Harry Potter and the Fortunate Queen

Chapter 37: A Key

Chapter 37 - A Key

Chris woke up in a familiar room, the Hospital Wing. Her father was sitting beside the bed and on the other side of the table there was few flowers, candy and cards.

"Dad?" She spoke softly.

Her father Mr. Norton was almost asleep, he opened his eyes, looking startled, he looked at Chris with moist eyes. He hugged her hurriedly, Chris smiled.

"I'm fine Dad."

"Fine? Do you call it fine? You're in this bed for a week." Said Mr. Norton with cracked voice.

"Five and half days, Mr. Norton." Madam Pomfrey came and gave Chris a potion to drink.

"Five and half? Really that much?" Chris said, looking surprised.

"You got a nasty hit on your skull. I fixed it but you needed lots of rest so I gave you a sleeping potion. You can leave tomorrow." Madam Pomfrey said with a smile.

"Tomorrow? But I feel fine Madam Pomfrey." Chris protested.

"Who knows better in this matter?" Madam Pomfrey said with a strict tone.

"You," said Chris quietly.

Madam Pomfrey nodded and left.

"How are you feeling?" Mr. Norton asked.

"Fine. Wait! What happened after I was unconscious?" She said.

Chris thought about that day but there was not any memory after Ginny woke up.

"Yes. About that... Did you kille a giant snake?" Mr. Norton almost screamed the last part.

"Relax Dad. It wasn't that big. It was like a normal snake like very small four-five foot." She lied.

"But Mr. Weasley said..."

"Mr. Weasley ... yeah... so how is their daughter ... Ginny?" Chris asked trying to change the topic.

"Oh. She is fine. She left the hospital wing on that same day but I heard Madam Pomfrey speaking, that her mental health will take time to get back to normal. She needs lots of love and care."

Chris nodded and picked a card from the the table. The first colourful card was from Luna, she wrote a get well soon message with different colours. Chris smiled and took the next one it was from Hagrid and the last one was from Ginny, a thank you card.

"Who brought these flowers dad?"

"A boy... I think his name was Harry."

"Oh!" Chris smiled looking at the flowers as the events of that day came back to her. "Dad, do you know where is my wand?... And my bag?"

"Yes. Ginny told me, she took those to your room." Mr. Norton replied.

_____________________________ @@novelbin@@

Next Morning, Chris left the Hospital Wing, her father left Hogwarts. Chris walked towards the Gryffindor tower, and noticed everyone was staring at her but this time the stares was different. They were smiling at her and there was amazement in their eyes. Chris didn't know she should be happy or not, she never wanted to be popular and after watching Harry's condition, she seriously didn't want to compete with Lockhart.

As she entered the Gryffindor common room, there was a loud applause and cheering which greeted her. Fred and George did a firework with her name. Percy wasn't happy but he didn't stop them, in fact he smiled and thanked Chris for saving Ginny. Harry hugged her.

"Now. Tell me. How did you managed to pull two girls over the pipe?" Chris asked Harry, as she pulled Harry and Ron aside.

"Oh I didn't." Harry grinned. "It was Fawkes, Dumbledore's bird. He pulled three of us out of the chamber. He came on it's own. I was very happy to see him."

"Well Myrtle wasn't very happy when she saw all of you alive." Ron said.

Three of them chuckled.

"And what's going on with those Petrified people?" Chris asked.

"Professor McGonagall said they will be back in few days. The Mandrakes are almost ready." Harry answered.

"And do you know, you and Harry got two hundred house points each, from Dumbledore." Ron said excitedly.

"What? Really?" Chris said, looking surprised.

"Yes. We will win the house cup for sure." Harry grinned. "Oh, and about Lockhart, you won't believe what happened to him."


"Other Professors asked him to save Ginny but he was running away, when your friend Luna caught him in the corridors and asked him about his heroics, about how could he leave Ginny to die. When he confessed that he didn't do anyone of them, he just erased the actual hero's memory and took the credit."

"What the...? Where is he now? I'll definitely like to punch that idiot."

"Very far from here. After saying those things he tried to erase Luna's memory too, but he didn't know Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Fred, George, Percy and few other teachers were just around the corner and heard him clearly. They stopped him and threaten to handover him to the ministry. He was very scared and now he is out of Hogwarts." Harry finished with big grin.

"Shame,"said Ron, "He was starting to grow on me."

They laughed aloud. Suddenly someone poked Chris from behind. Chris turned and saw it was Ginny. Chris became serious.

"I wanted to... to talk to you..." Ginny said quietly.

Chris just nodded and went towards their room. In room Danielle and Lauren greeted Chris excitedly.

"I and Ginny have something to talk about. We need the room for some time." Chris said sharply.

After looking at the each other for a moment both girls left. Ginny became nervous.

"Speak." Chris said.

"Umm... well... Thanks for saving me... Harry told me... how you stood up to Riddle for me.... how you killed the Basilisk and Riddle.... Also, I know that morning you sent a letter to Professor Dumbledore about me, explaining that it wasn't my fault so I should not get expelled... Dumbledore told me...."

"Get to the point, Ginny." Chris said impatiently.

Ginny sighed.

"I'm sorry.. very very sorry... I should have trusted you not the Diary... I'm so stupid. On now on I'll never trust a object... I..." Ginny started to cry.

"Well... You were stupid, but I guess not anymore." Chris finally looked at Ginny. "Next time if you feel upset over my any kind of behavior, or you feel like I'm coming between you and Harry, just say it on my face."

"No... Please.. I had enough of Harry." Ginny said and stopped crying.


"Yes. I realized, I liked Harry just because he is a celebrity and my brother's friend. I have learned my lesson. I'm never going to sacrifice my friendship over a silly attraction."

"Who said we're friends now?"

"But... I thought... oh! It's fine... I know.. I don't deserve..."

"Relax. Step one of being confident, love yourself, never see yourself as a small person." Chris said seriously. "You're a great person Ginny and you deserve much more than you know..."

Ginny smiled with her watery eyes and hugged Chris. Chris hugged her back.

"Though, are you sure about Harry? You don't want me to stay away from him or something?" Chris asked and Ginny shook her head.

"Ok.... fine.... and Ginny, if you have problems about thinking yourself as a great person, then just remember Draco Malfoy, I mean that boy thinks very highly of himself." Chris said and both giggled.

After that Chris checked her things which Ginny brought from the chamber. Ginny told her, Dumbledore have the sword and the diary. Chris took her wand and look inside the bag, there was just the dagger and something small.

Chris pulled the small thing out, it was a golden key and at the end of the key a small snake was curved on it.

"Ginny did you put this in my bag?" Chris asked.

"No.. I didn't."

"Then what's is this? The key of that chamber or something?" Chris sighed and left it with her other things.

'I have to talk to Dumbledore.' 

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