Chapter 9 - Brittle Bones
--It's almost double what was initially offered'¦"
Adelaide commented, swallowing her anger as she glanced over at the bag of ivory coins. The entire room fell silent as the young woman pondered the deal, all eyes watching her as the next time she spoke--it would decide everything.
"Are ya' sure about this, Ad? The other buyer might--"
"I doubt any offer will surpass Lord Althaus'...we have to think rationally here, Abe."
"I'm blessed to have such a reasonable business partner!"
Althaus celebrated with a hearty laugh before extending his hand towards the girl to seal the deal. After a moment of hesitation, she shook his hand without meeting his gaze.
"I'm not your business partner--just take your prize and go."
"How cold. Johannes, get the boy, would you?"
Althaus made his way out of the shack while his bodyguard retrieved the half-conscious Ren, battling the pain still thriving within his body. As he passed by Adelaide, the girl avoided looking at him, whether it was out of guilt or disgust, he didn't know.
Ren told Johannes, coming out in a weak gasp of air. To his surprise, the man actually listened, stopping and allowing Ren to turn to face Adelaide one last time before leaving.
"...Just because I'm a no-good loser with zero experience with girls doesn't mean you can buy me with a kiss on cheek. Goodbye, Adelaide...I hope that money was worth it because you made an enemy of the wrong person on this day."
Contempt; it was all he could feel now after having his fragile heart twisted further than it could support. There wasn't a single part of him that wanted to look back at the temptress of his swollen heart--the rage swelling within him wouldn't be able to bear it.
His words garnered no response from the girl, watching her for a moment before Johannes continued onwards, supporting Ren over his shoulder.
Waiting outside, an exuberant carriage crafted off fine wood and decorated with velvet stood out like a sore thumb in the barren slums. The horses seemed even larger than the ones he remembered from his world, but then again, he never actually had seen one up close. Sitting on the couch seat was another guard with armor identical to Johannes, sitting like a statue in the dark night.
"--"Johannes", right? Thanks."
Ren thanked the guard, only seeing the man's faint blue irises past the open slit of his metal helmet. Not even so much as a nod as a response came from the silent guard as he brought him inside the lavish carriage.
The inside of the carriage was nicer than his room back home, and maybe even spacier. Waiting for him, already seated, was the nobleman, sipping from a glass containing golden liquid--alcohol.
"Take a seat, lad."
Althaus gestured for Ren to sit, who complied nervously, slowly lowering himself onto the cushiony, violet seat across from the eccentric. The guard stepped in after, closing the door to the carriage behind him before seating himself next to the nobleman.
As soon as they were all seated, Johannes smacked the roof of the carriage, signaling for the coach driver to begin their departure.
"So, I think we should properly introduce ourselves-- I am Stefan Althaus."
"--I'm Ren...Ren Nakamura."
He decided it would be best to at least give his name to the nobleman, to avert any potential retaliation.
"A wonderful name--my, they really did a number on you back there, didn't they? Johannes, give him a Heilen orb."
Althaus ushered for the man next to him to give Ren whatever a "Heilen orb" was. Watching as the guard reached into the pouch attached to his belt, a small, green sphere was retrieved and placed onto Ren's palm.
"It's a new streamlined way of potions, specifically made to give to soldiers amidst warfare. Just pop one in and any non-fatal wounds will be healed right up."
Ren held it in his hand, looking at it for a moment before deciding to trust the nobleman, as the migraine he had was worth taking the risk to remove. He popped it into his mouth and swallowed it, it left a sweet, tarty taste before he could begin to feel the effects set in.
The pain dwindled, leaving his body in a relaxed, almost euphoric state.
"--Amazing, isn't it? The perks of having boundless coin, I'd say. You can't find these in shops--but I have connections of my own."
Althaus smiled, crossing one leg for another. The wheels on the carriage continued to spin as the horses pulled it across the land, eventually bringing the sight of enormous marble walls into view. The serene walls reached up to the clouds, casting down a shadow over the carriage as if overlooking an ant.
"Welcome to the capital of Mastorn, the kingdom that has abandoned the "Age of Gods", taking on the future of humanity for itself--the land of knighthood and magic!"
Althaus proclaimed, leaning his arm outside of the carriage window as if presenting the city. The sight of those walls that separated the capital and the outside world--just the feat of building such enormous barriers was magical in and of itself. A feat of ingenuity that shouldn't be possible by this stage of humanity--yet it was. Just by being in front of those walls, he could feel the mana resonating from it, an almost divine air came about those walls.
"It's amazing'¦" Ren was left overawe with the sight before him, leaning his head outside of the window to get a better view.
Althaus swiftly pulled him back into the carriage with an almost worried smile before patting his shoulder. The way the man caressed his shoulder, tracing his finger along his bicep made his skin crawl.
"It seems you didn't quite understand my earlier tales. Otherworlders are seen as enemies of the world by Mastorn. One look at those odd clothes of yours and you will be marked as most suspicious," Althaus advised him.
" what do I do about that? Should I hide or what?" Ren grabbed his own hoodie.
"No, no--that won't be necessary. Johannes, would you be so kind as to retrieve what is in that cabinet for our friend here?" Althaus pointed at the cabinet above their seats.
The quiet guard nodded his head before standing up, nearly losing his balance as the carriage hit some sort of bump in the road. Johannes grabbed onto the small wooden handle of the cabinet, pulling it open and retrieving the contents inside.
"Ah, thank you'¦" Ren nodded his head in gratitude, not knowing what the item was until the guard placed it in the boy's hands.
It was some sort of medieval clothing--a simple black shirt, trousers, and loafers. He was confused for a moment as to why he was given these before it clicked.
"You want me to" Ren asked quietly.
One look at Johannes' anguished expression, who was desperately averting his gaze--he realized exactly what was expected from him. Meanwhile, Althaus' gaze never left Ren, watching him intently with a smile.
"Now, you should make haste. We'll soon reach the gates, I would hate for the guards to capture you," Althaus spoke out, still holding his wicked smile.
"Can you look away'¦?" Ren asked.
The nobleman complied to his surprise, expecting him to be some sort of demented pervert, shifting his gaze to the window of the drawn carriage as he pulled the small curtain back.
"Ah, looks like we're close to the gate. I can hear the chattering of the people from within the gates," Althaus continued to pressure him.
It wasn't a bluff--even he could hear the now audible voices as the carriage drew near to the front gates of the capital. A single glance out of the window and he spotted a few guards clad in silver armor and chainmail, looking bored enough that they would probably jump on the opportunity to seize a wanted figure such as himself.
He hastily slid the tunic over his torso before pulling the trousers up. Sitting back down, he slid his feet into the loafers supplied to him.
"Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?" Althaus said with a closed-eye smile.
Ren didn't even want to look at the men, let alone respond to his shallow words.
--No, that isn't right. I wouldn't call his words "shallow", it couldn't be more opposite. Every word he speaks isn't empty but holds wicked intention. I have to find an escape, some window of opportunity to get the hell away from this guy.
"The outskirts of the capital are quite unforgiving. So many lives are lost from careless traveling, it is truly unfortunate. The creatures lurking about are true savages," Althaus commented.
Ren's eyes widened at the words that left the man's mouth. It was as if the man could read what Ren was planning just by the expression on his face. The carriage came to a stop, hearing what he presumed to be a guard speaking to the man driving the carriage. Before long--the carriage continued onward once more, entering the massive gates of the capital.
"They didn't even look inside the carriage. What was the point of me changing like that'¦" Ren gritted his teeth, gripping his trousers as he looked down in shame.
"Ah, they didn't? I guess we just lucked out then," Althaus smiled.
--Just one good hit, I could break those pearly whites. It took everything he had to hold back his anger.
A constant chattering, a stream of exchanges between people filled the once peaceful quiet as they were now in the center of the noisy city. He didn't feel the desire to look outside the window and take in the view of the bustling city.
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