Chapter 9
Translator : Antheor
Enjoy a chapter fromHisshou Dungeon Unei Houhou!
TL #1 : This is the first chapter I translated, dont be too harsh as I will improve day by day.
TL #2 : If you find any mistake feel free to tell me and I will look through it.
TL #3 : This is MTL work, please understand that this isnt a 100% accurate translation.
TL #4 : Do you prefer Ojou-sama or Princess-sama?
For 3 days, to collect more information, I kept chatting with Herge and Oriel.This made our friendship deepen.
Today, I already had a lot of fun, but when it was the time to drink tea, I made this situation.
Yuki-San, I got a request
Yuki is me, there is a reason I use a false name.
What is it?
Could we go out of here? There are thing we must do
After all Do you intend to go?
Yes! To no repeat the same kind of tragedy that happened with Mauve and as a princess I must stop the fight!
This is the princess of the country of Roshuru.
Herge and Oriel asked me to punish Mauve which apparently did some outrageous things to them. An Capital punishment was asked.
Its because they are currently in my protection. Even with this, meddling with Mauve is still too much.
I understand where theyre coming from. But without hearing the other party, its not possible for me to kill them.
To be frank, the social positions of those adventurers are a bit too high to treat it too lightly.
(TL : Actually, he said : with light footwork, it probably means something really specific, but its outside of what I can comprehend)
Please I need to attach a proper reason, so let me have a talk with them first
And so i told them to wait for a moment.
But they kept me from doing it, please
If a soft touch like you talk with such a beast, you will definitely be killed!
Youre getting violent Oriel.
[Its as Oriel said! There is no way that such a person who look down on others can be heard from!
Even Herge is saying things like this.
They who didnt like them reacted as I expected. So I said those words as planned.
Then can you come with me and stand a little away? Like this we can hear them together and you can come and save me if im in danger.
They pondered for a while and agreed with it.
Actually, Mauve isnt really living anymore. It feels like a creature which has been biologically fully burned out
I heard about the quarrel from the country of Roshuru and the country of Gal from them.
Because of Herge, she became the good reason for an invasion and caused a village and a town to be burned down as the result. The country of Gal bogged down in a counterattack,
A reason with this degree were said to me. In the long run the probability that a guy saying Mauve is also a victim of war is high.
When its not the case, its impossible to get a princess and make it a slave anyway.
I met with Mauve and introduced myself. When I introduced myself as a dungeon master, I had a marvelous face, but I quickly returned to an expresionless face and got asked by the lifeless face.
The slave The princess Is she alive?
Well, yes
I see
Why did you make the princess a Slave? Even in the country of Gal I would have made fame and money from it.
After a long time, Mauve began to talk.
Wife and daughterAn Acquaintance was an enemy of the village and town.
A large tear was growing from Mauve and hit the ground.
An astonished look appear on the princess and Oriel when they heard it.
I had lost the treasure which is more important than money and fame.
Is that so
Angry I was hired as a mercenary to burn the town of the coutry of Rushuru.
I raped and killed as my wife and daughter were done.
I caught the princess and tried to kill her, this limit i learnt it
When it was disturbed by me?
Unfortunatly I was able to cool off thanks to you After all, nothing is returning to this empty dad I think if my wife and daughter found out, they would be mad at me if I did such things. In fact, I would be scolded. Father who did such a thing! Whyyyy?
Raija Carse and Mauve laughed weakly. The look on their faces is embarrassing.
Well, even if its like this, shes a Princess right?
Right now the three of them are lowering their heads.@@novelbin@@
Oh dont hurry! Did you hear this Herge?
Herge which has her eyes deep red is supported by Oriel comes out.
The past you constructed is quite good, but Princess-sama will choose.
Mauve got a little bit of is vigor back. A light smile is floating on his face.
But this isnt a reason to drop the weapons. Oriel is stomping her foot on the ground while Herge is lowering her head.
Mo me Im sorry so sorry sorry sorry
With sorrow and tears, she is reapeating Im sorry.
No wait? What on earth is happening? Did you do something?
What I saw really surprised me. The strange behavior of Herge about Mauve.
Herge told him something I heard once in a series I dont know whether youre saying the truthjust like this
After Mauve heard what she said, he took a look aglance at theprincess and loosened his shoulder a bit. Followed by Raija and Curse on the back.
Woman saint-sama truly exist.
Please raise your face Princess-sama, im not a guy who can solicit a favor from a princess. Im the brute who ran out of control and misunderstood.
ButBecause I was here, in your town and village
Even if the story from princess-sama is different from the one I heard at the town. Ill still believe in you
Yes Princess-sama! We will believe your words. Going so deep was ours sins!
Anger and rage all of it went out
Is Mauve reconciled with Herge now?
Look like she made up her mind to stop this quarrel.
Ill never tell about this dungeon. This princess shall protect this dungeon to repay the kindness received.
Shes looking at this place with determined eyes.
Well, I have to say as an advertisement, you should do dungeons operations
The skill Guardian Appointment can restrain you, with it you wont be able to speak about the dungeon
WellBecause Herge is trusted after all I will not do it this time
Then we may leave and return to the country!!
There is one condition for settling. If you agree with it Ill set a protective sphere. Ill let the protection aside for now because it doesnt count inside the Dungeon.
Thank you very much. Whats the condition?
I want you to take Mauve with you. Hell be a guard. There is also something id like to buy in town
I see, its reassuring. Hey Oriel?
Good he got considerable capacity and it would be perfect for guard duty.
Mauve talked about my circumstances (Falsehood is mixed in to some extent). And all three of them laughed to the funny story and willingly consented to the full protection.
Well, I hope that I can live quietly with this
If only it was possible!
After seeing the 5 people who were leaving hastily off, I worked hard to reinforce the dungeon and earn more DP.
What do you think?
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