First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 873: For Glory

Chapter 873: For Glory

It's hard to overstate exactly how large Kronos had become.

If a human were to randomly find themselves in possession of a satellite, they would in fact be able to see him quite clearly from outer space.

When Kirina cut his fist to pieces mere moments ago, she cut through literal miles of bone, connective tissue, and nerves to make cubes of titan meat no bigger than chicken nuggets.

Although they, unfortunately, tasted nothing like golden lumps of savory chicken.

Kronos roared so unbelievably loudly that he could likely be heard far beyond the heavenly realm. His voice knocked several participants out cold.


"You must stop this!"

Hades and Zeus finally recovered from their embarrassing trips to dreamland and were now attempting to reason with their father.

But Kronos was now beyond reason. He was missing his entire fist.

As if that weren't bad enough, he had been continuously humiliated by a woman he sought to conquer.

By now, his sons were little more than aggravating additional obstacles within his path.

Kronos roared, and his two children became trapped in a time loop.

They were eternally trapped in the moment where they got up from the ground, called out to him, and then it all repeated itself all over again.

All while they were none the wiser. 

While Kirina found doing such a thing distasteful, she didn't want her battle interrupted either.

Besides, she wasn't particularly fond of those two Greek gods anyway. It was better for them to be incapable of getting in her way again anyway.

Her armor left her feet mostly bare to allow herself to move significantly easier.

After growing a set of black and violet scales along her feet, she ran so fast that she created a sonic vacuum.

She ran all the way up the Colosseum wall until she could 'see' the beginnings of Kronos' leg.

Concentrating her power on her feet, she leaped towards his leg and swung his sword in a sweeping downward arc.

It had taken millennia for Seras' mother to perfect her swordplay.

In a house full of beings who all excel at the act of self-defense and war, how was she going to stand out from them?

Her desire for significance paid off and she developed a sword style that, at present, only she and Courtney knew. Although her granddaughter hasn't quite the same proficiency as her...

By sacrificing sight and hearing, but heightening her sixth sense to it's utmost, she could 'see' the world around her on a much more defined scale.

She could look at a person, but simultaneously be looking through them and into them, at their cardiovascular systems, nervous systems, and skeletal structures.

In addition to sacrificing her sight and sense of hearing, she learned how to disintegrate her blade at will without destroying it permanently.

All of the years of training and ingenuity culminated in Kirina's ability to cut whatever she wanted, regardless of physical impediments or, in some cases, range.

The result was this.

Kirina swung her sword hilt one simple time while her body soared through the air.

The bones inside of Kronos' left leg were there and perfectly intact at one moment, but at the next, they were cut into an assortment of fine cubes an inch thick. 

Kronos roared in horror as he went down holding his leg.

He was filled with a pain that even he would not wish on his worst enemy. 

With him forced to kneel, he accidentally crashed into the side of the Colosseum and flung several members of the Shinto pantheon out of their seats.

Working together, Izanagi and Lailah were able to save them all and ensure that they didn't suffer so much as a single scratch. Though they remained mildly shaken up no matter how much time passed.

As Kronos fell to one knee, Kirina sprouted eight dark wings from her back- each of them larger than ten feet across and brimming with a shining violet luster.

With Kronos on one knee and holding his leg, Kirina flew around it in a circle and made one long sweeping 'cut' in the air.

A second hand went missing, and another wail of pain followed.

Kirina flexed her wings and flew up the course of Kronos' titanic body.

As she flew, she hacked Kronos to pieces internally. However, she relegated all of her attacks to being nonlethal in origin.

But Kronos didn't know that. He was in so much pain he already felt as if he might as well be dead.

No matter how many attempts he made to rewind time again, he couldn't do a thing. Something was obstructing him.

And he was losing the wherewithal to continue fighting about it.

A shadow passed over his face.

He opened his hateful, tear-streaked eyes and saw a figure no bigger than a fly hovering above him.

In her hand, she held a blade with no hilt while it's sheath was strapped to her back.

Usually, he could see her bright violet eyes staring back at him contemptuously.

But for some reason, he couldn't see them now.

Staring into the eye sockets of her mask... there was only darkness staring back.

Kirina suddenly tucked her body in like a cocoon and wrapped her wings around herself.

She shone with her own variant of bright light and bathed the entirety of the white city in violet.

Kronos saw nothing. Even when the light died down.

However, everyone else in attendance would remember the sight of a large four-headed dragon biting off Kronos' noggin with one swift chomp.

The dragon was frightening and majestic. From the necks down, it resembled a deep black serpent with a violet underbelly.

A gaping mouth could be seen sitting underneath it's chest where two more pronounced bits of flesh and scale sat.

Her body was devoid of spikes or blades, making her look deceptively gentle and susceptible to petting.

As quickly as the dragon appeared, it was gone. And Kirina's body was falling from the sky as Kronos' headless figure slumped over in the background.

She flipped gracefully in midair until she crashed into the ground directly between Jasmine and Asmodeus- already on one knee and with her head lowered before Lailah.

"I submit myself to your judgment for my transgressions, empress."

In the background, Kronos' body exploded into billions of rubix-cube-sized chunks of meat and bone; raining down on the day's attendees and making this event even more memorable than it already was.

Lailah looked down at Kirina, then at the bloody rainstorm she'd wrought. 

As someone who truly enjoyed acts of domination when they were justified, Laialh was finding it really hard to be mad at this.

Really, really, hard.

"You're so cool, Grandma K..." Nubia whispered.

Kirina was still wearing her mask, but Lailah could see the back of her neck turn red from the sudden compliment.

"That is... the greatest compliment you could pay me, my dear."

Nubia smiled brighter than the midday sun.

Lailah cleared her throat as she resisted the urge to start complimenting the ancient dragoness as well. *Ahem* "Are you hurt?"

"No, Empress."

"Fatigued at all?"

"Only with myself for acting without prior orders."

"Go and join the others. Your victory was glorious. I'm sure she will think so as well- if she isn't already aware."

Kirina had to shift her weight to hold her tail down so that it wouldn't wag.

Looking cool for your grandbabies is one thing, but looking cool to your children? Kirina may as well have been on cloud nine.

"...Thank you, empress."

She stood back up alongside Asmodeus and Jasmine. Even without looking in their directions, she could feel the large shit-eating grins they wore beneath their masks.

'Not. One. Word.'

Asmodeus: 'Sure. How about a thought?'


Jasmine: 'I had thought you were going to let me handle Kronos if it came to it. You don't know time manipulation, that was a bad matchup for you.'

Kirina scoffed underneath her helmet. 'Why would we who live outside oftime and space be bound to it's rules OR it's rulers? He was nothing to me, I would have broken more of a sweat if I were on my back.'

Asmodeus: 'Well, yea, when you got a big beefy guy like Hajun hovering over ya, then of course you're gonna-'

'S-Shut up, Asmodeus!!'

Asmodeus rolled his eyes. 'Now THAT doesn't sound much like 'Thank you for helping me' at all.'

Before Kirina belted out a halfhearted thank you, Lailah tapped her once again.


"Feeling rebellious today, are we? I said go and join the others."

It took a while for Kirina to get the gist of what exactly Lailah meant. 

But when Lailah held out her hands for her helmet, all the pieces snapped into place.

Kirina removed her helmet and gingerly placed it in Lailah's grasp. Treating every deity to the sight of her beautiful face once again.

After leaving her mask, she sprouted her wings again and shot off into the sky once more.

Several figures gasped in shock.

At some point, it was like a veil had been lifted.

The sky was suddenly filled with soldiers in black armor. Each of them seemed to bear some brand of insignia, be they gold, violet, or an even darker black.

Kirina emerged in the center of them, and they crowded around her like heavily enamored children. 

After a brief silence, she raised her fist in the air proudly and screamed at the very top of her lungs.


Almost immediately, a wave of cheers rushed back to her.


The singing that had first marked Tehom's arrival was back with a vengeance.

And this time, the sound was one of true, riveting joy.

Starting to think I got the funniest readers on wn. I asked this man who hhis favorite character was do I could kill them off and he said Percival.

side note, huge thank you to Oberyn for the 17 gold tickets!!

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