it, too. I tried with my fingers first, then... well, this ice thing." She spread her pale thighs a bit wider, revealing her needy, hairless slit peeking from between them. It glistened from all the wetness, pink and delicate, almost identical to her mother's, only much smaller. "Did it hurt?" she asked quietly.

Scratching the back of her head, Nivalis tried finding the right words without sounding like she enjoyed every second of it. "It felt... good?" A soft blush appeared on her long, elven ears as she added, "It's... umm... different for every girl. When I was younger, I also tried doing things down there, but it never worked. I'm not sure why it was like that and why it's different this time," she said, glancing down at her daughter's crotch for a moment before looking back up at those golden eyes. "I guess you got it from me."

— "I see..." Silvia muttered quietly, taking a moment to digest what Nivalis just said. Then, after giving a small nod, she whispered hesitantly, "Let me try. Maybe I can feel it too," reaching for her brother's icy shaft. She immediately began pouring mana into it again, returning the size and shape she knew all too well.

"Alright, let's switch places then," Nivalis replied, shuffling around on her wobbly knees until she was in front of the girl, blocking the view from Aster. She gave Silvia an encouraging smile, trying to hide all the shame she was feeling. "You can start," the woman whispered as soon as the toy was fully restored, save for all the slick juices covering it. "Just... be gentle, alright? And make sure not to put it inside. No one will marry you if you do," she reminded in a hushed tone.

Silvia nodded slowly and took a deep breath before moving over to straddle that cold tip. She held her balance with one hand on her mother's shoulder as she pressed down gently, feeling how its hard surface kissed her delicate princess parts, making her gasp quietly. "Mhm... mmm..." the girl moaned softly while rubbing it back and forth between those soft, pink lips, enjoying how slick it was; her mother's juices mixed with her own with each movement.

It didn't take long for Silvia's breathing to quicken as she started grinding against that icy shaft harder and faster, moaning softly from time to time whenever its tip rubbed just right against her swollen clit. The squelching noises seemed so loud in this otherwise quiet cave, making her feel quite embarrassed with how wet her little pussy was. 'Please don't hear it,' she hoped silently while closing her eyes and focusing solely on those cold yet wonderful feelings between her legs.

It was weird doing something like this with her mother so close, even more so having her approval. It just wasn't supposed to happen—like, ever. But a big part of her liked that her mom was there, supporting her through all this... survival stuff.

Minutes passed as Nivalis patiently waited for her girl to finish while hearing all kinds of noises coming from behind. However, as more time went on, nothing special happened. Silvia seemed only to get more desperate for that icy release, her moans a bit louder, her breathing uneven. But it wasn't the excited kind, more like the tired one. "How... how is it going?" she asked quietly, getting a bit worried about her.

Silvia just groaned quietly, slowing her movements a little before coming to a complete stop and letting out a disappointed sigh. "I don't know what I'm doing wrong, Mom," she muttered weakly while pressing her forehead against Nivalis' back. At some point, it felt good, but the longer she went at it, the more numb everything got down there.

Pulling herself off that icy shaft with juices connecting her slit with it for a moment before breaking apart, the girl sat back on the bed, her legs trembling slightly from the strain. "You looked like it was really amazing, but... I feel nothing," she complained quietly while staring at her crotch. "And now it's all numb..."

Nivalis turned around and looked over the girl, noticing how frustrated she looked. Her pussy was so swollen from all that rubbing, clear liquid flowing out of it onto the blanket below, right where Aster had slept. "I see..." Nivalis mumbled softly, unsure what to do or say. She felt her daughter's eyes locked with hers as if expecting some magical solution to her problem.

There was one, but Nivalis didn't want to even consider it. But if she does nothing, who knows what her girl could do, what crazy idea she could get. It was either help her or face the consequences later... which were more terrifying than anything else in this world. She didn't want to find herself one day wondering why her sweet daughter's belly was going round and full. Nope. Nope. Hell no.

Sighing, Nivalis patted her lap gently, getting into a more comfortable position on the ground. "Alright, honey... come here," she whispered with as much kindness as she could muster.

The young girl obediently crawled closer to her mother, sitting down with her legs to the side, soft butt pressing against equally soft thighs. "What is it, Mom?" she asked curiously while looking up into her blue, gentle eyes.

Nivalis took a moment to gather her thoughts and build enough courage for what was about to follow. "Okay, sweetie... I will help you like I help your brother, okay? " she murmured gently, her right hand beginning to move along Silvia's legs, feeling the girl shiver lightly at her touch.

— "Help me? You mean... with your fingers?" the girl whispered, casting a careful glance down at her mother's hand as it slid across her thighs. "I tried that already."

"Well... let me try," Nivalis said with a faint smile, her hand stopping just shy of her daughter's hairless pussy, palm resting against her hip now. She wrapped her left arm around the girl and pulled her close into a warm hug while asking in a whisper, "Are you okay with it?"

Silvia bit her lip for a second before giving Nivalis a small nod. She glanced over her shoulder, ensuring Aster was still doing his own thing, not paying attention to their mother-daughter thingy. She could hear him muttering in a half-whisper to the fire, "IT'S ALIVE! IT'S AL-I-IVE!" which was quite funny to watch, but Silvia chose to turn back instead. "Okay..." the girl whispered hesitantly, nodding slowly at her mom, golden irises darting between those blue ones.

Nivalis smiled warmly at her sweet girl, her hand resuming its journey down along smooth thighs and inched closer towards those glistening folds. "If it starts hurting or you're not feeling comfortable with me doing it anymore... or anything bothers you at all," she whispered, brushing aside a strand of Silvia's silver hair from her face. "Tell me. No matter what it is. Promise me that you will say something if you need to stop." Her face was serious as she looked deep into the girl's eyes. "You're my little girl and always will be. I don't want to do anything to hurt or embarrass you."

— "I promise, Mom," Silvia muttered in reply, swallowing audibly. Anticipation and excitement made her sweat a little, even though it was quite chilly in their little cave. It felt just like one of Aster's nightly sessions.

Nivalis kept looking into her eyes for another second before giving the girl's forehead a gentle kiss and taking a deep breath herself. "Keep an eye on your brother from time to time. Let me know if he comes back," she said as her hand massaged her pelvis, the area right above her baby-making parts, smooth like silk and warm to the touch.

Silvia nodded, then leaned further back to see what Aster was doing, his naked body illuminated by the fire dancing around him, casting long shadows on the rough walls. Meanwhile, her mother's hand slowly slid closer and closer to that swollen pussy of hers.

Her breathing became uneven and heavy the moment Nivalis' finger finally touched those delicate folds, parting them gently with just a tip of her finger, feeling her heartbeat through the soft skin there. The girl's body stiffened up under the woman's touch, toes curling cutely against the bedsheet below, thighs pressed tightly together. "Is it okay?" Nivalis asked quietly while looking up at her daughter's embarrassed face.

— "It is, yeah... Just feels weird, but... pleasant," Silvia replied after a second. She was staring to her side, still watching her little brother, not daring to turn and meet her mother's gaze.

"Alright..." Nivalis whispered before beginning to slowly move her finger along the girl's slit, up and down in a rhythmic motion, parting those hairless folds with every stroke. A quiet squelching noise accompanied every movement of her fingers, the girl's thighs quivering whenever she passed over that overly sensitive, tiny clit.

Silvia felt how shamefully slick she was down there. More and more clear liquid covered her mother's finger as it moved up and down, touching her most intimate place. The sensation was so different compared to when she used either her fingers or the icy penis—warmer, gentler... and just so much better. "Mmm... mmh..." Soft moans began escaping her lips as Nivalis kept doing her magic.

No more than twenty seconds later, Silvia's body suddenly tensed up against her mother's finger, that hairless pussy twitching uncontrollably, legs moving all on their own. She let out a cute whimper while biting down on her lower lip to muffle herself, golden eyes rolling back into her skull.

Wave after wave of pleasure washed over the girl's petite body, making her see stars behind her eyelids. "Mom... M-mommy..." she whispered breathlessly, experiencing her very first orgasm in the arms of the one person she trusted the most. It was better than she could even imagine. She wanted to scream at the top of her lungs but managed to hold back, letting out only a tiny, high-pitched whine. Her small hands grabbed Nivalis' wrist tightly, holding on for dear life as if it would stop her from floating up to the ceiling and flying away.

Nivalis smiled warmly as she watched her daughter tremble, feeling how that little clit under her fingertip throbbed and pulsated erratically. "Well, that was quick. I wish your brother were this easy to deal with," she said with a faint chuckle before leaning in to kiss Silvia on her cheek, even though the girl had her face all scrunched up and eyes closed. "Are you alright?" she whispered quietly.

— "Y-yeah... what... what just happened?" Silvia managed to ask after a few moments of just breathing and enjoying those new sensations, her feet brushing against each other cutely. "It felt so... mmm..."

Before Nivalis could answer, Aster's excited voice broke through the silence like thunder, startling both girls so much that they almost jumped out of their skins, their hearts racing from sudden panic. "Mom, Silvia! Look!" he exclaimed, pointing at the small flame before him, which was no different than any other he had made before. The only difference was how Aster stared at it, proudly so, with a big, toothy smile across his face, giggles escaping his mouth every few moments. "Wait, why are you two so flushed? Did I miss something?" he asked innocently.

"N-nothing, just girl stuff. Don't worry about it," Silvia replied quickly, clearing her throat. Her petite body was still shivering from time to time, pussy throbbing and tingling, her mind in a fog. But her face? The most casual of all expressions she ever had. "Show me what you got. What's so different about it?" she whispered as she stood on wobbly knees and shuffled toward him. It was an awkward sight, her legs wobbly from her orgasm.

The girl glanced behind at her mother, giving a small, thankful nod before looking back at Aster with an encouraging smile. Nivalis nodded back, all while wiping her finger clean on the blanket. Right where Aster preferred to sleep.

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