Chapter 1485: Discussing Princess Camelia (Part-2)
Chapter 1485: Discussing Princess Camelia (Part-2)
"..... what if the people did not know?"
Lady Parthia turned to instantly give the man a stunned look at this offer, as if unable to think this was even possible.
And her eyes only got more incredulous as she heard him slowly propose,
"For example, I can have you hide at the back of the temple for the last few months of your pregnancy, easily hiding your belly. I can just say to everyone that you were in mediation as a priestess who was to advance and thus not receive any visitors."
"I could even let you interact with your family from behind a screen or partition to reassure them…. that way they would not still notice your swelling belly. What then? Would you accept my seed if there were no consequences?"
Turning to look at the lady as he made the hypothetical situation, Alexander was suddenly surprised by how serious and ruminative her face seemed to have become- it appeared she was taking the offer absolutely at face value.
And Alexander's heart skipped a beat at this. He thought was just making sweet pillow talk. But now, that seemed to be going out of control.
So he quickly attempted to bring the amorous talks to a satisfactory close.
"....Are you that angry with Camelia?" Without giving him the chance, Lady Parthia suddenly veered the topic in a completely different direction as placing her dainty hands over the man's muscular chest, she quickly pleaded,
"She really did not mean anything by it. I hope you will not hold it against her for too long, Alexander. She is just a girl!"
Her tone was weak and earnest, while her hands slowly caressed over his well built muscles, like she was soothing him.
The 'it' here of course referred to the incident of the young princess cutting her hair short and then showing herself in front of everyone during the Alexander's victory feast.
Lady Parthia was quite sensible to believe Alexander was still angry over it, as would most men of the time.
"Hahaha, does my lady think I am that petty? No, no, it is nothing like that!"
However Alexander was not like most men, and so simply brushed past the mention of the whole thing with a breezy chuckle, "I hardly remember the little incident. It was nothing! We all do foolish things out of impulse at those ages. Hahaha!"
Alexander's frank, light answer naturally made the worry in the mother's heart subside by a lot. Indeed, given Alexander's cool, soft temperament, Lady Parthia had a hard time imagining him holding a grudge for so long.
Yet, at the same time,
"Hmmm… then is there another reason why Camelia is not with child? At the very least, her belly should be quite full by now," Lady Parthia also found it hard to match the reply with reality.
Because given the time Camelia had been staying with Alexander in the manor house, she definitely should have popped out at least one, cute bunny by now.
Hence producing a big frown, she mused,
"There is certainly no problem with you. The amount of contraceptives you make us use is clearly telling of that. So what could it be….No!"
The involuntary exclamation came almost like a fearful streak of thunder striking the depth of her soul, as Lady Parthia shivered at the impossible thought- her daughter being barren.
Due to the already discussed social reasons, this was a possibility no mother was ever willing to even imagine.
"No, no, Parthia, you are overthinking." And seeing the lady literally shaking against him, Alexander quickly intervened before she could run off with her thoughts, clarifying, "I have just not touched your daughter yet! There is nothing wrong with her!"
Alexander's words were then followed by a strange, long silence, as Lady Parthia turned to give the man first a confused look, like she was trying to make sure she heard him correctly.
And then, once she finally understood that Alexander was not going to add anything, she followed up with a great, incredulous look, blurting out,
"What? You mean to see she is unbroken? Why? You don't even lay your hands off those maids, taking them every chance you get! So how can my daughter still be a virgin… it's been so long. Did Camelia do anything?"
Unable to find a problem with Alexander, the lady once again circled back to her daughter, producing another deep frown.
In this instance, Lady Parthia acted very much like a woman of her time- whenever a problem arose in the family, the female was unilaterally held responsible for it.
So Alexander only needed to say the word and Lady Parthia was ready to personally straighten her daughter out.
"No, no, Camelia is just a bit too young. And remember my lady, I also promised to let her choose a new husband once she turns eighteen if she wanted to. I just do not want to break her before that." The man however quickly offered his excuse, reminding the lady of their existing agreement.
Indeed, the two sides had signed a contract of four years and if Camelia wanted to break away from Alexander after that, it would be far easier for the young girl to get a good, reputable husband if she was still chaste and pure.
"*Snort*, what foolishness." It was too bad the mother instantly disregarded this point completely, imperiously swinging her hands, and snarling,
"That was just a scrap of papyrus we wrote to placate my stupid daughter at the time. If she had been this disobedient at any other time… *sigh*, I just did not have the heart to beat the living breath out of her at the time."
Lady Parthia's eyes dimmed while voice became both rueful and angry- feeling she had been too soft on her youngest daughter.
But at the end of the day, that was done only due to the circumstances of the time- Lady Parthia and her family's lands had been conquered and everyone was panicking, so the mother sensibly did not act too harshly on her child.
While listening to the small outburst, Alexander implicitly understood that although Lady Parthia was a very caring mother, willing to go to extreme lengths to protect her children, she was also very strict with them when the need demanded it.
And to be fair, she had to be like this to keep so many of her children in line.
And this strictness soon moved over to Alexander too, as sensing a great glare, he soon heard a heavy announcer,
"Anyway, forget about that foolish agreement. We will never agree to it. I will break both your legs if you try to do this. And I will break Camelia's neck if she even dares bring this up!"
"....." Alexander only pursed his lips in great amusement at the threat, knowing the words were really laced with love.
He did not believe somehow as shrewd and foreseeing as Lady Parthia would conveniently forget the agreement. Perhaps she might have truly considered the contract if Alexander was not a not so good match for her daughter.
However now, after getting to know him, perhaps even more intimately than she would have originally liked….
"And stop saying Camelia is young. I already had three kids by her age… she is plenty adult.
It is you brat who has a preference for old hags."
"I will send Camelia to your room tonight. And you will deflower her there. I want a grandson nine months from now!" CM very officially declared, turning to give Alexander a very final look.
"....." While the man once again kept that same amused look, not willing to argue about this topic. He knew for the current period, eighteen years was indeed considered a bit old, even by noble standards.
So if he claimed he was waiting for the princess to 'come of age', there was a good possibility that it might be misconstrued by Lady Parthia as the man subtly rejecting her daughter.
"Hahaha… night is a long time away, my lady. And so many things can happen!" Hence giving a free chortle, Alexander instead lightly grasped the laying lady by her smooth chin.
"Hmmmm… I hope you will not mind me saying, but none of your daughters are as beautiful as you my lady. Mother Gaia really gave you all the beauty in the world and none other… *Mmmm*!"
And then as Alexander once again smashed against those cheery lips, Lady Parthia's eyes quickly widened and she let out a small moan.
But she did not push him away, neither did she feel too bad about the sudden attack.
In fact, a part of her felt extremely flattered.
The fact that the man said she was more beautiful, even at this age, even when being compared to her daughter, made the lady instinctively very happy,
Men also usually did not talk to women like this.
Thus as Alexander devoured her tongue once more, the lady could only reciprocate,
"Ahhh… master, you are so bad. Ohhh… you will be the death of me. Mmmm…. my daughters are indeed… not as pretty. They seem to have gained their father's traits. Ohhh…. I am such a bad woman. Mmmm… how can I be doing this… ahhh…so good! More, kiss me more!"
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