Chapter 52
Fear and Despair
Youre going to take Lulu-chan?
Thats right, as fellow otherworlder Ill stop your evil deed.
What a joke, you damn spoiled brat.
Lulu-chan is my family, as if Ill let you take her away from me. Perhaps you cant accept slavery, but like hell I care. Forcing such self-centered justice, arent you just robing someones important without any regards of other?
Hero, my ass.
Such challenge, as if Ill ever accept it.
No, you cant decline it.
what do you mean?
When I decline his challenge, this time the miko-clothed girl opens her mouth.
When she interjects, I get slightly irritated, I get a bit mad, but I put my usual faint smile and ask so. People says that smile is the strongest pokerface after all.
And then, she plainly answer in businesslike manner.
In this country, strength is everything. Thats why anyone have to accept any challenge presented at them, thats an unspoken rule if you decline the challenge, then that means you lose WO. And then, according to this countrys rule, the winner could take everything from the loser well, even if it says everything, the winner wont take life or any minimum human rights, though.
That means, if I decline this challenge, hell get the authorization to take Lulu-chan away from me and if I accept this challenge and lose, hell take away Lulu-chan from me, huh. Quite a hero centered rule.
Also, according to duel rule aside from the concerned parties, no one could interferences.
So it would become one on one duel for me against this hero, huh to think that such an unbalanced duel exists, how outrageous. Ive come to such an amazing place huh, not just unable to gain any clue, theres even a great chance I might lost my family.
Arent you, quite looking down on us too much?
Immediately, I activate Eerie Constitution. The hero immediately takes a great distance from me, and brandishes the sword at his waist. Seems like immediately turning into duel stance.
If I cant decline the duel, then Ill have no other way but to run away somehow. I have no chance to win after all, if I take Lulu-chan away from this country, this country rules shouldnt affect us anymore.
Leila-chan and the others are looking at us from the guild, the distance isnt that far, but since the hero is standing between us, going there seems like to be quite a hard task.
you, wont stop the hero?
I helplessly ask so to miko-chan. Perhaps, at the very least, she shouldve realized that I didnt oppress Lulu-chan.
Looking at Lulu-chans attire and the fact that theres no bruise at her body, moreover the fact that she has such lively eyes different from the eyes of the previous slave, as someone whos used to slavery as her, Im sure miko-chans fully aware about that, isnt she?
And yet, she doesnt stop him. Its whether she has her own motives, or she simply really doesnt realize it.
Im, appointed to support Nagi-sama.
Seems like its the former.
I see, what a great follower. Very disgusting.
I see what a disgraceful follower, you are.
Field Rule.
Without showing any response to my word, she chants something.
And then, using her as the center, light starts rising from the ground. And then spreading, and when it wide enough to surround me and the hero, I feel like the area inside and outside the circle are separated.
Seems like you have quite a twisted personality, so I made some insurance.
I just activated a special barrier. Its only for a short amount of time but as long as its still there, even demon lord itself wont be able to enter nor interference us here of course, we cant come out of it as well so, you wont be able to run away.
Perhaps she was angry to be called as a disgraceful follower, it appears that she has no intention to let me away. Straightening their masters mistake is also a part of followers task though, or so I thought what an ambitious one.
Nonetheless, since my escape has been blocked, that means Im in a desperate situation, huh. These two, seems like these master-follower duo are already beyond help, huh. I even feel like there would be no chance for them to defeat the demon lord, at this rate.
However crisis is still a crisis what should I do, I wonder?
Theres a hero before me, without any escape route, if I lose, my family would be taken away from me. Moreover, my chance of winning is zero.
How about we start it Kitsune-senpai, a duel without anyone interferences.
Seems like I dont even have the time to think, huh.
The state of the duel between Kitsune and Nagi could also be seen by Finia and the other who were outside the barrier. The unarmed Kitsune, against Nagi who brandished his sword. No matter how they look at it, the victor was as clear as day.
Esprecially for Finia-chan and the other who were fully aware of Kitsunes ability. Different from the hero, he was merely a weak H rank adventurer, after all.
Finia fled and tried to enter the barrier. However, she was unable to step in as if she was blocked by some kind of wall. It wouldnt budge even when she hit it.
Then, Finia unleashed a fire magic toward it, but as expected it didnt budge at all.
Whats it! Kitsune-san!
Step away, Finia.
And then, coming from Finias rear, Leila brandished her fist toward the barrier. An attack from an S rank demon, moreover quite a serious one.
And yet, leaving aside destroyed, there was no change at the barrier at all.
At that fact, even Leila herself was quite shocked. And then, after patting and inspecting it, she was convinced that she wouldnt be able to destroy it.
this, sure is hard, huh.
Finia was quite expecting that perhaps Leila would be able to do something about that barrier, but soon realized that even Leila had no way to destroy it. Grinding her teeth, she looked at Kitsune inside the barrier.
Lulu-chan Rishe-chan.
We cant pass through it?
Thats right.
Lulu and Rishe came over there, however after knowing the fact that they couldnt pass through the barrier, they also could only grinded their teeth. They pretty much understood the situation, the hero challenged Kitsune for duel, and the miko cut off his escape route. Also, the fact that Kitsune had no way to deal with that situation.
Originally, Kitsune was the one that led Finia-chan and the others. He had no influence at battle, but he was the one who led these capable girls as one, like a linchpin that act as the core of the two blades of scissor, an indispensable existence. Regarding his battle prowess, he was nothing compared to the hero.
Lulu shouted so in pray for Kitsunes safety, while fully focusing toward him inside the barrier.
Looking at the hero who was pointing his sword toward him, Kitsune thought about what to do. Thanks to Eerie Constitution, seems like the hero wouldnt carelessly attack him, however Kitsune himself originally had so many openings, so it wouldnt be strange for the hero to attack him anytime soon.
Moreover, if he didnt find any plan to overcome this situation, Kitsune wouldnt be able to have any chance of escaping.
And yet, however,
I dont know what kind of card you hide under your sleeve however, its futile.
Saying so, the hero charged toward Kitsune.
When Kitsune thought so, that sword had already stabbed at Kitsunes abdomen, and pierced through his back.
Gah gu aaa!!?
There, Kitsune was bewildered. Not because of the heros speed, but at the state of his body.
Originally, thanks to Pain Nullification skill, Kitsune couldnt feel any pain. Or rather, he could resist any pain, however it was different this time. Pain was spreading at his stabbed abdomen.
Not just hed already got used to pain, he never let out such a groan, and yet he still couldnt understand what happened to his body. He couldnt understand what was happening.
Gu that sword!
No, this sword is just a normal sword.
Ugu ga aaa!!
*zururi*, the hero pulled out his sword of Kitsunes body, and a large amount of blood sprouted out. And then, because of the pain, Kitsune dropped to his knee on the ground. Holding his abdomen, Kitsune glared at the hero. Without he noticed it, Eerie Constitution has stopped activated.
Looking at him at that state, the hero, who was standing before Kitsune, said toward him.
As a hero, a have a certain innate skill. Its effect is to Nullify any skill activation of my opponent.
Hearing that, Kitsune recalled something. The heros innate skill, Ray of Hope, a skill that nullified any skill activation of his opponent, even when those skills were already activated. If this skill was activated, no matter who it was, they wouldnt be able to activate any of their skills.
That means, Kitsunes Eerie Constitution and Pain Nullification were nullified.
I see, by nullifying all of demon lords skills, the rest is just physical clash, and since as a hero you have such great innate abilities, you would be able to win, huh.
Kitsune thought. What a sly hero. In the end, he would only fight against the weakened opponents. Such cowardice mean, a way that was very unsuitable for a hero, or so he thought.
in the end, thats all your worth, o great hero.
The air around Kitsune, changed.
Kitsune unsteadily stood up, and floated his usual faint smile.
It wasnt like he had found a mean to win. Or rather, he was still at such desperate situation.
Nevertheless, as if he was the superior one, Kitsune stood before the hero, and pointed out his index finger toward him while floating a faint smile.
You which part of you that is of a hero?
I wont accept it. I wont accept you as hero. No matter even if heaven and earth were collapsed, I wont ever accept you as hero.
Kitsune said so with such a thought. At the strength of the fake hero youth before him, he laughed it off.
What did you say?
You didnt hear it? I asked, which part of you that is of a hero? Using a sword against the unarmed me, nullifying all of my skills and weakening me, and then mercilessly stabben my abdomen you, what you just did was similar to stabbing a restricted baby with a sword, you know?
At Kitsunes word, the heros anger was rising higher.
And then, irritated by Kitsune who was laughing with blood endlessly flowing out from his abdomen, the hero kicked Kitsunes hand that was holding his abdomen.
However, Kitsune was blown away but he his legs didnt come off of ground, even by staggering, he somehow resisted it without collapsing to the ground.
Gofu it hurts!
Im hero unlike you, I wont ever oppress a little girl.
Ahaha youre mistaken there wont ever oppress a little girl? Then, does that mean its okay to oppress me, I wonder? Someone whos far way weaker than you, unarmed, and unable to use any skill, nothing but a mere normal high school boy is it fine to bully me?
What a double standard, o fake hero.
At Kitsunes word, the hero couldnt say a word.
He couldnt muster any word to rebuke it. Surely Kitsune was weak, and at a state that couldnt even defend against his attack, the hero attacked him. So the hero had no way (excuse) to rebuke him back.
Then, what is hero? If its simply defeating his opponent, then even someone who was not a hero would be able to do it.
Kitsune asked him so.
The thing you were doing was just bullying the weak, a far cry act of justice.
In the first place what are you planning to do after taking Lulu-chan away from me? Taking her along to accompany you at your dangerous journey to defeat the demon lord?
Thats Ill gave her enough money to live by herself.
Immediate good bye? Ahaha, shes a little girl who only ever lives as a slave theres no way shed be able to live by herself, right? Without any resolve to taking care of her to the bitter end, please dont trifle at someones life simply to fulfill your self-satisfaction.
self, satisfaction!?
Kitsune took a step toward the hero. The flowing out blood was dying the ground red. However, Kitsune didnt stop his legs. One step, and another step, he approached the hero, till only several centimeters left separated them, he looked up at him as if to peered in at heros face while floating his usual faint smile.
Its just for your self-satisfaction, isnt it? For saving a pitiful slave girl, Im sure you thought that Im so cool, didnt you? Even if you would simply abandon her afterward, you thought that at least youd do a great deed as a hero, didnt you? amazing, amazing, you wanted to be praised so, didnt you?
If thats not the case, then.
Interjecting the heros word, Kitsune ripped off the bandage at his left eye.
A dark-red hole without an eyeball, and Kitsunes right eye were staring at the hero. Looking at such gruesome left eye, the hero gasped and overwhelmed by Kitsunes air.
Even though the hero was supposed to have nullified all of Kitsunes skills, his body was trembling. As if Eerie Constitution was activated, he harbored fear against Kitsune.
If thats not the case, then save all the existing slaves. To just saving one of them
isnt that unfair?
Saying so, Kitsune laughed. The hero could feel his body was drenched in unpleasant sweats.
Whats up? You were happy to be a hero, werent you? Being treated kindly by everyone, becoming someone who was completely different from the past you, being expected by many people, and then you just luckily found an enemy like me. I wont let you say that you didnt have such thoughts. Sure, I feel like you do want to save Lulu-chan. You cant accept the existence called slave, right? However, at the bottom of your heart, Im sure you have such a thought, If I defeat him here, Im sure someone will praise me, dont you?
Kitsune pressed him.
The heros heart was shaken, pierced and overwhelmed by his word.
As if to run away from Kitsune, the hero took a step away from him. However, Kitsune took a step forward as if not to let him away. Without any care of the large amount of blood he lost, and as if he didnt feel any pain, Kitsune laughed.
Thats not it.
With the fact that your heart is shaking, and the fact that you cant even clearly rebuke my word, the height of your hero capacity is merely that much.
The moment Kitsune said so, the hero took a great step back and made some distance from him. As expected this time Kitsune couldnt pursue him, and a great distance was presented between them.
Even though he didnt do any strenuous move, however the hero was out of breath because of the mental damage he received. His body was drenched in unpleasant sweats, his heart was shaking. And then, since his heart was shaking, his pointed sword and gazes were shaking as well.
There, Kitsune vomited out of blood. There was no change at his expression, however the hero understood that the injury had cornered him. With that, calmness started returning to his mind.
And then he thought, that his enemy was weak, and there was no chance for him to lose. No matter what Kitsune said, it wouldnt change the fact that he was someone who possessed a slave. Indeed, he never thought about any legitimate reason that justified him for one-sidedly attacking Kitsune.
However, later matter should just be handled later. That was how he, ran away.
What you just said sure were true, however if I dont save her right here right now, Im sure Ill regret it later.
Ahaha so you run away, huh. As a hero, your state as if you were being scolded just now was actually very amusing, you know?
Kitsune said so while laughing.
However, the hero had already ran away from that matter.
I wont be deceived anymore!
Ga gobu!
Kicking the ground, the hero closed the distance between them. And then, with that charging force, he side kicked Kitsune. Along with cracking sounds, Kitsunes body rolled over sideway, but the hero didnt stop there, the moment he landed on the ground, he immediately chased after him.
And then, even while rolling, Kitsune could somehow regain his stance, but the moment he raised his body with his knee on the ground, his right shoulder was pierced by a sword.
Gi aaaaa!!!
Unable to resist the consecutive pain, Kitsune let out a scream. From the impact for being stabbed at his shoulder, he collapsed with his back smashed on the ground and air leaked out of his mouth.
He somehow resisted it and grabbed the sword with his left hand, however the hero ignored it and kicked him flying.
Pushing down, not exactly that, but by pinning down the collapsed Kitsune with his leg, and with his sword at Kitsunes right shoulder, the hero looked down on him.
Haa haa its my win.
no, I havent lost yet.
If he lost then Lulu would be taken away. Thinking so, without any care about the sword at his right shoulder, Kitsune rose his body up.
A, aaaaaa!!!
Along with the sound of smashed flesh, Kitsune head-butted the heros defenseless abdomen.
I couldnt afford to lose here, Ill definitely protect Lulu-chan.
Thinking so, he could ignore the pain at his right shoulder.@@novelbin@@
Without letting out the heros opening after got head-butted, Kitsune brandished his ragged left hand and smashed it toward him.
Surprised by Kitsunes do-or-die act, the hero spontaneously let his hand away from his sword, and took several steps back in stagger.
While standing up, Kitsune pulled out the sword at his right shoulder, and glared at the hero with eyes that said that he hadnt given up yet.
Haa haa!
Ku you, to go that far!
Never I wont ever let Lulu-chan away.
Looking at Kitsunes tenacious act, the hero charged at him in irritation, and hit Kitsunes face like this first strike he made.
You, lose! You know, that you have no, chance of winning, dont you?!
Gafu ugu go kafu agu!
However, toward the kept standing Kitsune, the hero kept smashing his fist at him over and over again. With excessive bleeding, injuries all around his body, and mind that had gone hazy, Kitsune suddenly dropped down his hand that gripper the sword.
However, without picking the sword up again, the hero kept on attacking Kitsune. Rather than the thought of defeating Kitsune, his expression said that all he wanted was to make Kitsune collapsed to the ground.
Zee hyu zee hyu.
Kitsunes breath was already ragged, however Kitsune was still standing still in his two legs. Thanks to Kitsunes high reistance stats, it appeared that the heros fist almost met its limit already before Kitsune did.
With his fist in pain, the hero stopped his attack.
Haa haa! Just drop down already youve lost!
Wo nt.
Wont let her away.
Kitsune, didnt even half conscious. However, his willpower and his fear for losing his family, made him kept standing.
If he collapsed, he lost.
If he lost, hed lose everything,
I definitely wont let it happens!
Wont, wont let her away!
Toward Kitsune who displayed such tenacity, the hero harbored fear.
Kitsunes whole body was covered in blood was if a ghost, his face was crumpled with bruises and blood, his right shoulder was severely gouged, his right hand was dangling down, and with the fact that he could only move unsteadily, he was at a state that could only be called as eerier.
The hero took several steps away from him.
Cecil, huh.
The one that softly called out of him from his back was the sole existence inside the barrier aside from Kitsune and himself, Cecil. She put his forehead on the heros back, and gently said.
Youre hero. No matter what people say, youre hero theres nothing to worry about.
Ah, right youre, right.
At Cecils word, the hero slightly regained his composure.
He was still weak. Not his prowess, but his mind. He had practiced and sparred against many people and became ridiculously powerful, however he havent killed anyone yet. Thats why, he was overwhelmingly lacking in real battle experience. He didnt have the resolve to take someones life.
That was why he feared Kitsune. Normally, with such severe injuries no one should be able to move at all, and yet he stood in his two legs there. Resisting himself from killing was something that the hero thought by nature. If he attacked him any further, he might end up killing him.
For the hero that didnt have any resolve to killing someone, Kitsune was pretty frightening.
He cant fight anymore, if you simply brush his legs away, Im sure he wont be able to stand up again.
As if abiding Cecils word, he kicked Kitsunes legs. And then, Kitsunes stance crumbled, and collapsed face down. Letting out a short groan, Kitsune tried to stand up again, however, he couldnt muster up any energy anymore.
Originally, Near-death Experience should have been activated here, however because of Ray of Hope, this skill couldnt be activated.
This duel, Nagi-sama is the victor.
And then, while looking down at Kitsune, Cecil plainly declared so. Simultaneously with the disappearance of the circle of light that obstructed any interferences from outside, Finia and the other immediately rushed over toward Kitsune.
Kitsune-san! Kitsune-san!
Finia immediately tried to invoke recovery magic, however, the heros Ray of Hope didnt even let it to be activated.
Why why?!!
Even though Finia desperately tried to invoke recovery magic, she felt as if her racing magical energy was running toward nothing.
as we agreed before, well take custody over your slave.
However, there, the hero said so while looking down at Kitsune. Hearing that word, Finia and the other looked at Lulu.
And Lulu herself, was shocked at that word. Then, when the thought of shed be separated from Kitsune crossed through her mind, she flusteredly looked at Kitsune. And then, while touching her choker, she crossed at a certain idea.
Kitsune-sama please, give me order!
order, an absolute rule for slave.
Please order me not to go! Then!
Then, the moment the hero took her away, the chocker would activate and kill her. The hero definitely wouldnt let that happen. Or so she thought.
Lulu, -chan r.
Kitsune was also aware about it, then he opened his mouth. However, she couldnt hear any order from him.why?, Lulu flusteredly pondered so.
However, Kitsune couldnt do it. Giving order to her, moreover with the possibility that it might end up killing her, he couldnt do it.
Why Kitsune-sama!
Lu, lu-chan lend, me your, ear.
Kitsune softly called at Lulu-chan, who was suffering and shedding tears at Kitsunes kindness.
Doing as what he told her to, Lulu put her ear near Kitsunes mouth.
what is it, Kitsune-sama?
With a voice that could only be heard by Lulu, Kitsune said something. Only Lulu know what he just said. However, hearing that word, Lulu was surprised and opened her eyes wide.
Kitsune sama. understood.
The next instance, as if she had made her resolve, she stood up. And then, she walked up till before the hero and said while looking up at him.
Please take me with you hero-sama.
At her word, Finia and the other could only be dumbfounded.
Wh, why Lulu-chan!
Im sorry, Fini-sama.
Dont give me sorry!
Ah, right.
Finia couldnt understand Lulus conduct, however the miko, Cecil, stepped forward as if interjecting her word. And then, she crouched down near Kitsune, and took up the mask that was hanging at his head.
return, it!
Valuable things would change people since it seems like Nagi-sama isnt particularly interested in slave, so if you want to take them back then please correct yourself first and ask it properly later.
Cecil said so. Shamelessly, said so. Hearing that word, Kitsune immediately understood something. That this woman, wasnt as pure as her appearance. She was the type that would always acted after calculating about its gain and loss. And then, he was sure that she thought that, if she took that mask away from him for themselves,
they would acquire an idea type fairy (Finia).
Wait, thats.
What is it?
Rishe opened her mouth to stop her, however she was overwhelmed by the intimidating air of her word and eyes.
! Kitsune! Leila, take Kitsune to the guilds nursing room immediately!
Kay well, Ill be troubled if Kitsune-kun die, after all.
Toward the vomiting blood Kitsune, Rishe immediately took action to deal with it. If they brought him to guilds nursing room, he should be able to receive a proper treatment, or so she thought. And then, unusually obeying Rishes order obediently, Leila hold Kitsunes body and walked toward the guild, she glanced at the hero for a moment.
The hero inclined his head in wonder, however Leila immediately averted her gazes and brought Kitsune inside the guild.
The one left there was, the hero and Cecil, Lulu, and then the one that confronted the hero and co; Rishe and Finia, those five.
Return that mask thats an important thing.
Didnt I said it before? If he corrected himself, Ill return it but if youre that eager to take it back
Cecil closed her face to Finia and Rishes ears, and said with a voice that could be heard by the hero.
That slave child, will die, you know?
That word was, the finishing blow. Lulus life was taken as the hostage, and even if they wanted to fight them back, Finia was in the condition that couldnt use any magic, and Rishes was no match for the hero.
There was no choice but, abiding it.
What do you think?
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