Chapter 34 (Farmboy)
The manor of Valaheimn loomed before Kael, its gray stone walls and spired turrets seeming to scrape the very sky. The sixteen-year-old farm boy swallowed hard as his eyes traced the intricate stonework and stained glass windows that gleamed in the morning sun.
"Remember your manners," he whispered to himself, tugging at the stiff collar of his new uniform.
The dark blue livery with gold trim felt impossibly formal against his skin, so different from the rough homespun he'd grown up wearing in Thornhill. His family had celebrated for days when word came that the prestigious Valaheimn household had accepted his application. A position in such a noble house meant security, good pay, and opportunities his farmer parents could never provide.
Kael shifted uncomfortably, adjusting himself. Even in the loose-fitting servant's trousers, he worried about his... proportions. Growing up, he'd learned through embarrassing incidents that what hung between his legs was far from ordinary. The other farmhands had mocked him mercilessly once they'd glimpsed him bathing in the stream.
"Don't think about that now," he muttered, smoothing down his jacket one final time.
A bell chimed somewhere in the depths of the mansion, causing Kael to jump. He'd been told to present himself to the head servant at precisely nine o'clock, and the sound suggested he might be cutting it close. Taking a deep breath, he approached the servants' entrance at the east wing, his heart hammering against his ribs.
As he reached for the iron handle, the door swung open, revealing a stern-faced older woman with her silver hair pulled into a tight bun.
"You must be the new boy," she said, her eyes sweeping over him critically. "I am Mrs. Helder, the housekeeper. You're almost late."
"I'm sorry, ma'am," Kael replied, bowing awkwardly. "I'm Kael, from Thornhill."
Mrs. Helder's expression softened marginally. "Well, at least you have manners. Come along then. There's much to learn if you're to serve in this household properly."
Kael followed her into the manor, marveling at the polished marble floors and the tapestries that adorned the walls, all while trying to ignore the nervous fluttering in his stomach.
Following Mrs. Helder through the grand corridors of the manor, Kael found himself unexpectedly distracted. Despite his initial impression of the housekeeper as a stern, matronly figure, a second glance revealed something entirely different.
Mrs. Helder was, in fact, a remarkably beautiful woman. Though she appeared to be in her early forties, age had only enhanced her allure. Her silver-streaked dark hair, pulled tightly into that severe bun, framed a face with high cheekbones, full lips painted a subtle rose, and striking hazel eyes that sparkled with intelligence. The formal black dress she wore as housekeeper did little to conceal her womanly figure—a narrow waist that flared into generous hips, and a full bosom that strained slightly against the fabric of her bodice.
"The family expects absolute discretion and efficiency," Mrs. Helder was saying as she led him down a narrow service stairwell. "Lady Valaheimn is particularly demanding of new staff."
As she descended the stairs ahead of him, a sudden draft from below caught the hem of her dress, lifting it just enough to reveal a flash of what lay beneath: cream-colored silk undergarments trimmed with delicate lace that hugged the curves of her surprisingly shapely thighs.
Kael's reaction was immediate and mortifying. Blood rushed to his groin, and his already substantial manhood began to swell with alarming speed. Within seconds, his thick nine-inch cock had risen to full attention, straining painfully against the confines of his new uniform trousers. The blue fabric, not designed to conceal such a pronounced bulge, did nothing to hide his predicament.
"The servants' quarters are—" Mrs. Helder turned back to address him and stopped mid-sentence, her eyes widening slightly as they fell to the prominent protrusion at his crotch.
Kael froze in horror, his face burning with embarrassment. He tried to speak, to apologize, but no words came out. He could only stand there, trapped on the narrow staircase, his arousal impossible to hide or explain away.
Mrs. Helder's initial surprise gave way to something unexpected—a knowing smile that curved her full lips. Her eyes lingered on the prominent bulge for a moment longer than propriety would allow before rising to meet Kael's mortified gaze.
"Well," she said, her voice dropping to a rich, velvety register, "it seems you'll fit right in at Valaheimn Manor after all. Lady Veyra appreciates... certain qualities in her male staff."
The housekeeper's casual acceptance of his predicament only deepened the crimson flooding Kael's cheeks. He stammered, "I'm—I'm terribly sorry, Mrs. Helder. I didn't mean to—"
She silenced him with a dismissive wave of her hand. "No need for apologies, boy. I'll take it as a compliment. In this household, such... endowments are hardly something to be ashamed of."
Without further comment, Mrs. Helder turned gracefully and continued down the stairs, the sway of her hips perhaps slightly more pronounced than before. "Come along now. We have much ground to cover, and Lady Veyra will want to inspect you herself before midday."
Kael followed, mortified yet relieved she hadn't dismissed him on the spot. He took several deep breaths, trying desperately to calm his rebellious anatomy. Each step was uncomfortable as his erection strained against the confines of his trousers, refusing to subside completely.
"The main kitchens are through here," Mrs. Helder continued, seemingly oblivious to his discomfort as she gestured toward a bustling room filled with steam and the clatter of pots and pans. "You'll take your meals with the rest of the staff, unless specifically instructed otherwise by Lady Veyra or her daughter, Miss Mira."
Kael nodded, only half-listening as he concentrated on willing his arousal away. He thought of muddy fields and rainy days—anything to distract from the sway of Mrs. Helder's hips as she led him through the servants' wing.
As the tour continued through the ground floor, Kael managed to calm himself down, though not without considerable mental effort. The grandeur of the manor—with its gilded mirrors, crystal chandeliers, and marble statues—provided ample distraction from his earlier embarrassment. Yet as Mrs. Helder's words replayed in his mind, a creeping unease settled in his stomach.
"Through here is the main dining hall, where you'll serve during formal occasions," Mrs. Helder explained, gesturing to a cavernous room dominated by a polished mahogany table. "Lady Veyra entertains important guests at least twice a month."
Kael nodded mechanically, but his thoughts were elsewhere. What had the housekeeper meant about 'fitting right in' and Lady Veyra appreciating 'certain qualities' in her male staff? He'd applied for this position expecting hard physical labor—mucking stables, hauling firewood, tending the grounds—tasks he was well-suited for after years of farm work.
"Mrs. Helder," he ventured hesitantly as they entered a quieter corridor. "May I ask what exactly my duties will be? The letter mentioned general household tasks, but..."
The housekeeper paused, turning to regard him with an amused expression. "Oh, you'll have your share of physical labor, of course. The stables need tending, and there's plenty of heavy lifting to be done." Her eyes flickered briefly to his crotch before meeting his gaze again. "But Lady Veyra often selects certain male servants for... special duties. Personal attendance, you might say."
"Personal attendance?" Kael repeated, his innocent farm upbringing leaving him naive to the implication.
Mrs. Helder's lips curled into a knowing smile. "Lady Veyra has particular tastes, boy. She values strength and stamina in her male servants, especially those with... notable endowments. I suspect you'll be summoned to her chambers sooner rather than later."
Kael's brow furrowed as he processed Mrs. Helder's words. "Personal attendance" sounded innocent enough, but something in the housekeeper's tone made him uneasy. Growing up in Thornhill, he'd led a simple life - working the fields by day and returning home to simple pleasures by night.
His thoughts drifted to Enise, the baker's daughter with honey-colored hair and a smile that could light up the darkest barn. They'd shared innocent kisses behind her father's shop, made promises beneath the harvest moon. She'd wept when he told her about the position at Valaheimn Manor, but had ultimately encouraged him to go. "Earn enough to build us a proper home," she'd whispered, pressing a handkerchief embroidered with her initials into his palm.
"I have a sweetheart back home," Kael blurted out, his cheeks coloring. "Enise and I plan to marry once I've saved enough."
Mrs. Helder's expression softened momentarily, something like sympathy flickering in her eyes before it was replaced by practical efficiency.
"How... quaint," she remarked, continuing the tour through a maze of corridors. "But you'd do well to remember your position here, boy. Lady Veyra's requests aren't optional for those in her employ."
The tour concluded at a door near the end of a quiet hallway, separated from the cramped servants' quarters Kael had glimpsed earlier.
"And this," Mrs. Helder said, producing a brass key, "will be your chamber."
The door swung open to reveal a surprisingly spacious room with a proper bed – not the straw pallet he'd expected – along with a washstand, wardrobe, and even a small writing desk by the window. A fire crackled in a modest hearth, chasing away the autumn chill.
"My own room?" Kael asked in disbelief. "I thought servants shared quarters."
"Most do," Mrs. Helder confirmed, handing him the key. "But Lady Veyra has... specific arrangements for certain staff. You'll understand soon enough."
As the morning hours stretched toward the middle of the day, Kael found himself being assigned increasingly peculiar tasks. Mrs. Helder had him moving furniture in unused guest chambers, polishing silver that seemed already to gleam, and arranging fresh flowers in rooms no one would visit. Each task seemed designed less to accomplish anything meaningful and more to observe him—his strength, his stamina, the way his body moved.
The grandfather clock in the main hall had just struck noon when Mrs. Helder appeared at his side as he finished replacing a heavy bookshelf.
"That's enough for now," she said, her eyes appraising his sweat-dampened shirt with undisguised interest. "You must be famished. Follow me."
To Kael's surprise, she led him not to the servants' dining hall where he'd glimpsed other staff eating earlier, but back to his private quarters. She opened the door, revealing a tray that had been set upon his small table—a meal far more lavish than any servant's fare he could have imagined: roasted pheasant, buttered vegetables, fresh bread, and even a small glass of wine.
"Lady Veyra insists her special staff maintain their... strength," Mrs. Helder explained, gesturing for him to sit. "Eat. Enjoy. I'll return shortly."
Kael sat at the table, momentarily forgetting his earlier unease in the face of such unexpected luxury. Back in Thornhill, meat was a twice-weekly treat at best, and wine was reserved for harvest celebrations. He cut into the perfectly roasted pheasant, savoring the rich, gamey flavor that spread across his tongue.
"This is incredible," he murmured between eager bites, washing down the food with sips of the sweet red wine that warmed his throat and sent a pleasant tingling through his limbs.
Mrs. Helder watched him eat with a cryptic smile. "Savor it," she advised. "Lady Veyra's special recipes are quite... potent."
Kael nodded gratefully, too focused on the meal to notice the peculiar emphasis in the housekeeper's words or the unusual warmth spreading through his body—a warmth that seemed to pool most intensely in his groin.
He had nearly finished the meal when the door to his chamber opened without warning. No knock, no announcement—just the sudden presence of a woman who could only be Lady Veyra herself.
Kael leapt to his feet, almost knocking over his chair in his haste to show proper respect, but the words of greeting died in his throat as he took in the noblewoman's appearance.
Lady Veyra Valaheimn stood in the doorway wearing what could barely be called appropriate attire—a silk dressing gown in deep crimson that clung to every curve of her mature yet remarkably fit body. The garment was tied loosely at the waist, the neckline plunging to reveal a generous expanse of creamy skin and the swell of full breasts. Her dark hair cascaded over her shoulders, framing a face of striking beauty—high cheekbones, full lips painted the same crimson as her robe, and eyes that held a predatory gleam as they raked over Kael's form.
Despite being in her forties, Lady Veyra possessed a sensuality that made Kael's mouth go dry and his heart hammer against his ribs. The lingering effects of whatever had been in his food and wine seemed to intensify under her gaze, blood rushing to his groin with alarming speed.
Kael stood frozen, his mouth opening and closing without producing a sound. Lady Veyra's sudden appearance had struck him dumb, and the effects of whatever had been in his meal left him light-headed and flushed. His body betrayed him immediately as blood rushed to his groin, his already substantial manhood swelling to its full, impressive size.
"M-my L-lady," he finally managed to stammer, bowing awkwardly while trying unsuccessfully to hide the massive bulge in his trousers. "I-I didn't expect—I mean, I—"
Lady Veyra's painted lips curved into a predatory smile as her gaze traveled deliberately down his body, lingering without shame on the prominent tent in his pants.
"My, my," she purred, stepping fully into the room and closing the door behind her with a soft click. "Mrs. Helder wasn't exaggerating about your... qualifications."
Kael's face burned crimson as he struggled to maintain his composure. The fabric of his trousers strained painfully against his erection, which seemed to grow even harder under Lady Veyra's scrutiny.
She circled him slowly, like a lioness assessing her prey. "Such broad shoulders," she remarked, trailing a finger across his back. "And those arms—you must have spent years working the fields."
Her fingernails scraped lightly against the fabric of his shirt as she completed her circuit, coming to stand directly before him. The heady scent of her perfume—something exotic and musky—filled his nostrils, making his head swim.
"T-thank you, my Lady," he stuttered, unsure what else to say.
Lady Veyra's heavily mascara-lined eyes sparkled with amusement and undisguised lust. "And so polite too. A rare combination of... assets." Her gaze dropped once more to his crotch. "My goodness, is that all you? Or are you concealing something else in those trousers?"
Kael swallowed hard, mortification and arousal warring within him. "I—It's just—I mean—"
"Never mind," she cut him off with a wave of her hand. "I'll see for myself soon enough." She reached out and boldly placed her palm against the front of his trousers, measuring the length and girth of him through the fabric.
Lady Veyra's painted nails traced the impressive outline of Kael's manhood through his trousers, her touch deliberate and experienced. She squeezed him through the fabric, measuring his girth with obvious pleasure.
"Such a waste to keep this magnificent tool hidden away in some backwater village," she purred, increasing the pressure until Kael winced. "Tell me, farm boy, does your little sweetheart back home know what a monster you're hiding between your legs?"
Kael's breath came in short gasps as Lady Veyra expertly manipulated him through his clothing. His mind filled with conflicting thoughts—memories of Enise's sweet, innocent kisses clashing violently with the experienced touch of this predatory noblewoman.
"Please, my Lady," he whispered, uncertain what he was even asking for.
Lady Veyra's smile turned cruel. Without warning, she spat directly into his face, the warm saliva landing on his cheek and sliding down toward his mouth.
"Please what, farm boy?" she taunted, her hand never ceasing its torturous exploration of his cock and balls. "Please stop? Please continue? Your body seems quite clear about what it wants."
She cupped his heavy testicles and squeezed, just hard enough to make him gasp in a mixture of pain and forbidden pleasure. The aphrodisiac in his food was now in full effect, turning even her cruel touches into sources of unbearable arousal.
"You're nothing but livestock to me," Lady Veyra whispered, standing on tiptoe to lick the trail of her own saliva from his cheek. "Breeding stock with a particularly impressive tool."
She spat on him again, this time directly on his lips. When he instinctively flicked his tongue out to clear it, she laughed mockingly.
"Look at you, tasting my spit like a desperate dog," she said, her hand now roughly kneading his balls through his trousers. "Already forgetting your precious Enise, aren't you?"
The mention of his sweetheart's name from Lady Veyra's cruel lips sent a jolt of shame through Kael, but his body betrayed him. His cock twitched eagerly against her palm, a damp spot forming where the tip pressed against the fabric.
Kael's thoughts began to fragment as pleasure and shame warred within him. Each squeeze, each cruel word, each degrading gesture pushed him further from the innocent farm boy who had arrived that morning. His eyes glazed slightly, rational thought giving way to primal need as Lady Veyra continued her merciless taunting.
Kael struggled to find his voice as Lady Veyra's merciless touches continued. His farmboy morals warred with the intense sensations coursing through his body.
"My Lady," he finally managed, his voice cracking with strain, "this... this isn't what I expected when I took this position. I came to work as a servant, to tend the grounds and earn honest wages."
Lady Veyra's painted lips curled into a mocking smile as her hand continued its torturous exploration of his manhood through his trousers.
"And what exactly did you think service to nobility entailed, farm boy?" she asked, her voice dripping with condescension. "Merely polishing silver and mucking stables?"
She released him suddenly and stepped back, regarding him with cold amusement. "You should be grateful for your position. Do you know how many young men from your pitiful village would kill for such an arrangement?"
Kael stared at her, confusion evident in his flushed face.
"I've given you a private chamber while the other servants sleep six to a room," Lady Veyra continued, gesturing around the comfortable space. "You're fed the same quality of food I serve my guests, not the slop from the servants' kitchen. And your salary is triple what any farm could pay you."
She moved closer again, her perfume enveloping him like a cloud. "This is your job, Kael. To tend to your masters. To serve our needs, whatever they may be." Her hand returned to his crotch, squeezing him possessively. "You're blessed with a remarkable tool, one that deserves better use than pleasuring some village girl who wouldn't know what to do with it anyway."
Lady Veyra's eyes narrowed dangerously. "Make no mistake—you are here to serve. The only difference between you and the other servants is what parts of you I find valuable."
Lady Veyra's fingers curled around Kael's waistband with practiced ease. "Enough talk," she commanded, her tone brooking no argument. With swift, efficient movements, she unfastened his trousers and roughly yanked them down along with his undergarments.
Kael's massive cock sprang free, bouncing heavily before settling into a proud upward curve. Nine thick inches of farm-boy meat stood at full attention, the head already glistening with excitement.
"My, my," Lady Veyra purred, her eyes widening with genuine appreciation. "Perhaps I underestimated the quality of Thornhill's breeding stock."
Without preamble, she wrapped her manicured fingers around his shaft, barely able to encircle its girth. She gave it several experimental strokes, squeezing and twisting with expert precision.
"No, my Lady, we shouldn't—" Kael protested weakly, but his body betrayed him. His cock throbbed eagerly in her grip, and a helpless moan escaped his lips as she thumbed the sensitive underside of his glans.
Despite his verbal objections, Kael's mind was awash with conflicting desires. The aphrodisiac in his meal had heightened his senses to an almost painful degree. Every stroke of Lady Veyra's hand sent electric currents of pleasure shooting up his spine.
"Look at you, pretending to resist," Lady Veyra mocked, increasing her pace. "Your mouth says no, but this magnificent beast tells the truth." She squeezed his shaft hard enough to make him gasp. "You want me to work this cock, don't you? You want me to milk it like the prized bull you are."
"I shouldn't... Enise..." Kael mumbled, but even as his sweetheart's name fell from his lips, his hips betrayed him, thrusting forward into Lady Veyra's skilled hand.
The truth was undeniable. Despite his halfhearted protests, despite his village morals and promises to Enise, Kael wanted more. He wanted Lady Veyra's cruel, experienced touch to continue. He wanted her to stroke him harder, faster, to bring him to heights of pleasure his innocent village sweetheart could never imagine.
Lady Veyra, satisfied with her manual exploration, sank to her knees before Kael with an elegance that belied her lewd intentions. Her crimson lips hovered mere inches from his throbbing member as she studied it with the careful eye of a connoisseur.
"Let's see what quality of meat Thornhill truly produces," she purred, her hot breath washing over his sensitive skin.
Without warning, she extended her tongue and traced a slow, deliberate path from the base of his shaft all the way to the swollen crown. Kael's entire body jerked at the contact, a guttural moan escaping his lips.
"Mmm, clean and slightly salty," Lady Veyra assessed clinically, though her eyes had darkened with lust. "Farm boys usually taste of honest sweat, but you've a sweetness to you."
She circled the flared head with her tongue, gathering the pearlescent fluid beading at his slit. "And your emissions—thicker than most, with a distinct tang. The mark of virility."
Kael shivered uncontrollably, his large hands clenching and unclenching at his sides as Lady Veyra continued her thorough "inspection."
"Such prominent veins," she remarked, tracing one particularly thick vessel with the tip of her tongue. "Like rivers mapping a territory. And this magnificent ridge—" she dragged her tongue firmly along the sensitive underside where shaft met head, causing Kael to cry out and buck his hips involuntarily.
"P-please," he gasped, his farmboy restraint crumbling under her expert attention.
"The texture is exquisite," Lady Veyra continued, ignoring his pleas as she took the heavy head between her lips, sucking lightly before releasing it with an obscene pop. "Firm yet velvet-soft, and this glans—perfectly proportioned to the shaft. A rare find indeed."
Kael's moans grew louder, echoing off the chamber walls as Lady Veyra cupped his hefty testicles, weighing them in her palm while her tongue continued its merciless exploration of his length.
"And these," she murmured appreciatively, "heavy with seed. I can feel them churning, preparing to deliver their bounty." She placed a delicate kiss on each one before returning to the main attraction. "Truly a prime specimen in every regard."
Lady Veyra's analytical inspection continued as her manicured fingers delicately combed through the nest of hair surrounding Kael's impressive manhood. She examined the pubic hair with the meticulous attention of a naturalist studying a new species.
"What lovely curls you have here," she murmured, twirling one soft, light brown strand around her finger. "Not coarse like most men's, but fine and almost silky."
Kael trembled as her face moved closer, her aristocratic nose nearly touching the hair as she inhaled deeply.
"The scent is... intoxicating," Lady Veyra commented, her eyes half-lidded with arousal. "Clean, yet unmistakably masculine. A hint of soap and beneath it, your natural musk."
With unexpected gentleness, she pressed her face into the curls, rubbing her cheek against them like a cat seeking affection. The contrast of her sophisticated appearance with this primal action made Kael's cock twitch involuntarily.
"Turn around," she commanded suddenly, her voice husky with desire.
Bewildered but compliant under the influence of the drugged meal, Kael obeyed, presenting his backside to the noblewoman.
Lady Veyra spread his firm buttocks with her hands, exposing the tight ring of muscle surrounded by a light dusting of the same soft curls that adorned his groin.
"Even here, you're perfectly formed," she whispered, her hot breath caressing his most intimate area. "These delicate hairs... so fine, so sensitive."
Without warning, she extended her tongue and delicately licked one of the curls that surrounded his puckered entrance, tasting the musky essence of his body.
"Mmm," she hummed approvingly, the vibration of her lips against his sensitive flesh making Kael gasp and grip the bedpost for support. "Earthy, with a tang of salt. The true taste of a man, unmasked by pretension."
She continued her thorough exploration, her tongue occasionally grazing the tight ring of muscle itself as she sampled more of the soft curls, cataloging each sensation with the dedication of a connoisseur.
Lady Veyra's meticulous examination intensified as she noticed a glistening sheen beginning to form around Kael's puckered entrance. The farm boy's body was responding to her intrusive exploration, a thin film of sweat emerging from his most intimate area.
"My, my," she murmured, her eyes gleaming with predatory delight. "You're beginning to perspire here, farm boy. How... responsive."
Without hesitation, she extended her tongue and collected the salty moisture that had gathered around his tight ring of muscle. Far from being repulsed, Lady Veyra seemed to relish the taste, humming with pleasure as she lapped at the beads of sweat with increasing enthusiasm.
"Such a clean, earthy flavor," she commented between broad strokes of her tongue. "The mark of healthy, virile stock."
Kael shuddered violently, his massive cock bobbing and twitching with each swipe of her aristocratic tongue across his most forbidden zone. The sensation was unlike anything he had ever experienced—shameful yet exquisitely pleasurable.
Lady Veyra continued her oral assault with undisguised glee, her tongue circling and probing with increasing boldness as more sweat formed under her attention. She moaned appreciatively, the vibrations transferring to his sensitive flesh and drawing strangled gasps from the overwhelmed farm boy.
After several minutes of this torment, she abruptly pulled back and turned Kael around to face her again. His magnificent cock stood proudly before her face, harder than ever and leaking copiously.
"I believe it's time we moved on to the main attraction," Lady Veyra declared, her lipstick smeared and her eyes wild with lust. She gave his shaft a proprietary stroke, studying his face as she asked, "Tell me, farm boy, has anyone else had the privilege of sampling this magnificent specimen? Or am I to be the first to properly milk you?"
Kael swallowed hard, shame and arousal warring on his flushed face. "I... I haven't... that is..."
"Speak plainly," Lady Veyra commanded, squeezing his shaft with enough force to make him wince.
"No, my Lady," he finally admitted. "I've never... Enise and I... we planned to wait until..."
"A virgin!" Lady Veyra's delighted laughter echoed off the chamber walls. "How utterly precious. All this prime manhood, and no one has sampled it yet."
Her eyes gleamed with a predatory light as she stroked him deliberately. "Well then, I suppose it falls to me to take charge of your education in these matters," she declared, her tone making it clear this was no request but a statement of intent.
Lady Veyra pushed Kael onto the bed, mounting him with practiced ease. She positioned his massive cock at her entrance and sank down slowly, her aristocratic facade crumbling as the farm boy's impressive girth stretched her to her limits.
"By the gods," she gasped, her head falling back as she took him to the hilt. "You're splitting me in two, farm boy!"
Kael, overcome with sensation and the effects of the aphrodisiac, grabbed her hips instinctively. His farmboy strength took over as he began thrusting upward, meeting her bounces with powerful strokes that made her breasts jiggle wildly within her loosened bodice.
"Yes! Harder!" Lady Veyra commanded, her refined accent slipping as pleasure overwhelmed her. "Show me what that farm-bred cock can do!"
Emboldened by her demands and the surging pleasure, Kael flipped their positions with surprising agility. Now on top, he pounded into her with abandon, his massive shaft disappearing and reappearing with each powerful thrust.
On impulse, Kael's hand came down hard across Lady Veyra's buttock, the sharp crack echoing through the chamber. Rather than protest the disrespectful act, Lady Veyra's eyes rolled back in ecstasy.
"Again!" she demanded, her voice raw with need. "Slap my ass again, farm boy!"
Kael complied, bringing his calloused palm down on her other cheek with a resounding smack. Lady Veyra squealed in response, the sound distinctly porcine. The noblewoman, lost in depravity, began to oink rhythmically with each powerful thrust, the dignified Lady of the manor reduced to animal sounds.
"Oink! Oink! Oink!" she squealed as Kael continued his relentless pounding, her aristocratic pretenses completely abandoned. "Harder! Make me your sow!"
Kael, shocked but aroused by her degradation, continued slapping her reddening buttocks while driving into her with primal force. Lady Veyra's oinking grew louder and more frantic, her body shuddering beneath him as she writhed in shameless pleasure.
Kael's mind clouded with lust as the aphrodisiac coursed through his system. Something primal awakened in him—a darkness he never knew existed beneath his gentle farm boy exterior. His blue eyes darkened to stormy indigo as he stared down at the writhing noblewoman beneath him.
"My turn," he growled, his voice unrecognizable even to himself.
With one powerful motion, he flipped Lady Veyra onto her stomach and yanked her hips upward, positioning her on all fours. Before she could protest or command, he drove his massive cock into her with brutal force, burying himself to the hilt in one savage thrust.
"AHHH!" Lady Veyra screamed, her aristocratic composure shattering completely. "Yes! Ruin me, farm boy!"
Kael's large hands gripped her hips with bruising force as he pounded into her mercilessly. Each thrust was punctuated by a guttural grunt that echoed through the chamber.
"Ungh! Ungh! Ungh!" he vocalized, his farmboy restraint abandoned completely.
Lady Veyra matched his animal noises with her own desperate cries. "Harder! HARDER!" she demanded, pushing back against him to take his thick shaft deeper. "Destroy me with that monster cock!"
The bed frame creaked dangerously beneath them, threatening to collapse under the force of Kael's savage thrusts. Sweat poured down his muscled back as he maintained his punishing rhythm, his balls slapping loudly against Lady Veyra's reddened flesh.
"You wanted this," Kael snarled, his voice thick with dominance. "You drugged me for this cock!"
"YES!" Lady Veyra screamed, her confession echoing off the stone walls. "I NEEDED it! I saw your cock and I NEEDED it!"
Kael reached forward and grabbed a fistful of her immaculate hair, yanking her head back as he continued to ravage her from behind. The nobleman's wife—the cruel, composed Lady Veyra—was reduced to a mewling, begging mess beneath the farm boy she had sought to use.
"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" she chanted with each brutal thrust, her vocabulary as debased as her body. "I'm your whore! Your noble WHORE!"
Kael felt the familiar pressure building at the base of his spine, a molten heat that radiated outward through his massive cock. Lady Veyra's body contracted around him, her inner muscles spasming in yet another orgasm as she howled in ecstasy.
"I'm going to—" he started to warn, but his body was beyond his control now.
With a primal roar that echoed throughout the chamber, Kael slammed his hips forward one final time, burying himself to the hilt inside Lady Veyra's trembling body. His massive cock pulsed violently as the first thick rope of his seed erupted deep within her aristocratic womb.
"YES! FILL ME!" Lady Veyra screamed, her back arching impossibly as she felt the hot splash of his release. "GIVE ME EVERY DROP!"
Kael had no hesitation. His body responded with a torrent of release, thick ropes of pearly ejaculate pumping into Lady Veyra's quivering depths. The intensity of his orgasm was unlike anything he had ever experienced—each pulse more powerful than the last, each jet of seed more copious.
Lady Veyra's eyes rolled back in her head as the farm boy's massive load flooded her insides. The heat and pressure of his virile seed, combined with the relentless stretch of his girth, triggered a final, devastating climax that ripped through her entire being.
"Oh gods, oh gods, oh—" Her words dissolved into an inhuman wail as her consciousness began to fade, the pleasure too intense for her mind to process.
Kael continued to empty himself inside her, his muscular body jerking with each powerful ejaculation. His hands gripped her hips with bruising force as rope after rope of his thick seed filled her to overflowing, excess cream leaking down her trembling thighs.
Lady Veyra's body went slack beneath him, her consciousness slipping away even as her inner muscles continued to milk his throbbing shaft. Her aristocratic veneer had completely crumbled, leaving only the raw, animal response to being thoroughly bred by the farm boy's superior cock.
Kael, lost in his own pleasure, hardly noticed when Lady Veyra's body went limp beneath him. His hips continued to jerk forward instinctively as his balls emptied their enormous load, flooding her noble womb with common seed.
Kael's consciousness flickered between moments of clarity and drug-induced haze as he continued to thrust mercilessly into Lady Veyra's unconscious form. Her head lolled limply to the side, aristocratic features slack in oblivion, yet her body remained positioned on all fours, supported only by Kael's bruising grip on her hips.
"More... need more..." he muttered, his farm-boy innocence completely subsumed by the aphrodisiac coursing through his veins.
Lady Veyra's once immaculate appearance had deteriorated completely. Her carefully coiffed hair hung in sweaty tangles around her face. Saliva pooled at the corner of her slack mouth, soaking into the fine bedding beneath her. Rivulets of sweat traced paths down her back and between her breasts, mixing with the generous overflow of Kael's previous release that leaked steadily from between her legs, staining the sheets with viscous white fluid.
The bedroom door creaked open, and three maids entered with fresh linens. They froze momentarily at the sight before them—their mistress unconscious and being violently taken by the new farm hand. Yet instead of raising an alarm, they simply arranged themselves along the wall, watching with expressions that ranged from shock to barely concealed arousal.
"Should we stop him?" the youngest maid whispered, though she made no move to intervene.
The head maid shook her head slightly. "Lady Veyra's orders were explicit. The boy is to be left to finish what she started, regardless of her... condition."
Kael didn't acknowledge their presence, lost in his own pleasure as his hips continued their relentless rhythm. His massive shaft, slick with their combined fluids, disappeared repeatedly into Lady Veyra's limp body, each thrust producing obscene squelching sounds that filled the chamber.
"Gods above," one of the maids murmured, pressing her thighs together as she watched. "The mistress certainly chose well this time."
And thus began Kael's life in the Valaheimn manor. Welcomed by Lady Veyra's 'warm embrace', he lost his virginity under the effect of an aphrodisiac, raping her limp body until he passed out himself.
It was a moment to remember for Kael. He opened his eyes the next morning, woken up by the headmaid, Mrs. Helder. Her severe bun and pristine uniform contrasted sharply with the debauched scene of the previous night. Kael's head throbbed with pain, his memories fragmented and hazy.
"Good morning, young man," Mrs. Helder said, her voice crisp and professional despite the scene before her. Kael lay naked in sheets stained with bodily fluids, the evidence of his encounter with Lady Veyra impossible to ignore.
Kael's eyes widened in horror as fragments of memory returned—Lady Veyra's body going limp beneath him, his continued thrusting, the maids watching from the doorway. Shame and confusion washed over his face as he clutched the sheets to his naked form.
"What... what happened?" he croaked, his throat raw from the previous night's exertions.
Mrs. Helder's expression remained impassive as she laid out fresh clothes at the foot of the bed. "You had your formal introduction to Lady Veyra," she stated matter-of-factly. "She was quite pleased with your... performance before she lost consciousness."
Kael's farm-boy innocence reasserted itself through the fog of his aphrodisiac-induced memories. Horror dawned on his face as he realized what he had done—what had been done to him.
"But I... she was... I couldn't stop myself," he stammered, clutching his head.
Mrs. Helder's severe expression softened slightly. "No one expected you to, dear boy. The mistress has her ways, and resistance is not something she tolerates well." She poured water from a pitcher into a basin. "Clean yourself and dress. There's much to learn about your new position here."
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