Chapter 30: Closer than Master and Subordinate
Inside of the mountain town was something a bit unexpected for Hikari. There were several wooden cabins, and one of the larger ones was actually a hot spring! She looked back at the two sisters riding in the rear.
"Have you two ever been to a hot spring?"
"No, at least not a natural one."
Hikari smiled at the two girls. "Well, I suppose it would be a good idea to stay here for the night." The elf remembered that her homeland on Earth was full of hot springs, and their culture revolved around it. Not liking hot springs and being Japanese was an even bigger heresy than what that demon was trying to do.
As they parked their chariot near the stables, the horses drew plenty of attention, but Hikari didn’t care about that. She grabbed onto Kurayami’s hand tightly and hurried towards the door. "Let’s go!"
"Master is so cute like this."
Hikari couldn’t help but blush slightly. However, she never loosened her grip. Ever since they shared a kiss on the lips together, she’d started feeling different about her dragon. There was no way she could continue regarding her as a simple pet. She didn’t know whether it was love or her body’s instinctive reaction, but she realized that she’d steal glances at the dragon. Not only that, she felt a longing for that warm tail when she slept.
In her past life, Hikari was also a woman. There she was about as renowned as a fly, buzzing through life with no particular goal. She began playing games from a very young age, and when she finally found [Gensuba], the rest was history.
That lifetime saw no romance at all. Her existence was almost asexual. While the girls in her school would talk about boys, it was rare for anyone to mention same-sex relations. Yet, Hikari didn’t know if she would feel that way about anyone. At least, in that life, she had never felt the feeling of love. So, Hikari had awkwardly approached Kurayami’s feelings.
As they pushed open the light wooden door, a chime echoed from above. The room they entered had a small wooden desk, and a woman in something almost resembling a kimono stood behind it. On the right side of the desk, there was a porcelain vase holding a beautiful pink flower. The smell of the place was heavenly as the scent of the hot springs reached Hikari’s nose. Overall, the place gave a very relaxed atmosphere.
As for the woman, she was an unremarkable girl with brown hair and eyes of the same. However, that didn’t mean she wasn’t beautiful. It was a sort of commoner beauty. And her voice came out as serene.
"Welcome to the Mountain Springs, travelers! I am Eileen. Pleasure to meet you. There are two rooms remaining if you want to stay. Of course, each room has its own hot spring.
"Each room has it’s own?"
"Master, Master, Master! I want to get a room together with you!"
Eileen was seemingly adept at her job. The moment she heard Kurayami’s exclamation she quickly bounded from behind the counter with a pamphlet in hand. She opened it up to the price section and began her explanation.
"See here, if you buy one room for one night, then the price is 8 silver per night. But if you buy two rooms, it is only one gold coin! You are basically getting a 4 silver coin discount! Furthermore…If you buy both rooms for two nights, the price will be 1 gold coin and 8 silvers. How does that sound!? The best part is that this discount even works if you make a reservation that is non-continuous. Isn’t it wonderful?"
"Does that mean if I stay today in both rooms and reserve them for a week from now, the discount still applies, and the price will be 1 gold and 8 silvers!"
"Precisely, Miss...Oh, forgive me for my rudeness."
"No, it was my fault. I am the leader of this little group. You can call me Hikari. This one is Kurayami, and those two are Esalda and Alfa respectively." Of course, the fairy was making itself small, so she didn’t bother introducing her. Plus, every time she did, it ended up being a pain to explain.
"Alfa? I feel like I’ve heard that name before."
"Do you know a lot about the royal family of Amalin?"
The girl shook her head. "I’ve been raised her my whole life, and I haven’t read many books. I wanted to travel, but in the end, I chose to stay here. I do enjoy being beneath the goddess’ glow."
"Oh! I meant to ask about that. Do you receive any special effects or favors from Amelia by being under her mountain?"
"Special effects? No, there’s nothing like that, but there’s this feeling in my heart when I walk the streets during the day. I don’t know how to explain it. Like a mother watching over her children?"
"Thanks," Hikari said as she handed over 2 gold coins.
"Like I said, it’s only 1 gold and 8 silver."
"Consider it a tip for the conversation."
The receptionist’s eyes lit up. "No, thank you! It’s not often I get to talk to such interesting people. The last time an elf came here I was very little."
"You saw an elf before?"
"It was a long time ago, so don’t expect me to remember much about it. But I remember that the woman carried herself with a certain style that you only see from those ancient beings. It’s hard to explain. An air of majesty?"
"Alright, I understand."
"Hey! If you go back to your homeland, don’t hesitate to tell those elves they are welcome any time in this hot spring!" The woman gave Hikari two keys. "The wooden plaque hanging from these keys say the corresponding room number. Each room has a number above the door, so you shouldn’t get lost. But if you do, then feel free to fetch my help."
Hikari nodded as she walked towards the back hallway. There was a small pit towards the side for taking off shoes, and a sign hung down saying "please leave your shoes here."
However, Hikari wasn’t stupid enough to leave godly boots laying around. Instead, the elf stored them in her inventory. Her socks were taken off as well, and there was no odd scent. Her delicate feet were pristine, and her skin was smooth and soft. She walked down the hall towards room 4 and 5, finding them with ease.
"You three can stay in room 4. Kurayami and I will take room 5." She looked towards the fairy and whispered. "Make sure to let me know if anything happens."
"Yes, My Queen."
Once Hikari and the dragon entered the room, there was already a futon rolled out for them with fresh sheets and a warm blanket. The floor didn’t have tatami mats. Instead, it was also a hard wood floor like the rest of the place, but there were large sized pillows for sitting on the ground, and a table was neatly folded into the sliding closet.
Another sliding wood door opened up the spa, and the warmth hit Hikari as soon as she opened it. There were small cubes for putting their clothes. The walls were tall enough that it would be impossible for the average person to peep on other visitors.
Kurayami got to work on her clothes immediately, and she displayed a well proportioned frame. Her behind was round and well-formed, and her thighs remained nearly as thick as her tail.
Hikari unintentionally averted her eyes as the dragon turned around, but she didn’t miss the two large and perky mounds on her chest. Neither did she miss those two pink tips.
The dragon ran up and grabbed her master’s hands, pressing the elf’s arm between her chest. "Master, come on!"
Hikari blushed, but she relented. "Okay, okay, you can get in first."
Kurayami agreed and rushed in ahead of her master. She sat in the spring waiting for Hikari to join.
Under the dragon’s scrutinizing gaze, Hikari couldn’t help but feel a bit embarrassed. Nonetheless, she found the courage to strip off her clothes and put them into her inventory. Her small, petite body ended up on full display for the little dragon.
Not wanting to stay like this, Hikari quickly rushed to the water, and sat down next to her little follower. Though, the blush on her face wouldn’t leave, and she wanted to bury her face in the warmth. However, she couldn’t deny the relaxing feeling as she sat down. It was like all of her stress was being healed by the flow.
The supply of water seemed to be funneled into a statue of the goddess, flowing into a bowl of the statue before recycling into the large pool.
Kurayami didn’t waste a single breath. The moment the little elf sat down, the dragon decided to take refuge on the girl’s lap.
"I am sorry, Master. You are too cute like this."
The dragon parted her own small strands of hair, and Hikari couldn’t help but stare at the voluptuous chest presented to her. The elf held her breath while looking at those pink peaks.
Kurayami leaned in for a kiss, and Hikari didn’t push her away—too enthralled in the moment. Inside of that warm water, the two engaged in a passionate kiss. The dragon bit her master’s lower lip as if to claim the elf as hers.
Hikari felt her body heating as the dragon explored the elf’s ear with her finger.
Kurayami rubbed the pointed ear between two of her fingers, sending a tingle down Hikari’s spine. The dragon’s other hand gently rubbed the petite girl’s cheek.
By the time, they separated Hikari struggled to maintain her composure and the previous godlike calm.
Hikari was ultimately happy that her dragon didn’t press further. Instead, the two held hands and stared at the twinkling stars in the sky.
After all, the elf was sure that if the dragon went further, she’d be unable and unwilling to stop it.
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