Chapter 245
Chapter 245
Kameshiro brought me with him to his Dungeons & Dragons session. I sent Mio a text that I may or may not be home late. He told his group that I'd be coming and their dungeon master was okay with a last minute addition. The place wasn't far. It was another apartment complex farther down the block, much nicer than the one Kameshiro lived in at least.
The streets were taken care of. There was a bakery and convenience store across the street. We ascended the stable metal stairs leading up to the third floor. For some reason, I was getting nervous. My introversion was getting to me again, and come to think of it, that was probably my biggest roadblock to finding a hobby.
My mind began to wander. What kind of people were they? Deadbeats and losers like Kameshiro? Was I going to end up getting fucked by them, too?
"Alright, remember the deal. You pretend to be my girlfriend," Kameshiro reminded me before knocking on the door.
The door opened to a rotund man with thick glasses. He wore a white shirt with an anime girl on it and a pair of comfy joggers. Behind him were two more guys, average by all accounts.
"Wow. Kameshiro really does have a girlfriend… and she's a succubus!" the man in front of me exclaimed.
"Hehe. That's right, Toshiro. Her name is Saeko, and I wooed her by being good at sex. Isn't that right, babe?" Kameshiro put an arm around my shoulders and pulled me in close.
"Yeah…" I muttered and found it incredibly difficult to keep up the charade.
Toshiro was the larger man. He let us into his apartment, and the other two stepped away to make room. One introduced themselves to me as Milo, a young Italian-Japanese man with an olive skin tone and very curly short hair. He was the tallest of the bunch, dressed in sportswear. The other introduced himself as James, an American on a temporary work visa. He sported dirty blonde hair, wore a thin-framed pair of glasses, and appeared very skittish. Quite the diverse group of people, but adult life was bound to introduce me to those from many walks of life.
"I still can't believe succubi are really real… you're not fake, right? This isn't just a costume?" James asked, eyeing my tail.
"You want to touch it?" I wagged it in his face teasingly.
Kameshiro cleared his throat. He made his jealousy very apparent even though we were just pretend-dating.
"We've wasted enough time! We got a D&D session to run. By the way, Toshiro's our dungeon master. I'm Shiro, a level four half-orc barbarian." Kameshiro thumbed to himself and smirked.
"Shardtooth, the dragonborn sorcerer. Also level four." Milo awkwardly raised his hand.
"I'm a level three tiefling rogue named Ollie," James said on cue.
"What's with the level difference?" I asked.
"My first character died in the first session… so I made a new one…" he replied ashamedly.
They brought me over to the dining table, which was laid out with a grid map, dry erase markers, miniatures, and a lot of loose pieces of paper. Over by the counter was a small stack of pizza boxes and an array of sugary drinks. This was without a doubt, truly a gathering of geeks.
"So, where do I start? I need to make a character first, right?" I asked.
"Actually, Kameshiro had me make a character tailored for you based on his specifications. I made it while you guys were on the way," Toshiro said, handing me a character sheet.
"Really? Thanks! I feel bad for barging into your session, so I appreciate it. Give me a moment to look over my character, if that's alright?" I glanced down and the first thing I saw as the race of my character was level 1… succubus.
I had spells, too. Drain, which deals 1d8 psychic damage and converts half that damage to my health. Blow Kiss, which heals for 1d6 in health. Blowjob, which gives a 1d4 inspiration to my allies. Lastly, Sex. Just Sex. It did nothing else. My armor was lace lingerie, and my weapon was a crop whip.
"Is this a joke?" I stared at them.
"Read your background!" Kameshiro urged me.
"Saeko is the succubus sex slave of Shiro, the barbarian. She lives to serve him and only him. If she doesn't have sex with him once a day, she will starve to death. She is also in love with him…" I read it aloud, hoping to make Kameshiro and the others cringe at his backstory for me.
"What do you think?" he dared to ask.
"I ask again: is this a joke? I thought I'd get to make my own character, but you made one for me? Why am I the sex slave? It should be the other way around!"
Kameshiro shrugged and urged me to the table. I relented. After all, I was intruding on their session as an outsider anyway. I took the only open seat, which was suspiciously right next to my 'boyfriend'. Everyone took their seats. As the dungeon master, Toshiro recapped their last session and gave an overall summary of what their group had done.
They were a young adventuring group based in an elven town called Nodai, whose people had been plagued by an increasingly aggressive wildlife. Recently, the party discovered clues suggesting that the attacks were due to a hag living close by or disguised as a villager.
The way my character, Saeko, came into the picture was kind of a hand-wave. Since Toshiro had no good reason why, it was just reasoned that Shiro chanced upon a summoning circle in between sessions and pulled me from the hells.
On that note, the succubus race did already exist in D&D. However, they were far too powerful to just copy over to my character 1:1, so mine was dumbed down.
"Alright, so…" Toshiro cleared his throat before beginning. "You all awake in the Blue Bird, the tavern you've been staying at in Nodai. Shiro comes down with his new succubus thrall, and you all acquaint yourselves to each other. The other day, Ollie discerned with a medicine check that the vial you found contained traces of worg blood, which makes anyone who drinks it go rabid."
"First things first! I want Saeko to give me a Blowjob," Kameshiro demanded.
Everyone slapped a hand to their faces.
"I'm sure you mean in-game, but why now? Aren't we literally downstairs in a tavern full of people?" I asked.
"What's the problem? Besides, the blowjob gives me an inspiration! It'll be useful for later," he said.
I rolled my eyes and glanced down at my character sheet for the Blowjob skill.
"What does an inspiration do anyway?" I asked.
"The 1d4 inspiration can be added to an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check. Whoever you give it to can use it whenever they want," Toshiro explained.
From what little I knew of D&D, additional numbers to a roll was incredibly valuable. Sometimes, whether an attack landed hinged on being a few points away.
"Hmm. Why wouldn't I blow the entire group?" I suggested.
Everyone turned red.
"You can't! You're Shiro's sex slave, remember? No cucking. I forbid it," Kameshiro said.@@novelbin@@
"Ugh. Whatever. I give Shiro a blowjob. Happy?" I groaned.
Kameshiro shot his friends a grin. I was definitely being used as a bragging tool for him. At the very least, it got me into the game.
The session turned out to be surprisingly fun. Toshiro was very careful to craft a session full of intrigue, battle, and civil conflicts that required unique skills that everyone could contribute to. We ended up discovering that the hag was hiding in plain sight within Nodai. Before any of us could attack, she vanished and left behind a hulking creature that was a cross between an owl and bear. The beast was afflicted with worg's blood. Toshiro slammed down a miniature of an owlbear on the playmat, and now we had a fight on our hands.
"An owlbear? Are we ready for that?!" Kameshiro exclaimed.
"You don't have time to think. The owlbear gets a surprise round on you guys and leaps on top of Shiro because he's the closest. He's going to multiattack Shiro," Toshiro explained.
Unfortunately for Kameshiro, the owlbear's claw attack landed a critical strike and brought his health down to zero.
"Ouch." Milo winced.
"In a single turn? Come on!" Kameshiro was seconds away from flipping the table.
Shardtooth casted magic missiles and Ollie sneak attacked the owlbear from stealth, but the beast wasn't looking like it would be down for the count just yet. Finally it was my turn.
"Saeeeeko, my sweet succubus girlfriend. I need healing!" Kameshiro pleaded with overexaggerated enthusiasm.
"I don't have to heal him, right? Can I use Drain instead?" I asked Toshiro.
"Well, you can. But since Shiro is down, dealing damage to him will result in him automatically failing a death saving throw. Think of it like rolling a chance to survive. If he succeeds three times, he stabilizes. If he fails three times, he dies. Permanently," Toshiro explained.
I shot a dirty smirk at Kameshiro.
"Saeko, you can't be serious? This is my level four barbarian. I spent hours making him! I'll be without him for the rest of the session… Don't let him die on me!" Kameshiro begged in earnest now.
Even though I really wanted to screw with Kameshiro, this was still their game. I was just a guest. I gave in and had my character perform Blow Kiss, rolling the maximum of 6 points in health.
"Alright. I'm up!" Kameshiro pulled me in for a kiss in front of his group, taking even me by surprise.
I felt their burning glares, and my groin was getting hot. I was like a trophy for him to display and brag about. Even though I didn't like this guy, the sex was just good enough for the status quo.
"W-What was that for?" I pouted.
"Saeko kissed Shiro. We're just acting it out!" Kameshiro shrugged.
"It's Blow Kiss. Not Kiss Kiss. If you do that again, I'm going to actually let you die." I glared hard enough to make him gulp.
Before continuing the battle into the next round, Toshiro suggested we take a break. The session had been going on for two hours straight now, and some of them were getting antsy to use the bathroom and stretch.
"Hey," Kameshiro whispered and beckoned me closer. "Want to do something exciting?"
"This better be good…" I muttered.
"So, break usually lasts for 15 minutes. We go take a piss, get some food, stretch, check our phones and do whatever. After Milo comes out of the bathroom, you go next and use your magic to go invisible, sneak back out, and suck me off for real."
"And what makes you think I want to do that?"
Kameshiro grabbed my hand and pressed it over his erection. It was raging hard. My stomach rumbled. Maybe a little too loudly, because Toshiro took notice.
"Oh, Saeko. If you want some pizza, please help yourself. We usually pool together money to buy some, but you can just freeload off us today and pitch in next time," Toshiro said.
"Thanks, but I…" At that moment, I heard the bathroom flush.
Milo emerged a second later wringing a paper towel on his hands.
"I'm not hungry, I just need to use the bathroom. Excuse me!" I leaped off the seat and entered the bathroom.
Was I really going to do this? My heart was racing. I only just met these guys, and I was going to streak around with invisibility and suck Kameshiro off. My excitement was getting the better of me.
I followed Kameshiro's orders and stripped naked, cast invisibility on myself, and quietly walked out of the bathroom. The guys were none the wiser. Milo went to grab himself another slice of pizza. James was hunched over the table messing with a mobile game on his phone. Toshiro was going over some notes.
As quietly as possible, I shuffled over to the table and went underneath it while they were distracted. Kameshiro was waiting with his dick already out. Lucky for him, the large table cloth covered his lower half.
I gave his dick a good lick, and it throbbed in response. The scent of lust was making me dizzy. Hunger compelled me to suck on the thick cock. He reached a hand down to stroke my cheek, then grabbed one horn to force my head down so I was deepthroating him.
"Hey, hey. Spill the beans. How did you and Saeko meet?" Milo asked.
"Oh, uhh… We actually met back in high school! Yeah! Went our separate ways after we graduated and only recently reconnected. I've been working on myself and my image. Ran into her last week, and she practically fell head over heels for me— eeeek!" Kameshiro shrieked when I pinched his balls.
"What happened? Are you okay?" James looked to him worriedly.
"N-Nothing! Just a cramp… having a succubus as a girlfriend is hard work, but I've been satisfying her plenty," he continued to brag.
The more I sucked, the harder it was getting for Kameshiro to concentrate. That didn't stop him from moving my head on his own, both hands clenched tightly to my horns. It was getting so intense that I started fingering myself. My juices dripped onto the floor. I was getting so horny, that if they found out, I was completely okay with another gangbang.
"Man, I wish I had a succubus girlfriend like Saeko. She's so hot. Just looking at her gets me hard…" Milo murmured.
"Heh. You can look, but you can't touch… because Saeko's… mine… nngh…" Kameshiro spurted his load into my mouth.
I swallowed it all, then licked his throbbing cock clean. The thing was still hard and raring to go.
"Kameshiro, are you sure you're good? You don't look well," Toshiro said.
"Must've been something I ate. I'm gonna go use the bathroom." Kameshiro finessed his pants back up without alerting anyone.
"Isn't Saeko in there though?" James asked.
"That's the great thing about being in a relationship! We're just that close. Saeko, sweetheart! I'm coming in!" He hurried off, but that was also his sign telling me to follow.
I managed to sneak back into the bathroom without notice. As soon as I got inside, Kameshiro pushed me against the wall and shoved his dick inside me.
"Now?" I gasped.
"You're goddamn right! I'm going to fuck you until I'm satisfied!" Kameshiro pounded me so hard, I couldn't resist anymore.
Despite my protests, I wanted this. Kameshiro wrapped both hands around my neck and choked me lightly. I came so hard, I thought I was going to pass out. He poured another load into me, then forced me to suck him off one final time.
"Whew. I knew you were a big slut. This excited you, didn't it?" Kameshiro asked.
"Y-Yes…" I answered coquettishly.
We finished up and recomposed ourselves before leaving the bathroom together. Break was over, and the guys were outside waiting for us. By the looks on their faces, they probably suspected we did a lot more than just using the toilet.
I spent the rest of the evening playing D&D with Kameshiro's load inside me, and my ass stinging from the thrusting he did on my butt. The session ended with us defeating the owlbear and finding an underground lair beneath the hag's home. Facing her was going to have to wait until next week.
To keep up the charade that we were in a relationship, Kameshiro and I left Toshiro's place together back to his apartment before I went home.
"Same time next week?" Kameshiro grinned.
"I'm already committed…" I groaned.
Kameshiro pumped his fists. Another week meant he got to have me again on Sunday.
"Don't forget about getting a job! If you haven't made progress next week, we're over."
He flashed an unconcerned thumbs up on the way into his apartment. I headed back home surprisingly sated for the day. Damn Kameshiro for having enough quality lust. He didn't used to. The quality of someone's lust could change over time, but it didn't happen often.
When I got home, Mio was lounging on the couch with a bag of chips.
"Got your text that you were gonna be out. Where were you all night?" Mio asked.
"I convinced Kameshiro to let me join their Dungeons & Dragons group. It's a tabletop role playing game," I explained.
"Neeeeeeerd!" she giggled. "So, how was it?"
I shrugged and went into the kitchen to grab a bottle of green tea, then returned to join Mio on the couch. An re-run of an anime I'd watched before was on the television. She snuggled up to me and dangled a chip in front of me.
"It was alright," I said, chomping down on it. "I'm interested in going back. Time will tell if I stick with them, but for now… ugh. I won't admit it to his face, but Kameshiro's putting out enough lust to make it worth keeping around."
"Kahaha! I fucking knew it. Dick is dick, right? You never cared who it's on. Anyway, what's so fun about make-believe anyway? If they want to fight real dragons and dungeon-dive, we can just bring them to Elza," Mio suggested.
"We're not bringing them to Elza where they can possibly get killed!"
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