Chapter 248
Chapter 248
The entire night we were playing D&D, Kameshiro intermittently switched on the bullet vibrator in my vagina. No amount of glaring scared him down from turning it off. Somewhere deep inside me, I probably didn't want him to stop. Even when we came faced with the life or death battles, he pushed the setting to max to make me orgasm.
Toshiro, Milo, and James had no idea. It probably helped that music played from the dungeon master's phone to set the mood, masking what was going on within me. During our break, Kameshiro wanted to go to the convenience store and asked me to drive him there. That was just an excuse to get us away though.
As soon as I parked at the farmost edge of the lot, Kameshiro and I went into the backseat to fool around. He yanked the bullet vibrator out of my pussy, which had been buzzing at max for half an hour now, and stuffed his dick into me. The two of us went at it, with him slapping my ass and thrusting with wild abandon.
"Mmm!" I slammed my hips down one last time, and Kameshiro ejaculated into me raw.
"Whew. You were extra wet today. I guess you really are in love with my dick." Kameshiro smirked.
"As if… You had the bullet vibrator in me since we started the session! Also, I don't see you having a job yet." I turned around and grabbed his face with both hands.
"I'm doing my best! I won't be able to work if you maim me!" he cried.
After letting go, we got dressed to pick up things from the convenience store. Kameshiro just wanted to come out to have car sex, but since we were already here and might as well buy some stuff. I was about to get out until he handed me the bullet vibrator, and I begrudgingly put it back on.
We grabbed some snacks for ourselves and the others, too. Our little romp for sure meant we were going to be late coming back, so it wouldn't hurt to get them something as an apology.
"Hey, Saeko. Come here!" Kameshiro beckoned me to the health aisle.
"What?" I followed him in, only to see him in front of a bunch of condoms. "You creampie me anyway. What's the point?"
"I want you to buy these. You know in h-doujins, where the girl pays for condoms?"
I rolled my eyes. The clerk probably wouldn't give a crap anyway, but I grabbed a random box of condoms like Kameshiro asked anyway just to get it over with. However, he snatched it back and handed me the XXL-sized ones.
With what little dignity I had left, I brought the condoms and snacks to pay. Kameshiro followed behind me. The clerk didn't give me an uncaring glance. He was a young, nerdy college dude. One by one, he scanned my items. Suddenly, the vibrator bullet switched on.
In this quiet convenience store, which was not at all like someone's home where we could be loud, the sound of the vibrator buzzing was clear as day for the clerk to hear. My body shuddered with pleasure. My nipples were getting hard again. All the cum inside me was churning and leaking down my thighs from the vibrations.
The clerk turned red and quickly scanned the rest, including the condoms. While he was packing everything into a small plastic bag, Kameshiro gave my ass a hard squeeze. Despite this, I succeeded in paying for my things, and the clerk handed me my stuff.
"Thank you… ahem, for your patronage!" he mustered the courage to say.
We went back to the door with my pussy leaving a trail of juices on the way there, and Kameshiro fucked me again before returning to Toshiro's place. By the end of the night, we defeated the hag, but not without me orgasming over and over again from the bullet vibrator.
Today was the day I helped Loralei with her sex problem. To that end, I enlisted a succubus more masochist than me to resolve the issue.
"Alright, Loralei. I've brought a special succubus today. She might be able to get you out of your rut," I said.
"Is it Layla?" Loralei asked disinterestedly.
"W-Wait, how did you know?"
"I sensed her aura the second she entered the building. Unless you're actively hiding it, a greater succubus has a very
distinct aura." She folded her arms.The door creaked open, and in came Layla. She was the biggest masochistic succubus I'd ever known. More so than me. Hell, meeting her might have even influenced that side of me.
"Hey, Loralei! It's nice to see you again!" Layla smiled, pressing her fingers together.
"How's this sow going to get me into sex again?" Loralei asked, and Layla started panting heavily from being insulted already.
"What I believe you're missing is a kink," I explained. "This happens a lot to couples who've been together for a long time. They get into a sort of sexual rut, and so they search for things to spice up their sex lives. You're kind of similar, but as a succubus, you likely had so much sex that it's all the same to you now. So, we find you a kink to spice things up. For example, Mio really gets off domming people. I have a friend who's an exhibitionist. Layla here enjoys getting insulted, beaten up, abused, spat on, used, and more."
The masochistic succubus in question was squirming in embarrassment where she stood.
Fortunately, Loralei was paying attention. Her interest was piqued. The first step to fixing a problem was to acknowledge that you had one, and she readily confessed to it the other day. Now, they just needed to start working on it.
"Alrighty. This better be more fun than ass-creaming some scrubs. What exactly are we doing?" Loralei asked.
"Colorful language aside… I'm glad you asked! We're going to make use of Layla to help discover your kinks. We'll begin with some S&M play," I explained, handing Loralei a whip and pulling out some bondage rope.
We tied Layla up, binding her entire body, and hanging her from a hook on the ceiling. With whips in hand, we took turns striking the masochistic succubus. She moaned aloud after each hit. Drool slipped past the ball gag in her mouth.
This went on for a little while, and I was beginning to think only one of us was enjoying it. And it wasn't the ones doing the hitting…
"I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. My arm is getting tired…" Loralei groaned.
"Same here…" I sighed.
Meanwhile, Layla had climaxed several times, had whip marks all over her body, and was raring to go for some more.
"I'm onhee hetting sharted… ish her hoar?" Layla asked while muffled by the ball gag.
I pulled the gag off, and a flood of saliva spilled from Layla's mouth. She looked almost disappointed.
"This isn't working. Maybe we should change it up. Loralei, do you want to get on?" I suggested.
"Uh, no. I keep telling you guys, I'm not into it. You?" Loralei turned to me.
"I, er… I'm good…"
In the back of my mind, I did though. Just the thought was getting me wet. To be tied up like Layla was and be abused… have my ass whipped… gag to my mouth… I shook my head to snap out of it. The other two succubi in the room were looking and judging me.
"Queen Saeko, are you sure you don't want to trade places? It feels really great!" Layla said.
"Yeah, I don't mind if you want to get your rocks off." Loralei grinned.
"Your queen commands you to stop teasing me this instant." I crossed my arms and glared.
Both of them zipped their mouths shut.
Next on the to-try list was taste in sexual partners. Like humans, it was doubly important to a succubus. Our race was able to smell lust, and lust varied from person to person. We were similar to bees being lured in by the prettiest and healthiest flower. One of the reasons Loralei might be getting bored of sex could be lack of decent humans with quality lust to drain.
I would too if everyone around me had poor quality lust. That made them not worth draining. Unfortunately… It seemed like lately, everyone was exuding quality lust to me. As a result, I'd become… for a lack of a better word… e… easier… Wow. Even telling myself that in my own mind was hard.
"Let's head downstairs. There should be a huge line, and we can just pick out some guys you might be interested in having sex with," I said.
"Wait, we're done with the S&M stuff already? But I brought all this for us to try!" Layla pouted with a box of sex toys in her hands.
"Forget it, Layla. I'm not getting turned on hurting you, nor am I going to get turned on being the one hurt." Loralei waved a dismissively.
"But, but, but… Okay, how about this?" She grabbed a toy at random, fumbled it, and the thing exploded in her face.
Loralei and I shielded ourselves thinking it was a bomb, but when the smoke cleared, Layla was lying in bed bound up again. This time, in the shibari style. How? That was beyond me.
"What did you do?" I asked, racing up to the bedside.
"Oh, that's strange. I know for sure my toys were non-magical. I-I think I must have mixed in one of Hana's enchanted sex toys in my box," Layla explained nervously.
"Can we just leave her here?" Loralei gestured to the door.
As we left, Layla continued to plead for our help.
"Being ignored has its own charm, too!" Layla yelled before she was too far for us to hear anymore.
We were one down now, but the two of us pressed on anyway. At the bottom floor, the receptionists were still handling and taking clients in for their appointments, or to make one. To streamline the process, I made a change to how we dealt with incoming clients. Two lines were made. One was for those coming in for pre-made appointments.
The other was for people without an appointment and hoping to get lucky with a succubus who has an open slot. That made the new line the perfect place to scout for potential sex partners.
I pulled Loralei out of the building with me, then gestured to all the people in the non-appointment line.
"Take your pick," I said.
"Even if you tell me that, I don't even know where to begin. I don't smell a lick of decent lust from any of them," Loralei explained.
Which was exactly the problem I had feared, because that was how we normally picked out someone worth having sex with.
I rubbed my chin. "Hmmm. I don't want to push you, but just give it a try. Pick some people out, we'll go upstairs with them, and if you ultimately aren't feeling it, then we can just kick them to the curb."
"No, if Queen Saeko is making time to help me, then I should put in some effort!" Loralei pumped herself up. She went up and down the line of confused men, sniffing them like a police dog on a mission to find who's hiding drugs.
In fact, the way she was going about it looked so suspicious, I was getting worried people passing by might think we were up to something. Pedestrians who were walking past shot me odd looks, and they had long known me to be a succubus by now.
"If you're going to take your time, can you at least not be weird about it?" I whispered.
"Nnnh… I got my picks. You, you, you, you, and you. Step out of line. It's your lucky day," Loralei said after a rapidfire of pointing.
The five in question were a mixed bag of men, who glanced awkwardly at each other once they were away from the line. One looked morbidly obese, another was a very old dude walking with a cane, and I was sure the salaryman among them had just got out of work or something. But this was Loralei's snack, not mine.
We explained to them that this was a lottery, and they won the chance to gangbang a succubus. All five were downright excited and accepted right away, so we sent them upstairs to wait for us there.
However, Loralei was looking like she was anything but eager.
"Hey, are you absolutely sure about this? You really don't have to do this if you need to push yourself to," I said.
"I've already committed. I'm going to see this through!" Loralei pumped both fists to psyche herself up.
Well, she had a lot more hope than I did. I could already tell this was going to be a failure. If Loralei backed out, it was going to be up to me to take over. Though… I wouldn't exactly mind a gangbang about now…
Shit. My horniness is talking again! Stop it!
On the way back in, a couple of cute girls passed by us. They were probably college students by the look of it. Loralei whistled sharply as we crossed them heading back into Tsuki.
The two of us went upstairs to the outrageous sight of a gangbang already well under way. Mine and Loralei stood there at the door in utter surprise.
"Saeko, all of the men who were supposed to have sex with me are just gangbanging Layla now," Loralei said.
"I can see that!" I slapped a hand to my face and groaned.
Layla was in bed tied up in shibari bondage style like we had left her. A man each was railing her in the ass and pussy. Another was facefucking her. She was also giving a handjob to a guy on either side of her. This was quite the show.
They were so into it that we were an afterthought despite being right there. Layla moaned like a bitch in heat as the five took her at the same time.
"Maybe we leave Layla to her fun and do something else?" I suggested.
"You down for some Mario Kart?" Loralei handed me a joycon.
We played until it was closing time for Tsuki. Mio came to fetch us and was in hysterics seeing Layla being dogpiled by a bunch of guys. Since we were all around, she invited them back to our place to hang out. Mio was already acquainted with Loralei, though they weren't all that close. The most they ever interacted was during the war as fellow succubi-in-arms.
Back in the comforts of home, Mio, Loralei, and I were gaming on the VR Xstation, and a cum-lathered Layla was lying unconscious in the bathroom tub for now. Getting gangbanged for half a day took a lot out of someone, even if they were a succubus.
Our doorbell rang even though we weren't expecting guests today. Since Mio was dead last in Mario Kart anyway, she got up to get the door. Two squealing girls followed and pierced my ears.
"Oh, shit! Casey!" Mio hugged our college friend.
"Casey! What are you doing here?" I asked, getting up to meet her.
"Hey, you two!" Casey beamed. "I just got out of a mixer with the Outdoors Club and realized your place was nearby, so I came to say hi."
We invited Casey in, and to my surprise, Loralei was also on her feet.
"You guys aren't going to introduce me to your cute friend?" Loralei made no effort to hide that she was checking Casey out.
"This babe right here's Casey. She was our roommate back in college." Mio put an arm around her.
"It's nice to meet you!" Casey smiled and extended a hand.
"I'm Loralei. You can just call me Lora." The succubus grabbed her hand and held onto it.
Casey entered and had brought some tributes with her in the form of cakes from a bakery down the street. While they were eating, I tagged Loralei on the shoulder.
"Can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked.
"Oh, sure." Loralei got up and followed me to my room.
Even though I'd pulled Loralei away, she was still making obvious glances at Casey. The kind of looks someone gave another when they were interested in them.
"I think I figured why you're in a sexual rut," I said, looking her dead in the eyes.
"Wait, seriously? Tell me!" Loralei stared back at me in disbelief.
"You're a lesbian."
Loralei blinked absentmindedly for a few seconds.
"Queen Saeko, that's preposterous. I'm a succubus. I fuck both men, women, everything in between, and anything outside that has sexual energy," Loralei said.
"Does she turn you on?" I asked, pointing to Casey.
Loralei nodded.
"How about him?" I showed her a picture of Kana, and Loralei gave 'meh' and shrugged.
But that reaction was all she needed. The gears started turning in her head. She grabbed her horns, eyes going wide as it dawned on her.
There were succubi with preferences. That was normal. Some succubi liked a certain group of people over another, and there was nothing wrong with that. You couldn't help attraction. All this time on Earth, Loralei had been having sex with men because they were the most readily available source of sexual energy. Compared to Elza, where succubi were allied to the dark elves whose women she could hook up with all the time.
Loralei dropped to her knees, clutching her head.
"I think you're overreacting a little…" I said.
"But Tsuki mostly has male clients! What am I going to do? I'd also feel bad if you divert what few females are seeing the other succubi." Loralei sulked.
There was another option, and Shayle might be able to do something about it.
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