Extra's POV: My Obsessive Villainous Fiancee Is The Game's Final Boss

Chapter 103: Angels From Heaven

Chapter 103: Angels From Heaven

The light slowly dimmed into nothingness, and the energy, which had covered the whole place, disappeared completely.

All that was left was Lilith, standing there with just one major difference.Her hair was now a permanent pure white.

Ren stared at her, awe-struck. She looked beautiful! It was as if the aura of death that had previously hung around her had disappeared, replaced by an aura of life.

Without thinking, he pulled her into a hug, his arms tight around her as if she might disappear. His grip trembled slightly, the rush of relief making it hard to let go.

"Lilith…" He whispered against her shoulder. "What just happened?"

Lilith slowly exhaled, still adjusting to the change. "I don't know." She whispered into his chest. "My soul feels… different. Something has changed but my Soul Dominion won't let me see what it is."

"I think…" she hesitated, "I think my soul is stronger."

"Yeah, no shit." Ren laughed, the sound carrying every wave of relief he was feeling at that moment.

He pulled back slightly, studying her glowing crimson eyes. Her skin looked healthier and coupled with her white hair, she looked absolutely mesmerizing. "You're beautiful." The words slipped out without his consent.

Lilith chuckled in response. "You don't look too bad yourself."

She pointed and as he followed the direction her finger was pointing, he almost did a double take.

Standing and holding Lilith in the mirror across from them was a young man that was him and at the same time not him. Where he'd looked ordinary, the person looked handsome. Ethereally handsome, like an anime protagonist.

Together with Lilith, they both looked like an angelic couple descending from the heavens.

He opened his mouth and the man opened his. "What in the heavenly hells…" he trailed off.

"I'm not the only one who changed, Ren." Lilith whispered.

Ren stared at himself for a few seconds longer before blinking and tearing his gaze away.

"It doesn't matter. We can figure out what all these mean later." He turned to Lilith, relief appearing once more on his face. "Right now, I'm just glad you're okay."

Before she could respond, the door swung open.

Elias stepped in, balancing a tray of food in his hand, until his eyes landed on Lilith. The tray clattered to the floor, food spilling everywhere.


Ren blinked, stepping back as Elias rushed forward, pulling her into a tight, fatherly embrace. His hands trembled slightly as he held her close. "You're okay." He muttered, his voice thick with emotion. "I was so damn worried…"

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