Husband of the Goblin Tribe

[v2] Chapter Thirty-seven – In which Lumi becomes a mother goblin, and the author is not sure if Ark is now his own grandpa or not.

[v2] Chapter Thirty-seven – In which Lumi becomes a mother goblin, and the author is not sure if Ark is now his own grandpa or not.

~~** Interlude | Lumi **~~

I have come to understand that I am no longer truly a Saintess of the Goddess Elara.

Instead, I have been pitied by her since my rebirth, allowed to retain but a mere fraction of the divine essence I once wielded when I was a human, the glaring truth was something I had to accept not when I failed to smite the abomination those of the tribe called the Great Protector, but when my human father had the bones in his arm shattered when Berry ferociously bit it upon entering her Blood Fury.

Though I should have every reason to hate my human father, being a human responsible for fornicating with vile goblins and creating a new plague for humanity and the other civilized races to eventually need to clean up… I must admit that my initial judgment of him was wrong.

My father was a captive. Put to the task of being breeding stock for this tribe. In truth, he has never once done something of his own volition I could discern as evil. Rather, he has had atrocities committed against him that he was forced to endure. My own rebirth as a goblin wasn’t so much a wicked sin, as it was an unfortunate mercy done to spare the life of my own mother.

I still have trouble coming to terms with why of all the goblin tribes in the world which exist, I should be reborn into the tribe I had been committed to slaughtering. I was part of a large expedition sent to put down a Goblin Champion. Holy Paladins, high tier adventurers, there was no shortage of excellent and devout followers of the Goddess assembled by the temple sent on this holy crusade.

I had met my end, stabbed through the chest by the very goblin I had been sent to exterminate. When I died, my spirit did not ascend to the realm of the Goddess, but instead was stolen away by the wretched deity of these damned Goblins. My mother, who grew up knowing the mercy of Elara was sufficient enough a vessel to contain my holy spirit.

And so, I was reborn.

All that I was taught about goblin society seemed to be a lie to my eyes. Goblins being greedy, hateful creatures that killed and stole, plundered and raped… aside from my father who was a victim of the latter, until the attack upon the Orcs, I had never seen a shred of what I had been told.

Though I was at one point loathe to call them so, my older sisters Ebony and Mint did their best to reach out to me, even though I was overbearing and distrustful of them. When my younger sibling Nova was born, full of curiosity, confessing to me that she had memories of being a human sword-saint from the desert kingdom of Sunscorch, which I profess to have never heard of before, I believed I had found a kindred spirit.

However, as much as I tried to refute that I was now a goblin and not a human being anymore, I was forcefully made aware of the reality of things.

Try as I may, I cannot enjoy the taste of cooked meat anymore. Oh, I can eat it, but it’s the same to me as shoveling burnt mud into my mouth. Then there’s this sinfully sweet scent that always surrounds my human father, something much more pronounced when his blood meets the air. It creates lewd and sinful thoughts within me and causes my maidenhood to ache wildly. Then there is the taste of his blood… I must truly be some kind of savage beast to desire it each and every time I see him.

My mother and some of the other adult goblins here have mentioned it possessing an—to paraphrase it in the right context here—aphrodisiac-like effect. I haven’t experienced that. Rather, for me the effect I get from it is as if I wasn’t a cursed goblin anymore. For the brief moments that I am able to savor my human father’s blood, I feel as connected to the divine essence of Elara as I once did when I was human.

It's inescapable to see my father either seeding or being milked for his seed on a daily basis. Yet, as much as this tribe takes from him, he still finds more he can give to them willingly. His deepest wishes have been only to see them prosper, and to see his daughters raised happy and healthy.

Yet even his daughters who he chooses to regard as more human than goblin wish to take from him his own humanity. However, I cannot chastise them in that regard, for I too feel the same desire. I had gone to great lengths to protect my purity as a Saintess when I was a human being, but the instinct I had as a human woman was nothing compared to what I now possess as a female goblin.

For a Saintess, at least… a Saintess of the Goddess Elara, a body’s purity is directly related to the amount of divine essence one may call upon. Which is why being captured by beastly and evil races and defiled is among the worst things which can happen. And it does happen with some frequency.

But what does it matter if I remain pure but still do not possess the ability to call upon Elara’s divinity to heal my father when he needs it the most?

In a moment of weakness, instead of praying to the Goddess Elara, I indirectly prayed to that cursed deity. I offered my purity in exchange for the power to heal my father’s arm. And I was granted it. Though at first the new divine essence felt like maggots replaced the blood flowing in my veins, whatever divine essence was granted to me did restore my father’s arm… only not as it originally was. From below his elbow, his arm took the shape of the green goblin form he once revealed to us that night we set upon the orcs.

However, it was healed.

That was when the mark first appeared on my body.

I didn’t notice it at first. It was my mother who pointed it out to me. It was some kind of V-shape which had what looked like teeth on either side of it, with the top ends curled into some kind of wavy shape. When I touched it, I felt an extreme sensitivity. I had, shamefully, released my… holy water onto the ground in my mother’s room.

I have also been excessively conscious of my father since then.

Whether awake in the middle of the day or as dreams in the middle of the night, I have dreamt of him embracing me, defiling my body and making my womb ripe with a child.

I have been avoiding him since just after Crow’s unfortunate injury. I’m afraid I will lose control and attack him, causing him to think I am just another of his impure daughters full of salacious desires.

However, seeing him come to visit my mother this evening. Watching them both copulate with such intensity. Smelling his sweet scent and furthermore, hearing him tell my mother that he had thoughts of laying his hands on me… Whatever restraint I had been holding on to all this time had simply given way to this inherent desire within me.

So, climbing onto the bed of sin my mother and father occupied, I boldly declared my intent to wed him as my Husband, and offer to him the purity of my body which I had promised to the Creator of goblinkind.

My mother was understandably supportive of my declaration. This is because though she was once human, she is now a Bloodmaw goblin, and as such understands the innate desires we must endure. Something that we would find shameful as a human being is now something to be lauded for as a goblin.

As a female goblin, I know that there is a missing sense of being complete. I have spoken with Diana Artemis, Melon, and Figurine about such things, and each of them replied with the same answer. Only upon receiving my father’s big-seed does that sense of emptiness disappear. Does the sense of completion of being a female and a Bloodmaw come together.

I am tired of living as a being of two worlds.

If humanity is no longer within my grasp, then I will put one foot forward into goblinity.

However, I am a tiny bit fearful.

The organ used by a man to deliver seed into a woman… how shall I put it… what he has is both arousing, grotesque, and frighteningly large. I cannot envision such a thing fitting inside of my body, yet I have surely seen it violate my mother (and many other goblins) to supreme satisfaction.

Though I have put on a brave front in offering myself to him, whether once human or now goblin, it will be my first carnal experience with a man. I have never received instruction where it concerns performing nightly duties with a Husband, since it was never necessary education for me. I was a Saintess and therefore would remain a pure maiden in service to the Goddess until I was inevitably called to her side.

Only… that never happened. I met my end at the hands of that vile spear wielding goblin and where was the reward promised me?


So, I have decided to entrust it all to him.

As my mother slackens her hold on him with her legs, he sidesteps in front of me and pulls me into a warm hug.

“Lumi. Are you certain you are fine with this?”

I nodded.

“Do you love me?” I asked him, long since knowing the answer, but still wanting to hear it from his lips.

“Without a doubt.” He replied without hesitation.

“Then shall we fall into the sinful abyss together?”

Father… no. My dear husband was nothing if not thorough on our rather spontaneous wedding night. He was at first tender with his touch—gentle, exploring. Caressing my face, my ears, lifting my chin so that we gazed into each other’s eyes. Our lips met. As we softly kissed, his fingers brushed through my hair, tracing down my back and coming around to circle the tips of my breasts. I felt my womb clench as the light rubbing of my small but springy bosoms accentuated the pleasure of being caressed, and eventually squeezed.

My Husband’s intoxicating kiss soon parted from my lips and found purchase just below on my breasts. A hand, now freed, explored lower. A sensual feeling poured into me from his tactile journey across my belly, eventually coming across the marking which had appeared sometime ago. My body arched as the overpowering sensation delivered by the marking caused me to violently tremble from pleasure.

Having done such a thing so spontaneously, he investigated the cause immediately.

“Lumi, what’s this marking?” He asked.

“I… don’t know. It appeared after… I healed your arm.”

Gently tracing his finger upon it again, stirred up more violent aching within my body.

“Nnh~♥” I unintentionally moaned like a… lascivious woman.

Turning my gaze shamefully away from him, I had instead locked eyes with my mother who had a knowing grin on her face. She reached out with a hand to hold mine, all while telling him to do that to me.

I, naturally, was ignorant to what it was she was alluding, but I found out readily enough when he moved his mouth to my maidenhood and began to taste my most sacred place with his tongue.

While I’ve never thought of such a place as being dirty, it was also supposed to be a place that, as a Saintess, was never meant to be dirtied by another. For something that felt so good, I feel like I understood why the purity of that place needed to be protected at all costs. It was almost too easy to surrender my body to the pleasure.

Having experienced only this much, I was sure that after this experience, I would no longer have access to my divine magic anymore. Like many of the Saintesses who’ve come before me and had lost their purity, sent to live out their lives in monasteries or to manage orphanages, it had become understandable as to why.

What immediate physical joy to be found here in the mortal realm compared to the promised spiritual reward upon ascending to the Goddess’ side…


I couldn’t help but let out another sound of sinful desperation. My legs decided on their own to wrap around his head, wishing to pull his face closer to my sanctuary so that it might be savored more fully by him. In return, he hefted my lower half upwards and proceeded to rewrite the many natures of sin on the hidden pages of my holy gospel. My mother laughed as I writhed in extasy, telling me that this wasn’t even the good part yet.

I became fearful that there was pleasure greater than this yet to come.

My body shuddered many more times, fatigue both entering and leaving my body in even amounts, my thoughts jumbled and at the same time unified only in experiencing more of what I had denied myself all my years as a human being.

Husband laid my body down onto the bed completely, spreading apart my legs at the knees, and grabbing hold of his… grotesque instrument. He lifted the monstrous green appendage up with one hand and let it fall onto my lower half, the heavy impact landing partially onto the marking and making me grit my teeth as I wheezed saliva through them while simultaneously losing control of some sacramental water.

While it was embarrassing and humiliating to a point, I was prepared to endure it all.

“Lumi, from here on… you understand there’s no going back?”

I nodded my assent. Weakly gave him my consent. My desire to achieve the foregone knowledge of womanhood I had denied myself as a human being was now overpowering any other senses I had.

“Please make me yours, Husband.”

My body shivered as his thing dragged along my marking, sliding through my soaked pages and aligned itself to enter my private doorless chapel. I gripped a handful of straw in one hand, and my mother’s hand in my other as the beast he possessed dared to intrude in my holy sanctuary.

I have heard… from some maids who attended me that the first time can be… painful.

It was not the case with him. I felt no resistance as he entered inside of me. Instead, I felt fulfilled. Husband went deeper into me until we both felt something impeding his progress. A look of great concern took hold of his face when it happened.

“Is… something wrong?” I dared to ask him.

He took a deep breath at first, then his gaze passed from me then to my mother.

“What is it, Ark?” she asked with equal concern.

“Stella… I think Lumi’s body has developed far enough along to… become pregnant.”

Become pregnant? As in… to be able to carry a child?

Both my Husband and my mother stared at me without saying anything for a moment. Were they thinking I wasn’t interested? I understand enough of my goblin nature to know this is the path meant for me to take.

“I want your seed, Husband. I am a goblin, a woman, and your wife now. It is my duty to bear your children.”

My Husband closed his eyes for a moment and nodded.

“You understand that… it will be a Bloodmaw goblin…”

“I know. I will raise it with great care.”

He exhaled.

The next moment, he leaned forward and stroked my hair and planted a kiss on my lips, turning his head to the side afterwards and telling my mother he hopes she is ready to become a grandmother already.

Her reply was to inform him that our cave-hole needed some expansion, since I wasn’t going to be leaving anytime soon. I felt the same. Stella may be a Bloodmaw goblin as I am, but we both occasionally carry moments of human sensibilities. I felt secure in sharing a home with her.

All he had to say before continuing was that I might feel a momentary pain.

I was prepared.

Husband held onto my waist and pushed deeper, and a small but sharp pain jolted me for but a moment. I could only imagine what I felt inside was akin to a dam bursting. Husband’s intrusion continued until he reached another obstacle inside of me. At which point he stopped again.

“I am touching your womb now, Lumi. From here on, I won’t stop until it’s over.”

“I’m ready.” I replied.

I think those were the last coherent words I was able to speak. Husband drew back his defiling member and that’s when I understood what it meant to lose my purity. Desires of the flesh I had never known became carved into my body in places I could never reach on my own. Satisfaction I would never be able to pursue properly without him anymore.

The feeling of his rough organ parting my insides and driving me mad with the instinct to extract something from him I desperately needed. My body both fought his repeated insertions inside of me while at the same time doing whatever it could to allow it as much free reign as possible. Droplets of sweat poured out of my body. Husband’s hands caressed my skin and once more groped at my chest. I was drowning in unfamiliar feelings of desire. As if sensing this losing battle of wills inside of me, Husband extended his hand to my mouth, encouraging me to bite it. My mind reeled when his blood touched my tongue.

I felt empowered.

Husband’s assault continued unabated until I felt a great swelling inside of me. Husband let go of my breasts and held my hips once more, tightly this time. He buried himself against the furthest obstruction inside of me and growled. I could feel something divinely warm and powerful entering inside of me. Wave after wave of something thick and vital poured out of him and into me.

I didn’t want it to stop.

I could feel my insides doing everything they could to try and coax as much as possible from him into me.

“Ark! What’s going on!?” Stella cried out.

Whatever flowed from Husband into my body had finally ceased.

Husband extricated himself from me and stared down at my body.

I felt Husband’s hand on my belly, but something was off about it. I was exhausted but had enough energy to raise my head and see what my mother was fussing about.

My belly.

It had swelled up.

Not only that, Husband’s thing was coated in crimson blood and the marking which had been small had also grown in size to cover the space from just above my maidenhood to just below my belly button.

I reached down with my own hand and placed it on my belly.

I knew.

Some sense inside of me informed me that there was now a child within my body.

I felt complete.

As a wife.

As a woman.

And most importantly, as a goblin.

Yet, with the same knowledge I was imparted with that let me understand I was now carrying his child, I also understood that Husband was no mere human. Yes, he was also a goblin, but there was more.

And speaking of more…

My mother and I shared a moment of silent and perfect understanding.

Husband wasn’t going anywhere


As a human being, I may have had some deep feelings on the matter of infidelity with my Husband, yet as a goblin, it wasn’t as extreme. Oh, I wanted to possess him entirely, there was no question of that. But I also understood that it wasn’t all that important. He was the Husband of the Bloodmaw. The likelihood of him ever escaping from us was the same as if we would ever deign to let him try.

In other words—never.

This child in my belly would only be the first of many.

And this night of pleasure was far, far, from over…

The only regret to be found on this night belonged to Stella alone. That her belly hadn’t been fortunate enough to grow as big as mine. But there were other satisfactions to make up for it.

At some point, Husband’s organ was no longer that of a goblins, but that didn’t lessen the impact at all. My mother and I ran him ragged, yet we couldn’t best him in the end. Husband lay between us on her bed, his arms wrapped around our bodies as we rested our heads on his chest.

While Mother leaked his virile seed, not a drop spilled out of me no matter how many times he filled me up. I slept soundly that night. When I woke up in the morning, it was to find Mother assaulting him once more before offering me the next turn.

She had gone out of the cave then, only to come back with food for us to eat.

Something cooked for father that, while I would have enjoyed it as a human, was somewhat repulsive to me as a goblin. For us two, mother had managed to secure two rear legs from a Black-claw that had been frozen in ice by Vera.

I was absolutely ravenous.

I’m sure Husband wanted to be free, but he remained in our room. He had even put me on his lap so he could dote on me, giving me many kisses and hugs and caressing my belly while doing his best not to touch the sensitive marking.

Maybe it was some influence from being a goblin, but I could no longer see him as a father. To me he was absolutely and completely my Husband now.

While Husband indulged me a bit more, my mother had gone to see Old One, who came to visit our cave along with Glace, Button, and Ebony with Bitey on her head.

Old One, who I had no love for, grinned at me in the most malicious way possible, I felt. It was a look that said wordlessly that this was only the beginning of my repentance. That to make up for slaughtering the Bloodmaw in my last life, I would be rebuilding it even stronger in this one.

Yet, I wasn’t upset about it anymore.

Glace, on the other hand, had words for my Husband.

Not real words, since she doesn’t talk directly. But it was highly irregular for her. She would point at husband and then at me and go: “Gwah! Gwah!”

She was clearly incensed about something.

Button didn’t feel the need to speak on her behalf for some reason.

But the determination was that my child wasn’t coming tonight.

Soon, but not tonight.

And they were right.

It would be two days later when I felt a sense of urgency.

Husband had arrived in time to care for me while many other goblins arrived to witness the arrival of our child. I was steady and felt no pain as this child did her best to come into the world. Upon arrival, however, every single one of us was perplexed at what we saw.

Sprouting from above her red skinned butt were two small black wings and a thin black tail with a spaded tip… atop her head, two little nubs that resembled horns.

Had I given birth to a demon?

Even if I had, this child was mine. I wouldn’t shun it or treat it unfairly. It’s the child of a Saintess… surely it wouldn’t be evil!

I believe Husband felt the same way.

Husband was quick to scoop her up and put her on his lap. He carefully picked up the birthing mass that was attached to her and held it to her lips while she slowly devoured it.

“Do you want to give her a name, Lumi?” Husband asked me while stroking my cheek with a finger.

I shook my head.

“It’s tradition for you to give our children their human names.”

“Hmm.” He replied quietly.

He pulled his finger back from my cheek and lightly touched her small protruding horns.

“Gremory.” Husband then said, nodding his head.

“Does it have a meaning?” I asked.

“Just the name of a wise and powerful duchess I’ve heard in passing before.”

“Gremory… it sounds… nice.” I said, feeling exhausted.

“Hello, Gremory. I’m your daddy. Can you say daddy?”

My poor, poor, Husband. You just don’t understand, do you?

It’s pointless to ask that question when you’re already the Husband of this entire Goblin Tribe.

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