Harem King: Getting All The Ladies I Wanted!

Chapter 53 What Is, And What Will Be

[Same Time When Ken Entered The Coffee Shop, Vivian's Apartment]

Vivian sat on her bed as she thought about Ken.

"Why hasn't he called me yet…?" She uttered. "…he said he was going to right?"

At this point, she began to feel worried about Ken not calling her.

Although he did say he was going to call, however he never specified when it was going to be.

"Also, why did he rush out like that…? Did he go to see someone else."

Vivian then placed her hand on her chin, while she uttered.

"…come to think of it, I never asked if he had anyone in his heart. Could he be dating someone…?"

"…that surely would explain the reason for the rush earlier."

Vivian laid on the sofa, while she faced the TV. Her facial expression changed to a gloomy and sad one, and she thought.

There is a certain chance that he had a girl of his own. Although, if he does, why did he have s^x with me.

I even took his Virginity. Wait… he didn't actually tell me that I did, when I asked him if I was his first, he let it off with my imagination.

But still, even so, for someone like him, cool, handsome and caring. There would be no where he wouldn't have a girlfriend.


Vivian thought for a while, thinking about all the things that could come with her finding that she could actually be a side cheek for him.

I mean it would make sense, since he had already had s^x with her, and hasn't shown any signs of affection for her.

"Am I just sp…?" She murmured.

The truth was that there was no actual reason for her to think about all these.

However, as him being the one who took her follow, there was no way she wouldn't think of such.

It was a general rule that couldn't be avoided.

"Ow…!" Vivian yelled, as she hit her head on the sofa, as she tried to sit upright on the sofa.

"What am I even thinking? There's no way that could happen…? I am surely his first ever."

Vivian tried confusing herself to think that she was the one and only one for Ken.

This was to make sure that she doesn't think of herself as he's sp.

Sp being a s^x partner.

"…this doesn't make any sense," She proclaimed. "…I have been waiting for him to call for about two hours plus now, why hasn't he?"

Vivian picked up her phone and stared at it. There was zero missed call.

She opened it and went to her contact info, and the first name that appeared there was… Ken's.

"Should I just call him…?" She uttered. "…if I do, he might think it's weird. What if he thinks I am obsessed with him or something like that."

Vivian shook her head in disagreement.

"No…no…no, he wouldn't think of such. I will just say that I am calling to check on him…"

She finally convinced herself and afterwards dialed Ken's number.


[Back To Ken, At The Front Of The Coffee Shop]


Ken saw the caller, and uttered. "Vivian…? Why is she calling me?"

He had completely forgotten that he said he was going to call her.

He stared at the screen of his phone for a while, and after so many times of it ringing, the called the ended.

Meaning… he didn't pick up.

Meanwhile, at Vivian's house, she was like…

"What…! He didn't pick. How come?"

"Is he that busy that he can't pick my call?"

She stared at her phone for a while, and then reality slapped her in the face.

"Does it mean I am not relevant to him…?"

Ken simply didn't receive her call because he knew he had other things to do.

There was the mission of Mandy, which he had to begin his plans for. And also his date with her.

He knew she wasn't the easy type to let in. She was the tough lady after all. Although, now he had other means for executing his mission.

He planned on giving her his dick which would leave her wanting more. After all it would be so much fun to see how a tough sexy lady with big breasts, beg for his dick while her ego drops.

It is a scene to watch out for.

And also there as Kachina. The mystery lady. He recalled that also he had a date with her this week which wasn't actually what he planning for. However, that didn't matter now, as that was something he had to look forward to.

And not only that. There was Kimberly. She ran off from him during their time at the restaurant.

That was a problem he needed to fix before time passed. She was a lady that he didn't want to lose. Because she was pretty.

He was about to become a millionaire really soon, and so it was time for him to start thinking higher.

With the money he's going to earn pretty soon, he realized that he had to use it to Invest in something.

And also, he had to build his status as a person to be recognized. His goal of getting all the ladies he wanted was just beginning.

With this new skills and their found abilities, he was ready to begin the hunt.

Although there was school. However that didn't stop him. He was very sound in his academics and so these weren't something that could be able to drag him down.@@novelbin@@

Even though he wasn't about the top honors of the school, that didn't matter because he was still in a high class.

His college was both boarding and day. It was open to people of all status, both the less and high.

Meaning it was also filled with very rich guys and ladies. And with rich guys and ladies, come lots of parties. And also, lots of parties, mean lots of celebrities to show.

And Ken was going to have his eyes on all of them. The females in particular.

Since he was now entering his third year, he was able to live as he pleased. Because from the start of his first year to his second year, he had been in the boarding section.

The was a result of his mother paying his fees in advance. She wanted him to live a well and decent life, and not become someone like his Father.

Or rather, his damn father. That he hates the most.

However, now that this particular payment section has been exhausted, Ken can now live outside of school while attending college.

It was the start of his youth journey.


Ken placed his phone back into his pocket, while he uttered.

"I am very sorry Vivian, but this is not the right time. I have other plans to do this week."

"This is just the start of my journey."

Ken then called for a cab, as he entered and headed to the next… um…next… the next chapter.

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