Chapter 143 – Core Expansion Ritual! Part-1 ~Light NSFW~
Chapter 143 – Core Expansion Ritual! Part-1 ~Light NSFW~
{Abandoned Room, Second Floor, Hogwarts}
{15th Oct 1991}
{Rigel's First person POV}
"So? What's the plan?" I asked Evelyn. We were lying on my bed after an hour-long fuckfest. The feel of her smooth back on my right hand felt comforting as her breasts were squished to my side.
"We can do the Ritual tomorrow," She mumbled. She looked tired.
"And where are we doing this Ritual? Is there a room in Hogwarts or something?" I asked as I looked up and closed my eyes. The bed felt too comfortable right now.
"Yeah, there is one in the Dungeons; it's the one that Slytherins normally use. You need to confirm the date and time, and I'll book the place. It needs to be approved by the council and all..." She mumbled as she yawned at the end. Her hand was rubbing on my abdomen.
"Alright, tomorrow then. Now tell me exactly how this Ritual works." I asked. I trusted that she wouldn't fuck it up; she was kind of codependent on me now. The one disadvantage of Mind Break.
"Well, you don't need to do anything. Nor is the Ritual expensive. The runes for the Ritual have been permanently inscribed into the room, so there is no danger of botching the process as well. We just need to power the runes with our magic, and then you know, fuck." She grinned at the last part.
"Yeah? We have gotten a little bit too good at that last part, haven't we?" I teased back as she stood up. I watched as she slowly limped out of my bed and started collecting her clothes which were bunched up together on the floor.
"So what time? After dinner?" I asked as she started pulling her dress and robes on.
"I will have to see. Keep your schedule open for tomorrow..." With that, she walked over to the room. I spoke the password, and the door opened. We both stared at the annoyed visage of Daphne, whose face into a stoic blank as soon as she saw Evelyn.
"Excuse me," Evelyn sidestepped Daphne, who was now going a little red, and dipped away, leaving me to deal with an aghast Greengrass heiress.
"Youu!" She started, but then she simply huffed as she walked into the room and closed the door behind her. Her eyes, fuming as she took in my naked chest and then turned away.
"What?" I asked. She implied she knew about what was going on, so I don't know why she was mad.
"I have been knocking on your door for 5 minutes..." she muttered as she walked over to my T-shirt and threw it toward me. I caught it and started putting it in, replying, "Yeah, the wards were set to do-not-disturb mode. No sign comes in or goes out."
"Isn't she 4-5 years older than you?" She spoke after a while as she turned back. A frown on her face as she looked into my eyes.
"Well yeah, isn't that the point." I shrugged. From where I was sitting, it was a very nice deal.
Daphne rolled her eyes as she looked at me for a moment longer before she pulled out an envelope from her robe's inner pocket. "Here."
I grabbed onto the offered letter and read through the front of the envelope.
'''Invitation to the Greengrass Ball'''
'''-Rigel Perseus Black'''
"Right... thanks for that, but I'm your date, right? Do I need an invitation if I'm going to go with you?" I asked as I put the letter aside. While Daphne corrected me on the customs, I gave myself a mental pat on the back for moving the conversation along.
"Even still, an invitation has to go to you. Since you don't have a Head of the House right now, you don't have to worry about it, but otherwise, for minors, this letter is normally presented to the Head of your House, who would then respond, allowing his heir or ward he's in charge of to attend the event on behalf of the House." Daphne corrected me.
"Wait, so if I want to throw a party, I need to have good relations with each and every head of House in England? That's a little extreme, no?" I asked; all this politics for every little thing seems a little bothersome, no.
"You can throw a party all you want. But this is a formal event, and that means keeping up appearances, even in front of your enemies. You see, when you attend this party, there will be no public disagreements. Any obvious fights would just be a slight against my family, which could turn into something disastrous." Daphne replied. I was starting to get a hang of what she meant.
"So a neutral ground... What exactly happens in these parties?" I asked.
"Well, since we, the Neutral faction, are thrown this event. The adults would engage in talks about business, and we'll be expected to dance and have fun, within moderation, of course." Daphne smiled.
I gave her a bland look. "That doesn't sound fun at all. Plus, I would have to deal with Malfoy's. Remind me why I'm going to this thing?"
"Because I asked you to be my date, and you agreed." She replied with the same bland face.
"Fine, what color is your dress? I might need to go shopping."
"It's already been taken care of; that's why I'm here today. I need to take your measurements." She replied.
I gave her a raised eyebrow. "And how exactly are you going to do that? You gave me just a T-shirt, remember? I'm quite naked underneath the sheets."
Her eyes looked down at the sheets for a moment before they snapped back up, looking annoyed.
"It's a spell. Just stay still." She grumbled as she took her wand out and pointed it at me. I had the urge to duck and roll but suppressed it as she waved it in front of her. A wave of mana left her wand as she spoke, "Metimur~"
'That sounded like something to do with measurement. I need to put learning Latin on my agenda soon.'
She closed her eyes and nodded after a moment. "Alright, I got what I need. I'll get you your dress by the end of the week-"
Her words were interrupted by the sudden tapping noise on the window pane. An owl was there, which was kind of weird since we were underground. Hell, the view from my window is that of underneath the Great Lake.
"Are you seeing that too?" I asked Daphne for good measure, and she nodded before she pointed out.
"That's a Gringotts owl; you better see what that is."
I leaped from my bed and opened the window for the very first time. Ironically, I could hear water splashing about, even though it was apparently a few feet away from my window. It was stopped with what should have been a very strong glass, but I could clearly feel a ward holding it back.
'Interesting,' I thought as I untied the letter from the owl, who flew away through the roof and vanished.
'Huh, a false ceiling?' I thought as I looked at the letter. It was addressed to me, and I could feel it there, the heaviness that could only mean one thing.
"You better tell your Dad about getting the heirsh-" I spoke as I turned around, but then I noticed that Daphne's gaze was fixed on my lower body.
AN - The Heirship ring and the Core Expansion Ritual. The next important event will be the ball and something special!
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