I am Succubus!

101 – Halloween Event (Part 2)

101 – Halloween Event (Part 2)

Everywhere I turned, students were dressed in costumes and masks. Some took the easy way out with face paint, or wore simple white robes and headbands as ghosts. Any other day and this would have been disrespectful, but we were to keep most of this within the campus and expected to change upon going home.

A group of students in spooky ghost costumes chased a friend down the hall, racing past me and Mio. There were steady-moving lines outside of every class as a representative handed out handfuls of candy. Other classes accepted a few students into the room at a time, that's how one knew they were doing a trick event.

Since we were already on the third floor, we decided to drop by the nurse's office to visit Yumi.

"We're here to screw around!" Mio shouted into the room as soon as she kicked the door open.

"Ara?" The matronly succubus who was tending to a student lying on one of the beds turned to us with a start. "What brings you two here?"


"Just checking up on everyone's favorite MILF succ," Mio said, taking a seat on an unoccupied bed.

Yumi, just as Hitomi had mentioned earlier in the day, was also dressed in her succubus outfit, horns, tail, and all.

"Yumi, you aren't doing anything weird to the students, are you?" I asked, narrowing my eyes on her.

"Of course not," she answered with an impish smile.

Even if she was, I couldn't really do anything about it. The smell of lust lingered heavily in the air, but not of sex at least. Which meant they haven't done anything. Yet.

Almost all the beds in the infirmary were filled to capacity, only one more remained. Three and a half hours had passed since the start of class. Were so many people really getting injured enough to warrant a trip to the nurse's office?

"Yumi! I think the towel on my head is drying up. Can I get a change?" a male student said from the bed.

"Me, too!"

"Could you just sit by my side, Ms. Yumi?"

"Coming!" Yumi said, making a round across the beds to tend to the 'injured' students.

Mio and I noticed boners underneath some of the covers. A part of me wondered if the moment we leave, whether Yumi would return to whatever she was planning to do with the students here.

"By the way, where's the nurse babe?" Mio asked.

"Ah, if it's Naruse you're looking for, I think she went to show Principal Murata her Halloween costume. She sounded exceptionally excited. Ufufu~" Yumi answered.

"Maaan, I wish I could see Ms. Naruse's costume before she left." A student in bed groaned.

"For real. What does she see in that stubbly old man anyway?" another said.

I shuddered as goosebumps crept across my skin. At this point, Mio's charm from way back in the beginning had long worn off by now. Maybe there really was something romantic going on between them, but the age gap made me gag more than anything else.

The infirmary door burst open, and three students pushed their way into the room.

"Ara, ara. What's wrong, you three?" Yumi asked.

"I have a stomach ache!"

"Heat stroke!"

"I, er— broke my lungs!"

"Someone call an ambulance for this idiot!" I interjected.

"As much as I would like to take you all in, we only have one bed left." The succubus nurse frowned, putting a hand to her cheek and pointing to the bed Mio was sitting on.

They began to bicker amongst each other, fighting for the last bed in the infirmary. It was pretty obvious none of them were injured, neither were the ones currently in bed. They just wanted to be pampered by Yumi.

Although… I could see why they would want to. There was a hot nurse dressed up as a succubus after all.

Yumi came up to me and put a hand to my forehead to check my temperature.

"Could it be that you're feeling under the weather, too?" she asked, tilting her head sideways.

"Ahhh— No, I'm fine!" I answered blushing at how close our faces were to each other.

Mio pouted. She pulled me away from Yumi and into her arms.

It seemed Mio still couldn't help her jealousy when it came to me being around other succubi. I found that part of her cute.

"We won't take anymore of your time. Mio and I are going to explore the school for trick events. We'll bring some candy back for you," I told Yumi.

As we headed for the door, the three boys from earlier bumped hard into us as they continued to fight over each other. Mio struck her funny bone on a cabinet.

Behind me, a strong burst of magic rippled past us that only we could feel.

"Uh, oh." Mio glanced behind herself.

"The three of you, be honest. If you aren't injured, I have to ask you to leave." Yumi's voice came out much more powerful than I was expecting, which caused shivers to run up my spine as her succubus aura wrapped around the three students.

The boys straightened up, eyes flashed white for a brief second, and settled down without protests. They stared forward at Yumi.

"I feel fine now," three of them said simultaneously, then left the infirmary.

That was some incredible strong charm magic I felt from her just now.

Yumi walked over to Mio and healed the pain away even though it was a very minor thing. She put a hand over both of our heads.

"You two aren't hurt, are you?" Yumi asked with genuine concern.

"We're fine," Mio said. "Something like that wasn't enough to hurt us, you know?"

The matronly succubus giggled into her hand. "Ufufu. When it comes to you two, I can't help but look out for your wellbeing. Don't let me keep you any longer. Enjoy your day!"

Yumi ushered us out of the infirmary and shut the door behind us.

"Was that really Yumi's magic we felt back there? It felt like something on the level of a greater succubus, but she's a lesser just like you and Hana?" I asked as we left.

"That shotacon's not just skilled in healing magic, she also specializes in charms. Her affinity for destructive magic might be piss poor, but I've seen her control light elven scions during the war. That's not an easy feat with how resistant to our magic they are. Yumi's always looking after us. Everyone pretty much called her a second mom back in the hive," Mio explained.

Of all the succubus that I was acquainted with, Yumi was the one I knew the least about. With Selene temporarily living at my house, I was closer to a former enemy than the one who helped me defeat her.

There was no damn way Yumi hadn't gobbled up and ruined the innocence of several youth in the city already. Telling her no was about as fruitless as telling Mio and Hana to behave.

However, setting aside her proclivities, she was the most tame of them. At some point, I'd like to get to know more about Yumi.

I glanced over to my easily jealous girlfriend Mio.

But how to achieve that without setting Mio off was another matter.

On the way down to the first floor, we bumped into a familiar yet unexpected face.

"Selene?!" I choked on my own spit.

The once hostess club owner-turned-homeless-turned-wage-slave-turned-gym-teacher was now dressed in a navy suit and skirt, like a respectable teacher of a private school should. If it weren't for her skin color that never failed to boggle my mind no one else has noticed, she could easily pass for a faculty at Tsukiji High.

Well… she was a teacher here, just a different kind of teacher.

"What?" Selene said, as though unaware of her own outfit. "If I have to see the same reaction again from someone else, I'm going to go change back into my tracksuit and pants."

"Damn, look at you dressed all fancy shmancy. Glasses and all. You're just missing a beauty mark on your cheek," Mio remarked, rubbing her chin approvingly.

"Please, I like our relationship better when you patronize me instead." She scowled.

"Are the faculty given free time, too?" I asked Selene.

"Actually, Principal Murata ordered everyone out of the office in order to speak privately with the nurse. The rest of us figured we might as well patrol the halls to make sure nothing is amiss. I can't imagine why he would kick us out though."

"Er… Yeah… I can't imagine why either…" I said, glaring at Mio, who was whistling like she was completely uninvolved.

We left Selene to her duties and went down to the first floor where the first year student classes were. Hana's class was doing something like a test of courage walk, where they built a gauntlet for people to walk through and would try to scare them along the way.

Aside from that minor scare during summer break's test of courage, this shouldn't be too  bad since it was all done by people in costumes. The line was surprisingly long, and they only let one or two people go in at a time. I imagined going in as a group would diffuse the ominous and eerie atmosphere, so it made sense for them to keep entrants low.

Both of us got in line along the wall. People were shrieking on the other side. Hana's class must have done a good job, or she was using her magic to scare people. She was definitely inside as part of the scare crew, because her aura was in a constant state of use.

Either way, I didn't do well with this sort of stuff. 

"I thought scary things didn't faze you. Are you that interested in doing another test of courage?" I asked Mio.

"Hana was begging me to check it out all week. She'd probably bug the hell out of us if we didn't show up anyway," she said.

The closer we got to the front of the line, the worse the queasy feeling in my stomach became.

A student sitting on a desk manning the entrance peeked inside and was given the okay to let us in next. As soon as he opened the door for us, a cloud of thick fog spilled out from within. It was pitch black inside. The sound of distant groaning and wailing echoed.

"Have fun!" the student said as he shut the door behind us.

Right through the door and already shaking in my shoes, so much so that I instinctively reached out to hold Mio's arm.

"Damn, you really do get scared that easily. You do know you're a powerful succubus with dozens of lesser succubi calling you queen, right?" she reminded me.

"I… I know, but scary things don't stop being scary just because I'm strong…" I said, clinging to her back.

The elation in her sigh was clear as day, being able to one up me, a greater succubus that was somehow scared of the occult. "Heh. I guess it can't be helped. Make sure ya hang onto me and stick close then!"

The test of courage built into the class was a makeshift maze, formed by black curtains to create a snaking, narrow path. A low hanging fog went up to our knees, and the room was noticeably colder than the rest of the school grounds. Enough that my breath came out in white puffs.

Our path was illuminated by prop torch lights and wisps in glass jars that hung from the ceiling. The production quality was really well done. Hana likely had help from the drama club. It would have been fun, if I wasn't close to peeing myself with each step.


A chinese jiangshi stuck his head out and croaked in my face.

"Eeeek!" I clutched tighter to Mio's arm. She remained unfazed, even laughed with genuine amusement until the costumed student retreated behind the curtain.

Knowing this was all fake didn't make it any less scary. Jump scares always caught me off-guard. I wasn't a very brave person to begin with either.

Mio glanced over her shoulder and asked, "You good? Want me to slow down?"

"Huh? O-Oh… I'm okay…" I answered.

She grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers, leading the rest of the way like that.

Her sudden concern took me by surprise more than the scare just now. My face turned bright red, but luckily she couldn't see since we were in complete darkness. Mio didn't know my fear had taken a nosedive after she so boldly held my hand. The remaining attempts to terrify me failed from that point on, and all I could think of was her holding my hand.

Times like these made Mio's teasing and misbehaving side of her worth putting up with. 

I was awash with relief as we neared the end, but a figure draped in a dark mantle stepped out from the curtains and blocked the exit.

It flew right towards us screeching like a maniac.


Spooked by its sudden appearance, I hid behind Mio and squeezed my eyes shut. The next thing I knew, there was a loud crash. I opened my eyes to find Mio had her fist clenched in front of her, had struck whoever it was that charged after us, and sent them crashing out the door into the hallway.

Students peeked in from the opened door, swapping glances between us and the person on the ground. 

"Oh, shit. When you screamed, I just reacted and put all my strength behind it." Mio gawked at her fist and the person laying sprawled out on the ground.

"I-If they're hurt, we should take them to Yumi," I said.

We raced out to check on the person sitting against the wall, head leaning forward. The hood fell away, revealing the figure to be Hana, eyes spinning and babbling incoherently. Aside from a knuckle-shaped imprint on her face, she was otherwise fine. 

"Uwaha… I'm seeing stars at last…" the pink-haired trickster mumbled.

"Sorry, buddy." Mio cackled. "When Saeko screamed like that, I just reacted instinctively."

My face heated up again as it dawned on me that Mio was keeping vigilant to protect me all this time despite all that teasing.

Mio and I helped Hana to her feet, then dusted off her clothes. She shakily handed a large, brand name chocolate bar to us each, but both had been cracked in half from her impact just now.

"This is your prize… please, come again!" she said, eyes still spinning and making her way back into the classroom on wobbly legs.

Not wanting to let the candy go to waste, I unwrapped it to take a bite but Mio was quicker and chomped into mine.

"You have your own, you know…" I pouted.

"We'll call it tax for Mio's protective services." She grinned.

I suppose letting Mio get away with it this time was fine.

The rest of our time was spent partaking in a bunch of trick events and filling our pumpkin bucket full of candy. I didn't even like candy all that much, but still had fun with the American tradition that came with a unique spin.

Once the bell rang, signalling for us to return to our class to clean up as the school day was coming to an end, apprehension had me wishing it lasted longer. The weekend was ahead of us, after that was the Culture Festival which lasted two days. 

One thing's for sure— I wanted to continue making as many fun memories as possible with Mio.

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