House Dad's Literary Life

Chapter 71

Chapter 71 - How To Deal With The 2 Million Yuan?

Afterreturning home, Yang Yi waited for Xixi to sleep before taking the two duffelbags to the study room.

Today, YangYi went to the bank to withdraw money, that he put in the gray duffel bag,which was his income from the book “Soldier Assault” last month,rounded up. The other dark green duffel bag contained the “reward” forreporting corrupt officials.

Of course, itwas no longer 2 million. Yang Yi bought a car, renovated the coffee shop, andother expenses. This cost him more than 800,000 yuan, nearly 900,000 yuan!

That’s alot!

Fortunately,Yang Yi earned it back easily…

He openedthe dark green duffel bag, took out the scattered money, and then began to takethe money out of the gray duffel bag and put it neatly into the dark greenduffel bag.

He counteduntil the money in the dark green duffel bag reaches 2 million!

There was122,700 yuan left in the gray duffel bag. Yang Yi also took them out and neatlyput it in the cabinet in his study, leaving them for normal use.

Yang Yilikes to keep a large amount of cash at home, on the one hand, because theconcept of mobile payment doesn't exist in this world, on the other hand, it isalso because of his habit in his previous life of being able to run away withmoney at any time.

Althoughthere was no need for this now, Yang Yi still felt the lack of sense ofsecurity.

Anyway, afterYang Yi sorted out the dark green duffel bag, he finally breathed a sigh ofrelief.

At thebeginning, when he took the 2 million yuan from the hidden wealth of the corruptofficial Luo Jinrong, Yang Yi thought he would have no qualms about it andleave with the "reward", just like in his previous life.

However,under Mo Fei's interrogation, Yang Yi discovered that although he deceived herby making up lies, there was a heavy shackle in his heart.

It turns outthat there were so many restrictions in the world of ordinary people!

Yang Yigradually distinguished the conflict between his previous ideas and hisspresent life. Taking this “reward” as an example, Yang Yi may still considerit as a reward for himself, but in the eyes of ordinary people, this money was anill-gotten gain.

How can the wealthof the people that was plundered by corrupt officials be used for the people?

Enforcesjustice on behalf of heaven, but also wants to “lead away a sheep inpassing”, then what capital does he has to say that he is on the path ofjustice?

(TN: (顺手牵羊) Lead away a sheep in passing – to take theopportunity to take away someone else’s things.)

He has evendeceived his daughter's mother, so how can he spend the money with peace ofmind?

Now that hehas decided to thoroughly integrate into the world of ordinary people, Yang Yiis also slowly changing his ideas.

Although MoFei couldn't have discovered the existence of the money, Yang Yi felt that ifhe didn't deal with it properly, he would always have this demon inside hisheart.

But howcould this be done?

Yang Yiwants to live a free and easy life!

So, after hegot his copyright revenue from last month, Yang Yi took back the money thatreally belonged to him and patched up the hole he had originally dug out.

The only remainingthing to do was how to deal with the 2 million yuan!

Fortunately,Yang Yi already has a plan.


After twoweeks of promoting her new songs, Mo Fei can finally come back and have a fewdays off. Although it's not a complete break, she still has to participate insome programs in Jiangcheng one after another, Mo Fei still asks Yang Yi tosend Xixi home. She missed her daughter!

When Yang Yisaw Mo Fei, she was still cold, but in front of Yang Yi, she didn’t concealanything. Her eyes were still full of fatigue and loneliness.

“I readabout it in the newspaper.” Yang Yi hesitated for a moment and said,“The situation of your new album is not very good.”

Mo Feihugged Xixi. The mother and daughter were interacting intimately. Hearing YangYi’s words, Mo Fei pursed her lips and said stiffly, “Don’t talk aboutit.”

Although herrelationship with Yang Yi has eased up, Mo Fei’s understanding of Yang Yi wasstill that of the past. She felt that Yang Yi was still very dissatisfied withher work in the entertainment industry, so she couldn't talk about it with YangYi, and she didn't want to talk about it.

What’s more,in the past two weeks, Mo Fei has been devastated by the poor sales of heralbums, and her home seems to be her only safe haven. Why should she bringthose bad moments into her house?

Mo Fei’stone was still rather jarring, but Yang Yi didn't get angry. He still thoughtthat Mo Fei’s situation was very bad, but the problem wasn't with Mo Fei herself,but the songs on the new album were too bad!

If he comesto “write songs” for Mo Fei, then with Mo Fei's ability, it's notimpossible to return to the top. Besides, if he can sell songs to an unfamiliarsinger like Chen Yijie, how can he stand idly by and watch Mo Fei feel sad?

She, she isXixi’s mother!

Yang Yi ponderedfor a moment and then said, “I think, maybe I can help you…”

“No,you just stay at home and take care of Xixi. Let me deal with my careerproblems, okay?” Mo Fei was a little upset, and she interrupted Yang Yiand said impatiently.

Choking fora bit, Yang Yi swallowed back all the words, that he wanted to help by writingsongs for her.

Really! Dogbites Lu Dongbin and doesn’t know people’s hearts! (TN: A saying to describepeople who do not know good from bad.)

Yang Yi isalso a guy with a strong sense of self-esteem. He wasn't someone that is so utterlyshameless to stick to other people’s cold buttocks.

Mo Fei watchedYang Yi keep silent, but she was actually a little flustered in her heart. Ofcourse, Mo Fei couldn't have thought of what she had missed, but she did notknow why, but she inexplicably cared about Yang Yi’s feelings.

“Willhe be angry? Ah, did he lose his temper again just now?” Mo Fei blamed herself.

However, inspite of this, because of her cold personality, it was very difficult for herto apologize to Yang Yi on her own initiative. Mo Fei’s idea was also verystrange. She was not willing to give in on the issue she insists on. At theworst… make it up to him somewhere else.

The meetingbetween the two seemed to be a bit unhappy and parted on bad term.

After sendingXixi to Mo Fei, Yang Yi could be said to have a few days of vacation. Followinghis plan, he threw the dark green duffel bag into the car, then simply tooksome clothes and drove westward all the way to the poorer western provinces.

“Areyou Zhu Luyan?” Yang Yi met with a person he contacted earlier.

Zhu Luyan,the founder of a non-governmental charity, has dark skin, skinny and dresseslike migrant workers, but Yang Yi still knows that this guy's background is notsmall and was born into a big and wealthy family in Beijing.

But becauseZhu Luyan was strongly and emotionally interfered by his family, he left Beijingangrily and dropped his original pride and status!

Of course,Zhu Luyan still hoped to make some achievements to prove himself, so he choseto do charity with his girlfriend, and he had the idea to set up a projectcalled “Dream Primary School”, which raised fund to buildwell-equipped schools in poor areas to help children realize their dreams.

Of course,at present, they have only helped build three schools. After all, they haven'traised much funds. What's more, most of the fund came from Zhu Luyan sellinghis luxury car, and he is unwilling to use his family's connections to trickothers into making donations.

Prior tothis, Yang Yi had done a detailed investigation and even borrowed the darkforces of this world, so he was still very assured about Zhu Luyan’s project,which happened to give his 2 million a suitable destination, and Yang Yi didn’thave to worry too much. (TN: I'm not sure about the dark forces, might be referringto the underground forces.)

After ZhuLuyan and Yang Yi confirmed each other's identities, he was trembling withexcitement as he carried the dark green duffel bag given by Yang Yi. He said,“Mr. Yang, your 2 million yuan is really too timely. And now, we can give thechildren in poor areas more places to study!”

Naturally, ZhuLuyan's excitement wasn't because he had never seen so much money, but because thiswas the first time he has received such a large donation, and it came in a timelymanner. With this, he didn't have to ask for help from his family, and he also regainedhis confidence in doing a good job in this charity.

Yang Yismiled and said, “Mr. Zhu, I have a question that I don’t know if it'sinappropriate to say.”

“Say it.”

“I justwant to give a slight suggestion. The name of your project, "Dream PrimarySchool", sounds strange. Would it be better to call it "Hope Primary School"?”


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