Chapter 60: Sadistic Mizuko
Hikari’s group of four walked down a narrow alleyway, flanked on both sides by shoddy buildings. Their spectators had stopped staring, so the group took to the air and leapt on top of one of the buildings. Down below, they saw the boy hiding behind some barrels and looking around desperately.
Before the group could act, another man came from a different alley. Clearly, the boy had seen him before because his face betrayed his fear. He cowered even lower and held his head.
"Hey brat, why’re you back here already? Doenel gave you a mission. You can’t steal from some ladies?"
The boy shook his head. "They’re not just some ladies! They saw me! They managed to see me even though…"
"Shut it," the man said as he grabbed the boy’s hair. "Should I drag you back to Doenel and tell him you failed then?"
Hikari began to understand the situation. It seemed that the situation was even deeper than she thought. Someone had coerced this kid to steal from them. Hikari never considered herself the saintliest being. However, there was a child being abused right in front of her, and she watched for long enough. She could just call herself a hypocrite later and do something now.
However, this also gave her the opportunity to see what her vampiress was like in combat. For some reason, she estimated that Mizuko would have more finesse than Kurayami, even though the latter was supposed to be a master of those arts.
Hikari looked towards the eager pale-skinned vampire, who seemed to be okay in the broad daylight. Actually, Hikari had the answer for this. It was her maid equipment. Mizuko was outfitted with maid attire that was enchanted for resisting sunlight.
"Yes, Mistress?"
"Kill that man."
Maybe it was a bit of overkill to do it. However, Hikari’s only real regret was saying to do it in front of children, but she remembered that Kurayami also had spells for that as well if it was required. Most likely, the boy had already seen many terrible acts in his life.
While Hikari mused, Mizuko sprung into action. Her form seemed to fade into mist. After a split second, she reappeared behind the man who’d started a tirade on the poor boy. The boy’s eyes widened at her sudden appearance. What happened next proved Hikari’s theory that Mizuko was a sadist.
The vampire didn’t kill the man right away. Instead, she waited for him to turn around. The man’s horrified eyes stared into her red pupils.
He didn’t have time to finish his shout as Mizuko’s hand transformed. Her claws pierced through his abdomen as his eyes widened in surprise from the sudden intrusion.
His body twitched, and Hikari could tell he was trying his best to scream. Yet, no matter what his voice wouldn’t leave him. Mizuko had already invaded his body with her mana.
Vampires were most dangerous at close range. Of course, everyone knew about the fangs and claws they could produce, but their true deadliness was in their magic. Depending on one’s lineage, they could inflict victims with devastating charms or suggestions that forced them to relinquish control of their bodies.
Seeing this gave Hikari second or even third thoughts about allowing such a woman to touch her own body. The scene before her was too gruesome. The man died a slow and agonizing death before falling over into the alleyway as limp as a bag of horse feed.
The boy had already fallen onto his rear and backed himself against a wall. It was then that Hikari remembered the thing she told Amelia before. She had told the goddess not to startle the boy, yet her orders had done just that. She wanted to curse herself as she leapt from the rooftop next to her vampire.
"Y-you!" The boy shouted.
Hikari put her hand up to stop the boy. Rather, it was mainly to stop the sadist vampire from starting any more performances. The elf lowered herself to be eye level with him.
"Are you hurt?"
The boy’s shock was visible upon her question. He shook his head. "I know! You saw me! Are you going to kill me?"
"We’re not going to kill you." Hikari smiled and stretched out her hand. "I’m Hikari, and this one is Mizuko."
"Mi-mizuko?" He asked, looking wearily between the vampire and the fallen body next to her. "You killed Horace…"
Mizuko shrugged and retracted her claws. "If the mistress orders it, I will even kill Amelia."
The Amelia in question dropped down next to Mizuko. "Don’t say such things! You’re nothing like the vampires in my territory. At least they have more tact." She sighed and looked towards the boy. "What’s your name?"
"Kai...Is your name...I mean, are you really Amelia?"
The pink haired goddess grinned and ruffled the little boy’s hair. "That’s right. I am that Amelia. You must know of me."
Kai nodded slowly. Then the realization of his actions sunk in. Hikari could see the panic and sweat on his face. "Did I really just try to steal from a goddess? Am I going to get divine punishment?"
"What kind of goddess do you think I am?" Amelia gave a cheeky smile and gestured to Hikari. "Actually, this goddess is the one who came in to save you. Believe it or not, she is even more important than I am!"
"What are you…"
Kai’s eyes widened in surprise. However, his expression seemed to loosen. He looked towards Hikari with anticipation. "Are you really someone so amazing!?"
Kurayami joined the group, grinned smugly, and patted her chest. "Master is the most amazing person in the whole universe."
Hikari could only watch the scene play out in horror. The only good thing about this was Kai’s expression changing. He was terrified, but now he was looking up at Hikari with reverence. The elf in question looked over towards where Horace had fallen, but she was pleased to see that Mizuko had already disposed of the body.
The elf sighed. "Why were you trying to steal things in the first place? And who is Doenel?"
Kai shook his head and frowned. "Doenel is a rat man who taught me how to steal…."
"You answered that surprisingly easily."
"Miss, you’re someone who can make another goddess listen to you. Even a five year old would answer that…"
"I suppose you’re right...So? Why did Doenel tell you to steal from me?"
"It’s actually a long story…"
Hikari nodded and pulled a table from her inventory. If you are going to share stories, you might as well do it while sitting down and eating good food. Hikari gestured for the boy to sit down and pulled out some of those elven apples. As they snacked, the boy began his story.
Kai had a little sister named Nona. The girl was always sickly, but recently, her condition seemed to worsen. Kai explained how he learned the trade from Doenel, but he began stealing in the hopes to make a better life for himself and his little sister.
By the way, Hikari’s guess was spot on. This boy was around 10 years old, and his little sister was even younger. Kai wasn’t certain on the exact ages, but he said that Nona was 8 years old.
"And when I went there today, Doenel didn’t complete his promise. He said the tincture was too damage and that I’d have to steal from you to get the potion." He paused as he bit into another apple. "Miss, where did you get these!? This is the best thing I’ve eaten!
Hikari nodded as the boy finished. "They are just an elven specialty. By the way, where do you and your sister live?"
Kai pointed towards the west. "We live in a small wooden shack a little ways down that way."
"Is your sister in there at the moment?"
"Yes...What are you planning, sister?"
Hikari raised an eyebrow at being called sister, but she shrugged it off. Maybe it was better than being called a goddess or mistress. The vampire in question chose to stand a good distance away from the weary boy.
"Of course, lead the way, and I will heal your sister."
"Really!? You can do that?"
"Don’t you remember what Amelia said earlier? Do you see these robes and this staff? What do I look like in your eyes?"
Kai smiled wryly and scratched his cheek. "You look like you’re not much older than I am, sister."
Hikari deflated. She always knew that the words of children could be the harshest. There are no critics like little kids who haven’t developed the social skills to act with tact.
The elf felt a dragon’s hand on her shoulder. "Don’t worry, Master. Your small size is what makes you bite-sized. It means you can be eaten in one go!"
"How is that supposed to comfort me?" Hikari groaned. She pouted before putting away the small table and chairs. "Just take us to where you live!"
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