Chapter 24: First on the List
Chapter 24: First on the List
Naruto didn't even need to look at his wife to understand how much she began to transform.
Hinata Hyuga:
+ 15 Depravity
+ 10 Submission
Condition> Happiness, Fatigue, Excitement, Anxiety, Love ...
Returning to the residence, the Hokage this time was faced with a whole batch of respectful greetings. Whether they are lisobies or not, he nevertheless enjoyed this welcome with satisfaction, all is not lost if there are those who greet you with such courtesy. This means that power is not an empty phrase! One had only to hammer into everyone's head that the order was changing.
Approaching the door, Naruto noticed the same note he left not so long ago:
"Hmm, that's it, but I'm wondering why this old man on the stairs was so surprised when he met me. I already forgot about the note ... - slightly opening the door, the man looked inside, and then exhaled with relief. Shizune still left and this will not result in problems. At least she's a shinobi, and she was probably able to somehow cover up some traces of yesterday night.
Back at the table, Naruto took out a paper and a pen. He didn't really want to work, he had plans to make others work. But, it was still worth making a list of women. It's hard to say if Shizune forgot about his order to bring photographs and documents, so it was worth remembering all the women by name and making at least some kind of list for the first time. At least it was worth deciding when to begin to subjugate, and whom it would be better not to touch at first. Who of all will remain in question, and who will definitely become the future woman of the Hokage. There is no data yet, but memories will be enough. Now it was worth starting to write down and gradually remember everything possible.
- Okay, let's start with the basics, first of all, my wife - Hinata.
In the past, the Hyuuga, now the Uzumaki. If there were a list of ideal wives, Hinata would probably end up at the top of this list, mainly due to her humble personality and completely immodest body. She was the perfect wife, quiet and caring at the same time. Responsible and understanding. True, too calm and completely inexperienced. Although, for some, this is more of a plus. Still, the body of such a charming kunoichi can rightfully be called the body of a real temptress, and with such a character it can be completely changed for yourself. Naruto had never experienced such a sweet and intoxicating feeling from intimacy with a girl, making a man go crazy and want him more and more. The closeness with Hinata is addictive to some extent, even after the first time.
- Hmm, we will write it down ... It is worth being careful.
At the same time, at the Uzumaki house.
Having cleaned herself up, Hinata left the bedroom and went downstairs to the kitchen. She was not surprised at Naruto's absence, but the children ...
- Boruto! Himawari! The girl called loudly. But, there was no answer. Returning to the hallway, she quickly realized that her son had run away somewhere.
"Where is he so early? I didn't even warn you ... "
Climbing the stairs, Hinata quickly reached her daughter's room and knocked inside. Himawari lay on the bed and slept, hugging her pink hare. At least she tried to pretend she was asleep ... Hinata quickly realized this and sat down at the head of the bed.
- I know that you are not sleeping, we already saw each other in the morning. What's the matter? You are kind of quiet in the morning. Something happened?
There was no answer, the daughter continued to stubbornly ignore all the questions of the caring mother.
- Himawari ... I'm not going anywhere until you tell me everything.
"N-nothing happened," the girl finally whispered, covering her face with an ivy hare. "I just didn't sleep well.
The girl smiled warmly and stroked this adorable. She did not know how to lie at all ...
"Nothing, then just by ..." Hinata gulped sharply, quickly realizing something dangerous ... She slowly asked in a trembling voice:
- Why did you ... Why did you sleep badly? Did you ... did you hear something?
"N-no," Himawari clearly lied. "Just a bad dream, I didn't hear any screams and I didn't see anything.
The girl's fingers trembled, she removed her hand from her daughter's hair and looked away with a bashful look:
"Screams ?! Oh my god ... "- it was not difficult to understand whose screams she heard. Hinata remembered everything from the previous night, almost everything down to the smallest detail. Now, Himawari also heard all this, and also ...
"Did not see?! Just don't tell me ... "Turning to her daughter, Hinata immediately saw Himawari's reddened face.
"God, she knows everything!" - she didn't know what to do, as if everything froze in her chest ... Her own daughter probably saw her in that shameful state. Simple sex in the dark might not mean anything, but she remembered well how much she screamed and how indecently she behaved. Just thinking that Khima knew everything made Hinata's knees tremble. How can you explain this to your own daughter? It is also not known how much she saw ... Obviously not a little, since she was so ashamed and did not want to speak.
Still not gathering an answer, the girl just got up and smiled torturedly:
"Th-then rest, mom won't interfere. I, w-go ... - she just had no options. What could she say? "Did dad and I just play?" or "Naruto was just giving her a massage? Yes, as a member ... ". Covering her face with her hand, Hinata shook her head.
"What have I done..."
She did not know what to do in such a situation and decided to leave this conversation for later. If her own daughter heard her lustful moans, this is not something that can be easily explained. Embarrassed to her neck, Hinata quickly slammed the door shut and exhaled. Himawari did the same as soon as she was alone in the room:
- Mom ... - muttered the girl and again remembered that impressive father. Blushing from head to toe, Himawari hid under the covers and fell silent. She, like her mother, did not know how to be now ...
Taking a breath, Hinata calmed down and put her thoughts in order.
"It is necessary to somehow explain it ... As a last resort, to initiate her into such things. After all, age ... God, why now? "
Perhaps only Naruto could think of something. Remembering her husband, the girl felt much better. Perhaps he can somehow talk to the young daughter and calm her down ...
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