Chapter 1892: Racial War.
Chapter 1892: Racial War.
He could try to nullify the goal of his enemies to divine their attention by postponing the war with the humans and focus on the Pantheon war, but it won't solve anything.
Not only would the delay allow the humans and their gods to prepare better, but the Pantheon War can always be repeated after they deal with the current war.
Another weak pantheon can challenge them again at the cost of a million dollars. The best he can do is raise the bar of challenge since they recently experienced one. But that won't stop the challenge. So he has decided not to bother with the challenge at all.
He said to them, "All in all, I don't care about the outcome of the Pantheon War. What I care about is that you win or you lose it quickly."
"You should win. However, you can also lose it. But you must not drag this pantheon war out and still lose it. That's unacceptable."
"If you win, I will let you share the 1,000,000 divinity reward amongst yourselves. I won't take a share out of it. The same will happen if you lose. You will share the lose of the 1,000,000 divinity amongst yourself."
"But if you drag this out and lose, I will punish all of you. You will be paying more than 1,000,000 divinity for that."
"Now let us move on to more important matters. I want to know the situation of the reinforcement that I asked you to send over."
It was the turn of his subordinates to speak now. Each god began informing him of the progress of the tribute of soldiers he asked for.
The war in the mortal realm is to be part of a massive race war. It is not a war between two gods. At the very least, two pantheons are involved in it.
But things are bigger than that because most of the gods of the realm are waging wars against the humans in preparation to become national gods.
The humans are literally surrounded by enemies eyeing them covetously. It is because they have pushed the other races to the edge of the domain in the absence of the gods.
They occupy the largest area of living right at the center of the domain, which has made them a target for everyone. The gods want land now for their nations, so the humans must regurgitate what they have swallowed.
Legion has recognized that this war is not a small matter, so they didn't plan to push the Thames kingdom on their own. They asked other gods in their pantheon to chip in too.
They have almost 2 million believers, but only about 20,000 of them can be reliably fielded for war. Actually, they plan to use less of their population to reduce the losses they can incur. So they asked the other gods to send 2,000 soldiers each.
2,000 soldiers from 112 gods make 224,000 soldiers. The addition of their own 6,000 rounded it up to 230,000 soldiers. With this they have a massive army worthy of participating in a race war.
They were also planning to have the other gods of their pantheon assist them in the war, but it doesn't seem that is going to happen. Not unless they are willing to delay the start of the war against the humans.
It would be a good idea to have their pantheons if only for the fact that the human gods have a lot of potential. After all, they were lucky to be assigned to the race with the highest population, land.
It is unfortunate that the intelligence of the humans has made them stubborn. The humans refused to adopt worship in their gods. If they had, they would be more formidable.
However, desperation is what they need to turn back to the gods. A war where they are besieged on all sides could make them cry out for their gods. This will cause their gods to experience a massive boost in believers and authority.
Legion cannot allow that. They plan to wipe out the humans in a total landslide once the war begins. It is something that 20,000 soldiers will find difficult to do. But over 200,000 soldiers will be able to achieve it easily.
However, with the way things are going, they expect some interference to make things difficult for them. They don't know if it is from their enemies amongst other races or from the humans, but they know that they have a lot of enemies and that they will find out the identity of the enemy currently interfering with them soon.
The gods outlined their contributions to the war one by one. They spoke about the number of troops and resources they have provided. They spoke about information they gained from their scouting missions with their avatars.
As for those who haven't done enough, Legion-1 forced them to contribute divinity gold for their delay. Then he forced all of them to contribute divinity gold for their absence in the upcoming war.
He knows it is not their fault for being absent, but that doesn't mean he is going to allow his enemies to succeed in making him bear all the burden of the war.
He got them to pay 1,000 divinity each. It will encourage them to win the Pantheon War. At least that way they will be able to recoup their loss.
The gods didn't complain because he is the god king and he is a stubborn god king. Besides, the war is beneficial to their pantheon.
Whether they like it or not, they are part of the Apocalypse Pantheon now. They will rise and fall with the Pantheon. The stronger their god king is, the more secure their territory in the mortal realm will be.
It is a smart idea to support him. However, they don't have much of a choice in the matter. They will support him just because he said so.
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