Chapter 17: Oh 300
Chapter 17: Oh 300
The rest of the lessons were rather dull. In the end, Lee Dojin dozed off, learning nothing new. There was one point though, where he could not help laughing. It was during English class while hearing the teacher talk with his strong accent. At first, he could not even understand him, thinking that he was speaking another language, one unknown to him. Only after carefully listening did he understand that the man was in fact speaking English. Thus, he thought about the day of New Year, where that nosy mother and her son had brought that topic up. He really did understand them though, as he himself was never good at English either. Still, when the fate of the world was in ones' hand, there was little choice but to cram as many languages as possible into his head. Even some otherworldly ones, from races, brought here by the system.
After all, he could not possibly fight alongside someone he did not understand. Thankfully, he had a great skill that helped him process all that information, otherwise, he may have just died from his brain exploding.
The bell rang across the hallway, notifying everyone in the school. The students sighed in relief. It was now the hard-earned long break, where they could stretch their limbs and fill their belly. Lee Dojin himself took out his snacks and started munching on some chips.
"If you eat that fast, you might choke," a woman said, right behind him. "In the first place, isn't bringing snacks into the classroom forbidden? Oh dear, has the uptight Dojin finally entered the rebellious phase?"
Lee Dojin turned around to see who it was. There, the somewhat familiar girl with long black hair and fair skin smiled at him, her hands on her hips. He swallowed the food in his mouth, then turned around, ignoring her.
Seeing that Lee Dojin was not going to reply, Kim Jyejin felt appalled. "Hey, can you at least talk to me?"
"... Can't a man eat in peace?" He turned around and grumbled. In his mind, he churned for a name. He remembered the teacher called her, "Jyejin." At the same time, a few puzzle pieces came together, forming a whole picture. The niece of Wayward Pharmas' CEO, Kim Jyiejin. The past Lee Dojin's childhood friend, Kim Jyejin. His only childhood-friend, Kim Jyejin. The girl standing in front of him with a mildly annoyed face was all of them. He realized that maybe he should treat her a little nicer, seeing that they had a connection.
"You, you've got some guts, huh? Did you finally hit puberty?" Kim Jyejin laughed at her own joke, though Lee Dojin did not find it that funny. He imagined her a little differently, based on what he heard and her appearance. Maybe a little more refined? That idea quickly fell apart after she opened her mouth.
"The past me must have had it tough, huh?" Lee Dojin sighed, as he stared into the distance, unbeknownst to anyone what he was thinking. That action made Kim Jyejin all the more annoyed. Though it was more done in a playful way. Truthfully, she was happy seeing him well.
"How was your New Years," she asked him but did not receive an answer. It was not because Lee Dojin did not wish to answer. Rather, they were interrupted by a rude shout.
"Oi, Dojin, get your ass over here," Oh Sanbake shouted with a mildly irritated voice. He had his feet on the table, an act that he thought made him look tough. Behind him, there was Kim Heeson, whose mouth would not close due to that idiot's stupidity. Before he could pull him back, Oh Sanbaek already started fueling the flames. "You've got any spare cash? I blew mine on cigarettes. If you don't mind why won't you lend me some like always? Naturally, I'll pay you back." He put his hands together, as if to beg, but grinned mischievously.
Kim Jyejins face immediately darkened. "Sanbaek, dumb bastard, if you can't manage your finances, then that's your own fault." She clicked her tongue, unlike before, she was now really annoyed. "Also, you aren't even of age to smoke yet. Do you want me to report you to the teacher?"
"Oh come on. It's just occasionally. Everyone does that nowadays." Oh Sanbaek leaned on his chair. "Not everyone can be as rich as you Jyejin. And Dojin and I are friends, are we not? We've known each other for so long after all. Where's the trust?"
Kim Jyejin hands balled into a fist. She ground her teeth. "How can you be so brazen?" She, and everyone else in this classroom, knew the relationship between Oh Sanbaek and Lee Dojin. They knew these two could not be further away when it came to friends. Yet, time and time again, Oh Sanbaek had shown his disregard by continuing to bully Lee Dojin, as if trying to test how far he could go. Still, there was no one that stood up against this injusticeand that was what made her all the more infuriated.
Lee Dojin closed his chips and turned around. "There's no end to you guys, is there," he said, baffled. There were more people that bullied him than there existed goblins spawned by the system. In a way, they both had that uncanny ability to attract trouble. "You are worse than a hemorrhoid."
Feeling the disappointed look from him, Oh Sanbaek was first shocked, then confused, then angry. His eyebrows shot down, and blood rushed to his head. How dare that "You motherfu"
"Sanbaek, drop it." Kim Heeson pulled Oh Sanbaek away. He nudged at him to sit down, and his cold eyes told him that this was not up for debate.
The wrath within Oh Sanbaek immediately died out. Though he did not understand why that guy reacted this way. Maybe it was because he didn't want any teachers involved? Anyway, he did not want to get on Kim Heeson's bad side. Bully the weak and fear the strong, that was how this guy survived, in Lee Dojin's mind, a truly despicable way of living. "Tsk." He clicked his tongue. "You got lucky there."
As Oh Sanbaek's provocations continued, Lee Dojin himself began to feel irritated. He shot back, "You have great anger for someone so minuscule." He held his nose and grimaced. "Damn bottomfeeder, get away from me, you stink."
Hearing these words, Oh Sanbaek lost all reason. It was as if literal smoke exited his ears. "That's it, I'll break your neck." Blinded by rage, he forgot Kim Heeson and his warning. He swung at Lee Dojin's face, not carrying for the aftermath.
Lee Dojin, without even giving him a glance, moved his neck to the right, and his fist missed. Losing his balance, and through inertia, he then stumbled slightly, falling on the table and flinging the notes and books away.
Lee Dojin sighed. His eyes that stared at Oh Sanbaeks neck was ice-cold. "Well, and that's the end of my school life, I suppose." At the same time, he thought, how big of an impact would killing this guy have on his future plans.
However, through some fortune (or misfortune), he did not have to continue that train of thought. Kim Heeson, who saw Oh Sanbaek attack Lee Dojin, first turned wide-eyed, then quickly went into action. He dragged Oh Sanbaek then threw him on the ground. The dull sound of his back hitting concrete, echoed in the classroom, catching the attention of all the other students.
"You piece of fucking shit," Kim Heeson screamed before Oh Sanbaek could even register with the pain. "How many times do I have to tell you to piss off?" His shout reverberated against the walls. There may even be a teacher who'd want to see what the commotion was about. Yet, he could not care less. Oh Sanbaek, while rubbing his back, felt shocked. He could not even retort as Kim Heeson dragged him back.
As the break ended, and even within the lessons, he did not say a single word. However, Lee Dojin felt it, ever so slightly, Oh Sanbaek would throw him a glance, and within, there was a lot of bewilderment, but also silent rage. Both knew that this event would not end that easily.
By the time classes were overand Lee Dojin promising himself never to returnKim Heeson approached him to apologize. Well, he didn't put much thought behind it anyway. He simply felt bored to death during school, which is why he did not wish to come back.
However, as he walked out of the school, an unexpected guest greeted him by the gates.
"Lee Dojin, you son of a bitch," Oh Sanbaek said with a tone full of seething rage. He cracked his knuckles. "Think you are really smart, huh? Must have made some great New Years' resolutions too, I bet." He spat on the ground. "Ain't no way that Kim heeson will save you here."
Many students whose classes have ended, bore witness to what would happen.
"You know, I never liked you to begin with," Oh Sanbaek began monologing. "You, who is a loser, has got it all. Good grades, a nice childhood friend, and a beautiful mother. What kind of unfair stuff us this? Meanwhile, I'm stuck here, fighting for any scarp I get. Yet, you dare look down on me?" He turned louder. "Say what how abo"
Lee Dojin suddenly appeared before him. Before he could react, a sharp pain pierced his cheek. The world then flew away, as if he was on a rollercoaster. Only after crashing headfirst onto the metal gates, did he realize he had been flying. His last sight was Lee Dojin casually strolling away, his bag on his back, and in his hand a sandwich.
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