Ghost of Culture

23 Blast From The Pas

Work is fucking boring.

But thanks to the added Intelligence points, it is somewhat easier for Richard. His mind just thinks and calculates a lot faster. It didn't make him any more smarter, however. Just see things more clearer.

That is why he hasn't bother to touch those accounts for Slut yet or ever.

Good job, Richard. You have finally grown a dick and become a man.

I didn't mean that literally but having two dicks might be interesting.

Actually, that would freak the hell out of a lot of people.

Maybe I will just possess a giant mutated octopus that escape from a secret science laboratory instead.

I really need to get me some of those tentacle actions. Hah!

What? Super-secret science laboratories do exist. I have been to a few myself, but it isn't like anything I have imagined.

There is no super awesome monsters or weapons or gadgets like you see in the comic books. It is filled with a bunch of whitecoat men talking about nonsense. Women too.

That is no fun. Where is all the cool sci-fi stuff? You know, laser weapons? Plasma batteries? Invisibility cloak? Energy shield? You know, magical shit?


Putting my disappointment aside, maybe I should explain a bit about the attributes just to keep all of you guys in the loop with me.


Not in any specific order, the attributes are Strength, Constitution, Resistance, Dexterity, Intelligence, Charisma, Wisdom, Perception, and Luck.

There. Explanation is over.

I think that is all of them. Let's me check with the System. Yup.

Most people should have 5 to 10 points in each of the category. Anything below average makes them severely lacking in that area.

For example, Richard has 6 points in Wisdom while our daughter, Mary is 3. Did I just say our daughter?


Anyway, having low Wisdom doesn't mean Mary is an idiot. Alright. A little bit I guess, but from what the System tells me, Wisdom is more to do with having experience, knowledge and good judgement.

So basically, the lower the Wisdom a person have, the more nave or gullible the person is. It is actually more complicated than that, but I am just simplifying thing for the sake of simplicity

I hate complex shit.

Wisdom also don't have anything to do with a person's intelligence. There is actually an attribute for that, calling Intelligence. Well. That makes things easier.

Like I have said before, Intelligence doesn't directly make a person smarter or clever. It might, indirectly though. Mostly, it makes their brain think and work faster.

Does that make sense?

It is like using a shitty calculator versus using a laptop to write an essay. One will take you forever, but at least you will eventually finish while the other one is basically never.

Alright, which idiot use a calculator to write an essay? Please raise your hand. Don't be shy now.

And put your fucking hand down, Richard. You are making me look bad.

Just kidding. Richard is a pretty intelligence guy. He did have 7 points in it, right before I boost it up to eleven.

Having 11 points in Intelligence makes him more intelligence than most guys in the office. All the girls in the office just not to be sexists. Despite that, he would still be an idiot to things that he has no clue about.

As it is his job, Richard is very good at doing financial and account stuff, but if I tell him to go and code a video game, he wouldn't know the first about it. Obviously, he can learn to program, but not without putting time and effort into learning it.

Of course, with higher Intelligence, Richard can learn thing a lot faster those with lower Intelligence.

That is what Intelligence is. The ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

I copy that explanation from the dictionary. Why didn't I do that in the first place?

Let me see what it says about Strength in the dictionary.

The quality or state of being physically strong.

Eh? Close enough.

Strength actually also affects the appearance of a person. Richard has 3 Strength at the moment. Wait. I mean 4. I did add one point to that just to make him lose some fucking weight.

For comparison, most people have 6 or 7 in Strength. Most people being normal people who exercise regularly, not sitting at a table all day to write a chapter for people who didn't bother to leave a word of encouragement behind.

I am looking at you guys.

Fourth wall breaking aside, Athletic guys have like 9 plus points in Strength. Body builders have like 15 or so. Even if I pump a lot of points I currently don't have into Strength for Richard, he would never be grossly grotesque as a body builder.

There is a limit to how much Strength indirectly affects a person's appearance. Appearance is actually locked, preventing from straight up modifying a person's appearance, making them superhot.

Likewise, Charisma doesn't have anything to do with appearance of a person directly. A fugly could be as charming as the next person if they know what to say at the right moment. However, having a high number in Charm do make getting laid easier.

Yes. Everything is related to getting some wet pussy.

I don't really need to explain the rest since they are more or less irrelevant at this point. And don't tell me to put points in Luck. It is not exactly what the dictionary tells me.

Nothing happens by chance. That is what the System warns me before explaining what having a very high Luck do.

Obviously, I will add some points into that if I have some spare, but remember, I will have to take back all these points to use in the next host, so Richard might be beyond screwed when I finish converting him into a devoted follower of my Church of Culture.

Just imagine waking up one day in an executive office and have no fucking brainpower to read through the detailed report you had just written last night when you were a lot more smarter and think more clearer.

Yeah. Those sort of fucked over.

I like him, so I rather not fuck him over once he gets his happy ending. There is a reason why it is called a happy ending. Not a happy moment before your life is screwed.

Anyway. I think I talk quite a bit about pointless stuffs that might or might not do with pounding pussy. I need to get some pills for my daughter afterwork just in case.

Since it will be quite a few hours since then, I might as well take a nap. It is just to kill time since I could not leave Richard without paying penalties.

I wake up again when Richard is talking to a new client. I yawn in his mind as the new memory merges with me, letting me recall everything that happened from the time I snooze.

My body froze up in an instant as my eyes stare at the attractive woman sitting across the table from me. She is with a younger man. Her son or nephew, possibly.


I utter in the mindscape while Richard continues to talk to the woman.

Holy shit! It is that bitch, Jessica!

Unlike me when I am possessing Richard, he doesn't really have my memory. My memory is my own, so this is the first time he is meeting her.

But I know. I know. By the Great Maker, I know.

My mind flashes back to the time I was in high school.

Cold water drenches my body as my bruised hands are tied up by the wrist around a pole. My school uniform is bundled into heap on the wooden bench.

The only thing I am wearing is my underwear.

Oh. I am also blindfolded, so everything is dark.

"This isn't funny, guys. Guys!?"

I call out desperately. I could feel the fear creeping up my body and choking me. It isn't pleasant. It is not at all.

"How dare you touch my girlfriend, you son of a bitch!?"

Derrick asks and kicks me in the gut, forcing the wind out of lungs. His asshole buddies also kick me the living shit out of me, cracking several of my ribs.

"I didn't do anything. I didn't do anything! I swear! I just bump into her and she starts screaming about that I touch her ass! I swear! I swear! Stop kicking. Please stop kicking me."

The memory fades away because I have blacked out from the pain.

My high school life becomes hell after that. How could it not be when I was tied up in the shower over night while my parents frantically search for me.

I did move school after that because I couldn't handle the constant bullying anymore. I didn't even get to make any new friends at my new school before trying to be a hero, accidentally.


Those assholes are going to pay. Those assholes and their bitches are going to pay. It has been more than 20 years now.

They are all probably married and become successful in life while I am a disembodied spirit, unable to move onto the afterlife.

How is that fair? How is that fucking fair!?

Oh wait. I am not a disembodied spirit anymore.

Thank you, Great Maker.

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Now can I have my revenge? Pretty please.

And as if the Great Maker heard me, the System speaks up.

[New Mission Available (Never Too Late for Sweet Revenge). Make those who have made you suffered suffer. Break their mind and will and family. You will be greatly rewarded. For more information, open your Quest Book.]

[Congratulation on unlocking a quest. Quest Book is now available. Quest Book contains your ongoing, completed and pending quest. Completing missions will give you bonuses and earn you rewards. Read the requirement and penalty before accepting the quest. New quest will be added regularly so check in often.]

Fuck yeah!

Thank you, Great Maker!

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