Chapter 282 City Blueprint
PoV Base Commander Britten Beans
A knock on the door alerted me to the presence of someone looking to talk to me. "Come in," I called out, and a moment later, I saw my wife poke her head into the room.
"Hey, Supreme Commander harem Member Rose is here. She is on time for your appointment, if not a little early. Do you want me to send her right in?"
"Of course, I am happy to meet her a little early," I said, getting up. My Wife nodded, and she headed out. A moment later, a beautiful blonde elf came in with a nice green dress that went down to just above her thighs. One of the trends among tailors. The cleavage she showed was also making her more attractive, and I wondered if she would be interested in joining-
I stopped that thought in its tracks. The Elves are known for being prudes, and I would not be the first to offer something more open, especially with the Supreme Commander's women. They were known to be castes compared to any relationships. The rumor was that it was because there would be no other man or woman to satisfy them. What was the point of enjoying yourself outside the relationship with someone so powerful if no one could get you to orgasm? The Rumor why that no one else could satisfy them was that the Supreme Commander had something called the Doorknocker that made sure no woman would be able to orgasm without her in the future.
I thought that was bullshit, but I was not about to ask to find out.
So instead, I bowed as she entered, and she replied to my bow, saying, "Oh, please, no niceties. I am not the Supreme Commander; I am just a Harem Member hoping to help her a little."
I almost coughed at what helping her a little meant. "Forgive me for saying, Um, Do you mind if I call you Rose then?" I requested.
"Please do. I don't use my last name in these parts, which is why you have not heard it," Rose replied.
"Thank you, Rose; as I was saying if you could forgive me for saying that your 'little help' is something of a massive company that even the largest families of the Bunny-kin are starting to covet."
Rose giggled, "Oh, I know, they are too scared of the Loveknots who have made their position known when it comes to my companies," Rose declared, "They seem to get a little scared when they start sniffing about in their business. I have used it to beat off those meddlers who are trying to steal or demand my business. All of this does not tell me why I am meeting the third most powerful person in the logistics army who is in control of all the arms that are leaving the nation to arm the army."
"You have read through me easily," I replied, knowing this was not a far stretch to wonder. What she knew of the front would be more than normal people if she kept in contact with the Supreme Commander, too. "I am here because I heard that you have a special area that you are creating in the north," I said.
Suddenly, Rose turned from happy to guarded, and her face fell. This was no longer a nice conversation, and she looked at me with a glare, "Oh, and who told you about that? And what reason are you talking about it?" She suddenly asked, and I felt her eyes bore into me. The city that I heard about was a topic that most people should not be talking about. I struggled to remember who told me about it, but that was not what was important right now.
"Well, I honestly forgot who specifically told me about it, but I had a Staff Sergeant also bring it up, and the poor sap is probably going to be promoted because of it. The reason I am asking you about it is because the Logistics Army has recently run into a space issue." I replied, feeling her eyes bore deeper into me. "We have noticed that the way we have built the current base leaves a lot to be desired. The Factory system and assembly line system have maxed out here. We have no more space to expand really without demolishing other buildings. We are just out of secure lands here. So we heard rumors about you starting reclaiming land up north, and we figured that if you are doing something up there, and the rumors we heard are a city, Why not make a new Logistical army base there? Something where we can set up bases near base supplies and make roads while operating every function, or at least some of them."
Rose's eyes no longer bore into me, and she motioned to the chair. "May I sit?" she asked, and I nodded, and she sat down. I followed suit behind my desk, and she smiled, "Well, this is interesting, and I may be able to divert some of those Logistical soldiers building roads my way."
"That might be an issue," I replied quickly.
"IF you are looking to expand, then you will be helping me with some people. You might not be able to spare it now, but in the future, you will," Rose informed me, and I could not disagree. "Also, the Supreme Commander has been immensely helpful in showing me the same systems that you are using so I could speed up base production on some of my products. It has done well for my coin purse, although gold is flowing out just as fast as it is flowing into that coin purse. So, I understand your position. Do you want to set up a variety of Logistics Army bases around my supposed City?" Rose said slowly.
"Yes, that is exactly what I want. If you happen to have an iron deposit nearby, I want to put a base nearby and do that sort of thing. Not only will it reinforce your base," I began.
"But it will simplify your logistics, allowing you to reroute more transportation without slowing down production." Rose completed, "As I can see in your base, things are running into each other, and that is what you are talking about when it comes to expansion."
"Exactly. The main issue is security," I told her with a sigh, and she raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, The Empire has infiltrated our population more than we ever thought. That coupled with the fact that the war is swinging more in our favor than anyone expected, they have now been making use of those spies. Humans disguised as us and Beast-kin of our own have been smuggling in potions, bombs, and all sorts of various sabotage tools to slow down production. This, along with the Supreme Commander's previous orders, has not yet happened because of those orders. We check all the wagons, and EVERYONE that comes in is inspected. Which also slows things down immensely. Which brings me to think about what would happen if something did happen?"
"Then everything would be bogged down, and all production would grind to a halt all at once, I assume," Rose answered, and I smiled.
"Exactly, so we thought about separating things and putting a bit of distance between them. Not only will it allow the Logistics Army to be a bit more spread out, but it would also allow us to defend more territory in case of war and respond to things faster because of that, or at least in the local area."
"All of which would help my rumored city with jobs and various other things like protection, and you will be bringing substantial resources with you," Rose finished.
"Exactly," I told her with a smile. A lot of people are interested in joining the Logistics army, and we can use that to assist each other. I can also get more people trained up in Officer duty and give them experience. More bases means more people who know how to run bases, which means I can rotate people out of them and send them to the front to occupy key positions."
"I understand there are a lot of benefits to it. All of this does not mean it benefits me everywhere. I can see," Rose paused, and I could see her thinking, and she called out, "BITCH IN HERE NOW!" suddenly, and I looked at her, surprised at the sudden shout.
A moment later, my wife opened the door and looked down. To my shock, an elven man started to crawl in. His body trembled, and he was on his hands and knees. He looked really girly and was dressed only in a little top that showed his stomach and a loincloth. His tiny, flaccid cock was barely visible as he crawled forward, and there was a tall bag on his back.
Rose turned around and opened up the bag, which was full of large papers that were tightly rolled. She then pulled out one from the bag before spitting on the boy. "Ah, Base Commander, Meet my bitch of a husband," Rose said with a soft smile, much to my surprise, "For various reasons, he ended up like this, and he is quite enjoying his life. If you want, you can use his ass for your enjoyment; even your wife can do what she wants with him."
I froze, and my eyes narrowed; I looked at him and decided against it. My wife and I, although we could use something to spice up our sex life a little, maybe not this. I looked at him some more and shrugged, "Ask my wife on the way out; she might want to be a bit more adventurous. I would love to join her if she is, but I am unsure about him."
"Fair enough, I do not mind lending him out, Sit," Rose finished with a command, and her husband rocked back with his knees in an M shape, and his ass barely lifted off the count with his hands forward. That was a very uncomfortable position and humiliating. I wondered why things ended up like this for them, but it was not my relationship.
My attention was drawn back as Rose pushed some things on my desk to the side and unfurled the paper, which turned out to be a large map. "This is the blueprint of the city with some resources; how about you show me what you are thinking? As you can see, there are some basic shapes of what we already planned, along with potential roadways. We are still making half of this stuff, and those that are in solid black lines on the map are things that can no longer be changed, while dotted means that they are still tentative and can be changed. How about you show me what you are thinking, and we can see if we can set up the Logistics army as a nice defender of this new city."
I looked over the massive map and gulped. She was insane for the amount of space this would take up. It was going to be larger than the Bunny-kin's territory! This was massive, and I could see the logic of it all. The main roads were massive, and there were easy ways to move through the entire city if it was built, as I saw on this map. There was something massive in the center of the north, closer to the border of the city. There was even a thick black line around a forest area, and I turned to her, "Do you mind if I ask what this is?" I asked Rose, and she nodded.
"I do mind, in fact. This is something that you just need to think of as something useful. Not in the short term but in the long term. Understood?" Rose said, and I nodded.
"Perfect. Something useful is always good. Now, please show me where we are growing food to feed the population and where the rest of the resources are or at least where you are thinking about putting them so I can start to pick out some plots of land. In fact," I smiled, "Maybe you can help me choose. I would love to hear your opinions on where I should put my smelters, weapon factories, and assembly lines. It would assist me since you know more about the land here than I do."
Rose smiled brightly. "Now, that is something I can help with. Look here," She pointed to the west side of the city, "I would recommend that you split your factories and smelters into separate bases in the west here for iron and Copper production as there are mines nearby and will be brought through one of the main roads here," She pointed on the map, "This will allow a large factory and goods creation area. In fact, I am thinking about setting this area as the only place in the city where you can do these types of things. That will also allow your Logistics army to blend into my factories and, in the future, maybe other trade companies' factories."
"That is a really good idea; what other recommendations do you have?"
"Here in the South, I plan to have most food production done. It will be smart to put some form of food processing base here," Rose continued, pointing out areas. I started to realize that this would have long-term effects.
This City was preplanned and would be massive. The scale of everything here was to make this city into a mixed-race haven. Something bigger was being done here, and it was now that I realized why Rose was wary of me at the start. She also knew that I was promoted by the Supreme Commander, which is probably why she was even talking to me now.
What was this city for?
Why did I feel excited looking at it all and the potential gains this city gives to our nation?
I shuddered as I realized that if this city was made, whoever controlled it would become a major power in the nation. At war with the Empire or not, this would grow larger and larger. There were zones for housing with businesses mixed in. There were zones for everything I could think of; now that I was putting my stamp on it, there would even be army protection. Then I noticed something in the north. It was up against the Elven forest, a great place to blood new troops and train adventurers. Was this?
No, that would be insane. Is this something like the Adventurers Academy in the Kingdom of Arlin I heard about?
I shoved that to the back of my mind and began to talk in earnest with Rose about potential places to put down the next major Logistics base.
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