Chapter 14: Legendary Envy
Chapter 14: Legendary Envy
I turn my head slowly. The fiery look from Lavender was getting closer as she advanced on me. Tilly had stopped purring, and she had turned away to leave me to my fate.
I stood up to meet her and noticed I was getting a lot taller than her. I held up my hands, dropping Tilly's tail. Lavender was about to yell at me more when she noticed Tilly's tail. She must not have been able to see it in my hands before.
"Tilly! Your Tail!"
Lavender shoved me out of the way as she ran to Tilly, all arguments seeming to leave her. The girls hugged, and then Lavender held Tilly back.
"How did you get your tail? Was it because of your new Class?" Lavender questioned Tilly.
"I guess so, but I had three choices, and the one I picked, well, It's like a class made for me! Let me show you," Tilly extended her arm and showed her AVATAR to Tilly.
Lavender put her hand over Tilly's and began to look over her AVATAR. Her eyes kept getting bigger and bigger. She let out a soft gasp.
"It's a legendary class like the choice I have," Lavender's voice was a low whisper as she went to sit in a chair. Then she turned to Tilly from her chair.
"Why did you and I both get legendary class options?"
"I think it has something to do with Hero Dave. You have already gotten a lot stronger in one day. You gained four levels, and I gained one. Even if we both trained every day for a year straight, we couldn't do this. We are a party, so we shouldn't hide things from him."
Tilly's statement left no room for arguments, as she looked meaningfully at her. Lavender looked at the ground, and Tilly picked up her chair that she had knocked over during her transformation. I sat in my chair and waited for what Lavender was going to tell me.
"What do you think I should do?" Lavender had lifted her head until I looked at her, then she pursed her lips, turning away.
I pull my chair closer with a sign. Why can't Lavender be more like Miss Tilly? I guess if she weren't the way she was, then it just wouldn't be her. I put my hand out when I was sure I could reach for Lavender's hand as I moved my chair forwards.
Lavender ignored me. She even crossed her arms.
"What would you like help with?" I asked the question, but I was already 97% sure I knew the answer.
Nothing changed. Lavender continued to ignore me until Tilly crept from the blindside and got behind Lavender. I could see the mischievous look in her eyes. Uh-oh, I think this might be one of those Hyper Kitten moments.
Tilly pushed Lavender's chair towards mine with force! Lavender screamed as our chairs connected, and we both went over the back of my chair. We both tumbled onto the grass, and Lavender fell into my arms. We landed, and I instinctually wrapped her in my arms.
Tilly had disappeared. Who knows where she went. I realized that I was still holding Lavender and began to pull my arms away. Lavender began to shake her head, then she spoke so soft I could barely hear as her face pushed into my chest, and she gripped my shirt.
"Don't let go yet."
So we just laid there, in the grass. I could smell coconut conditioner Lavender must use from her hair, and I had almost thought she had fallen asleep. Finally, Lavender shifted and then pulled out of my arms. I left her go, but I didn't want to. The warmth of her body in my arms had been relaxing. Us both wrapped together had let me forget about everything else in the world for just a minute.
Lavender crawled out of my lap and sat beside me with her arms wrapped around her knees. I thought I heard her mutter, thank you, but I became distracted when she shoved her hand at me. The pinky was already up, so I placed my hand over top of hers, and Lavender's Class selection like Tilly's sheet came up.
At level 10 MAGE, you must choose a path. You may select from the following classes:
Follow into the steps of the magus, extending your elemental mastery to Water. Gain WATER GLIDE and WATER MANIPULATION.
Sketch runes into the air to release burning fires or transcribe them onto objects. Gain FIREBALL and TRANSCRIBE FIRE.
Emotions run high as the chaos of your heart can change the course of events. Gain TIDES OF CHAOS and CHAOS RAIN.
This one wasn't so cut and dry. Lavender's legendary Class looked good because it was legendary, but chaos wasn't a party-friendly class. Even though the others looked good, it would be cruel and unusual not to take the legendary Class when I pushed Tilly so fast.
"You should take it, but stand back from me. I think you will change," I told Lavender as we both stood up.
Lavender nodded and stepped back. I shielded my eye in anticipation of the burst of light, and it came shortly. Even with my hand up, I could clearly see my bone through two layers of flesh. The light made me close my eyes, but soon it dimmed.
"You can look now," came Lavender's cheerful voice.
I lowered my hand and stared. Lavender was now in a black dress hat and boots. Covering all of her new things were hundreds of intricate pentagrams wrapped in circles in pentagrams in circles. The scene was...chaos, at its finest.
"Wow, the new look suits you. It looks good!" I comment as she holds the dress out on both sides.
"What class did you pick?"
"I don't think I get to pick, that's the random part. First, I want to see your sheet. If that's ok?"
"Sure," She said, coming back over to me.
We both sat back down on the grass, but Tilly came rushing over and joined us as we did. We sat for a bit, and we talked about the new classes. Finally, the girls convinced me to open my character sheet, but I was honestly more interested in seeing their sheets. I reached my hand out, pinky up, and both girls placed their hand over mine.
HP: 150/250
MANA: 150/250
NAME: Dave Huntington
AGE: 16
CLASS: Hero of Justice
STATUS: Satisfied
WEALTH: Average
HOME: Huntington Manor
MANA: 20 (+200)
LUCK: 20
JUSTICE'S BLOODTHIRST: When killing evil, gain 5 HP per/Kill. When killing an innocent, lose 150 HP per/Kill.
FLAMESHIELD++: A halo of light surrounds you, giving offense and defense. HOSTILE CREATURES EVIL within 20 feet takes 1 Light DAMAGE per/1 seconds. Reduce all incoming physical damage by 2.
PEIRCE EVIL: People with evil intentions have black auras and are vulnerable to the HERO's LIGHT BLADE Skill.
LIGHT BLADE++: Activate to summon a blade of light. This Spell consumes 2 mana per/minute.
The girl's eyes were huge. Both pulled away from me and stared. Tilly had called down a lot, but now her tail was swishing back and forth. I looked at them both, and I didn't know what to tell them.
I was speechless. My stats had exploded. I had thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, so I rubbed them, nope still twenties across my sheet and the speed at forty. Holy shit, was it even safe for me to move? Would I fly into a wall with one step? The girls noticed I was breathing heavily and came closer to me.
"I don't get it."
"Neither do we," Lavender said.
"You unlocked new stats and skills, but two skills are just ???" Mentions Tilly.
Why are you getting so much stronger than me?" Lavender complain.
Then without thinking, I said, "It must be my Ble-," but my words cut off as the pain hit me again.
The last thing I heard was the girls screaming for help.
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