Game of Thrones: Paladin of Old Gods

Chapter 24: ' Alliances '

Chapter 24: ' Alliances '

POV: Archmaester Zarabelo, the 'Seneschal';

Citadel, Oldtown.

Year 284, 12th day, seventh moon.

The conclave had been assembled. Today, the twenty-one Archmasters, would vote on the motion of business partnership with House Tallhart.

The chief attendant Paul, had been waiting for an answer for two months now. Lord Hightower, seeing the delay as disrespectful towards House Tallhart, forced the Citadel's hand to decide, no later than, the next two days.

Zarabelo, the Siniscalco chosen for this year, shared Archmaester Haradone's idea: 'Let us wait. Qyburn, he might be able to discover the method of making paper'.

Unfortunately, a raven from Qyburn, had arrived just yesterday....

From what he said, the Tallharts trusted no one and kept all the secrets of the new 'innovations' well guarded.

They had no reason to doubt the Maester's words...Qyburn was not well liked in the citadel...but everyone knew he was loyal to the order. He had even asked for financial 'help' to finance his own small cell of spies. He knew where to turn...but the price would be high.

The 'secret council' of the 'GreatArch Maester', had met the night before to discuss possible future actions against House Tallhart.

They had begun to lose contact with their 'spies' in the lands of Torrhen's Square. For now, Qyburn would be the only option.

They had agreed, to send (secretly) to Qyburn about 1,000 G.D. per month. If, the Maester got 'decent results', they would be willing to go up to 5,000.

"What does the report say?" asked one of the Archmasters.

"Analyzing all the Pros and Cons...The Citadel would be well advised to enter into this 'business alliance'." Said another Archmaester, finishing reading the report.

"What are the advantages?"

"Many...mmm...the Citadel, would be able to save about 9,000 G.D. per month. Also, we could use thousands of saved hours, of our acolytes, and use them to perform other tasks and increase study hours. Also, House Tallhart should not gain much from this deal...Yes, I see no reason to refuse." Archmaester Marwyn concluded.

'No reason at all? Idiots...they can't see beyond an inch from their noses...' Zarabelo thought.

"Don't you find this business proposal strange?" Zarabelo asked.

"What do you mean?" Another of the 21 Archmasters asked.

"We are about to deliver, into the hands of House Tallhart, invaluable texts. Knowledge, which should not be easily the future it could..." He was interrupted.

"AHAHAH!!! And what do you think they would do with a few more books? Found a 'Second Citadel'?" Marwyn.

"AHAHA!", "Those Northern barbarians!", "Ridiculous. Aha!" other Archmaesters laughed heartily at Marwyn's joke. Only Zarabelo, Embrose, and Harodone did not laugh.

"So? Are we voting yes or no? I have to go teach a class in an hour!" Said an Archmaester.

'Marwyn...' Gritted his teeth, Zarabelo thought.

"Those against the proposal?"...Four hands were raised.

"Those in favor?"...the remaining 17 hands were raised.

"So it is decided. Archmaest Zarabelo, as the current Seneschal of the citadel, you will be in charge of sealing and signing the contract with the Tallhart emissaries. Remember to show respect and courtesy. We don't want any friction, with the Tallharts, Lord Hightower or the Iron Bank." Said Marwyn. Several colleagues nodded.

"Well..." Zarabelo stood up furiously, he kept throwing dirty looks at Archmaester Marwyn.

Then he left the room...

End POV.


POV: Tywin Lannister;

Casterly Rock.

Year 284, 19th day of the seventh moon.

Tywin, sat, straight and steady as a statue, at the head of the meeting table in his study.

Every decoration in the room, marked crimson and gold colors, gorgeous tapestries adorned the walls. The main chair at the table was a masterpiece of craftsmanship. Gilded oak wood inlaid with soft red leather. The knobs of the bracelets, were carved in the shape of a Lion's head, in pure solid gold.

His two brothers: Gerion Lannister 'The Laughing Lion' and Ser Kevan Lannister, were the only ones who attended this meeting.

"Well?" Tywin asked, turning his gaze to Kevan.

"I do not understand, my lord. What are we supposed to notice from these messages?" Kevan asked looking for Tywin's gaze.

"Gerion?" He attempted with his other brother.

"...The Charter...Every document in this table is made of paper." Gerion replied, feeling each paper with his fingertips.

Tywin nodded, keeping a serious face but also showing a very slight nod of approval.

"All of these papers, they come from other Houses of Westeros. Everyone, including us, is buying paper from House Glover and Forrester." Tywin, stood up from his chair heading towards a banquet with the wine jugs and cups. At this gathering, he had not allowed anyone besides his brothers to attend, pages included.

"Those two, lesser houses, are making a fortune from this trade. And why shouldn't they? Paper costs half as much, compared to the skins we normally use, the ink dries sooner, it saves us time when we write..."

"Do you know who makes the paper?" Tywin asked, pouring himself a cup of wine.

"House Tallhart..." This time, it was Kevan who answered.

Tywin nodded before sipping the wine from the cup.

"What do our sources say in their lands?" Kevan.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing. Contact with our spies, in the lands of the Tallhart, was 'broken' a month ago..." Gerion replied.

".....pff...HAHAHA!...sorry.... it occurred to me that this 'paper' cuts more than steel...AHAHAH!" Said Gerion roaring a thunderous laugh.

Tywin, remained impassive in front of the 'inappropriate' joke of his brother. Kevan pretended not to have heard.

"First soap, now paper, and it seems they are also increasing food production..." said Tywin, he returned to his seat and resumed his initial stone form.

Ser Kevan, looked to his brother Gerion for clarification, regarding the Lord Protector's last statement.

"Our sources, in the lands of the Cerwyn, warn us that House Cerwyn, is implementing new methods of cultivation...They are purchasing from the Tallhart, a so called, 'fertilizer', which seems to aid in the growth of crops. In addition, they are renting 'new farming tools' and livestock that increase, the process of plowing the land...They are achieving remarkable results in crop production." Explained Gerion.

Kevan, hearing those words, began to think, carefully, about the new situation.

"All of this, is happening in the same short period..." said Tywin in a rough and iron tone.

"Don't you think, that those 'rumors' about the boy are true?" Kevan.

Tywin, shifted, his stone gaze, to Kevan.

"The soap went on the market, about three years ago. The Tyrells, visited the Tallharts, about a year ago. Two months later, they put 'new fragrances' on the market that everyone, the nobles of Westeros and Essos, wanted to buy, and finally, in the last six months, paper and new cultivation techniques popped up...Do you think it's a coincidence Kevan?" Explained Tywin, as if he was lecturing his children.

Kevan lowered his gaze.

"Our cousin Golbarth, warned us that the boy, nicknamed 'Bloody Snow', had shown incredible results in his studies at a young age...I'm beginning to think that those rumors, about the 'Snow Mill Massacre', are not so exaggerated." Said Tywin, as if the matter was now 'a fact'.

"Our focus, on the Martells, has distracted us far too much. The Tallharts, they're growing at a dizzying pace. All the Northern Houses have their favor. The Glovers, Forrester and Cerwyn, would side with them without hesitation. If they were to gain an alliance, even with the Dustins and Ryswells, their lands would be surrounded, by allies willing to do anything to defend them. Even the 'Quiet Wolf', would be forced to act, should 'anyone' move against House Tallhart..." Tywin.

A few seconds of silence passed.

"So, any ideas?" Tywin.

"Threats wouldn't work. Not with the Iron Bank on their side...Robert wouldn't go against a Ned Stark standard bearer. The Tallharts, have distinguished themselves well in the Battle of the Trident...and our spies can't get anything meaningful. I don't see how we could act, without 'drastic' action..." Said Kevan, stroking his eyebrow with his thumb.

" alliance with House Tallhart, would be the best move. A marriage. I'd propose myself, but I'm afraid I'm a bit too old. HAHAHA!" Said the 'Laughing Lion'.

Tywin, listened in silence to his two advisors. He always preferred to listen, 'everyone', at his meeting table. That way, he could both evaluate, each member, by the proposals and statements said and be inspired by some idea. If an idea was 'discreet', he would improve it. Rarely, would someone express a suggestion, which he, would follow through on.

"Who should we propose? Tyrion, with Lord Helman's daughter?" Kevan.

"As much as I love my nephew, I fear that, with this proposal, the emissary would come back headless. HAHAHA!" Gerion.

Tywin, glared at his brother. Signaling, that Gerion, had crossed the line.

Gerion grasped the message and complied accordingly.

"No, Lancel would be more suitable, brother. They should only be two or three years apart, if I remember correctly." Gerion.

"Lancel?! But he has yet to turn three! That seems like an exaggerated proposal." Kevan replied, in a slightly altered tone.

"Many marriages, have been agreed upon before. And then who knows, maybe by the time they reach marriageable age, the Tallharts might have become even richer than we are. AHAHAHAH! SORRY...sorry brothers. I couldn't resist...." Gerion caught his breath, then continued:

"I should go negotiate. I met Helman's brother Leobald in person. Nice guy, witty and affable...kind of like me! We got drunk together at a Walder Frey wedding...I drank so much, I don't even remember who the bride was! AHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Gerion and Kevan Lannister, stood by. Tywin was pondering the best course of action. The two younger brothers, knew when it was time to remain quiet.

A minute passed, Tywin made a decision.

"Gerion, you will go to Torrhen's Square to negotiate in person. You will propose an engagement between: Lancel Lannister and Eddara Tallhart. You will begin moving in no less than two months." Gerion nodded, waiting curiously for the follow up.

"Kevan, you will go to parliament with the Magisters of 'Lys' and 'Myr'. Remind them, 'Whose fault is it,' if their affairs are falling apart. Should, the Tallharts refuse the proposal, we will use them as a vanguard to move against them."

"Yes, my Lord." Kevan replied, nodding.

"Gerion, you will have the means and authority of House Lannister to propose a deal. If it is gold they want, grant it to them. In the meantime, we will contact Genna, Pycelle, and Cercei...The Freys, will have to raise the tax for passage, on any goods that enter or leave the Tallhart lands. Let's see if her no-good husband can help us. Cercei and Pycelle will pull strings to convince Robert to increase the customs duties on House Manderly's goods. We will not go, to the negotiating table, without first having a 'favorable position'." Now Tywin, focused his gaze, only on Gerion.

Although Tywin found Gerion's laughter annoying, he knew his brother was a true Lannister. Gerion, used his ability as a 'Smiling Lion' to his advantage and that of his House.

"Don't come back, without squeezing the Tallharts for good. Our House will have to get, 'advantages', better granted to the Tyrells. But more importantly, find out 'how much', Bloody Snow could be a threat, to our House."

"Yes, my Lord." Gerion replied. His gaze had changed. He now looked like 'Tywin's true brother'.

The Protector of the West nodded.

End POV.


POV: Duncan;

Year 284, 3rd day of the 9th moon. (About a month and a half after the meeting at Casterly Rock).

In a carriage, in the vicinity of Barrowton.

"Well, my Lady? How do you feel about this travel experience? I asked Lady Barbery Dustin.

I had come to Barrowton, at Lady Dustin's invitation, a day before.

I had brought 'Gifts' with me: 1,000 Dothraki horses, 400 from the Valley of Arryn, all thoroughbreds between, Stallions and Mares under 5 years old, paid at a 'high' price and three 'prototype' carriages. Of level: common, mercantile and noble.

"Comfortable. I must admit, that these 'shock absorbers', as you call them, attenuate the jolts of the carriage in an excellent way...What wood did you use, for the construction?" Lady Barbery asked, with curiosity.

"For this type of carriage, only the best. Ironwood, reinforced in steel plates. The leather for the seats is of the best quality, the decorations can be safely ordered upon request. All of course equipped with 'shock absorbers' always made of steel. The doors are armored. Here, [srrrllh], you lower and raise the windows, also reinforced. It will be the safest way to travel overland, should 'bandits' attack the carriages." I explained, adding my fair share of emphasis.

"The other two types of carriages, are less focused on quality and production, but are still far more solid than the common carriages. Their biggest advantage, is speed. They could sustain twice the normal gait, without running the risk, that some bump or stone, would break a wheel spoke or damage the load." I concluded.

"And you would like to grant, a monopoly on the sale of carriages, to House Ryswell?" Barbery.

"Of course! With these new types of carriages, which will go fast, and the new breeding of horses. The Ryswells will have no equal, in overland transportation. What we're asking for is just, a priority on the sale, in buying the new breeds of horses they're going to breed." I said.

"That and the Ryswell lands, in Sea Dragon Point." Lady Dustin.

"The Ryswells, barely guarding or profiting, from those lands. 100,000 golden dragons, sounds like a nice way to 'sweeten the deal' to me." I said, staring into the eyes of the witty woman.

"Do you think you can convince your father, my Lady?" I asked.

"Of course. But the question is, what will House Dustin get out of this deal?" I stared at Barbery, as I listened to his question.

"I note with pleasure, my Lady, that you are properly studying the texts provided by Ser Qyburn...I thought my proposal to run a bank was sufficient." I said, giving a slight teasing smile.

"If and when it happens, my Lord. I won't see the shadow of a penny from your impressive 'Never Winter Bank', for at least another four years. In the meantime, House: Glover, Forrester, Cerwyn and in the future Ryswell, will see gold rain down over their heads." Said Lady Dustin.

I waited a good minute accepting, the staring contest, that had just been thrown at me. Finally I gave in...

"Salt." I said.

"Salt?" Barbery asked, frowning.

"Spices if we want to be more specific, but in the immediate...Yes..You will be the largest producer of salt in all of Westeros. The salt, will be of enormous benefit to the North, during the winter. Your lands overlook the 'Salt Lance'...the spot with the highest concentration of salt in all of the North. With the ore and methods we provide, you can produce 4 different qualities of salt. You will have no equal in quality and price, I guarantee it. If you follow our directions, you'll be able to make, at minimum, 25-30 thousand G.D. per month, just from this deal." I said as I saw, glistening, Lady Dustin's eyes.

"I could also get these 30,000 Gold Dragons...but 'Enemy Dorne' is also included in the package. They've been the largest producer of Salt for...well, EVER."

"If you will give us, your permission to mine in the 'Saltpeter' mine we found on the borders of our two lands, my Lady, as soon as we find good experienced miners, we will also create a partnership with Dorne. I assure you, we will make them forget, any possible past or future disagreements, with the entire North." I said in a confident tone.

"Before you become, 'the most powerful woman in Westeros', you will be known as the 'Spice Queen of the North'. As soon as we have access to glass as well, you will grow: black pepper, cumin, cinnamon, chilies, and ginger, all of the finest quality." I concluded.

"You know how to entice a woman, greedy and power-hungry. I'll give you that." Said Lady Dustin with a grin.

"Ahaha. Thank you, my lady. I'll certainly take that as a compliment." I said laughing.

"Those two men and the woman, why should I take them in?" Lady Dustin asked.

" 'Blade 1,' 'Blade 2,' and 'Blade 3'? I thought you had a good eye for talent, my Lady. They will help you train your new special unit. It will take at least two years. Look for at least, 300 good recruits you trust, and in a short period House Dustin will have a lot less problems. Guaranteed. That unit, will also be the base point, for the forces that will guard and protect the future 'Never Winter Bank'." I said.

"We'll see how efficient these so called 'Frost Blades' are. You're leaving me holding, quite a bit of power...Aren't you afraid I might turn my back on you?" Lady Dustin asked.

"No, my Lady. There's no use trying won't know who the 'suitor candidate' will be. Please stop these despicable means and puns." I said putting a period. Lady Dustin had tried and tried again to tease me, all to force me to reveal the 'name' of the future candidate.

"Mpufft!" Lady Dustin huffed, bored with my response.

"By the way, it seems Lady Catelyn Stark, doesn't like him already. The word, came to me a few days ago from my Uncle. He tried to convince poor Ned not to sign the approval documents for the possible transfer of Sea Dragon Point. She seems to hate all the bastards in Westeros..." I said, trying to raise interest.

"Ahaha! I'd like to see this. All the North, rumors of the Honorable Ned Stark's act of infidelity. So, you are confirming the rumors that question your legitimacy as heir?" Lady Dustin snapped back.

"I am neither confirming nor denying anything. Let them speak for themselves. I assure you, soon, no one will give a damn if I am or am not 'a bastard'." Then I remembered an important fact.

"Ah, I almost forgot my Lady. Tomorrow I must set out again for Torrhen's Square. I am very sorry, to give up your hospitality, in such an inelegant manner." I said, seeking an apology from Lady Dustin.

"But how? I thought you wanted to meet my nephew Domeric. He will arrive within three days at most to begin his service as a page." Lady Dustin replied, in a tone that expressed slight offense.

"I beg your pardon, my Lady. A relay arrived from my Father last night. It seems the Lannisters have begun to 'move'. I will need to get to Torrhen's Square before Gerion Lannister arrives to visit. I promise I will remedy the matter of your nephew as soon as possible." I said, bowing my head.

"As you wish...but I warn you..." Lady Dustin, fixed me with an icy stare, before resuming.

"I don't want, to have ' the Laughing Lion' as my future candidate."

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