Chapter 1881: Exhausted Potential.
Chapter 1881: Exhausted Potential.
When he was done picking what he needed, he had become more difficult to kill because of his leather armor, faster because of his shoes, and stronger because of his new weapon. He felt
like a completely different man.@@novelbin@@
He waved the weapon about in appreciation. "Let me go and do some more training to get the hang of this sword. Then I will grind missions."
This became what he did with most of his time. He trained, went to the real world to sleep, came back to grind missions until he couldn't anymore, and then used his new training points to buy a new weapon.
He did spend some time to trade his old weapons for some training points with others who couldn't afford to buy a new one. The durability of his old weapons has fallen, but they are still powerful, and most importantly, they are still cheap.
There was a pause in his mission grinding when he realized that he couldn't raise his mana boost above 80% no matter how hard he tried. All three of his skills had reached 100% proficiency, but Mana Boost didn't rise beyond 80%.
He had to ask Ragna for advice. The training spirit told him that he had to acquire a fourth common skill and raise it to 100% proficiency or acquire an uncommon skill and raise it to at least 50% proficiency.
Ragna had said, "Mana Boost is dependent on the quality and quantity of skills. In general, you need 4 common skills at 100% proficiency to become Tier 1. 4 uncommon skills for Tier 2, and 4 rare skills to become Tier 3."
Taylor did the calculations and said, "If common skills need 5 levels, uncommon skills need 10, and rare skills need 20 levels. It will mean that one will need to be at level 20 to become Tier 1, level 40 to become Tier 2, and level 80 to become Tier 3. What about Tier 4?"
Ragna replied, "You will have to work for that information. Tier 4 is the divide between mortals and epic beings. It is still a long way for you. You are just level 22. You still have a long way to go."
Taylor complained, "I am trying my best. I haven't slacked off one bit for 10 months now. But I have very little to show for it. It is getting more and more difficult to increase my stats. Surely there has to be another way."
Ragnar shook his head in pity and replied, "It will only get more difficult for you to acquire stats. Soon you will need an entire year to gain a single attribute, and then you will need a decade to gain one more. It is because you have used up your potential. However, there is an alternative. You can use divine crystals to raise your stats."
Taylor smiled when he heard that. "Great. I have heard a lot about these divine crystals. Where can I get them?"
"They can only be gotten from gods. You will need to do something to gain their favor. Or you will need to become a hero."
Taylor's smile faded away. He can still remember the last time he tried to gain the favor of the gods. He is still living with the consequences.
He thought to himself, "What do I have to give now, and how many divine crystals will I get for it?"
Ragna interrupted his thoughts, "Forget about divine crystals for now. You can't get them until you finish your training. There's still two months to go. I suggest you focus on your skills."
Taylor shook his head and returned to training. He told himself, "I have to become a hero or things will be very difficult for me in God's Domain."
He has learned enough to know that acquiring power in God's Domain will be very difficult without the help of gods. He can't even go about killing monsters to acquire power like in other games.
It is a good thing he doesn't need to kill to grow stronger since if he dies, he will lose half of all his stats. He will retain his skills and their proficiency, but he will lose half of his attributes, which is directly half of his power.
So it is a good thing that he doesn't need to risk his life to acquire strength if he can lose half of it with a single mishap. But even without the danger, acquiring strength is still difficult for him. It was easy for him to reach level 20 from the level 15 he started with. It was thanks to his hard work, the nutrient pills, stamina pills, and focus pills he bought with his training points. However, he has stagnated since then.
It took him 2 months to gain five levels and finally reach level 20, but it took him 3 months and 5 months for a total of eight months to get his next two levels.
He thought it was too difficult, but Ragna said it was normal. Ragna would say that only those who have overcome such difficulties are worthy of becoming Epic beings.
It made him wonder, "If it already this difficult to become an Epic being, how can mortals kill ods?"
He doesn't know that. He only knows that if he fails to become a hero, he must find a way to change his race immediately. He already has his mind made up about that. He had even decided what race he would pick.
"I would prefer to become an elf, but I will take anything with more potential at this point. Anything with a potential of 50 and above will do."
He wanted to wait till he reached level 25 and used the extra ten levels available to get an uncommon skill. But he can't afford the wait anymore. Now he has to decide between getting a new common skill or upgrading one of his old skills to the uncommon rank.
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