Chapter 54
side: Labiris
We were standing before a small grave.
This time since the Demon King came, two animals died.
Poor things, they gave up their lives to help us.
But for Aslin and Philia it was as if they lost members of their own families.
(Aslin)Hegu, Hiku. . . . .
(Philia). . . U,Uuuu. . . . .
At the feet of Aslin and Philia gathered their other animals, they mourned the loss of their friends.
Here were Yuki, Oriel, Herge, Ellis, Tori, and Riel. The others were either working or at the training center.
Because they would tell about this place I wont explain it to you now.
(Yuki)Then, have you seen enough?
(Delille). . . . . .
And now, this was the Demon King who was the reason for these graves.
She had woken up from being unconscious and went through the streets of this Dungeon.
Yuki wanted to show her that we had no intent to invade the country Roshuru.
(Delille). . . . . . It was a misunderstanding of Mine
No one was afraid of Delille now.
The thing is, Yuki already appointed us as guardians so we could not longer be harmed unlike the residents.
More than anything, Aslin and Philia were now looking at her as a fellow human and not as a Demon King.
Since I woke up and I received answers. There is no need to make this life of Mine stand still.
Delille expressed as she looked at Aslin and Philia.
(Yuki)Well, you were able to solve the misunderstanding. Thats for the best. What do you plan to do next?
(Delille)What do I plan next? Am I not seen as a sinner in this place?
(Yuki)Ahah what the heck are you saying. Dont give up on your life. Come, formely apologize in front of them.@@novelbin@@
Yuki said and pushed Delille toward Aslin and Philia.
(Delille)Because of Mine own feelings, I did something like that. . .
(Yuki)Delille , until now you thought about your own feelings, right? There is always several possible result, it was just one of them. Well, didnt you just come by the road? And now you are crying because you killed your opponent after a mistake?
(Delille). . . . . . Such a thing is. . .
(Yuki)Maybe because you just wanted to press your opinion into others, you did it that way? Because you thought of yourself as absolute?
(Delille). . . . . .
(Yuki)Haa, indeed. Were we evil with great power? And since you believed this you easily, convinced of your actions. But then, you found out that it wasnt true. However Delille its still not good. You need to be calm to make your own judgments. Well, the difficulty is normal since you were defeated for the first time as you have always lived under your own beliefs. I guess its easy to blame things on your opponent.
Yuki was speaking to Delille , he tried to calm her.
(Delille)Isnt your position against I similar? Dont you want to kill I?
(Yuki)Thats true, its easy for us to make a mistake as well. Do you understand my point Delille?
(Delille). . . . . .
(Yuki)In our case, you already understood that you made a mistake. At least apologize
(Delille)Urgh, now I am afraid, I cant think of anything to say. . .
(Yuki)Thats how it is? Youre not some scary creature. Youre a doll. With no emotions. That means you cant even have fun together with everyone. You wont even cry if someone close to you dies.
(Delille)Me, am I a human? I was always called a Demon King since my powers were out of the ordinary. Mistress?
I feel something changed with Yuki s words, Delille had a soft voice when she had called out to me earlier.
It was hard to understand Yukis words, but I think Dellie was a capable person.
Because she said that she came to beat the dungeon master when she was talking to Yuki s shadow on the call screen.
She had thought that we wanted to invade Roshuru. Although she asserted that it was a misunderstanding, she was not violent, only trying to do what she thought as right.
Thats why, we wont make a scandalous request to Delille nor will we punish her.
Separately, I think the death of the two animals under Aslin and Philia was a bad thing.
If this was Yukis life, I dont think I could ever forgive her.
(Yuki)Rather than an human, its about someone you care, someone you can communicate with, someone you can understand. If you dont narrow the definition, its normal for Aslin and Philia to shed tears.
(Delille)Ah. . .
(Yuki)Although the animals cant talk the same language, they are our friends. Its possible to talk even with the Demon King. Despite her powers or the fact that she is a loli baba. Well, theres always a limit, but nothing is absolute. Just like I dont feel like trying to convince everyone I meet one by one.
Same as ever, Yuki said something strange again.
Was it obvious? Because as a Dungeon Master, he is responsible for various monsters, would it be the reason for his way of thinking?
(Delille)Thats just like that but. . . WAIT A MINUTE!! You said that I was a Loli baba!? I dont know what Loli means, but I know whats the meaning of Baba1)!! Im a young girl, I demand correction!!
(Yuki)Ohoh, if youre young tell me your age. Can you possibly show me your status? How old is it for a human to be called young? Surely around 20?
(Lutz)No no, onii-san, if you got past 20 youre already old.
(Delille)Guh. . . !?
Araaara, Yuki youre being mean.
As for me, as long as I can have Yukis kids, nothing else matter.
Fufufu. . . Its good that I had meet the Demon King Delille today.
As one of our companion. . . No. I will welcome you as one of Yukis wife.
From our conversation so far, Delille was very pure.
I needed her to be appointed as a guardian, no matter what. I must persuade her to seduce Yuki and have her waist swing.
Yuki hated coercion, but I would use everything I could to protect him.
Well, because I didnt want to be hated, I wouldnt use dirty means.
In the end, Delille had no other choice than becoming a bride for Yuki. Ufufu.
When Yuki and Delille were talking; Aslin and Philia came together.
(Aslin)Ano. . . Onii-chan.
(Philia)Nii-sama. . . that person?
Oh yes.
I understood that Delille was flinching.
Those eyes, I couldnt bear them too.
(Delille)Ah, uh. . .
(Yuki)Oh, right. This girl is the blood-eating Princess. The Demon King. Here, come on
Doing so, he pushed the stiff Delille in front of them.
But Delille , looking at their eyes, couldnt open her mouth in front of them.
(Philia)Delille -san, she is the mother. Was the child worthy?
(Aslin)Its the father. . . Did the child do its best to the end?
Two tanukis were in the arms of Aslin.
In the hands of Philia was a weasel.
Delille who heard their words started to shake even more. . .
(Delille)Ah, against my hand. . . They struggled until the very end. They were brilliant. For you, the parents, they never gave up.
(Tanuki X 2)Kyuu
The animals made a small cry to say that they understood Delille s words. They afterwards left the children and disappeared into the forest.
(Delille). . . Why did they not bite me?
Delille had thought that she would be injured since the children were crying.
(Yuki)You fool. Animals are different from people. They will kill and die for living. But this time, even though they died, they still had a body. In the wilderness only the bones would be left. They will now become nourishments for a next life. Those kids just wanted to make sure. They wanted the parents to know that their deaths werent for nothing.
He was explaining the childrens attention to the slow witted Delille .
(Delille)You mean. . . Its fine. I came here like a mad girl and they are not even angry. . .
I didnt know what she was thinking. But Delille was staring toward the children leaving to the forest.
(Delille)But, the girls left before I could hear their answers. . .
(Yuki)No problem, you can ask the persons themselves?
(Delille)Ask directly?
(Yuki)Ara? Today you brought a lot of trouble to the Dungeon. You think that you can just lower your head, say bye and everything is done?
(Delille)That is harsh
(Yuki)At least, I want you to work here for the trouble you made. This place is not just mine, its also the house of those girls
(Delille)How lenient. Is that Mine punishment?
(Yuki)Lenient? You just made a Declaration of War with our Management.
After I stepped down, Delille was grabbed immediately by Tori and Riel.
(Delille)Why, no!?
(Ellis)Since you just said that we are lenient, I want to make you experience it directly. And I was just thinking. Can you work well?
Ellis had a rare smile. But she had a blue vein too.
(Ellis)For the time being, you have to prepare dinner for 70 persons. Once finished, you will have to shop out for goods, then prepare the baths. . . . . .
Awesome Ellis, she memorized everything.
You dont want to hear this. But later Ill give to you a lot of other works.
(Delille)Hey, hey, wait a minute!? Thats too much even for Mine body!?
(Ellis)Ara, are you really the Demon King? But you cant split up?
(Delille)Eeehh, dont mix I with a slime-like monster!?
She said all that but she didnt start a rampage.
It really seemed that her roots were kind.
(Delille)This? Y, you are the slime from earlier!?
(Surakichi)Its my pleasure to meet you. I am Surakichi-san, I will be the one supervising Delille -san.
If its Surakichi-san then my mind would be at peace.
(Delille)Hey!? Yuki, you said that you are the Dungeon Master!? Yet youre ignoring I!! Is it okay, youre the king of the nine right!? You should send a dangerous character like I in jail!!
In her last struggles, she tried to ask for Yukis help.
(Yuki)Its a pity. But this Dungeon runs thanks to everyones opinion. Give up.
(Delille)Cooking, I have never done thaaatttt!!
Oh, then shes not worthy to be Yukis wife.
Ill have to teach her firmly.
Then, today was over.
Delille was lying motionless. We wanted to allot her to an empty room in the inn but she was too exhausted.
Since it couldnt be helped, I pulled another futon in our room and let her sleep.
Of course, to Yukis room.
(Delille)Uwa~ Yuki, You need to be gentler with me. Those girls are abnormal, this amount of work cant be done. Now I wont leave your side Yuki!! Otherwise I will be treated like today again. The name of the Demon King cant be under the feet of those girls!! Thats why, dont make I work too hard, make I work normally!!
Delille was hugging Yuki, wagging her tail before him.
Shes slacking. . . . But why was I feeling something else?
Well, no matter how she cried, Id have her work hard again tomorrow.
Shall I have her work at the store, the entertainment facilities, or the baths in open-air?
She knows arithmetic, its convenient.
Afterword of the author
Now you understood? The children in the title isnt about Alsin or Philia.
To the people whove read this far.
I believe the children will certainly grow bigger and stronger.
But I pray that they wont exceed Surakichi-san.
So the Demon King came alone.
She will now work hard as an administrator LOL.
What do you think?
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