Ghost of Culture

57 True Men Of Culture

But here is the thing, if Richard joins my Cult of Culture, he will not be going to hell. Or going to heaven for that matter.

At least, that is what the System tells me within one of the many notifications. Yeah. Getting spammed by a bunch of notifications every time I levelled up sure is fun. Not really. Completely not at all.

Nevertheless, it does give me a lot of insights into the System, especially all the hidden goodies.

I unlock more than just profession when I had reached level 1. I actually have unlocked a bunch more things each level that the System never informed me about.

I am at level 5 now, so nice going System.

Maybe I should explain a bit more about the professions, huh? It is like this really important thing, but then again, it is not really that important right now, considering that I haven't made up my mind about what I want to be when I grow up.

Just kidding, I know exactly what I want to be when I grow up. Someone rich and famous and get a lot of chicks. Great dream to aim for. Hah!

Anyway, what you need to know is that most professions require me joining a Guild.

Not just any Guild, but a Guild that allows me to take on that profession.

For example, becoming an adventurer would require me to join an Adventurer Guild. Likewise, for me to be a Conqueror, I would have to join the Domination Guild. You know, for world dominations. A lot bigger than worlds though.

Of course, taking on a profession is not as simple as filling out a form or something like that, but more on that later. Not important right now.

Those terms that I had just mentioned are actually classes for Guilds, not the actual name of the Guilds themselves because no one in their right mind would name their Guild, Adventurer Guild. That is kind of stupid.

Anyway, there are thousands upon thousands of Guilds available for me to join. The interface actually has a fucking scrollbar. Of course, not all of the Guilds are for professions.

Most are for recreational purposes. More on that later.

Since I can be member of multiple Guilds simultaneously, I think of them more like clubs. Really special clubs. Not quite exclusive though since anyone can join.

The System did warn me that it is not a good thing to join multiple Guilds just because I could, not that I had such an idea. Honest. Heh. Anyway, being members of multiple Guilds is bad, as there is a bit of commitment required from me. Time too.

Rather use that time conquering more beautiful ladies.

Anyway, the level of commitment isn't just showing up to the meeting or listening absentmindedly to the announcement. It is more related to events and activities, especially when a Guild War happen.

I don't mean the actual video game. I mean a real war between Guilds, involving all their members no matter what. Not to mention the war might or might not span multiple realities and dimensions.

In other word, it is a fucking mess. War is always a fucking mess.

And in an event of a war breaking out between Guilds for whatever shitty reason, I would have to, you know, choose a side should two of my Guilds going to war with each other.

The System did inform me that most of the Guilds are actually at war with one or another due to their ongoing alliances and mutual agreements. This is basically diplomacy at its finest.

The political landscapes are constantly changing too.

Honestly, two of the top Guilds could be friends yesterday, enemies today, and friends by tomorrow.

Is that a bit too fast, you might ask?

I certainly did just out of curiosity, and the System tells me that wars between Guilds usually happened across time and space, so when it states one day, that could mean anywhere from a blink of an eye to an eternity.

Talk about confusing concept of time, but time is relative, I guess.

Space too, apparently. Makes my brain hurt, so I will stop thinking about it.

Anyway, returning to the Guild things, all of them are founded by people like me a long-ass time ago, and I think the System implies that they are the first people who are blessed by the Great Maker.

That saddens me.

I know that I am not the first, but still, it is cool to be the first. I am going to dethrone those guys. Oops. Shouldn't have said that, as they might be listening in on me.

With that knowledge about Guilds, I immediately ask the System whether I could, you know, start my own fucking guild. It seems logical enough, considering I don't really feel like following other people's rules and regulations.

The answer to my question is obvious, but it is going to cost me a huge amount of money.

Money that I don't actually have. Actually, I do, in the form of Power Stones.

Power Stones cannot be brought or sold since they are gift, but they can be pawned to the System for some much-needed cash. The pawning shop has always been there, just to help out newbies like me, but the System never mentions it.

Thanks a lot for that.

Obviously, I will have to buy whatever Power Stones I pawned back later at an incredibly inflated price.


That is how pawning something work, right?

I think like porning better. That sounds like a real word to me. Hah!

And since I don't have any money to start my own guild and get all of its awesome benefits, I did start pawning some of my Power Stones. Seems smart, as they are not really doing anything for me by being in my inventory anyway.

Other than taking up space, I mean.

I certainly am not going to swallow them whole, and even if I could, I am not going to swallow all 4000 stones about the size of my fist. Not crazy enough.

Might get choke and die. Die again, I mean. I will cease to exist if I actually do die again.

Speaking of existing, for a Guild to exist, it must have at least one member. Guild Master don't count, sadly enough.

Getting the first member to join is the requirement for starting up a Guild. Starting up a Party too, but Richard cannot be part of my party as he is just a normal human.

And that is why I am trying to recruit Richard despite him being a human. The notification should pop up any time now.

"Y-you're the devil?"

Richard questions. A plethora of emotions run through his mind. Mostly fear and more fear.

Utter fear for that immortal soul of his.

Oh right. He needs some convincing. A lot of convincing, and I cannot just possess him and accept the invitation. He must accept it willingly.

That is a rule to prevent Guilds from stealing members from other Guilds. There was an exception for normal squishy humans once, but some idiot abuses it just to get the membership count up. That got patched up quick.

The System is always changing too by those who has administrator status. Those guys sitting in Zenith, apparently.

Anyway, none of that concern me, at least not yet.

I wonder if the invitation pops up like a notification message in his mind?

Probably not since Richard is not freaking out at the moment. I mean more freaked out than he already is, concerning about his immortal soul. It isn't that frightening, isn't it?

I have been a ghost for like two decades or so, and it isn't that scary.

"Nope, I am just someone who believes that you deserve better, Richard. And no, it is not selling your soul for a lifetime of happiness thing. No, I am not taking you to hell once you die. I already said that I am not the devil. Although, I am sure that you are going there anyway when you die if you don't join my cult. No, your soul is still yours, and please stop going back to that."

It takes me a while to get Richard to understand what I am actually offering.

An alternative to the afterlife of sort.

While Richard cannot just leave the Cult of Culture whenever he feels like it, I did promise him that if he does want to leave one day, I will kick him out of it. Whatever happens afterwards is on him though, just so he understands.

"My soul is still mine, right?"

Richard questions again.

Why the fuck is he keep going back to that question?

"Yes, Richard. Your soul is still yours, but while you are a member, your soul belongs to the cult. Just like my soul."

Not really true since Guild Master don't count.

Guild Master are the only one who can run away when shit starts hitting the fan, and that is why most Guild Master has to work pretty hard to earn the trust of all of the other members.

I am a pretty trustworthy guy, I think. Hah!

"Do I have a choice?"

Richard questions. His mind is going around in a loop or something. I have already explained all of that to him, and now I am just repeating myself. It is getting annoying.

"Look. You fucked your daughter and probably knocked her up right? Even if you can keep that secret forever, she will not be able to, especially when her stomach becomes swollen. If you join my cult and help me out with some stuff every now and then, I will help you out with your problems. You scratch my back and I will scratch yours. That sort of thing."

I point out.

"What sort of thing?"

Richard questions.

"Nothing much. Just fucking around most of the time."

I answer.

"Fucking around most of the time?"

Richard questions.

"Yeah. Literally. Like fucking your daughter, her hot friends, their sexy mothers, that very nice girl next door or across the streets, that slut in the office, all those celebrities on the television. Anyone with a hole, really. Hopefully not guys unless you are into that sort of thing. I know you are not since I know everything there is to know about you."

I tell Richard almost nonchalantly, and I do know everything about him. I was in his mind for like a few days, controlling his body like some sort of meat puppet. Had a lot of fun too. Hah!

My answer causes his eyes to widen. From his very visible thought, I have already sold him on the part about fucking his daughter. I suppose she is helping me out in more than one way. Hah!

I love you Mary. You are such a wonderful girl.


"O-okay, as long as I am not selling my soul or something similar."

I roll my eyes at the response. A new notification appears also appears within my mind.

[Congratulation. A being (human) wants to join your Recreational Guild (Cult of Culture). You currently do not have a Guild. Would you like to start one? It will cost (20,000SS) to form a Spiritual Realm. You currently do not have enough Spirit Shards to do so.]

Yeah. Yeah. I know that I don't have any Spirit Shards, and since I cannot fight and kill those Spiritual Beasts for some, I guess I will have to pawn some of my Power Stones.

What is the exchange rate?

[System will loan you 205 Spirit Shards for 1 Power Stones. 100 Power Stones per level. You currently have 0 Power Stones as collateral.]

I can only pawn 500 Power Stones due to being level 5. At level 6, I can pawn up to 600. Anyway, since I have like 4000 or so, I can pawn a few without any problem.

Before going crazy, I pawn one just to see how much it will cost me to buy back. I could ask the System directly, but I would be wasting Sexual Points.

I need all my SP, thank you very much.

[You currently have 1 Power Stones as collateral. You can buy it back for 876 Spirit Shards.]

That is more than 4 times the amount that the System gives me. Talk about price hike, but then again, I can get it back later when I am filthy rich.

I decide to pawn the 499 Power Stones to get 102,295 Spirit Shards, giving me a total 102,500. It should be enough to set up my Guild a little.

While that sounds like an impressive amount, it is not really.

Running an actual Guild is prohibited expensive but having one does give me a place to talk to all the members regardless where I am.

Also, when a member dies in the real world, their soul goes to the Spiritual Realm instead of wherever they are supposed to go as a free soul. Being part of a Guild means your soul is no longer free for other to claim.

Other being hells and heavens or other spiritual realms.

Wish I had founded a Guild before my mum and dad die, just so they never have to move on or getting reborn or reincarnated. Not really sure what had happened to them.

Able to claim souls is not the only reason why I want a Guild of my own.

Guild gets special abilities depends on who its guild master is. Just one of the many benefits of having a Guild.

And of course, having one doesn't mean that I cannot join other Guilds. Most people do probably have their own Guild, but privately instead of publicly available for everyone to apply.

The privacy setting as my Guild, but I can invite others to join even if it is private.

A bunch more notification appears, telling me that my Guild is set up.

I now have a Spiritual Realm.

It is where I will build a Guild Hall and whatever fancy buildings that I can squeeze in, which cost more Spirit Shards. Not that I need a Guild Hall or other buildings right now.

[Congratulation. A being (human) wants to join your Recreational Guild (Cult of Culture). Do you want to give the applicant a Trial?]

No need for an actual trial since there is no point.

And that is why I haven't really applied to any of the Guild yet. I have to do their crappy trial, just so I can join their Guilds. They could blacklist me too if I fuck up their trial badly.

Anyway, I accept Richard into my awesome Guild, and the moment I did, he blinks, feeling somewhat more enlightened. Find authorized novels in Webnovelfaster updates, better experiencePlease click for visiting.

"What just happen?"

Richard questions.

"You just become a man of culture, Richard. Now, let us go and join the girls again. I am sure they are wondering what we are doing."

I point out and enable experience share. Thanks to me being the Guild Master, I don't earn experience points, but rather sexual points from the actions of the members.

And that is the main reason why I want a Guild.

Need to level up rapidly.

The teenagers are still playing twister in the living room, giggling away.

Mary and Sophia are quite enthusiastic, forcing Alice to follow their lead even though she isn't all that interested in the game. Nevertheless, she joins them, adding her body to the mix, pressing it together against Mary and Sophia.

The new round has been going on for a little while, and before my very eyes, I could see Alice squashing her head in that lovely breasts of Mary, who herself is up against that bubbly ass of Sophia.

Sophia tries to turn the spinning wheel, but that cause them all to collapse into a heap, with their firm buttocks and tits and nubile bodies intertangled.

Seeing them like that with barely any clothes on, turns even an old man like me on.

Richard is like super horny, and I do not need to read his mind to know such a thing. He is rubbing his tenting erection at the moment.

"Why don't you take your daughter to the other room and help yourself, Richard?"

I tell him without opening my mouth, causing him to be rather shocked. This is another cool ability of being part of the same Guild. Telepathic communication with unlimited range.

Awesome, isn't it.

"I can?"

Richard questions, pondering if I actually going to let him bangs his daughter. Of course, I do, as I need to check if the experience share is working.@@novelbin@@

But of course, I wouldn't know whether it had worked until the possession timer runs out.

"Yes, Richard. You are a man of culture now, so act like one."

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