Chapter 73
Chapter 73 - Xixi's Magical Mind
"Xixi, getup and have breakfast!” This morning, it was Aunt Zhu, the nanny, who wokeXixi up.
Xixi rubbedher eyes and lay on Aunt Zhu’s shoulder, not fully awake yet! The little girlalso asked in a dazed voice, “Where’s Mama? I want Mama…”
“Yourmom, your mom has gone to work! But your mother said that Xixi should obedientlystay at home!” Aunt Zhu was used to this and she consoled her skillfully.
“Xixidon’t want to be obedient, Xixi wants Mama…” Xixi murmured.
Of course, thiswas merely Xixi's mood after just waking up. She was used to her mother notbeing around. She was still very obedient and didn’t cry, and didn't give AuntZhu any trouble.
Aunt Zhu wasquite dutiful. She takes care of Xixi, wash her face and take care of Xixi'sbreakfast, but she couldn't be as meticulous as her real parents. When she fedXixi porridge, she still turned on the TV and her attention was on the TV infront of her.
“I wantto eat sandwiches and drink juice.” Xixi grabbed her small feet andprotested.
With Mo Feinot around, the little girl was being willful. Usually, Mo Fei, who paysattention to training Xixi into a little lady, wouldn't allow Xixi to play withher feet with her hands!
Her father willprobably allow it, but Yang Yi will definitely ask Xixi to wash her hands.
“Auntiewill buy you a sandwich tomorrow. There’s juice in the fridge. You can drink itafter you finish your porridge.” Aunt Zhu fed her another spoonful ofporridge.
Xixi’s mouthwas stuffed with mushy meat porridge, and she swallowed it unhappily before shehad a chance to continue to speak: “No, I want to eat the delicioussandwiches made by Papa and drink juice made from oranges.”
“Thenyou have to have a good meal!” Aunt Zhu didn’t take it seriously. Whilewatching TV, she repeated, “You have to have a good meal before you caneat a lot of delicious food.”
What kind oflogic was that? Xixi couldn't understand. When she's with her father,sandwiches are the meal. And when they eat, her father will cook a lot ofdelicious food! The little girl, who was a fussy eater, felt that she has noappetite for what she eats at home.
However,before Xixi lost her little temper and protested, Aunt Zhu suddenly said,“Xixi, look, it's your mother!”
Xixi’sattention was immediately drawn over. She opened her eyes wide and watch the TVintently, because her mother really appeared on the TV!
“Lastmonth, former pop star Mo Fei returned and released her new album “TheDream of Nine years”, but the current market performance is relativelylow. According to some experts, Mo Fei is in trouble because the quality of herwork has greatly declined after her return. It’s really disappointing.”
The video onthe TV was a clip of Mo Fei participating in a music program, but the news stillinvited the so-called expert music critic, who rambled, “I had expected amonth ago that Mo Fei’s new album wouldn't do any better! Why? “
“First,her new album was rushed. It has only been a few months since the news of herreturn came out, yet a new album was released? Any good album needs to bepolished carefully by the singer. How can it sell well if it wasn't done withcare? Here, I have to mention Li Manman. now Li Manman’s status in the singingworld is no lower than that Mo Fei before she retired, but Li Manman stillspent a long time perfecting her music. I believe that she promised her fansthat the new album to be released in January next year will be a hit! “
“As Ijust said, this is only one reason. There is another reason! I think Mo Fei’s characteris not good. Before, Teacher Liu Shifang openly criticized her in a program.Later, many musicians in the industry also expressed their opinions. Of course,their opinions weren't publicly said. The reason I know it is because I know themwell.”
“Withbad personality and having offended a lot of people, how is it possible for MoFei to return to the top easily after her return? If she can still be popular,wouldn’t it be very unfair to other hard-working people, such as Li Manman?”This guy talks a lot, but he always has the feeling of stepping on Mo Fei and proppingup Li Manman.
In fact, hereceived money from Li Manman, and only such a small TV station, which Aunt Zhulikes to watch every day, would invite such people to talk nonsense.
Of course, AuntZhu was still on Mo Fei’s side. She said angrily, “This man is talkingnonsense. When did your mother not worked hard? I'm so upset. Such a good girlpractices singing every day and works hard. How can he say that she doesn’twork hard?”
Xixi wasactually confused when listening to that man. How could a child understand somany words? At most, she felt that this person was not saying anything nice.
But as soonas she heard what Aunt Zhu said, the little girl said angrily, “Mama isnot lazy. Mama is very fierce!”
She seems toequate hard work with being fierce.
“Alas…”Aunt Zhu sighed, “But your mother is in a bad situation right now. It'ssaid in the news that she has released a new album, but her performance ispoor.”
“Mama isnot!” Xixi was stupefied. She felt a little aggrieved, rubbed her eyes andargued.@@novelbin@@
Aunt Zhu didn'tnotice Xixi's state. She still watched TV, and said without thinking: “It'sterrible. There are very few records sold, and some people say that they don'twant to give it to others.”
“No!”Xixi’s big eyes were full of tears. She choked up and said that she couldn'taccept the fact that her Mama, who she admired the most, was said to be unsuccessful.
“Oh, mylittle ancestor, why are you crying?” It was only now did Aunt Zhu noticedXixi's state, she hurriedly put down the bowl, picked up Xixi, and coaxed,“Do you want to drink juice? Auntie will get it for you now!”
Xixi shookher head and sobbed in a low voice: “I don’t want juice, I want Mama…”
“Oh,where can I find your mother at this time? Your mother is working hard,otherwise, how can she afford to buy beautiful clothes for Xixi?” Aunt Zhusaid.
“Xixidoesn’t want beautiful clothes, Xixi wants Mama!” The little girl thoughtfor a moment and added, “Papa has money. I’ll make Papa give Mamamoney!”
This seems likea good idea!
“Yourfather’s money is your father’s money. How could your mother want your father’smoney?” Aunt Zhu’s attitude was actually similar to that of Mo Xiaojuan.She loves Mo Fei very much and dislikes Yang Yi. She snorted and said.
However,Xixi didn't listen, she felt as if she had found a good way!
Mm-hmm, finda chance, tell Papa, let him help Mama!
Instead, Xixiwas overjoyed and missed her father a little!
Mo Fei hadno idea that her daughter’s magical mind had helped her!
Of course,this is all for the future.
Presently, MoFei was unaware that others has plotted against her!
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