I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 26: Chapter No.26 Rescue (3)

[Samael Ashwood's POV]


Every fiber of my being screamed for mercy as my destruction affinity bloomed and enveloped the sword in its crimson embrace as I brought it down with all my might. The blade shimmered with a lethal glow, slicing through the air with an intensity fueled by my fury and desperation.

The armored figure's eyes widened in shock and fear as the sword connected with one of the death lines revealed by my Mystic Eyes. All the way top to bottom cut in equal half like a hot knife through the butter, the armored figure fell apart, his body cleaving cleanly into two as the power of my attack obliterated him.

A deafening silence followed, the clang of his falling armor echoing down the corridor. Blood and sparks flew, splattering the walls as his remains collapsed.

[Ding! Skill leveled up: Blood Rage (Lvl.2)]

[Ding! Skill leveled up: Swordsmanship (Lvl.3)]

For a moment, I stood there, panting heavily, my vision blurring from the strain of the abilities I had used. The pain from my severed hand was becoming unbearable, and my body felt like it was on the verge of collapsing.

"Liliana... we need to move," I gasped, my voice barely a whisper. The adrenaline was fading, and the pain and fatigue were becoming overwhelming.

Liliana's expression softened, the rage and intensity in her eyes dimming as she turned to me. "Samael, you're badly hurt. We need to get you out of here and find a way to stop the bleeding."

She hurried over, wrapping an arm around my waist to support me. Together, we started moving down the corridor, each step a struggle. The fortress was vast, and escaping it would be no easy task, especially now that I was wounded and our enemies were undoubtedly closing in.

"We need to find a safe place to regroup," I said, my voice strained. "Somewhere we can tend to my wound and come up with a plan."

Liliana nodded, her eyes scanning the corridor for any signs of danger. "This way," she said, leading us towards a side passage that branched off from the main corridor. "I remember seeing a storage room nearby. It should be relatively safe."

We stumbled into the storage room, Liliana quickly shutting and barricading the door behind us. The room was dimly lit and filled with crates and barrels, offering some cover and concealment. She guided me to a corner and gently lowered me to the ground.

"Stay still," she ordered, her voice firm but laced with worry. "I need to stop the bleeding."

She tore a strip of cloth from her sleeve and started to bandage my severed wrist. The pain was excruciating, but I clenched my teeth and endured it, knowing that we had no other choice.

"We can't stay here long," I said, wincing as she tightened the makeshift bandage. "They'll be searching for us."

"Yes, We have to kick start your dhampir regeneration first," Liliana said as she started unbuttoning the top of her dress, showing her pale white collarbone and the pulsing vein beneath her skin. Adjusting her position to give easy access to her neck for me to drink the blood needed to kickstart my regeneration.

"But-" I tried to convince her to conserve her energy and not put herself at risk, but the look on her face was pleading and desperate. I knew she was right. Without immediate regeneration, I wouldn't last long in our current predicament.

"Liliana, I..." My voice faltered, torn between gratitude and concern for her safety.

"You saved my life, Samael," she interrupted softly, her eyes locking onto mine with unwavering determination. "Now let me help you."

I nodded reluctantly, knowing there was no time to waste. With trembling hands, I reached out and gently grasped her shoulder, guiding her into my lap with utmost care. Liliana's heartbeat quickened as she leaned closer, offering her neck to me. Her pulse was strong, each beat resonating through my senses heightened by my dhampir nature.

With a mix of reverence and urgency, I pressed my lips against her skin, feeling the warmth of her blood pulsing beneath.

Liliana let out a sharp intake of breath as my fangs pierced her skin. The taste of her blood flooded my senses, a heady mix of life and vitality that surged through me. I drank deeply, drawing in the essence that would sustain me and trigger my regeneration.

As I drank, I could sense the wounds on my body beginning to heal. The severed stump of my wrist tingled with renewed vitality, the skin starting to knit together as my dhampir regeneration accelerated. Each drop of Liliana's blood brought relief and strength, revitalizing me even as I struggled to control the primal urge to drink more.

Liliana remained still in my embrace, her breath coming in shallow gasps. Her fingers clutched at my shoulder, steadying herself as I drank. The room seemed to fade away, leaving only the sensation of her heartbeat and the warmth of her blood against my lips.

After what felt like an eternity, I pulled back, breaking the connection. Liliana slumped against me, her breathing ragged. I gently brushed a lock of hair from her face, and kiss on her forehead as she leaned against me, exhausted from the ordeal.

As I felt her soft breathing on my chest, and looked at her sleeping then and there I realized how much she meant to me. In the midst of chaos and danger, Liliana had been my unwavering support, risking herself to save me time and again. Her selflessness touched me deeply, reminding me of the fragile yet powerful bond we shared.

Carefully, I adjusted my position to make her more comfortable, ensuring she could rest despite the hardness of the stone floor beneath us. I sat there in the dimly lit storage room, the weight of our circumstances pressing down on me.

"We have to move but..." I whispered as I thought of going ahead on my own while Liliana rested here, safe for the time being. The fortress was still crawling with enemies, and my own injuries were far from healed. Yet leaving Liliana alone felt like abandoning the one person who had stood by me through everything.

Gently lifting Liliana's hand from where it rested on my chest, I held it tenderly, feeling the warmth of her skin against mine. She stirred slightly at the touch, but remained deeply asleep, her breathing slow and steady.

"Liliana," I murmured softly, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face. "I need to keep you safe."

The dilemma weighed heavily on me. Every instinct urged me to find a way out, to secure our escape before the enemy closed in further. But leaving Liliana vulnerable in this makeshift sanctuary felt like a betrayal.

Then, a distant noise echoed through the corridor outside—a harsh command followed by the heavy footsteps of approaching guards. The sound snapped me back to reality, reminding me of the imminent danger we faced.

With a heavy heart, I made a decision. Carefully easing myself out from under Liliana, I tucked her in as best I could with the limited supplies in the room—a blanket from a nearby crate and a soft cloth to cushion her head. Pausing for a moment to ensure she was as comfortable as possible, I pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead.

"I'll be back soon," I whispered, my voice barely audible. "Stay safe."

Leaving her sleeping form behind, I moved silently to the door and peered out into the corridor. The guards were drawing nearer, their voices growing louder as they searched for any sign of us. Time was running out.


A shout echoed from down the corridor, followed by the clanking of armor and the hurried footsteps of approaching guards. Adrenaline surged through me, momentarily overriding the pain and exhaustion. With quick, decisive movements, I closed the storage room with Liliana inside and waited for them to spot me.


I immediately started running in the opposite direction leading them away from Liliana and the storage room. My steps echoed loudly in the corridor, drawing the attention of the guards who swiftly gave chase. Their armor clanked noisily as they pursued me, their shouts reverberating off the stone walls.


I swiftly took a healing potion out of the system inventory and drowned it down in one gulp as I ran, feeling its revitalizing effects coursing through me almost immediately. The potion numbed the pain and accelerated my regeneration, buying me precious moments against the relentless pursuit.

But as if my bad luck stuck again I faced a dead end in the maze of corridors and passageways. Panic surged as I realized the guards were closing in, their footsteps echoing ominously. With nowhere else to turn, I glanced around frantically, searching for any possible escape route.

"THERE IS NO ESCAPING THE FORTRESS, INTRUDER!" one of the guards shouted triumphantly as they closed in, their voices bouncing off the stone walls.

"SURRENDER OTHERWISE YOU WILL FACE THE CONSEQUENCES!" another guard bellowed, their voices ringing with certainty.

Not seeing any escape route, I sighed and lifted my hands above my head signing my peaceful surrender. The guards approached cautiously, their weapons held at the ready. I could feel their eyes assessing me, wary of any potential trickery or sudden moves.

"Drop your weapon," one of them commanded, their voice edged with authority.

"I don't have any," I replied back, As at the time of running I put the sword back inside the system inventory to avoid the potential of losing it.

The guards exchanged a glance, clearly surprised by my compliance. One of them cautiously approached and checked me for any hidden weapons, patting me down thoroughly before nodding to the others that I was unarmed.

"Turn around," another guard ordered, gesturing for me to face the wall. I did as instructed, feeling the cold metal of their shackles once more encircle my wrists. With a click, they secured me in restraints, binding my hands behind my back.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, my voice strained with both exhaustion and concern for Liliana.

"To your death! hahahahaha~"




[To Be Continued]


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[Word Count: 1723]

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