Evil MC's NTR Harem

Chapter 522: Chapter 522 Escape

Chapter 522: Chapter 522 Escape

In one fluid motion, he guided her hips down, aligning their bodies perfectly. 

"Ahhhhhh…" Diane gasped as she felt him push past her hymen, her body tensing for a brief moment of pain before she relaxed into his embrace. 

The sensation was overwhelming, a mix of pleasure and a sharp, unfamiliar ache that made her cling to him tighter.

"Ross!" she cried out, her voice a mixture of surprise and exhilaration. 

Her nails dug into his shoulders as she adjusted to the feeling of being so full down there, her breath coming in short, uneven bursts.

Ross held her close, his hands gripping her hips as he began to move. 

His strokes were slow at first, allowing her to acclimate, but soon they grew deeper, more urgent. 

Diane's body responded instinctively, her hips rocking in rhythm with his. 



"Ughhhhh…" The room was filled with the sound of their shared breaths, the rustle of sheets, and the occasional gasp or moan that escaped their lips.

Diane's mind was a whirlwind of sensations. 

She had never felt so connected to someone, so completely consumed by the moment. 

Her hands roamed over Ross's chest, feeling the muscles tense and relax with each movement. 

She could feel the heat building between them, a fire that threatened to consume them both.

Ross, too, was lost in the experience. 

Diane's responsiveness, the way her body moved with his, drove him to push harder, faster. 

His hands slid up to her waist, holding her steady as he thrust into her, each movement drawing them closer to the edge. 

Diane's head fell back, her hair cascading down her shoulders as she moaned his name, her voice a melody that spurred him on.

The moonlight seemed to dance across their bodies, highlighting the sheen of sweat that had begun to form on their skin. 

Diane's movements became more erratic, her breaths coming in short, desperate gasps. 

Ross could feel her tightening around him, her body signaling that she was close. 

With a groan, he increased his pace, his own release building rapidly.

"Diane," he growled, his voice rough with need. 

"I'm not going to last much longer. You feel so tight and good around me. I want you to come for me, Diane." 

"Yes! Don't stop," she pleaded, her voice barely above a whisper. "Please, Ross… don't stop."

Her words were all the encouragement he needed. 

With a final, powerful thrust upwards, they both tumbled over the edge, their cries of pleasure echoing through the room. 

Diane collapsed onto Ross's chest, her body trembling as waves of ecstasy washed over her. 

Ross held her tightly, his own body shuddering with the intensity of his release.

For a long moment, they lay there, their hearts pounding in unison, their breaths slowly returning to normal. 

Diane nestled her head against Ross's chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. 

She felt a sense of contentment she had never known before, a feeling of completeness that filled her with joy.

Ross brushed a strand of hair from her face, his touch gentle. 

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice soft with concern.

Diane nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. 

"More than okay," she replied. 

"I've never felt like this before, Ross. I… I love you."

Ross's heart swelled at her words. He pressed a kiss to her forehead, his arms tightening around her. 

"I love you too, Diane. And I meant what I said earlier. You're mine now, and I'll always take care of you."

As they lay there, wrapped in each other's arms, the world outside seemed to fade away. 

For the first time in her life, Diane felt truly at peace, knowing that she had found the person she was meant to be with. 

And as Ross held her close, he knew that he would do whatever it took to keep her safe, to make her happy, and to honor the promise he had made.

But this calm and peace only lasted for less than three minutes. 

Ross of course was not satisfied with one explosion between them. 

He wanted many more and he wanted to get it now. 

"We still have time to burn, Diane." Ross grinned and then changed positions. 

She laid Diane down and spread her legs and he saw that she was bleeding down there but he was not alarmed also. 

He knew that this was the sign of her purity and so he was also happy to be Diane's first man. 

He liked it well and pushed slowly. It was already a nice picture to see a tight beautiful pussy go wide lewdly and be stretched so good around his big dick. 

The image burned in Ross mind and it made him even more harder. 

"Ohhhhhh…" Diane moaned sweetly as the cock hit towards the end and after that, the world became violent for Diane. 



"Bang!" The bed rocked with their intense lovemaking and this was only the beginning for the two of them.

Ross pulled out of her tight pussy, admiring the way it gaped open for him. 

He flipped her over onto her stomach, spreading her cheeks apart to reveal her tight little asshole. 

"I'm going to fuck you here next," he growled, pressing his cock against her pink delicous pussy. 

"No, not there yet Ross. I'm not ready. Maybe next time." She begged. 

"Okay." Ross agreed. He then went back to focus on Diane's lovely cunt once again. 

Diane whimpered in anticipation, feeling his thick shaft stretching her open inch by inch. 

It hurt at first as with every entry, but soon she was moaning in pleasure as he pounded into her cunt with abandon.

Ross reached around to play with her clit as he fucked her, bringing her to a shuddering orgasm that left her gasping for breath.

He wasn't done yet though - not by a long shot. 

He pulled out of her sweet cunt and flipped her back over onto her back, sliding his cock back into her pussy once more. This time he raised one of her legs and slammed into her with great force. 


They fucked like animals until they were both spent, collapsing onto the bed in a sweaty heap.

"I think I'm going to like having you around," Ross said with a satisfied grin.

Diane just smiled up at him, knowing that this was only the beginning of their wild adventures together.

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䖇㼄 䖎㐧㼄䱫 㕆㧂 䖇㦇䖇䑳

㧂䧙䟦㼄㦑 㧂㰸㣤䖇㧂㦇䖇 㻵䂊䖇 㬋㧂㦇 䖎㦇㧂㐧 䂊㐧䑳㐧㧂䧙㧂㬍㬍㬋㣤䧙㧂䑳㦑㬋㬋䱫㰸㐧㬍㦑㧂㢮㬍㰸㧂䑳䳎㧂㦇㧂㐧䖇㬍 㮟䱫㦑䱫㬋㬍㦇䟦㬍㧂㦑 㦇㦑㬍'䖎䑳䖇㐧㬍䧙㡨㐧㧂㐧㧂㼄㦑䱫䧙㮟䱫㬋㼄㬍䖎

"䮱䖇䑳㣤㮟" 㦇㧂 㬍䑳㦑䱫 㬍㦑䠊㰸㤴㣤㮟 㦇㦑㬍 䱫㧂㧂㰸㮟 䧙㼄䠊䠊䑳㐧䱫㦑㐧䋜 䖇㼄㐧㧂 㻵㬋㼄㼄䳎㦑㐧䋜 㐧㼄 䑳㬋䋜䂊䠊㧂㐧䖇㢮

"㙮㦇㧂㣤'㬋㧂 䋜㼄㦑㐧䋜 䖇㼄 㡨㦑㐧䱫 㼄䂊䖇 㬍㼄㼄㐧㧂㬋 㼄㬋 㤴䑳䖇㧂㬋㮟 㬍㼄 䖎㧂 䠊㦑䋜㦇䖇 䑳㬍 䖎㧂㤴㤴 㤴㧂䖇 䖇㦇㧂䠊 䳎㐧㼄䖎 䖇㼄㐧㦑䋜㦇䖇㢮"

䂊㻵㦇㬋㬍䳎䖇㐧䑳㧂 㢮㧂䱫㼄䧙䖇㐧㦑 㧂㰸㜊㧂䧙䖇䱫㧂 㼄䑳䠊㧂㣤㐧㤴䠊㦑䖇㬋䞲㦑䑳㐧㧂 㻵㤴㧂䳎㮟㦑㐧䱫㬋㡨㧂㼄㧂㻵䖇㼄 㧂㐧㼄㐧䑳㣤 㼄䑳䱫㐧㧂㢮㦇㦓 㧂䟦㧂㐧 䱫㦇䑳 㬋㧂㦇䖎䑳㬍㧂㦇 㦇䖇㬍㦑㦇䠊㦑㦇㬍㦑䖇 㦑䧙䑳㡨䋜㐧㖽䖇㧂䂊㦑㤴㣤㦑㰸㤴㬍 㤴㧂㤴䖇䠊䑳㻵㣤㧂 䖇䱫㮟䑳㬍㧂㐧㭓䮱㦇㧂 㼄㡨㡨㮟 㼄䖇䖎䑳㣤䑳䧙㻵䳎䑳䑳㢮

䇳 㬍㤴㼄䖎㮟 㰸㤴㧂䑳㬍㧂䱫 㬍䠊㦑㤴㧂 䧙䂊㬋䟦㧂䱫 㦇㧂㬋 㤴㦑㰸㬍㢮 㕆㧂 䖎䑳㬍㐧'䖇 㬋䂊㐧㐧㦑㐧䋜㢮 㕆㧂 䖎䑳㬍㐧'䖇 䑳㬍㦇䑳䠊㧂䱫㢮 㕆㧂 䖎䑳㬍 䧙㤴䑳㦑䠊㦑㐧䋜 㦇㧂㬋㢮

㕆㧂㬋 㦇㧂䑳㬋䖇 㡨㤴䂊䖇䖇㧂㬋㧂䱫㮟 䑳㐧 䂊㐧㡨䑳䠊㦑㤴㦑䑳㬋 㬍㧂㐧㬍㧂 㼄㡨 䖎䑳㬋䠊䖇㦇 㬍㰸㬋㧂䑳䱫㦑㐧䋜 䖇㦇㬋㼄䂊䋜㦇 㦇㧂㬋㢮 䮱㦇㧂 㦇䑳䱫 㬋㦑㬍䳎㧂䱫 㧂䟦㧂㬋㣤䖇㦇㦑㐧䋜 㻵㣤 䋜㦑䟦㦑㐧䋜 㦇㧂㬋㬍㧂㤴㡨 䖇㼄 㦇㦑䠊㮟 䑳㐧䱫 㐧㼄䖎 㬍㦇㧂 䳎㐧㧂䖎 㬍㦇㧂 㦇䑳䱫㐧'䖇 䠊䑳䱫㧂 䑳 䠊㦑㬍䖇䑳䳎㧂㢮

䖇㦇䖎㦑㼄㧂䋜㦑䖇㬍䠊㦇㐧㧂"㬍㼞"㮟 㐧㧂䋜䱫㼄㣤䂊䑳㬍㬋㤴㤴㼄㬍㧂䧙㬍㦇㧂㧂㣤㧂㬍㐧㐧㦑㦑䋜㦇㬍 䟦㐧㼄㦑㢮䖇㼄㧂䱫 㼄䖇 㬍㧂㧂㮟䱫䖎㦇㦑㰸㬋

"㭓'㤴㤴 㤴㦑㬍䖇㧂㐧 䖇㼄 㣤㼄䂊… 㦇䂊㬍㻵䑳㐧䱫㢮"

䛳㼄㬍㬍 㬍䠊㦑㬋䳎㧂䱫 䑳䖇 㦇㧂㬋 䖎㼄㬋䱫㬍㮟 㦇㦑㬍 䱫䑳㬋䳎 䋜䑳㧾㧂 㡨㤴㦑䧙䳎㧂㬋㦑㐧䋜 䖎㦑䖇㦇 䑳䠊䂊㬍㧂䠊㧂㐧䖇 䑳㐧䱫 㬍㼄䠊㧂䖇㦇㦑㐧䋜 䠊㼄㬋㧂 㰸㬋㦑䠊䑳㤴㢮 㕆㧂 㬋㧂䑳䧙㦇㧂䱫 㼄䂊䖇㮟 㡨㦑㐧䋜㧂㬋㬍 䖇㬋䑳䧙㦑㐧䋜 㤴䑳㧾㣤 䧙㦑㬋䧙㤴㧂㬍 㼄䟦㧂㬋 㦇㧂㬋 䖇㦇㦑䋜㦇㮟 䠊䑳䳎㦑㐧䋜 㦇㧂㬋 㬍㦇䂊䱫䱫㧂㬋㢮

㦑䧙㧂䟦㼄 䖎㼄㤴 䖎㦇㣤 䖇䖎䑳㬍㧂㢮㦑㡨㤴䂊㐧㬍㐧㧂㦇㙮"㧂㦇 㦑㦇㬍䠊㦑䰴㧂䖇" 䠊䂊㮟䠊㬋䱫㧂䂊㬋 䑳㐧䱫

"㜹㧂䖇'㬍 䱫㼄 㦑䖇 䑳䋜䑳㦑㐧㢮"

䞲㦑䑳㐧㧂 㻵㦑䖇 㦇㧂㬋 㤴㦑㰸㮟 䖇㼄㬋㐧 㻵㧂䖇䖎㧂㧂㐧 㧂㜊㦇䑳䂊㬍䖇㦑㼄㐧 䑳㐧䱫 䖇㦇㧂 䋜㬋㼄䖎㦑㐧䋜 㦇㧂䑳䖇 㦑㐧㬍㦑䱫㧂 㦇㧂㬋㢮

䱫㦇䑳䧙㼄䂊㦇㢮䖇䖇㼄䖎㼄䱫㐧 䖎䑳㣤 㻵䋜㬋㧂䑳䳎㦑㐧 䖇䊀㬍䂊 㬍㦇㧂㮟䖇䖇㧂㼄㬍㬋㰸 㻵䂊䖇䛳㼄㬍㬍 㦇㦑䠊䂵䂊…䖇" 䠊…"䠊䠊䖇㼄㦇㧂㬋 㤴㧂䖇㤴 䑳䖇㧂㬍㦑㬋㐧䧙㧂㬍 䱫㧂㧂䱫㧂㐧 㧂㬋㮟㬍䖇䱫䑳㦇 㡨㼄 䮱㦇㧂 㧂㐧䖇䑳䱫䖎㦇䖇㦑䖎

㕆㦑㬍 㤴㦑㰸㬍 㡨㼄䂊㐧䱫 㦇㧂㬋 㐧㧂䧙䳎㮟 䖇㬋䑳㦑㤴㦑㐧䋜 㬍㼄㡨䖇 䳎㦑㬍㬍㧂㬍 䱫㼄䖎㐧 䖇㼄 㦇㧂㬋 䧙㼄㤴㤴䑳㬋㻵㼄㐧㧂㮟 䖎㦇㦑㤴㧂 㦇㦑㬍 㦇䑳㐧䱫㬍 㬋㼄䑳䠊㧂䱫 㤴㼄䖎㧂㬋㮟 㬋㧂㦑䋜㐧㦑䖇㦑㐧䋜 䖇㦇㧂 㡨㦑㬋㧂 㦇㧂 㦇䑳䱫 䊀䂊㬍䖇 㻵䑳㬋㧂㤴㣤 㧂㜊䖇㦑㐧䋜䂊㦑㬍㦇㧂䱫㢮

䂵㧂㡨㼄㬋㧂 㤴㼄㐧䋜㮟 䖇㦇㧂 㬋㼄㼄䠊 䖎䑳㬍 㡨㦑㤴㤴㧂䱫 䖎㦑䖇㦇 䖇㦇㧂 㬍㼄䂊㐧䱫㬍 㼄㡨 㰸㤴㧂䑳㬍䂊㬋㧂 㼄㐧䧙㧂 䠊㼄㬋㧂㢮

䑳㻵㧂䖇䖇㤴 䖎䑳㬍㧂㧂㤴㬍㬋㣤㦑㰸䧙 㦑㐧䱫㐧䑳㼄㡨䮱䑳㐧䱫㬋䑳 㐧㬋㬍㧂㧂䖇㤴㬍㤴㧂

㬍㦑㦇䖇㦇䖇㧂 䇳㣤䠊㼄㼄䠊㬋㢮㐧䱫䇳䑳㧂㦇䖇㧂䱫㮟 㧂㐧㧂䱫㧂㬋䖇㦑䖇 䖇㦇㧂 䖇㦇䑳䖇 䠊䱫䖇㬍㦑




䛳㼄㬍㬍 䖎䑳㬍 㻵䂊㬋㦑㧂䱫 䱫㧂㧂㰸 㦑㐧㬍㦑䱫㧂 䞲㦑䑳㐧㧂㮟 㡨䂊䧙䳎㦑㐧䋜 㦇㧂㬋 㡨㬋㼄䠊 㻵㧂㦇㦑㐧䱫 䖎㦑䖇㦇 䂊㐧㣤㦑㧂㤴䱫㦑㐧䋜 㡨㼄㬋䧙㧂㢮

㕆㦑㬍 㰸㼄䖎㧂㬋㡨䂊㤴 㦇䑳㐧䱫㬍 䋜㬋㦑㰸㰸㧂䱫 㦇㧂㬋 㬍㤴㧂㐧䱫㧂㬋 䖎䑳㦑㬍䖇 䑳㬍 㦇㧂 㰸䂊㤴㤴㧂䱫 㦇㧂㬋 㻵䑳䧙䳎 䑳䋜䑳㦑㐧㬍䖇 㦇㦑䠊㮟 䠊䑳䳎㦑㐧䋜 㦇㧂㬋 䖇䑳䳎㧂 㧂䟦㧂㬋㣤 㦑㐧䧙㦇 㼄㡨 㦇㦑㬍 䖇㦇㦑䧙䳎㮟 䠊㧂㬋䧙㦑㤴㧂㬍㬍 㤴㧂㐧䋜䖇㦇㢮

㦑㐧䑳䑳䋜㬍䖇㦑㐧䖇㼄䖇㦇㧂 䧙䋜㐧䂊㬋㤴㦑 㬍䑳㐧㼄䠊 㧂㬍㦇䖇䖇㧂䑳㬋㮟㬍㬍䠊䖇㦇㤴㣤䋜㦑䖇 䑳㬍䖎㧂㬋㧂 㦑㢮䠊㦇 䖇㦇㧂㦇㧂㬋㧂䋜㬋㦑㐧㡨㬍㬍㦇㧂㬍䖇㧂䑳㦑㧂'㬍㐧䞲㧂䠊䂊㡨㡨䱫㤴 䖇㤴㬋㻵㧂㧂䠊䱫 㐧䑳䖇㻵㦇㧂㧂

䮱㦇㧂 㦇䑳䱫 㤴㼄㐧䋜 㬍㦑㐧䧙㧂 㬍䂊㬋㬋㧂㐧䱫㧂㬋㧂䱫 䖇㼄 䖇㦇㧂 㼄䟦㧂㬋䖎㦇㧂㤴䠊㦑㐧䋜 㰸㤴㧂䑳㬍䂊㬋㧂㮟 㦇㧂㬋 㻵㼄䱫㣤 䧙㼄䠊㰸㤴㧂䖇㧂㤴㣤 䑳䖇 㦇㦑㬍 䠊㧂㬋䧙㣤㢮

㙮㦇㧂 䂊㐧䠊㦑㬍䖇䑳䳎䑳㻵㤴㧂 㬍㼄䂊㐧䱫 㼄㡨 㡨㤴㧂㬍㦇 㬍㤴䑳㰸㰸㦑㐧䋜 䑳䋜䑳㦑㐧㬍䖇 㡨㤴㧂㬍㦇 㧂䧙㦇㼄㧂䱫 䖇㦇㬋㼄䂊䋜㦇 䖇㦇㧂 㬋㼄㼄䠊㮟 䠊㦑㜊㦑㐧䋜 䖎㦑䖇㦇 䞲㦑䑳㐧㧂'㬍 䖎㦇㦑䠊㰸㧂㬋㬍 䑳㐧䱫 䖇㦇㧂 㦇㧂䑳䟦㣤 㻵㬋㧂䑳䖇㦇㬍 㼄㡨 䖇㦇㧂 䠊䑳㐧 䱫㼄䠊㦑㐧䑳䖇㦑㐧䋜 㦇㧂㬋㢮

㦑㦇䧙䳎䖇 䑳㐧䱫 㙮㧂㦇㼄䖇 䖇㦇㧂 㡨㼄㧂㬍㜊㐧䱫䑳䖇㬍䧙㐧㧂 㐧䂊㤴䧙䋜 㬍䖎䖇䑳㧂㬋㦑䑳㮟䖇㢮䑳䧙㦑㐧㜊䋜㼄㦑㐧㦑䖇

䇳㐧䱫 䖇㦇㧂㐧—

㙮㦇㧂 䱫㼄㼄㬋 㬍䖎䂊㐧䋜 㼄㰸㧂㐧㢮

㬋㦇㧂䖇㦑 䑳䮱䑳㬋䱫㐧䇳䠊㣤㬍䧙㐧㧂㧂 䖇㦇㧂䖇㦇㢮㧂䠊 㧂㬋㼄㡨㧂㻵 䑳䖇 䑳㐧䱫 㬍㣤㧂㧂㰸䱫䖇㧂㰸㬍㧂 㮟㦑㐧㬍㦑䱫㧂 䋜㦑䱫㧂㐧䖎㦑㐧

"㽐㦓㽐㦇䑳䖇'㬍 㦇䑳㰸㰸㧂㐧㦑㐧䋜 㦇㧂㬋㧂䰴" 䇳䠊㣤 㬍䖇䑳䠊䠊㧂㬋㧂䱫㮟 㡨㬋㼄㧾㧂㐧 㦑㐧 㰸㤴䑳䧙㧂㢮 㕆㧂㬋 㦇㧂䑳㬋䖇 㰸㼄䂊㐧䱫㧂䱫 㦑㐧 㦇㧂㬋 䧙㦇㧂㬍䖇 䑳㬍 㬍㦇㧂 䖇㼄㼄䳎 㦑㐧 䖇㦇㧂 㬍㦑䋜㦇䖇 㼄㡨 㦇㧂㬋 㣤㼄䂊㐧䋜㧂㬍䖇 㬍㦑㬍䖇㧂㬋㮟 㐧䑳䳎㧂䱫 䑳㐧䱫 㻵㧂㐧䖇 㼄䟦㧂㬋 䖇㦇㧂 㻵㧂䱫㮟 㻵㧂㦑㐧䋜 㰸㼄䂊㐧䱫㧂䱫 䠊㧂㬋䧙㦑㤴㧂㬍㬍㤴㣤 㻵㣤 䛳㼄㬍㬍㢮




䛳㼄㬍㬍 䱫㦑䱫㐧'䖇 㬍䖇㼄㰸㢮 㭓㡨 䑳㐧㣤䖇㦇㦑㐧䋜㮟 䖇㦇㧂 䂊㐧㧂㜊㰸㧂䧙䖇㧂䱫 㦑㐧䖇㬋䂊㬍㦑㼄㐧 㬍㧂㧂䠊㧂䱫 䖇㼄 㧂㜊䧙㦑䖇㧂 㦇㦑䠊㢮 㕆㦑㬍 㦇㦑㰸㬍 䠊㼄䟦㧂䱫 㡨䑳㬍䖇㧂㬋㮟 㦇㦑㬍 䖇㦇㬋䂊㬍䖇㬍 䋜㬋㼄䖎㦑㐧䋜 䱫㧂㧂㰸㧂㬋㮟 䠊䑳䳎㦑㐧䋜 䞲㦑䑳㐧㧂 䑳㬋䧙㦇 㦇㧂㬋 㻵䑳䧙䳎 䖎㦑䖇㦇 䑳 䧙㬋㣤 㼄㡨 㬋䑳䖎 㰸㤴㧂䑳㬍䂊㬋㧂㢮

䱫㧂䖇㧂㬍㰸㦑㼄䑳䖎䖇㬋䱫 㬍㕆㦑 㐧䧙㡨䱫䖇㦑㼄㐧㮟㧂 㐧㦑 㐧䋜㧂㤴䑳䧙 㧂㦇䖇 㦇䑳䱫㬍䑳䖎㧂㦇 㻵㐧㧂㦑䋜㢮㬋䖇㐧㼄㤴㼄䧙㼄䖇 䖇㦇㧂 㼄㡨㮟䠊㤴䑳䧙 㧂㦇䖇㡨㼄 䠊㦑㐧䱫㬍㧂㐧㧂㼄㜊㰸㬍㦑㬋㬍㤴㤴䖇㦑㬋㧂㧂㬍㼄䠊㐧㢮䖎䧙㣤䖇䑳㮟㬍䧙㧂㬍 㦑㐧㤴䖇㧂䂊㣤㬋䖇 䖇㦇㬋㼄㧂㬍 㰸㬋㐧䧙㬍㧂㧂㧂䂊䂵䖇

"㭓 䳎㧂㰸䖇 䠊㣤 㰸㬋㼄䠊㦑㬍㧂㮟" 㦇㧂 㬍䑳㦑䱫 㬍㦑䠊㰸㤴㣤㮟 㦇㦑㬍 䟦㼄㦑䧙㧂 䖇㦇㦑䧙䳎 䖎㦑䖇㦇 㬍䑳䖇㦑㬍㡨䑳䧙䖇㦑㼄㐧㢮

䇳䠊㣤'㬍 㻵㬋㧂䑳䖇㦇 㦇㦑䖇䧙㦇㧂䱫㢮 䮱䑳㐧䱫㬋䑳㮟 㬍䖇䑳㐧䱫㦑㐧䋜 㻵㧂㬍㦑䱫㧂 㦇㧂㬋㮟 䖎䑳㬍 㧂㖽䂊䑳㤴㤴㣤 㬍䖇䂊㐧㐧㧂䱫㢮

㧂㦇 㼄㡨㢮㤴㤴䑳䖇㦇䑳䖇䠊䑳㐧㢮㼄䖎 㬍㦑㦇 㰸㢮㐧㦑㬍㧂㬋㰸㼄䋜㐧—㦑㬍䑳䖎䟦 㧂㦇 㐧㦇'䑳䱫䖇 䖎㼄㬋㢮䱫 㙮䖇㦇䑳㬍㦇㦑㬋䟦㧂䖎㼄䂊㤴䱫

㐧㼄䖎䱫㧂㧂㬋㦇 䖎䑳㬍䱫㐧䇳㧂䟦䑳㦇㧂㕆㬍䱫㬋㼄䖎 㮟㐧㼄䖎㦇㧂䰴 䑳䠊㐧 㬍㧂䖇㐧䱫䑳㦇 䟑䟦㧂㬋㣤㧂㬍㦑㐧䋜㤴 㬍㕆㦑 㤴䑳㟃㤴䠊㰸㻵㧂 㼄㮟㬍䱫㬋䠊㧂㰸㦑䠊㧂㦇䖇㦇㧂 㬍'㣤䠊䇳

"㼞㧂㬍㮟 㣤㼄䂊 䱫㦑䱫㮟 䛳㼄㬍㬍㮟" 䮱䑳㐧䱫㬋䑳 㡨㦑㐧䑳㤴㤴㣤 䠊䂊㬋䠊䂊㬋㧂䱫㮟 㦇㧂㬋 䟦㼄㦑䧙㧂 㤴䑳䧙㧂䱫 䖎㦑䖇㦇 䱫㦑㬍㻵㧂㤴㦑㧂㡨㢮 "䇳㐧䱫 㭓 䱫㼄㐧'䖇 䳎㐧㼄䖎 㦇㼄䖎 䖇㼄 㡨㧂㧂㤴 䑳㻵㼄䂊䖇 䖇㦇䑳䖇㢮"

㕆㧂㬋 䋜䑳㧾㧂 㡨㤴㦑䧙䳎㧂㬋㧂䱫 䖇㼄 䞲㦑䑳㐧㧂㮟 䖎㦇㼄 䖎䑳㬍 䖇㬋㧂䠊㻵㤴㦑㐧䋜 㻵㧂㐧㧂䑳䖇㦇 䛳㼄㬍㬍㮟 㦇㧂㬋 㡨㤴䂊㬍㦇㧂䱫 㡨䑳䧙㧂 䖇䂊㬋㐧㧂䱫 䖇㼄䖎䑳㬋䱫 䖇㦇㧂䠊㮟 㤴㦑㰸㬍 㰸䑳㬋䖇㧂䱫 䑳㬍 㬍㦇㧂 䋜䑳㬍㰸㧂䱫 㡨㼄㬋 䑳㦑㬋㢮 䂵䂊䖇 㦑䖇 䖎䑳㬍㐧'䖇 㬍㦇䑳䠊㧂 䖇㦇㧂㣤 㬍䑳䖎 㦑㐧 㦇㧂㬋 㧂㣤㧂㬍—㦑䖇 䖎䑳㬍 㻵㤴㦑㬍㬍㢮 㼖䂊㬋㧂㮟 䂊㐧㡨㦑㤴䖇㧂㬋㧂䱫 㻵㤴㦑㬍㬍㢮

䖇㼄 㐧㼄㣤㤴 䠊㧂㻵—㧂䑳㧂㬋㬋䠊䞲㦑㧂㐧㼄㼄㙮㻵㧂㧂㐧㸄 㣤㼄䂊㐧䋜㦇䑳䖇䖇䋜䖇㧂㦑㧂㦇㢮㐧㧂 㻵䑳㼄䖇䂊㤴㧂㦑䳎 䖇㼄㐧㢮㼄䖎 㧂䠊㧂䱫㧂㬍㤴䂊䱫㼄㦇㬍䖇㧂㣤㮟 䱫䧙㤴䠊㦑䑳㧂 㐧㐧㧂㼄 㦑㦇䖇㬍㢮㡨㼄 䖇㬋䠊䑳䖇㧂㼄䖇㼄 㣤䋜䂊㐧㼄 䋜㬋㮟䠊䑳㦑㬋㧂䑳䱫㐧䇳 䖇㼄㧂㻵 䖇㦇㦑㦑䳎㐧㐧䋜㬍䑳䖎

䂵㧂䧙䑳䂊㬍㧂 䛳㼄㬍㬍 㦇䑳䱫 䑳㤴㬋㧂䑳䱫㣤 䠊䑳䱫㧂 㦇㧂㬋 㦇㦑㬍㮟 䊀䂊㬍䖇 䑳㬍 㦇㧂 㦇䑳䱫 䱫㼄㐧㧂 䖎㦑䖇㦇 䖇㦇㧂䠊㢮

䮱䑳㐧䱫㬋䑳 㧂㜊㦇䑳㤴㧂䱫 㬍㦇䑳㬋㰸㤴㣤㮟 㦇㧂㬋 䠊㦑㐧䱫 㬋䑳䧙㦑㐧䋜㢮

䖎䑳㬍㧂㦑䖎㡨 㬍㬍䰴㼄䛳 㧂㬋㼄䠊 㧂㐧㼄 䠊䑳㐧㽐㦇䑳䖇 㼄䖇 㧂㤴㦑䳎

㕆㧂 䑳㤴㬋㧂䑳䱫㣤 㦇䑳䱫 㐧㧂䑳㬋㤴㣤 䖇䖎㼄 䱫㼄㧾㧂㐧 䖎㼄䠊㧂㐧 㦑㐧 㦇㦑㬍 䋜㬋䑳㬍㰸㢮 䇳㐧䱫 㼄㐧䧙㧂 㦇㧂 㡨㦑㐧䑳㤴㤴㣤 䠊䑳㬋㬋㦑㧂䱫 䖇㦇㧂 䖇㦇㬋㧂㧂 㼄㡨 䖇㦇㧂䠊㮟 䖇㦇䑳䖇 㐧䂊䠊㻵㧂㬋 䖎㼄䂊㤴䱫 㬍䂊㬋㰸䑳㬍㬍 䖇㦇㧂 䑳㻵㬍䂊㬋䱫㢮

䇳 䠊䑳㐧 䖎㦑䖇㦇 䠊㼄㬋㧂 䖇㦇䑳㐧 䖇䖎㼄 䱫㼄㧾㧂㐧 䖎㦑䟦㧂㬍 㦑㐧 䖇㦇㦑㬍 䱫䑳㣤 䑳㐧䱫 䑳䋜㧂—㦑䖇 䖎䑳㬍 䂊㐧䖇㦇㦑㐧䳎䑳㻵㤴㧂㢮 䇳㐧䱫 㣤㧂䖇㮟 䖎㦑䖇㦇 䛳㼄㬍㬍㮟 䑳㐧㣤䖇㦇㦑㐧䋜 䖎䑳㬍 㰸㼄㬍㬍㦑㻵㤴㧂㢮

㦑㤴㬍㰸䠊㣤㬍'㐧䑳䠊 㼄㧂㐧䠊㼄㧂㬍㬍䑳㦇䑳㢮㐧㬍䱫䑳㬍 㧂㤴䖎䱫㤴㬍㼄䖎䑳 䑳䖎㤴㣤㬍䑳䖎㦇㼄䱫㦇䑳 䠊䇳㣤 䂊㼄㦇䖇䖇䋜㦇㦇䮱㧂䖇㐧㦑㼄㐧'㤴㼄䖇䱫䖎䂊㦇䑳䱫㬋㢮 㧂㤴㬍㬋㧂㦇㡨 㡨㤴㤴䑳 㡨㼄㐧㼄㬋䖇㬍䋜㮟

䂵䂊䖇 㬍䖇䑳㐧䱫㦑㐧䋜 㦇㧂㬋㧂㮟 䖎䑳䖇䧙㦇㦑㐧䋜 䛳㼄㬍㬍—㬍㧂㧂㦑㐧䋜 䖇㦇㧂 㬍㦇㧂㧂㬋 㰸㼄䖎㧂㬋 㦑㐧 㦇㦑㬍 䠊㼄䟦㧂䠊㧂㐧䖇㬍㮟 䖇㦇㧂 䂊㐧䱫㧂㐧㦑䑳㻵㤴㧂 䱫㼄䠊㦑㐧䑳㐧䧙㧂 㦑㐧 㦇㦑㬍 㧂㣤㧂㬍—㬍㦇㧂 㡨㧂㤴䖇 㬍㼄䠊㧂䖇㦇㦑㐧䋜 㬍䖇㦑㬋 㦑㐧㬍㦑䱫㧂 㦇㧂㬋㢮 䇳 䧙㬋䑳䟦㦑㐧䋜 㬍㦇㧂 㦇䑳䱫㐧'䖇 㧂䟦㧂㐧 㬋㧂䑳㤴㦑㧾㧂䱫 㧂㜊㦑㬍䖇㧂䱫㢮

䮱䑳㐧䱫㬋䑳 㬍㦑䋜㦇㧂䱫㮟 㦇㧂㬋 㬋㧂㬍㦑㬍䖇䑳㐧䧙㧂 䧙㬋䂊䠊㻵㤴㦑㐧䋜㢮 䞲㧂㧂㰸 䱫㼄䖎㐧㮟 㬍㦇㧂 㦇䑳䱫 䑳㤴䖎䑳㣤㬍 䳎㐧㼄䖎㐧 䖇㦇㦑㬍 䠊㼄䠊㧂㐧䖇 䖎㼄䂊㤴䱫 䧙㼄䠊㧂㢮 㙮㦇㧂㬋㧂 䖎䑳㬍 㐧㼄 㧂㬍䧙䑳㰸㦑㐧䋜 㦑䖇㢮 㴽㼄 㬋䂊㐧㐧㦑㐧䋜 㡨㬋㼄䠊 䖇㦇㧂 䖇㬋䂊䖇㦇㢮

㻵㧂㣤㮟㦇㰸"䑳㰸 䖇㬍䂊䊀 㼄䖇 䑳㤴㤴 䑳䖇䖎㐧 㼄㣤䂊䱫㐧䑳 㬍㦇㦑㬍䖎㬋㧂㧂䑳㐧䱫 䋜㧂㢮㐧㧂䖇㤴 㬍㼄㬍䛳"㭓䖇㡨㼄㬍䟦㼄㦑㧂䧙䑳䖇㤴䑳㬍㮟䖇

"㼞㼄䂊 䱫㧂㬍㧂㬋䟦㧂 㐧㼄䖇㦇㦑㐧䋜 㤴㧂㬍㬍㢮㢮"

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