Chapter 118: Lola
They hadn't walked long when they spotted the two Awakeners; their eyes shone red.
"So Kaidos is also here as well," Jael said. "This is not the type of place you can fight Temur, let me take care of this. Unholy magic."
Bones burning with green fire floated around him and his eyes flashed. "You won't listen to reason until you've done what he requested. Sorry, but this is an unlucky day for you."
Their expression remained flat, and as one, they flung themselves at him with recklessness. Jael flickered his hand, the space between them roared with the shot of bones firing with the speed of a bullet.
They didn't stand a chance; the dark lit up with green light and dust as small bones ate away at walls and floors. Jael waited for the dust to be cleared so they could continue. "I should use this often."
"You know it won't work on strong opponents right and... Jael!" Temur shouted.
Alarmed, he turned and a sword whizzed through the place where his head was. He flinched and turned, he finally saw what was happening.
One of the attackers wasn't dead; in fact, he was jutting out of the wall like a worm. The sword came down again, slashing the sidewalk, but Jael was ready to deflect it with his transformed hand this time.
He moved backward. "What in the unholy is this?" He looked where he was attacked, and he saw a dead Awakener, so this is the second one. But what type of power is this?
"Be careful, Jael. Kaidos's mind control contract might have taken over, but his fighting senses are still sharp." Temur warned.
Jael nodded sharply and brought out another round of bone scraps. Make them float around him like debris caught in an air current. "I'll finish you this time.....!!"
But the Awakener was suddenly gone from his spot in the wall with only a ripple behind. "Where'd he go?" He blasted the place he was previously with bones but all he got was a cracked wall.
"I think his power is going through walls or solid objects!" Temur called.
And just then, hands gripped Jael and dragged Hiknee deeper into the stone floor. He flinched and pulled, but his legs were stuck tight. "You bastard!"
The Awakener appeared behind him, aiming his sword at his neck, but Jael was already preparing, and immigration showed he showered him with bone bullets.
The man didn't flinch; he just continued to swing his sword without expression, but just as Jael predicted, he couldn't use his power and attack at the same time, so the bones and bullets passed through him harmlessly, and the sword no harm to Jael.
"We'll see who will get tired first!" Jael shouted. Sending a continuous shots of bones, but that's not the only thing. Temur stood behind the man, waiting for a chance to deal damage.
The man noticed all this and sunk into the stone as if it were made of water. "He's gone again and how do I get out of this place? I'm stuck." Jael tried to pull his legs out with force, but it was like it was held by an Iron hand.
"Wait." Temur crouched and then changed his weapon into a pickle axe with both pointed edges. He swung, cracking stones just between his legs, he shook the stones enough for Jael to pull himself out. "I have annoying opponents like this."
"They'll make a good assassin. Thank you. But at least we know we are in the right place and going the right way." Jael said. "Let's just continue moving, if that bastard shows up again. We kill him before his head clears the wall."
"Or we do it another way," Temur said.
The next time the man showed up, coming out of the wall like some kind of ghost. Jael paid little attention and instead let it continue with the swinging of his sword.
Just in seconds Ja,el's head would roll b,ut before that s,omething slammed into the man from the back. A kinetic force followed the spear that Temur threw as the head busted and the body jerked forward.
Jael whistled, cleaning his face with a small cloth. "If that man is in his right hand then he might have caused us some serious trouble."
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They quickly made their way over, band efore the reached the end t,wo more mind controlled Awakener stooped them a,nd although they don't want to kill them th,ey left the two with no choice but to dispatched them. At least they are not under someone's rule anymore.
"So this is the place eh." Jael said, looking up at the stone door that stood in front of them. "Will you do the honors, Temur?"
He went forward, and raised his sword with one hand, he began to concentrate his power on it but didn't have time to attack the door because with a sharp crack and a boom! It's shattered outward.
Temur moved back quickly, covering himself with a shield, while Jael transformed his hand into a shield.
"Ohhh! You won't pass through this door!" A female voice should.
They waited for the dust to clear and saw who it was. A girl that wore pink clothes and looks at them like a total Idiot with the was she was grinning.
"You don't seems to be under his influence." Jael said, it almost sounded like an accusation. Those under Kaidos influence are easy to fight.
"That's because I'm not. My name is Lola and I'm here because I was employed to be a bodyguard. I am part of this new set of Climbers."
"So you are employed? I have someone that can pay you much more. You look like you are strong, just pretend as if you don't see us or something. Leave here."
She smiled. "Deal! I no longer work with Kaidos starting from today! So who's my new employee? Wait, before that you are also part of the new set right?"
Jael was wrong, she didn't look like an idiot, she is an idiot!
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