Harem King: Getting All The Ladies I Wanted!

Chapter 49 Penalty?

With the sound of a baby crying, Ken turned his back and to his surprise, is saw…

"No way, It can't be…" He uttered.


"Don't carry darling… mummy's here," A lady with black hair, wearing a long grey garment said to the baby in her arms.

She moved her hands back and forth as she tried to comfort the baby to stop crying.

The baby had black hair and grey eyes, while he was covered with a white cloth.

"What is this…?" Ken uttered as he looked at his surroundings.

He found himself in a living room, that he could very much recognize. With the same color of the walls, the same furniture of the table and chairs, and most of all their arrangements. He definitely knew where he was.

It was his home.

At his front, was a lady sitting on a chair holding a baby, while a young man stood next to her.

"Are you sure you wanna do this…?" The man standing next to her asked, his voice sounding so stern and harsh.

He stared into the baby's cute eyes, while his own were full of hate and disgust.

The woman paid no attention to the man, as she continued to pat the baby in her arms.

"Don't cry… don't cry… mummy is here" She said, while the baby's cry began to subside.

"Mom…?" Ken called out, as he stared intensely at the lady. However, she didn't show any signs of response, which was because she couldn't hear him.

"Answer me Karin… I am talking to you!" The man yelled at the lady, with range and hatred.

Immediately, with the sound of the man echoing throughout the room, the baby began to cry again, and this time it was more intense than the last.

"Don't shout like that… Julius," The woman exclaimed, as she stared at the man intensely. "…don't you know you will scare him…?" She concluded, as she stared back at the baby and began to comfort him.@@novelbin@@

The man looked at her with such a stern expression and afterwards stared at the baby.

"I don't care what happens to him," The man responded. "…after all he's not my own son."

Upon hearing this, Ken's eyes widened. From the looks of things, he could tell very much that the baby which the lady was holding, was… him.

Ken walked closer and tried to touch the lady. However, his hand slipped past her. Meaning, he wasn't able to touch.

"Dad…?" Ken called out, while he walked up to the man.

However, before he could reach the man, the movements of the man stopped.

Ken saw this and got confused. He then turned back to look at the lady, when suddenly the whole image and view that he was looking at in that instant… changed

Although it displayed something else. It began displaying a different scene. And this time…


"I said I am not going to do this with you anymore!" The man yelled at the lady, while she carried a baby in her arms, as they stood at the center of the living room.

The man was standing and facing the woman while he yelled at her.

In her arms she carried a baby. But this time it wasn't Ken. Rather it was Estela, when she was still an infant.

"…how many times have I told you already. We now have a child of our own, so why are you still letting that child stay in this house?" The man uttered as he continued to yell. "…we should take him away."

"But he's just a child," The lady uttered. "…where is he going to live and not with us." At this moment, she had an expression of pity in her eyes.

While at this particular time, Ken stood right in front of him. However, they couldn't see him or notice him.

And then something came to him. He noticed that the baby which the woman was holding in her arms this time wasn't him. So he thought.

'Where am I…?'

He then walked out of the living room, into the bedroom which he knew to be for both himself and Nicolas.

And there he saw his younger self. He was seated on the floor holding his knees with his hand, while his head was down while he cried.

"Stop fighting Mom, stop fighting dad…" His younger self murmured, continuously.


In an instant, the memory flashed in his head. He could remember this very moment clearly, like it happened just yesterday.

This was among the dark days of his life, when he was growing up. It was a memory he had buried deep inside his heart.

Ken then walked up to his younger self, knelt down as tried to raise the boy's head. Although, just like the last time, he couldn't touch him.


The man yelled, as Ken heard him coming to the room.

"NO… DON'T TOUCH HIM!" The woman exclaimed.

Ken immediately stood up to guard his younger self. However, the second the man entered the room.

The whole scenery changed again.


This time, everywhere was quiet, as Ken stood in a room full of darkness.

There was no blink single ray of light, and no hole for natural light to pass through.

"Where am I…?" Ken uttered, as he was completely confused. He turned and looked around, however there was nothing in sight. Just complete darkness.

He didn't remember this as a memory, so he began to wonder what was going on here.

Ken began to walk carefully in this dark place, as it began to feel like an endless void. The place was scary and hurting, which made Ken's heart feel a bit of fear.

When suddenly a bright light appeared at a far distance. It began to expand bit by bit, and immediately Ken started to run for it.

Ken seeing this, started running to catch the light. And at this moment, he started to feel the urge of wanting to be saved.

Seeing the light alone made him very happy, as though he couldn't explain why. All he thought was that he was finally going to leave this place.

While he was running, he noticed that he wasn't getting close to the bright light at all. Instead he felt like he was being pulled away from it.

"No…no…no!" Ken cried out while he stretched his hand for the light.

However it was unreachable, and so he picked up the pace… even more. He ran as fast as he could, and by a mistake he hit jid leg and fell on the floor.


"I'm sorry guys but… I am leaving!"

Ken heard a familiar voice. It was the lady who was speaking.

He was now in another lost memory.

Immediately, he picked himself up and saw that he was back in his home again.

And this time, he was outside. At his front was the woman, his mother.

She carried a bag in her hand, and beside her were two traveling boxes. She was going somewhere.

"Where are you going… mama?" Ken heard a small light voice, as he looked up. It was Nicolas holding his younger self, as they stared at their mother.

Beside his younger self were his two sisters Estela and Nicole. Estela held Nicole in her hand, as tears filled Nicole's eyes. She was crying her eyes out.

By now, Ken was already nineteen years old, and had already entered college at that time. But it was too late to finish on time, while his mother had already given up.

Ken remembered this day vividly. It was the day he last saw his mother. One of the most painful days of his life.

And at this time, their father had already left them. The one who Ken felt the most hatred for.

The man had left them for quite a while almost getting to five years. And now his mother was also leaving them.

She couldn't take it anymore. Raising four children all by herself without any support from a man, was a very difficult task for her.

She was a weak woman, as this felt like as very heavy burden for her to carry alone.

"Alright then… bye guys," She said, and immediately departed.

Ken stood up to his fit as she watched his mother leave their home with a cab. It was such a painful sight to witness… yet again.

He saw as the event unfold, while his eyes widened. And then a drop of tears fell from his right eye.


"Big bro… when will mummy be coming back home…?" Nicolas asked Ken, as he stared at Ken's younger self.

Seeing this, Ken the real, felt a surge of pain in his heart. It was like the one he expressed at that particular moment in memory. However, this was way worse, because it was the second time he was feeling such pain.

And then as this very moment the cyan screen popped up at Ken's front displaying.


[Penalty, for now completing the required sub-mission Completed!]

[Reward Granted: 250,000 pt]

Upon seeing this, Ken uttered.


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