Chapter 176: Nissa
Even with Jackie's help, it took us a while to reach the place where Nissa was supposedly waiting for us.
It felt like she was unsure of whether or not she should bring us along so her steps were heavy and slow, but also...
Miwen: "Are you sure this is the place?"
Jackie: "She's rarely somewhere else."
At the very center of the city stood its biggest building. Its six floors dwarfed everything around it, however, it was fundamentally different from what surrounded it.
This building was the main administrative center of the city. Thus, neither students nor visitors were allowed inside.
Suffice to say, we were never able to explore it in the game either.
Miwen: "Mia..."
I had to take a more serious tone, but she understood the task and immediately became more alert.
We were heading into the unknown to visit the woman who got past both of us.
It was possible that we would see the end of the peace we were used to in the city, so I wanted us to be prepared for it.
As expected, entering the building wasn't as simple as with the workshops. The doors were closed for us until Jackie approached it.
The security instantly recognized her and once inside we saw people working on all sorts of documents.
Even though I couldn't take a look at any of them, I was pretty sure about the contents.
The boring stuff that happens in the shadows in order to maintain everything working properly.
This city was able to function thanks to their efforts.
I couldn't help but feel like it was ironic. The most normal place in this world compared to mine was what allowed the strangest one to function.
However, while this was interesting, we had yet to see the mysterious woman we met at the cathedral.
She was pretty recognizable, but even Mia wasn't able to track her.
Miwen: "I suppose this explains why we couldn't find her..."
Even with everyone on the lookout, this building was always going to be a blind spot.
Miwen: "So... which floor is she in?"
The first floor was pretty busy, so I imagined all of them would be the same.
I truly had nothing against this city, so I didn't want to disrupt their work.
As long as I was able to ask that woman a few questions, I'd be satisfied.
Jackie: "...Underground."
There was no elevator in this building. The only way to move through the floors was by using the stairs.
They started at the first floor and went all the way to the sixth but there was no flight of stairs connecting to a floor below the first.
At least not at first sight.
In a certain corner of this building, there was an unusual lack of activity. No desks or chairs, no papers, furniture or workers...
It wasn't very noteworthy... but it was definitely weird to think about. Especially since I only noticed it after Jackie headed that way.
Once we were all in there... she took a single step forward and her height decreased.
She looked back at us as if asking why we weren't following her.
Her second step then had the same effect.
Looking at her feet... it was like it was disappearing into the ground.
Lenard: "An illusion?"
Mia: "Seems like it..."
The scale wasn't big. It was just a single corner after all.
However... this was a place where dozens of people worked tirelessly day and night.
And not a single one of them seemed to know about this.
A pretty big hole existed in their office, but they kept avoiding it as if a wall was blocking this region.
They also didn't seem to react to Jackie's disappearing figure...
I doubt we could blame this on fatigue.
This place was fishy.
Miwen: "You two, stay behind us. It's non-negotiable. Mia, I told the girls to be ready to come at a moment's notice so a few of them came back to the Kingdom."
Lenard: "..."
Mia: "Understood."
Following my orders didn't seem to sit very well with Lenard, but I didn't leave him a choice.
We followed Jackie downstairs. It didn't take us very long to reach a small corridor with a single door.
It was very hard to see in front of us. There weren't any light sources and the place was incredibly dark.
Even with the skills that boosted my sight, I couldn't see anything inside past the door while Jackie opened it.
She seemed fine after opening it though, so we did the same.
At that moment, a flash of light pierced my eyes.
It was white... blinding...
The complete opposite of the corridor we were just in, yet, it only lasted for a moment before I was once again left in darkness.
Around me... there was no one.
I couldn't see Mia, Lenard, or Isabella.
Jackie was also nowhere to be seen. And the same was true for that mysterious woman.
I couldn't even see Apollo anymore.
It was like the whole world was just this shadow that surrounded me.
I was left alone.
I couldn't feel anything.
The only thing still working was my mind.
---This section is written in Isabella's POV---
A familiar feeling.
Surrounded by darkness, I am once again alone.
Perhaps I'm a cursed child. How else could I explain this?
This ever-repeating fate.
Every time I see a glimpse of hope... Every time I reach for the light...
I always end up back in the dark. All by myself.
Isabella: "What happened?"
??????: "There was a flower. In the garden. Father said that Mo- that Pamela loved it."
Ah... it's that episode.
I thought I had forgotten about it, but seeing this child crying over it stings my heart.
??????: "Every time... Why is it that every time... I'm always doing something bad?"
Isabella: "...Who knows? Perhaps you wanted to hurt her? She never looked at you the same way she did your brothers, so... Maybe you wanted her to feel how it is like... to have something out of your control make you sad. Or maybe you're even worse.
Maybe you just wanted to make her even more miserable."
Being a bastard, you're a constant reminder of her failing as a woman.
You expect her to love you? The same way she does your brothers?
Idiot. It's helpless.
They had a perfect life together.
Until you.
Your very birth was a disaster. You disgraced them.
Your existence will forever be a thorn in their lives.
And you dare think you deserve anything?
That you're treated unfairly?
What a victim you are.
??????: "You're wrong... I don't hate them... I just want... a little bit..."
Of course... but you're not going to find love here.
They have no reason to.
Isabella: "Crying won't help with that."
??????: "I can't help it..."
Isabella: "Of course you can. Every time you see a glimpse of hope, you run towards it. You're always doing your best to not waste any chances, right?"
??????: "And look where that brought me..."
No matter what. No matter how many times.
I would always end up in the same place.
I might've not wasted any chance, but I hardly used them correctly either.
Isabella: "...Don't give me that act."
??????: "Huh?"
Isabella: "You pity yourself, and you expect me to do the same. You think that this is the worse that it gets? Don't make me laugh. You'll be blamed for much more. You'll fall much harder. You'll fail in every step of the way.
I've gone through much more than you, so give up. I will not pity you."
??????: "That sounds like hell..."
Because it is.
Every hope will turn into a stab in your heart.
There'll be no one to help you.
Yet, you will not give up.
You'll become used to the pain. Sometimes you will feel weaker, and anything will hurt you, but overall, It will be harder and harder for you to get hurt.
And maybe one day...
Isabella: "Maybe if you keep on living... There's a chance that things will change. Can you imagine?"
??????: "...I can't."
Isabella: "Hm... Then let me tell you about it...You see, there's a group of people..."
...There've been people who offered me a hand before.
Some of them wanted to benefit themselves, thinking they could abuse my position.@@novelbin@@
These types would always leave early. They are smart, so they quickly realize the odds are not on their side.
There have also been genuine people. They would pity me, and stand up, only to be crushed by the uncaring world around them.
But eventually...
There was a man who wasn't genuine. But he also didn't seem to expect to gain anything from me.
He brought with him a bunch of different people.
Some of them were respectable, powerful, and smart.
Some were caring, warm, and joyful to be around.
They made me realize there was so much for me to learn. So much I could do.
And suddenly, I felt like there was nothing I couldn't do.
??????: "...Sound like a dream..."
Isabella: "But it's not..."
I wasn't able to do anything by myself, so I thought I needed help... I needed things to fall into place for me... and then, I would just act in that moment, and everything would be solved.
Without realizing I had put all my faith into a miracle.
And against all odds... One eventually came for me.
Completely different from what I had expected, but it should be obvious.
Things never go the way I want them to.
My miracle was the same.
But I have no complaints.
I couldn't imagine waking up every day and having someone to be together with...
I thought fate wouldn't allow me such things.
But now I have so many people with me...
Which is why I need to wake up.
??????: "...You're going to abandon me?"
Isabella: "You'll be fine... I think that the pain you suffered... The pain you're going to suffer... It might not look like it, but... One day, it will pay off."
I can only hope, but... that alone is enough.
With their help... surely...
Jackie: "Woah. Fast..."
??????: "I wasn't expecting that. I think she broke your record~"
Jackie and the woman from the cathedral...
The two of them were drinking tea on a small table close to where I stood.
Miwen, Mia and my brother were in front of me.
They weren't moving a muscle.
The only thing that told me they were alive was...
Isabella: "...Tears?"
Nissa: "That's right. See that mirror? It's an ancient relic. If the target is confused enough, it can trap their mind, forcing them to confront a regret of the past."
Even though Mia is usually so strong, I can understand her tears since she is a Snow White Wolf. She's probably remembering the fall of her tribe.
But... Why would Lenard cry?
He's always been so capable... I can't think of anything he would regret so much...
And then... Miwen crying is... not something I was expecting.
Almost nothing ever gets to him. Even when he is in danger he starts making fun of it...
Nissa: "Are you curious? Do you want to take a look?"
Isabella: "...I'd rather not..."
Truth be told, I really wanted to.
But I was also a little afraid.
I'm not sure he would forgive me if I did that.
Nissa: "Just so you know... If you stay there long enough, your mind will start replaying the situation that led to your regret. It will use your fears to create the worst possible scenario for it..."
Jackie: "You were lucky to get out before that..."
Isabella: "W-wait? How long will they stay like this?"
Nissa: "Hm... It varies, but the longest it took someone to get out was 3 days. You managed to get out in five minutes, probably thanks to your [Dark Magic] and-"
The two of them signaled for me to come closer and sit with them, but once I approached the table, the mirror that was resting on it started to crack.
Nissa: "Oh?"
This woman was pretty calm, both at the cathedral and in this place, so this was the first time I saw a different expression on her face.
It seemed to me like she was more curious than surprised...
As we stared at the black grass of the mirror, the cracks started to spread, and eventually, shattered glass burst out of it.
A small barrier of light erected in front of me protected me from the glass.
The same was true for Nissa and Jackie.
Isabella: "...What happens now?"
The mirror was completely broken...
Were they still able to leave?
And why did it break in the first place?
Nissa: "This is a first... But it seems like they were all freed."
Everyone was still gathering their breaths, except for Miwen... he approached the table, locked his eyes onto Nissa, and then...
His hands pierced through her barrier.
They reached her neck, and he snapped it.
Once he released his grip, her body fell lifeless.
Miwen: "You won't get a second warning."
Nissa: "Oh~ How scary~ Was it perhaps a little too much for you?"
He didn't answer her.
The two kept staring at each other... I had never seen that look in his eyes before.
It didn't suit him. But at the same time... it felt so natural...
As if he was wearing a mask all this time and this was his real self...
Jackie: "N-Nissa... please... don't..."
Nissa: "Hm? Are you ordering me, Jackie? I never knew you were so bold~"
Jackie: "Ah... N-no... I just..."
She was shut down almost immediately.
And yet, Nissa's eyes never looked away from Miwen's.
Was she afraid of looking away from him? Or maybe she was provoking him?
I couldn't understand them...
Nissa: "Your affinity for [Dark Magic] is not as good as hers, but... You're both surprisingly good considering your levels. Who taught you?"
I didn't know my affinity for [Dark Magic] was better than Miwen's...
Elizabeth did say I had potential for it, but I thought she was simply encouraging me since it's the only element I have an affinity with.
Although now that I think about it, she's not the type to compliment others without meaning them.
Miwen: "A level 250 doesn't belong is the highest I've seen in this world. What are you?"
Nissa: "You're in my home. I ask the questions."
Miwen: "Your home is about to become your tomb. You should show some hospitality and start answering me while you still can."
...Level 250?
Is that even possible? Even the strongest mages only reach about level 100 or so.
I know Miwen has a high level of [Appraisal] but this woman seems very capable with illusions so maybe he's falling for her tricks?
Nissa: "...Well, I suppose I can entertain you a little. After all, It's been a while since Jackie left me~"
Did he do it?
If his threat worked, then she's probably not at that level since Miwen himself hasn't reached the triple digits.
What do you think?
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