How a Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom

Book 15: Chapter SS3

Book 15: Chapter SS3

Merula and Mary

As the Spirit Kings Curse incident was coming to a close...

Creak... Slam!

Ugh... Your Holiness, please clean up already. This room is dusty.

Mary, a former saint of Lunarian Orthodoxy, opened a window. She was wearing an apron over her holy raiments, covering her mouth with a handkerchief and wielding a feather duster. Dressed to clean, she started to beat the dust off the shelves, earning a groan from Souji, who was trying to get work done.

The reason Im not cleaning is because you keep piling work on me! Souji grumbled, scratching his smooth head.

He was in the middle of filling out paperwork. Having become the archbishop of the new church of Kingdom Lunarian Orthodoxywhich had declared itself independent from the Lunarian Orthodox Papal StateSouji had a workload commensurate with his position.

Mary looked at him with exasperation.

Of course I keep bringing things to you, Your Holiness. Youre the archbishop. And I look after you like this so that you can carry out your sacred duties.

Mary was playing a role similar to that of a meddlesome wife. She was still called a saint by their coreligionists, despite no longer being one, because she had aided many of them in escaping to this country.

This, really? Sacred duties? Souji picked up one of the papers in front of him.

The work brought to Souji was largely dealing with the inconsistencies that arose between Lunarian Orthodox doctrine and their situation as believers in the new Kingdom Lunarian Orthodox sect. Essentially, he was in charge of thinking up excuses and justifications.

In terms of Soumas world, it would be like when monks were asked, Is it okay for you to eat rabbit when it is forbidden to eat meat? and they answered, Those ears are wings, therefore they are birds, not rabbits, and we are allowed to eat birds.

Come up with excuses on your own.

Isnt eloquent articulation one of your talents, Your Holiness? Ive seen how youre able to talk your way out of trouble with the higher-ups, despite countless warnings.

Come to think of it, you looked at me pretty coldly back then... Are you okay with this? With an archbishop making excuses?

I have a fair bit of respect for you and your flexible thinking now.

Mary shamelessly pretended like shed forgotten the past. There was no trace of her former doll-like persona. She now acted like an independent human being. Her life with Souji and Merula must have had an effect on her. That was a positive thing, however...

Yeesh. Youre quite the talker yourself, little missy.

Its not a lie when I say I respect you. Youre the one I have to thank for saving our people. And you took the role of archbishop for them too.

Souji looked like he wanted to say something, but stopped himself.@@novelbin@@

I sincerely think youre a man worth serving under. Which is first order of business is to get this room tidied up. If only Merula were here.

Merula Merlin was the high elf that Souji had sheltered. Because she had been declared a heretical witch by the Orthodox Papal State, her relationship with Mary had been awkward. But at this point, though, they were united in their common desire to not let Souji live a life of sloth.

Souji leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. Were going to need to leave Merula alone for a while...


The high elf refugee had recently watched one of her people die in this country. Ever since that day, shes spent a lot of time thinking by herself.

After pondering for a moment, Souji suddenly clapped his hands. I know. Why dont you go and listen to her?

Huh? Me?

Youre good at listening to confessions, arent you? Why dont you give the lost little lamb some guidance?

Merulas of a different faith...

Mary might have been objecting, but it was true that she was concerned for Merula. Maybe hearing her out would be a good idea? she thought. Granted, whether Merula was ready to talk was another matter.

Having made up her mind, Mary visited Merulas room that night.

When she knocked, a come in came in response, so Mary opened the door and entered the room.

Good evening, Merula.

Good evening. What can I help you with at such a late hour?

Um... Ive been wondering how youve been. If theres anything I can help with, I hope youll tell me. Lending an ear is about all I can do, though, Mary said meekly.

Hearing this, Merulas eyes widened a little. Then she smiled.

Well now, Ive been worrying you and Souji.

When she said that, Mary let out a sigh.

As a member of a long-lived race, I thought I had all the time in the world. Still, illness can make it come to an abrupt halt. Like it or not, these recent events have forced me to come to grips with that. Even as a high elf, if I let my guard down, I could die at any time. Im just as mortal as anyone else.

Yeah... Mary nodded. Life is short. Thats why Lunarian Orthodoxy teaches that we should live to our fullest until we are taken up to Heaven. His Holiness has been interpreting that a little too broadly, however.

For a moment, Merula looked at Mary blankly, then said, Hee hee... It looks like maybe once in a while I could stand to learn from Soujis belief in living in the moment.

With that, she finally smiled. Sensing it wouldnt be long until Merula came to terms with the death she had witnessed, Mary smiled too.

For now, how about we get some drinks?

Oh, is it all right for a former saint to be drinking alcohol?

His Holiness himself will attest to the sacredness of wine.

And were leaving that same Holiness behind?

Hes got a pile of work to do, after all.

They bantered back and forth for a while longer, a smile on each of their faces.

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