Chapter 28: Departure
Hikari awoke with a thick tail draped over her. Her nose twitched from a small ticklish sensation on her face, and when she opened her eyes, she saw the wings of a fairy.
"Good morning, My Queen," Senjo said with a deep yawn. Her little fairy wings flapped, and she hovered before Hikari’s eyes. "Did you forget about me last night?"
"N-no, of course not."
The little fairy yawned once more. "Do you have any more orders for me?"
Hikari shook her head just as the dragon began sleep talking.
"Master...That feels really good…"
The elf pinched her dragon’s tail, and Kurayami immediately sat up.
"Just what were you dreaming about?"
"Um, Master gives the best chin scratches, you know?"
"Oh yeah, what about this?" Hikari jumped on top of her dragon and began mercilessly scratching her chin.
As the dragon purred and got lost in pleasure, the door burst open. Ieffy gazed into the room, looking at the dragon, fairy, and elf. She tried covering her mouth, but the laugh still escaped her.
"Pfft! You girls are lively in the morning. Maybe I should come back later, and let you all have fun?"
"Just what are you implying!?"
"My, I never knew that Miss Hikari was so bold."
"Master, is more bold than you could ever expect. Last night she…"
Hikari quickly covered the dragon’s mouth. "Don’t make it seem weird! It was a fulfilled promise!"
Ieffy sensed that it was wise to change gears. She gestured outside where the two sisters were standing. "They are ready as soon as you are."
"You’re lucky that I have some personal reasons for going to that mountain. Otherwise, I would leave them both here." Hikari stuck out her tongue before jumping out of bed.
The queen nodded and looked towards the fairy. "You never told me about this cute little one. Where did she come from?"
"Her name is Senjosho, but we just call her Senjo. She’s been with me for a long time."
Senjo floated towards the queen and bowed with tired eyes. "Thanks for taking good care of my queen."
Alfa’s mood seemed to improve a bit over night, and she beamed at the fairy. "She was by our side all night. I don’t know what she did, but I feel much better. I feel as if I had the best sleep of my life. Can we keep her?"
Hikari walked over and patted the princess. "You can’t keep her, but she will join us on our journey. She is somewhat of a master of sleep magic, so if you need any help at night, she will put you to sleep like a baby."
Esalda gripped her sister’s hand, and then whispered into her ear. "Despite Hikari’s status, she’s actually quite like a child, isn’t she?"
"Hey! I can hear you!"
"I’m sorry. I meant no offense, but it’s pretty refreshing from how you were before."
"How I was before?"
"When you saved our delegation, you seemed to be a lot more aloof. But even though your facial expressions don’t change much, I am beginning to understand. Is this a characteristic of all elves?"
Hikari shrugged. "How should I know what all elves act like?"
The queen clapped and interjected herself. "While this conversation is intriguing, I prepared a carriage for you all, and it would be bad to keep them waiting."
Kurayami shook her head. "There will be no need for that. Master already has her own chariot."
Hikari raised her eyebrow at the dragon. "We can’t just all ride on your back."
"I am not talking about that, Master. Don’t you remember the golden chariot from [Gensuba]?"
While the others were pondering the meaning of Gensuba, Hikari was remembering what the dragon meant. After a few seconds she began to remember. There was a gacha event for mounts when the elf had barely crested level 800. During the event people were able to roll for mounts that suited their class. Hikari had landed on a golden chariot, pulled by two white horses. However, she most often didn’t use it. Since she had acquired the dragon early on, that had become her primary means of transportation.
"Now that you mention it…"
Ieffy looked puzzled, but she didn’t question it. Instead she sighed. "I guess, I will have to tell that guy he waited for nothing."
"Mother! It’s your fault for assuming."
Two princesses, a dragon, an elf, and a fairy walk into a daylight-filled street in the early morning. Hikari didn’t know where this joke went from there, but she stopped by a food stall towards the northern exit of the capital.
"Do you two like skewers?" Hikari asked the sisters.
Esalda shrugged. "They’re okay. Usually, my family will cook meals in the morning."
"It’s the same for me. In the castle, everything becomes extravagant. I don’t usually get to taste commoner food."
Meanwhile, the little dragon was drooling at the sight of the dripping meat juices. "I don’t mind them at all, Master."
The fairy had a different take. "I don’t eat meat, My Queen."
"Oh? What do you eat?"
"Usually, I don’t have to eat anything, but if I do, I prefer honey."
"Hmm, that makes sense," Hikari said as she walked to the stand. "May I get 8 skewers." Then she looked towards her salivating dragon. "Actually, make that 10."
The old lady had cat ears on her head, and she smiled at them. In the back of Hikari’s mind she faintly resembled somebody, and the elf tilted her head.
"Have we met before?"
"Oh? Are you an adventurer? You must have met one of my relations. She’s a receptionist there but much younger and prettier than me."
Alfa shook her head. "You are quite young and beautiful yourself."
"Oh my, even a princess is giving me those compliments. I will have the skewers in a second. You’re free to wait on the benches."
Hikari looked behind her making sure no one else was in line. "I thought that girl had no family here."
"Well, it’s quite a small world after all. She wasn’t the only one to escape that forest for a new life." As the group waited, the smell of the cooked skewers began to fill the small plaza. The old lady wrapped them all into neat little bags and handed them over. "Take care now!"
Hikari waved her goodbye. She reached into the bag and handed the dragon 4 of the skewers, while everyone else but the fairy got 2. As the group walked towards the exit and ate, several people stared at them, but none dared to approach. Hikari could sense figures in the shadows watching over the princesses.
It only took a single skewer to fill up the elf, and the dragon ended up wolfing down 5 of them before they reached the exit. Hikari wondered where all of the weight would go before she looked down at the dragon’s thick thighs and tail.
"It’s nothing!"
As they reached the gate, a guard stopped them. "Your Highness?"
Alfa sighed and lowered her voice. "Keep it down. We are trying not to cause a scene here."
The guard pointed towards all of the citizens who were staring at them from behind. "I think it’s too late for that, Your Highness. Do you have an escort?"
Alfa gestured towards Hikari and Kurayami. "Her Majesty brought these two along. Don’t worry, they are very trustworthy."
The guardsmen narrowed his eyes at the elf. "Have I seen you before?"
"No, you’re probably mistaken."
"Well, if you’re from the northern province, it’s no wonder Her Majesty has placed her trust in you. Stay safe on the road. Remember, if you plan to go to the mountains pack several warm clothes."
"Oh yeah, I heard it gets cold up there." Hikari looked behind her at the lightly dressed princesses. Are they going to be alright?
The guardsmen saluted towards the princess. "Stay safe, Your Highness."
Once they finally left the towering gates, the road presented itself. It went on through the horizon, and in the distance, there were the towering mountains. Each of them sported white caps, but surrounding the gate on this side was mostly farmlands. As they walked, Hikari considered herself lucky that there was light traffic. The moment there were no prying eyes, she began her summoning.
From the purple mist, a white-golden chariot appeared. It had three rows that could house at least three people each, and there was an insignia of the elve’s staff on the side. There was a small covering on the top that extended over the two back rows of seats, but the sides let in plenty of air.
But the real show were the two horses in the front. Rather, they were pure white unicorns with beautiful snowy manes. The two of them clacked their feet on the ground and neighed towards the elf.
Hikari gently and hesitantly began patting their heads. She stared into their rainbow-like eyes before they closed them in glee.
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