Chapter 58: Gutter Rats
Hikari, Mizuko, and Amelia sat on the back of a black dragon. Deep below them there was a sea of trees. They flew slowly, yet there was no chance of anyone finding them due to Kurayami’s skills. Hikari offered for that witch to ride with them, but in the end she declined, saying that she would meet them again when they reached the sea along with her master.
The goddess Amelia was still deflated and lying flat like a salted fish. She groaned and rolled one way or the other.
Hikari couldn’t help but laugh at the spectacle. "You look like a defeated child at this juncture. Where is the previous composure of a goddess?"
"What do you expect from me? Have you ever read a tragedy? That’s this situation right now."
"Alright, stop being dramatic," the elf said, pointing to a sea of trees below. "Look down there. If you were still holed up in your domain, you couldn’t see this."
Amelia reluctantly moved towards the edge of Kurayami’s body, looking down at the trees below. A small smile spread across her lips. "It really is different being here. It reminds me of when we could descend freely."
"Exactly. Things aren’t too bad. So, your sister became a bit evil? It happens to the best of us. Give her a big smack on the head and give her whatever punishment is fit. I don’t even know what crimes she’s really committed, so it’s hard for me to say anything in this regard."
Amelia sighed. "She committed one of the worst crimes that a divinity can do when she consumed her followers."
"I have no grudge against her, since I don’t know her. The only thing I know is that sisters should not fight like this, but maybe it’s best if we change gears."
As if on queue, Kurayami called out to the passengers. "Master, we’re approaching a large city. Should we land now?"
Hikari placed a hand above her eyes and narrowed them. Far off, she could see the trees thinning out, giving way to the beginning of a tropical biome. The leaves of the forest trees started becoming longer and thinner. From Hikari’s position she could see some fruits hanging down from many of the far off trees.
She could also see the city standing tall at a distance. The elf was surprised by the size of it. It was even more grandiose than Amalin’s capitol. There was a massive harbor with giant wooden ships, and the city walls circled around a massive peninsula.
Hikari could also see that this place was unlike the other capitol in other ways. The slums here were more pronounced, and on the outskirts of the city, there were several buildings piling on top of each other in ragtag formations.
The elf could guess what the city order would be like, and she was reluctant to enter the normal way. After all, why should she? From above, the elf could see a giant line of carriages, and waiting seemed like entering a queue for fun.
"Kurayami, fly us inside. Land us near the wall."
Kai could taste the sand in his mouth along with a healthy serving of blood. A black boot covered the back of his head, and tears filled his eyes. Of all of the times to be caught by the Thieves Guild...He wanted to curse his luck.
"Hey, boy! Did you fucking hear me? Where did you get this potion?" Horace—the man above him—asked. "I don’t recall our group ever letting you run around here like a rat."
"It was Doenel! He told me to nab it!" Kai felt the weight of the boot on his head increase. "I’m telling the truth!"
"Doenel, eh?" Horace lifted his boot slowly. "Come with me, you brat."
Kai’s eyes widened. He felt the back of his head pulsating, but he was happy that sensation finally relented. The young boy pulled himself out of the dirt, spitting as he got to his feet.
"Gross. You should wipe off your face, too. You look a fucking mess."
Kai reluctantly took the dirty grey rag presented to him and wiped the muck from his face as best he could. He wanted to complain and say that if Horace wanted him clean, he shouldn’t have shoved him into the mud in the first place. However, the boy didn’t feel like becoming one of the mysteriously disappearing slum rats.
That’s why he followed the man. Horace wasn’t much different from Kai. He had a tattered white shirt, and his pants were stained with murk. There was no telling what the original color was, but currently they were a muddy color.
Kai eyed the blue potion in Horace’s hand. He thought of taking it and running off again, but they weren’t far from the destination. And, Kai was sure that Doenel would stick up for him. The boy had done many odd jobs for Doenel. Whether it was stealing jewelry or silver coins, Kai found a way to get them to the Thieves Guild.
Usually, Kai tried to stay away from Horace. He’d heard from the other kids that the man was bad news. They said that a few of the people who disappeared were last seen in Horace’s company. Yet, this time Kai must have been the most unlucky sod in existence. He was nearing the loot house when Horace tackled him. The man gave Kai a few good sluggings before grabbing the potion.
Horace and Kai reached a secluded wooden door of an unassuming slum shack. None of the guards would mistake it as anything else, but nearly all of the residents in the slums knew of it.
The guards couldn’t root out the problem even if they wanted to. If some slum member was brave or stupid enough to tell a guard, they could easily relocate the loot house, and then the snitch would either disappear or be made an example of. Sometimes it was even by the guard they snitched to.
That’s why Kai had long lost his faith in this world. Ever since he was born, he only had one family member—his little sister. He had no idea if they were even related by blood, but since he could remember, he shared that stack with her. However, life was ruthless in the slums.
Ever since he developed into his own little man, his sister had become sick. Most likely, it was the food that Kai managed to get. He could only get the meager scraps thrown out or rob it from one of the more fortunate.
Doenel essentially taught Kai the tools of the trade. The thief even taught Kai to use spells like [Swift Foot].
Kai wanted nothing else but to set his little sister free. The best case scenario would be getting her out of the slums as soon as possible. However, Kai didn’t earn very much. When he stole jewelry, Doenel would often give him a few copper at best.
However, this time was different. Doenel set his sites on a potion trader that set up a shop at the edge of the central square of the eastern district. He told Kai that if he could nab one of those healing potions, Doenel would let him use it on his little sister.
Kai didn’t have a lick of knowledge about potions or alchemy, so it was best to trust in Doenel in this regard. The boy knew that giving too big or too little a dosage could also prove fatal.
Horace finally began knocking on the door. 5 knocks in quick succession, followed by two knocks, and then there was a long pause before three more knocks.
At the signal, the door opened slightly—a chain stopping it as a pair of eyes peeked out.
A raspy voice hummed behind the door. "Noblemen horde with pockets deep~"
Horace answered. "And the seeping Misty Isles reap."
The chain came undone, and the lattice opened. The room beyond was filled with stolen trinkets piled onto shelves and silver coins filled a few urns. A wooden cellar door opened upward behind the man who let them in.
However, this was not Doenel. It was another middleman who’s name Kai didn’t know. Most people just called him the loot house guardian. And the name was fitting.
He was a muscular and big man with red skin. Kai knew that the red skinned people came from far out east, so there weren’t many in the city. The most signature thing about him was the curved sword on his waist. The man didn’t say much as the two entered. He gestured towards the open cellar door.
"Doenel’s already waiting down there," the man said.
Horace looked back at Kai. "Come on, brat. We’re gonna see if your story adds up."
Kai nodded and didn’t argue. He would swallow whatever pride he had if it meant saving his little sister. A potion might have not been the only thing she needed, but at least it was a start.
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