Chapter 17: Interacting With Mother And Sister Of His Friends
Chapter 17: Interacting With Mother And Sister Of His Friends
There was a buzz of excitement in the air as the applicants continued to mix in the test hall. Some of them were still discussing their results, while others were forging early alliances.
Alaric, on the other hand, had his eyes set on something else.
His thoughts were not totally focused on Cedric and Natasha, the two young applicants who approached him following his amazing exhibition of magical affinity.
Instead, his focus shifted to the two women who were standing a short distance away from him.
With her brilliant green hair flowing down her shoulders, Cedric's mother exuded an air of elegance as she stood tall and elegant.
It was stunning how her ruby eyes stood out against her exquisite features, despite the fact that they retained a certain amount of fatigue.
On the other hand, Natasha's older sister was a gorgeous illustration of allure.
She had long blue hair that framed a face that was characterized by acute attractiveness, and her purple eyes appeared to flash with a repressed intensity that piqued his interest.
While Cedric and Natasha resumed their talk, Alaric deftly switched the topic of discussion in order to acquire further information.
"So," he said casually, turning to Cedric. "Your family must be quite proud of you. Is that your mother over there? She seems to be quite supportive."
Cedric's eyes brightened at the mention of his mother, and he nodded eagerly. "Yes, that's her. My mother's name is Emerise Venhime," he said with pride. "She's been taking care of me on her own since my father passed away." His voice softened slightly. "She's always believed I have what it takes to succeed."
A fleeting glance from Alaric was directed toward the woman in question.
[Overall Score for Emerise Venhime: 29.1
Appearance: 89
Personality: 41
Status: 22
Pride: 14
Strength: 8]
He was immediately drawn to her high appearance score since she had all the characteristics of his ideal woman: generous curves, a slim waist, and an opulent attitude despite her lack of rank or strength.
She stood out even more than she already did, a diamond that was concealed behind layers of mediocrity, thanks to her lush green hair and her brilliant red eyes.
Unfortunately, her overall score was brought down by the terrible levels in everything else, which was a really regrettable development. However, beauty was the only thing that mattered to Alaric, and she possessed it in plenty.
"Your mother seems like a very strong woman," Alaric commented with a soft smile that disguised his true intentions. "She must have worked hard to raise you."
Cedric could not help but smile, completely oblivious to the fact that Alaric was staring at Emerise with a different kind of fascination. "Yeah, she really did. She gave up a lot to make sure I had every opportunity. But... things haven't been easy since my father was a lesser noble. After his death, the family title and lands were passed on to my uncle. Mother was left with only a small pension."
Alaric gave a little nod, effectively putting the knowledge away while maintaining a compassionate expression on his face. As a result, she was susceptible, which provided him with the ideal opportunity to use her.
His grin was warm and welcoming as he turned his attention to Natasha. "And what about you, Natasha? Your sister seems quite the guardian."
Natasha gazed upward at him, her eyes glistening with awe and respect. "Oh, you noticed her?" she asked, glancing over her shoulder at the tall, curvaceous woman watching from a distance. "That's my elder sister. Her name is Iridelle Khysarel."
At that moment, Alaric's eyes once more ran across Iridelle. She was everything he desired: a voluptuous body with broad hips, a slim waist, and huge, nicely rounded breasts that appeared to strain against her tight-fitting clothing.
[Overall Score for Iridelle Khysarel: 17.4
Appearance: 83
Personality: 56 (7)
Status: 7
Pride: 5
Strength: 4]
Despite her stunning looks, the other attributes were abysmal. He noticed her personality value was temporarily lower than usual, sitting below 10 at the moment.
Perhaps a woman who is experiencing difficulties?
To him, however, the mere fact that she was attractive made her an ideal target for his attention. The thought of breaking through whatever defenses she had and having those frigid purple eyes gaze at him with a totally different expression sent a tingle down his spine. He was really excited about this prospect.
"She must really care for you," Alaric said softly, keeping his tone gentle and sincere. "It's rare to see such dedication. But why does she seem so... distracted?"
Natasha paused for a moment, staring down at the ground. She spoke softly, her tone tinged with melancholy, and continued, "Our family is dealing with... problems. We're not very well-off anymore. Our financial situation has deteriorated significantly in recent years. She has been the only person who has been able to keep us afloat ever since our parents were banished. However, it has been challenging. As a result of our history, many do not treat us with sufficient respect."
Natasha sent another glance in the direction of her sister, empathizing with her. "She's doing her best, but sometimes, I think she feels like she's collapsing."
Alaric's eyes narrowed slightly as he took in the information that was being presented to him. A family that is on the verge of falling apart. Another vulnerability that he may take advantage of.
He leaned in closer, his smile almost conspiratorial. "She sounds like someone who's endured a lot for your sake. I'm sure she's stronger than you realize."
Natasha's eyes lit up, clearly grateful for his words. "Thank you, Alaric," she said softly, smiling. "It means a lot to hear that."
Cedric, too, was nodding in agreement, oblivious to Alaric's true intentions. "Yeah, Iridelle is amazing. Even though things are tough, she never gives up."
Alaric gave a contemplative nod, but his gaze had shifted away from Natasha and Cedric.
He was seeing Emerise and Iridelle, his gaze following the curves of their bodies with a yearning that he carefully concealed beneath a facade of childlike innocence. He was studying them.
A portion of him took pleasure in the ease with which he could manipulate these two youngsters, taking advantage of their trust and ignorance in order to obtain every single piece of information that he required.
The words "thank you for telling me" were spoken in a quiet voice by him as he placed his hand on Cedric's shoulder and smiled warmly at Natasha. "It's a pleasure to come across individuals who are so genuine."
Neither of them was able to catch the fleeting glimpse of a twisted grin that curved his lips as he turned his attention back to the people who were watching over them.
'Genuine, yes,' Alaric mused silently. 'But utterly unaware of what's truly happening.'
As he deliberated about his next steps, his thoughts were racing with potential outcomes. Each of the women was by herself, without any assistance, and, more importantly, she was vulnerable.
He was already perceiving the ways in which he could exploit the circumstances to his advantage. As soon as he made his intentions obvious, they would not be able to put up much of a fight due to their lack of power and prestige.
It is quite conceivable that Emerise, with her worn-out elegance and repressed beauty, would disintegrate if the appropriate amount of pressure was applied.
As for Iridelle, the thought of breaching that cool façade, of pushing those purple eyes to lose their icy detachment and blaze with something far more primal, sent a shiver of eagerness through him. He was looking forward to it.
He resumed his talk with Cedric and Natasha, engaging in pleasant banter while pretending to be interested in what they had to say.
While this was going on, his mind was already making plans for what he would do next. In a short amount of time, he would be able to get both of those stunning women.
And when that has taken place, he would make certain that they were aware of exactly who they belonged to with complete clarity.
Alaric turned his head to look at Emerise and Iridelle, his eyes shining with a sinister purpose. He did so with a smile that was barely noticeable on his lips.
Nobody was aware of what was going to happen.
Alaric was standing with Cedric and Natasha, carrying on a conversation that was more informal in nature, when he became aware that his mother, Lyra, was coming.
Everyone in the neighborhood was immediately drawn to her exquisite motions and her ever-present aura of power. Her movements quickly drew everyone's attention.
While she was going toward him with a proud smile on her face, he noticed that Cedric's mother, Emerise Venhime, and Natasha's older sister, Iridelle Khysarel, were also walking toward the group. Both of them were walking in the same direction: toward the group.
The three women seemed to have bonded quickly, perhaps drawn together by their children's newfound friendships. The sensitive eyes of Alaric were able to pick up on the delicate signs that were being passed between them, such as cordial smiles, nods of acknowledgment, and gentle remarks.
"Alaric," Lyra welcomed, her voice being filled with the maternal tenderness that she had. In an effort to get closer to her kid, she moved closer and placed a soft touch on his shoulder. "It seems you've made some new friends."
Alaric smiled innocently. "Yes, mother. This is Cedric," he gestured toward the boy, "and Natasha." He gave a small nod to Natasha.
Cedric and Natasha smiled pleasantly, their young enthusiasm unaffected by the more sinister motives that lie beneath Alaric's comments that appeared to be friendly.
Lyra gave a little nod in acknowledgement to each of them before shifting her focus to Emerise and Iridelle.
"Hello, I am Lyra Steele of the Steele House. Can you introduce yourself to me?" Lyra said smoothly, introducing herself with the grace and poise of someone well-accustomed to high society.
Emerise smiled softly. "Yes, Lady Lyra. My name is Emerise Venhime, I am this naught boy's mother." She said while pointing to her son Cedric.
"My name is Iridella Khysarel. I am Natasha's elder sister." Iridelle spoke a bit coldly, her purple eyes briefly flicking to Alaric. Despite her distant demeanor, she couldn't fully mask the curiosity in her gaze.
Just to start some small talk, Emerise spoke, "Lady Lyra, my son Cedric told me how impressed he was with your son's magical affinity." @@novelbin@@
Lyra chuckled, her tone warm. "Actually, Alaric has a lot of talent. His ability to work magic has always been astounding, and that's without even taking into account his intelligence. He began reading books at a very young age, and he has read the majority of the volumes that are in his father's collection." She smiled proudly at her son. "He is a true genius."
A embarrassed smile was simulated by Alaric, whose charisma was as charming as it had always been. "Mother, please. You're embarrassing me."
"Don't be modest," Lyra said, beaming. "Everyone here will soon see what a talent you are. I have no doubt you'll take Verdant Dawn Academy by storm."
Despite the fact that Emerise smiled in response to the interaction, there was a hint of something more in her eyes as she looked at Alaric. As she spoke, her tone was kind. "A mother's pride is a wonderful thing," she described. "The fact that Cedric has a friend who is so brilliant is quite encouraging to watch."
Iridelle, on the other hand, was standing with her arms crossed, and her look was more serious than warm. "Natasha spoke highly of you as well," she said coolly. "It seems you've made quite an impression."
A warm smile appeared on Alaric's face as he made care to keep up his naive appearance. "I'm just glad to have met Cedric and Natasha. They're both really kind."
After a couple of hours had passed, the talk among the group continued to flow without any interruptions. During the course of his performance, Alaric was able to engage with both Emerise and Iridelle while simultaneously softly enchanting them.
In addition to praising their children, he made it a point to speak humbly about his own accomplishments while simultaneously observing how they responded to his remarks.
As she complimented her son in front of the two ladies, Lyra was, of course, filled with pride, and her maternal glow added to the overall atmosphere of the situation.
With the passage of time, a chime resounded across the whole auditorium, indicating that the results of the admission examination were going to be disclosed. Anxiety was not the cause of Alaric's racing heart; rather, it was anticipation. It was time for him to take center stage.
A member of the faculty walked all the way up onto the stage while holding a scroll that unfolded in a dramatic manner. Her voice reverberated across the corridor as she made the announcement, "The results of the Verdant Dawn Academy entrance examination have been finalized."
At the same time as everyone was waiting to hear their names, the anxiety among the hopefuls increased.
"In first place, with the highest marks in both the written exam and magical affinity assessment... Alaric Steele!"
As soon as Alaric was summoned to the platform, there was a stirring of applause and murmuring from the audience. As he took a stride forward with self-assurance, his eyes shone with a sense of contentment. He could feel the weight of everyone's eyes on him as he approached, including the admiration, the jealousy, and the curiosity that everyone had for him.
A shining medal was awarded to him in recognition of his accomplishment, and the crowd cheered even more enthusiastically. The loudest applause came from Cedric and Natasha, who were overjoyed to have a new acquaintance.
As for Cedric and Natasha, both of them had done quite well, earning places in the top ten of the competition.
Cedric's magical affinity had not been very strong, but the results of his written examination had been enough to carry him through.
Natasha, on the other hand, had performed admirably in the magical affinity test, but her performance on the written exam had been a little less impressive.
A mental note was taken by Alaric of their positions. They were good, but no threat to his standing.
After the prizes were presented, a member of the faculty took the initiative to make an additional announcement. "All students who have passed the entrance examination will now be assigned their respective dormitories. Please follow the assigned faculty members to receive your keys and instructions."
As the kids started to leave, Emerise and Iridelle went up to Alaric and greeted themselves individually. Their gestures conveyed a feeling of urgency, as if they were concerned about the well-being of their children and sought to secure their safety.
The first person to communicate was Emerise, and her tone was almost imploring. "Alaric, I know Cedric can be a bit... naive at times. Could you look out for him? He's never been away from me before."
A gentle grin emanated from Alaric, conveying a sense of warmth and security. "Of course, Lady Venhime. I'll make sure Cedric is safe. Nothing will happen to him while he's with me."
Emerise's expression softened in relief. "Thank you, Alaric. You're very kind."
Iridelle also took a step ahead by doing so. "Natasha may be... headstrong, but she can be reckless. If you wouldn't mind... keeping an eye on her?"
"I'll watch over her too," Alaric promised with a charming smile. "You can trust me."
Both of the women were conspicuously relieved, their stress appearing to dissipate. It was Emerise who was the first to embrace Alaric and pull him into a hug. Alaric took pleasure in every moment of her enormous bosom pressing on him, despite the fact that she thought it was no big deal.
[Experience from Emerise: +915 Points]
It was with a kind grin that Emerise let him go. "Thank you again, Alaric."
Next was Iridelle. She stepped forward and hugged him as well, though it was a bit more hesitant. Nonetheless, her voluptuous breasts pressed against him just the same, and Alaric relished the sensation.
[Experience from Iridelle: +782 Points]
Both women smiled down at him, clearly thinking of him as nothing more than a sweet, innocent boy. Little did they know the dark satisfaction he was getting from their proximity.
Lyra then stepped forward, her own farewell looming. She hugged Alaric tightly, and he could feel her large breasts pressing against his chest. Even though she was his mother, he couldn't deny the thrill that shot through him at the sensation.
[Experience from Lyra: +896 Points]
"I'm so proud of you, Alaric," Lyra whispered in his ear. "You'll make us all proud."
With the goodbyes said, Emerise and Iridelle bid their children farewell as well, offering words of encouragement and love. Alaric noted how protective they were of their offspring, which only made his manipulation all the more satisfying.
Once the farewells were done, Alaric, Cedric, and Natasha followed their respective guides to the dormitories.
Alaric and Cedric were assigned to the same dormitory, as both were male students, while Natasha was guided to the girls' dorms.
The boys' dormitory was impressive—an expansive structure with multiple floors, each filled with rooms for individual students. Each room was spacious enough, providing a bed, a desk, and ample space for personal belongings.
Alaric set his things down in his room, giving it a cursory glance. It was more than sufficient for his needs. However, he wasn't interested in staying cooped up inside.
"I'm going to check out the academy," Alaric said to Cedric, who was still settling in. "Wanna join?"
Cedric looked up, excited. "Yeah, let's explore!"
Together, they left the dormitory and began wandering the academy grounds. The campus was vast, with towering spires and intricate architecture that spoke of the academy's long history.
Students of varying ages, mostly between 10 to 16 years old, roamed the grounds, chatting, laughing, and preparing for the academic year ahead.
Alaric observed them closely. Most of the students were average—no one who would challenge his position. Still, he took mental notes, always planning his next move.
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