I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 253 – Through the Eyes of Another: Woes of the Lonely Chieftess

Chapter 253 – Through the Eyes of Another: Woes of the Lonely Chieftess

More or less at the same time in a certain reinforced village not that far from the land of the Dwarves...

“Heads!” I yell while straightening my legs.

The wooden logs stacked atop my shoulders, three per side, creak dangerously. Standing up, I spin around, watching the nearby woodcutters duck to avoid getting their skulls bashed in by the tree pillars. Everyone manages to escape that fate, groans and whines of disappointment resounding through the clearing. They’ve made it into a game already, seeing who will be the idiot to get hit in their distraction.

Hopping in place a few times to shift the trunks and perfect my balance as much as possible, I start walking out of the stump-riddled area. My gaze wanders to the left and right, staying on these massive logs for a while. It’s still hardly believable I can easily carry this much on my shoulders. And it’s all thanks to one Human.

Correction, a Primordial.

And a Demigod.

If the villagers were anxious about my strength, they are now positively terrified of it. Well, not all of them are, but a decent chunk of males have a hard time even looking my way. Not to mention those who have tried to best me in the past in hopes of making me their bitch. What previously ended with a broken fang would now result in a snapped spine at the very least. I still need to practise my control after the recent upgrade.

But, it’s not like that matters anymore.

“Looking good, Chieftess!” A Deerkin male waves at me from his group of friends who are heading to the spot I just left.

They eye me up, trying to be fairly careful. It’s obvious where their attention gathers with how much strain the load puts on my muscles. Wearing just simple shorts and a top to avoid sweating through layers of fabric and leather doesn’t help the image. One of the other guys elbows the speaker to warn him as I approach their position, making me snort.

“Look all you want boys, but better keep those grubby paws to yourselves.” I grin at them savagely while passing by. “You don’t want our hero to learn that someone has dirtied his favourite toy, do you?”

They all blanch in a flash and take a step back, evoking another amused chuckle from me. Before I move away completely, they are already jogging to get to work. Or rather as far from here as possible, even if that means starting their assignments earlier.

Yeah, it doesn’t matter anymore, as I was saying. Not only do they know what would happen if I looked wrong at one of them, but everyone can guess there wouldn’t be much to collect after Alastair was done with a potential offender. The entire village has heard about his battle by now. More than once.

However, I still enjoy teasing those pesky males now and then. And they still think I’m joking when calling myself his toy. Save for a few special individuals who know the truth. In the end, there is one person who did manage to destroy me in a fight hard enough to make me their bitch. The black collar with a dangling heart-shaped gem that’s hugging my neck is a kind reminder of that.

Those were the good times.

“Shit!” I curse as my foot bumps into a protruding root, my attention elsewhere for just a second.

Catching my balance, I shake my head.

Stop it. Dangerous thoughts. You always get dreamy thinking of that day. And night.

Warmth rolls down my body as the memory of his hands around my throat resurfaces. Another shake of my head and a painful bite into my lip help disperse them before the heat travels too far south. I’m not getting anything done today if that happens.

Focus, girl, focus.

You have responsibilities to tend to.

Or maybe…

If I slacked off a little, he might want to punish me…

Ugh. This is getting ridiculous.

Thankfully, the town’s gate comes into sight and my mind clears up instantly. One sentry is watching over the entrance from the ground with another guard stationed atop the battlements. The former taps his chest as I walk through. Technically, just the latter is necessary, the passage equipped with sturdy metal grating and even magical defences ready to be deployed at any time. But, this arrangement makes people calmer and more confident.

Since the streets aren’t empty, I do my best to keep an eye out as I lug those big logs around. A few kids sprint underneath them, making a bunch of laps while trying to jump and touch the wood. I snicker before growling playfully, chasing them away with giggly squeaks and whimpers.

It won’t be long before this kind of thing intensifies by a lot. I don’t think there ever was a period this pregnant in the village since its establishment. Almost every mated pair or group is expecting and some are already showing. The blessings everyone received seem to be speeding up the development. I can already see all the chaos and noise during the night.

But, they’ve brought that upon themselves on their own.

Finally reaching the carpenter huts, I manoeuvre to the back without wreaking havoc amongst the current projects and drop the logs in a free spot between workshops. One of our female artisans pops out of her dwelling at the sound and tremor of dropped weights.

“Many thanks, Chieftess. This much should be enough for today. We appreciate the assistance.” She smiles warmly while surveying the delivery.

“Glad to hear that. Send someone for me if you need anything else.” I tap her on the shoulder. “Some physical exercise is quite useful for getting rid of wandering thoughts.”

The woman glances my way with a spark in her eyes. “You certainly look like you could use some physical exercise, Chieftess.”

I try to smack her up the head but the nimble lass spins around and rushes back into her home while giggling to herself.


With that done, I could grab a quick bath. So, I return to the streets and turn towards my cottage. On the way there, I spot a flicker of movement in a nearby alleyway. Recognising those childish features in a single moment, I correct my course a bit and show up on the other end of the pathway. And certainly, one excited kid pops right out.

“Noah, you little rascal, what are you scheming this time?” I squint my eyes at Ayumi’s troublemaker.

Oh, sure, he might seem like an angel around his mother, definitely taking after his father, but that feline ferocity and cleverness he got from his female parent are making themselves known in his early years. So, the cat-eared boy freezes momentarily, his eyes widening at the sight of me.

“N-Nothing, Chieftess.” He digs his foot into the dirt innocently.

“Like I would believe you.” I snort and crouch down to his level. “There’s always some new devilish contraption made by your brother’s mate every time I see you. Do I need to warn Mrs Grefen to hide her pots inside her shop again before they end up in pieces like the last time?”

The boy flushes in embarrassment. “N-No. We are being careful, Chieftess. And Mom confiscated the flying toy anyway. I’m banned from bringing it outside until I learn how to control it at home.”

“Good.” I reach out to ruffle through his hair. “Show me what you are so eager to share with your friends, then. And don’t say nothing. That hand isn’t hiding behind your tail for no reason.”

Grimacing a little, he listens to my request and brings forth the toy. It looks like a palm-sized block of wood shaped into a trapezoid. Its sides are adorned with two carriage wheels each and a blue gem is embedded into its roof.

“What’s that?” I raise a curious brow at him. “Looks like some weird wagon.”

“It’s a self-propelled cart!” Noah beams at me excitedly. “But Sirgia said it’s pronounced another way where Big Bro comes from. A car. Sounds kinda weird but I guess Humans are weird. When you press the crystal, it will drive forward. The longer you press, the longer it drives. Big Sis made us some so we made races!”

“Interesting.” I hum to myself thoughtfully. “Still, be careful of where you play. If this toy can be as fast as a galloping horse, it could spook someone and make them trip.”

“Yes, Chieftess!” He nods quickly. “Do you need anything else?”

Judging by his shifting legs, he is in a rush to regroup with the other kids so I shake my head.

“Get going. And don’t be late for dinner. Ayumi won’t be happy if I have to drag you there by the collar again.” I smirk at him.

Noah swallows audibly. “Promise!”

Then, he bolts away, hugging his toy to his chest. Kids will be kids.

Though, I guess I shouldn’t judge them too harshly. I received some toys from her too.

Watching him go, I reconsider my options. We aren’t that far from Ayumi’s house. I could check up on her on my way home. So, that’s what I do. 

It doesn’t take me long to reach my destination. Glancing through the window, I don’t find her anywhere in the front rooms so she must be in the kitchen. Opening the door, I see myself in just as she would tell me to. The sound of my footsteps will be enough to alert the feline to my arrival. She’s a pure-blood, unlike me. Albeit my senses are now way above hers thanks to that unbelievable son of hers. The adult one, of course.

Therefore, I’m not surprised to find Ayumi facing my way with a delicate smile as I enter the kitchen. She trots forward to pull me into a light hug and I allow it, patting her on the back. When we separate, her cute muzzle wrinkles a bit, her brows furrowing as she taps her cheek with a finger.

“Someone has been thinking again,” the sharp female notes.

I feel my cheeks heat up. “Stop it. It’s not as noticeable as you make it out to be.”

“I’m literally in the middle of cooking and still can smell your desire.” She clicks her tongue at me. “You shouldn’t wait this long to relieve yourself. Or do you need a hand?”

Huffing, I cross my arms under my chest. “I’m good, thank you. Better mind your own business. I caught Noah with another new toy. Who knows what trouble that little devil will cause this time.”

Ayumi chuckles quietly. “I can handle him. But, I can handle you too if you let me. It’s unhealthy to abstain like this. I admire your strong will to wait until they finish the second gate, but we don’t know when that will happen. Now that your body has tasted true pleasure, you can’t deny it the love it deserves.”

“I’ve had plenty of love the last time he visited me in my sleep.” I wave her away. “I still can’t wrap my head around that concept. It’s so wild.”

“Body and mind are two different things.” She wiggles her finger at me. “You shouldn’t neglect either. I’m always here for you if you need me. You can ask your mate if that’s okay, but he’s different from his father so I’m sure he would approve. You could use the touch of another. Or something else. Sirgia showed me a kind of a harness you put on your hips with a lock in the front that lets you attach—”

“Enough.” I let out a growl, interrupting her, and judging by Ayumi’s expression, my face must be completely red by this point. “I’ll handle it myself when necessary. You better worry about yourself. With Al’s help, it won’t be long before Connor returns. Are you ready to welcome him back? Have you been taking proper care of your mind and body?”

Something fierce flashes in her usually kind and composed eyes, her features shifting into a slightly more dangerous arrangement, reminding everyone that, contrary to her outward nature, she isn’t just some household kitty. Taking a deep breath to recompose herself, she meets my gaze with an anxious grin.

“I… I might need your help…” Ayumi admits.

“My help?” I raise a brow at her. “Well, I hate to see you in pain so let me just ask—”

“No. Not that.” She snickers merrily. “I need you to… hold me back.”

“Do what?” I blink at her unsurely.

“You know how Connor is. And it’s been… so long. I’m not sure I can trust myself… not to jump at him the moment I see him…” Ayumi answers quietly, a trace of worry in her tone.

“Ah.” I step closer to pull her into me. “I’m sure he would get it. But, you can count on me. I’ll do my best to clamjam you for a while.”

We both laugh at the silly statement.

“However, you can be very persuasive and we know he will do anything for you, so my sole presence might not be enough to stop you from ravaging him at the doorstep.” I give Ayumi some space, winking at her knowingly. “I better keep Noah by my heel at all times. Connor should retain some clarity of mind with him present around. You’ll get your wish for a moment or two. But, I think your son would be thrilled to learn his mom is so eager to bring him another sibling this quickly.”

Her eyes sparkle with mischief, her teasing expression returning. “Oh? And I think he would appreciate something new more, like a niece or nephew perhaps? Are you sure you aren’t hiding anything? The night of the blessing was quite heated


I shiver under her gaze and step away. “Don’t play around with me. I’m the chieftess here. I don’t have time to—”

“You poor thing. He didn’t even spill inside you before leav—”

“He did!” I shout back, realising too late that I’ve been had, one very smug feline Beastkin staring right at me. “Uhm… It’s too early… Even his first mates haven’t given birth yet… So I’ll wait… And we’ll get to know each other more in that time…”

She crosses the distance to place a peck on my forehead. “It’s so unusual to see a Demigod of Lust who doesn’t spread his seed around as much as possible. The stories usually talk about such characters fathering children with every willing female they come across. I don’t know if it’s a blessing or curse we got such a thoughtful one.”

“Blessing,” I respond immediately without a shred of doubt. “He doesn’t see females as just wombs to fill. He understood my position from the moment we first met. He was polite about my situation and never pressed on too much even after I shared my thoughts on my potential mate, for which he knew he was the perfect candidate. He didn’t breed me to his selfish wishes after completely empowering me, having all the right to my body after such a dominating display. All the way, he asked and kept in mind what my thoughts and wishes were, responding to them respectfully. Thanks to him, I’m still the same strong Chieftess in everyone’s eyes.”

“From what I recall you telling me, he was anything but respectful after winning your challenge.” Ayumi flashes me her sharp fangs through an impish smile.

I slap her on the shoulder. “You know what I mean. And being rough but not to the point it hurts is respectful on its own. He could have done anything with that wager. I was his pet for the night. Yet he chose things I was comfortable with.”

“True.” She nods sagely. “I can only hope Noah grows up into a fine male under my and Connor’s care too. Understanding of his mates, merciless for his enemies.”

“With how Alastair turned out while having him for only half of his life or so, that’s pretty much guaranteed. And we are all here to help you two.” I offer Ayumi one more hug. “I simply expect the same some time in the future.”

“Your wish is my command, Chieftess.” She giggles happily. “Now, get home and dunk yourself in that barrel of yours. All that talk about children has thickened the scent of your need so much no one will be able to miss it soon.”

Letting out a shameful squawk, I jump away. “Keep your hands away from me, you minx!”

Spinning around, I head for the exit, hearing her charming laughter behind me. Rolling my eyes, I step outside and sigh heavily. She always knows how to get to me. But, I’m not an easy opponent. I won’t give in without a fight.

Just in case she isn’t just jesting, I head home with a quicker step. Somehow, I manage to avoid being called out to discuss something and slip inside my cosy cottage undisturbed. Taking a quick look around, I nod to myself. It’s far from tidy but this is nothing compared to how things were before Al’s arrival. Taking care of our house has a calming effect on my mind.

Our. Hmmm. Even my thoughts are against me.

Shedding my attire as I walk to the back entrance, I place the bundle on a nearby cabinet, grabbing a set of self-care products Sirgia has shared with me. Just something for my hair, fur, and also intimate parts. Their alchemists have supposedly worked out a few nice things alongside one of Al’s mates who came with him into our world.

Bringing it all to the barrel outside, I hop into the fresh water and take a brief dive to wet the rest of my body, one spot already drenched from way before. Then, I slowly wash up, starting with my skin, moving onto my fur, and then finishing with my hair. Even though I’m not exactly expecting him to suddenly show up in the village, I try to put in some extra effort to be presentable. And accessible. He said he loved my taste. I won’t let some pesky sweat ruin it for him.

Wrapping it up an hour later, I hop out and return inside, drying my hair and fur with a fluffy towel. My feet leave some prints on the wood as I move up the stairs to my room but it will all evaporate in a matter of minutes. Throwing the towel onto the bed, I rest my fists on my hips and inhale deeply.

How should I dress for the rest of the day? I don’t expect any more manual labour, I think.

As I ponder over my plans, my gaze falls onto the only piece of attire I haven’t discarded even for the bath, the tight black collar adorned with a heart-shaped gem on a short chain. A thought swirls in my head as I recall Ayumi’s words and nibble on my lip firmly. My eyes move onto one of the bed stands, locking on the drawer.

Well… I do have time…

Hesitantly strolling towards it, I fiddle with the pendant until it comes off. Placing it carefully atop the wooden surface, I pull the drawer and reveal a long black leash coiled into a neat spiral there. Thinking it over for a few more seconds, I hastily grab it before I change my mind. Taking hold of the metal hook, I clasp it through the gap in the protruding bolt coming out of the collar. The two pieces connect and the line trails down from my neck, the other end in my fingers.

Closing that drawer, I pull out the one below it. This motion reveals a life-sized replica of… Alastair’s manhood. It’s almost eerily perfect. Warm in touch thanks to all the enchantments and masterfully chiselled. There’s also a bonus suction cup on the further end.

Holding onto it gently, I jog up to the attic window and carefully peer outside. Everything seems to be fine, no commotion in sight and no visitors on their path to my house. That’s good. The settlement won’t fall into ruin if I take a break once in a while.

Scanning the room, I spot the perfect supporting beam going from the floor and into the sloped ceiling. Moving to its front, I kneel down, trying to figure out the correct position from my memories. A few quick calculations later, I attach the dangling member to the polished wood more or less where it should hang if Alastair were standing there instead.

Swallowing thickly, I can already imagine it.

His outline. His face looking down at me with that confident smirk. His hands…

I take a peek at the cord, then gain a small enlightenment. Wrapping it around the beam a few times, making sure the loops don’t overlap, I shorten it enough to put my mouth in front of the artificial tip. The end of the leash is still in my hand, the rest of it coiled around the wood pillar.

Now, it’s almost as if he’s holding onto it… I just need to…

With a faint tug towards myself, my face lurches forward, my lips pressing into the replica.

It works!

With another pull, it slips inside and I try to force down the smile fighting for the control of my mouth. Closing my eyes, I begin to lick and suck softly, the male of my dreams holding onto my reins and dictating the pace patiently but sternly, commanding obedience and willful subservience.

One more tow and the warm length glides over my tongue until it grazes the back of my throat. My heart speeds up as I lap around the delicious treat. A minute passes, or two, or maybe more. It’s hard to tell when you are focused on doing good. But it must have been good enough as I’m finally rewarded with the strongest draw.

“Ghhhmm!” A grunt of surprise escapes my throat before it’s silenced by a sudden intrusion right into its passage.

My lips meet the hard root of the invader and I quickly pull back. However, the moment I retreat just enough to free my throat from this savage attack, my collar is once more dragged forward, with even more strength. One more groan, one more fierce plunge.

This continues for a while. Every time I pull away, the unyielding force yanks me forward. I put all my focus into relaxing my throat to not choke on the hard but tender shape drilling it relentlessly. With each stroke, it’s getting faster, rougher, better. My hand starts snaking down my stomach until it reaches the core of the intense heat between my legs. It’s a damn flood down there.

Thanks to all this tugging and thrusting, my fingers don’t have a lot to do. Just a little bit more and I’ll—

“Chieftess!” A loud knocking echoes around me. 

My eyes snap open, the vivid image of a very handsome male standing before me disperses in a blink, replaced by a polished wooden beam into the surface of which my nose is currently pressed and the black leather leash is wrapped around. My throat constricts subconsciously, trying to swallow in panic, but unfortunately, there’s an obstruction on its way, and it makes me choke hard on the rubber cock lodged deep inside of it.

Letting go of the leather tether, I jerk back and fall onto my ass while removing the problem troubling my windpipe. Thrown into a powerful fit of coughing, I wipe my lips off and try to regain control of my body.

Cough! Cough! Cough! WHO?!” My voice cracks a bit as I snarl towards the stairs leading out of my chamber.

“It’s Daki!” the familiar male answers in a muffled manner, thankfully not anywhere in sight. “May I enter?”

“Don’t you dare!” I yell back, a pang of annoyance stabbing my mind due to how close I was. “Did the entire village burn to cinders or what?!”

“There’s a commotion at the western gate!” he answers. “Four armoured individuals riding on giant wolves with a Human on a horse!”

I frown at the news. A Human? Here? But it sounds like there are elites with them so this might be some kind of a merchant or a noble. Perhaps Alastair was followed. If so, they have just reached their final destination.

“Keep them busy! I’ll be there in a minute!” I shout back.

“Yes, Chieftess!” Daki’s footsteps fade away as he rushes to the checkpoint.

I take a deep breath, which reminds my throat of its recent experiences, and makes me cough once more. My gaze falls onto the replica dripping with my saliva and I growl at myself. This has gotten out of hand.

Or had it…?

For a moment, intrusive thoughts flash through my mind as my gaze wanders between the enticing member and the trail of nectar connecting my inner thighs with the floor. But, no, someone wanted to be a strong self-sufficient Chieftess, always busy with buckets of responsibilities instead of curling in the lap of her dependable mate and receiving his affection without ever having to worry about anything.

Ugh. Idiot.

Sighing heavily, I finally get up and grab the towel to wipe everything off. Detaching the leash, I replace it with the crystal pendant again. With one last longing gaze, I stuff the alluring copy into its internal storage alongside the leather band.

For later.

Quickly grabbing some clothes, I put on a few pieces of reinforced leather armour and get a weapon attached to my belt. A hasty peek into the mirror to make sure there’s no trace of my previous engagements, I open the window and jump out of it, landing on the ground in a sprint. Such heights aren’t even worth considering now, which feels really nice.

Not as nice as something else, but well…

I can easily tell that the news spread through the village. People are talking about unexpected visitors. Some are slowly heading to the western gate in hopes of catching a glance. A small crowd is already gathered there, but thankfully, formed at a safe distance, mostly out of sight. I ignore the bystanders and slow down to walk through the checkpoint with dignity and proper presence.

Both sentries are stopping the travellers on the side of the road. The atmosphere doesn’t feel tense, which is good. I get a good look at the group, spotting four giant wolves with saddles and pieces of reinforcements over their entire body. Their skull protection is especially fierce and threatening. What a badass type of a mount.

Atop the animals sit females of various races, all dressed in gear of a purple and black shade. The one that seems to lead them is a lupine half-blood with a longbow strapped to her back. They have a defender, a healer, and a pure-blood feline with white spotted fur that carries a massive greatsword as their attacker.

Behind them is a normal-looking horse with a… man.

My brain freezes for a second as I catch his face and our gazes meet. He recognises me too, judging by the honest smile that slips onto his lips. The others notice my arrival and get off their rides, letting the Human walk forward.

He spreads his arms in a greeting. “Miss Codae, it’s been—ugh!”

“Way too long, bastard!” I slug him in the stomach hard enough to send him skidding a few metres to the back. “And it’s Chieftess to you.”

“Ouch… You’ve grown stronger… A lot...” The man winces while massaging the assaulted spot. “I bet I deserved that…”

“You know damn well you did!” I snarl at him. “Do you have any idea how much beside herself Ayumi was after the first year?! And for what?! Just so you could play some hero?!”

Connor’s expression turns somewhat troubled and guilty and he nods slowly.

“You are right. And I’ll have to do a lot to make up for it. I might as well start by returning in one piece. Though I almost failed at the very finish line.” He chuckles deeply and casts a glance at his entourage. “I thought you four were supposed to protect me from harm?”

The Wolfkin moves to his side, offering me a polite nod. “That is our mission, yes, and we would have stepped in to mediate if the situation was truly critical. In all other cases, we are bound to our oath of servitude to Master Alastair, and by proxy to all his trusted mates, who are equal with him, per his own directive. Which means, Chieftess Codae outranks us and we are honoured to follow her judgment.”

All four of them salute to their chests with serious expressions.

Now, that’s something.

Connor frowns as he looks between us. “Wait, does that mean…”

Feeling my cheeks warm up again, I wave him off. “Yes, I am Alastair’s chosen mate. Though, it’s my first time hearing about this much influence over his subordinates.”

“Another one?” He snorts. “Wasn’t he supposed to have passed through here like a week ago or so?”

My brow makes a slight twitch, the two guards noticing it immediately. They hastily pull away to the side.

“Why? Do you perhaps have a problem with that?” I ask calmly as I sense my lips curling up into quite the smile. “He waltzed in here like he owns the whole world, saved our entire village from a massive herd of Cockasauruses pretty much single-handedly, convinced his allies to construct these impressive defences, blessed our people with a great fortune, and personally wrecked me in a fair duel where I aimed to kill. And he isn’t afraid of taking charge. Sounds like the perfect mate candidate for the chieftess.”

“I didn’t mean anything by that!” Connor waves his arms in surrender. “Let’s just say that I’m… still processing all the information. Quite a lot seems to have happened since I last saw my first son. His… family… back in the Human Kingdom was already impressive, and it looks like he doesn’t stay idle for long.”

“That’s a sign of a great man.” I snort aside. “Now stop yapping and get moving before I decide once isn’t enough. Goddess knows Ayumi should beat your ass to blood but that saint of a woman would never bring herself to raise a hand at you. Thankfully, she has me. And with that healer that Alastair definitely fucked behind you, I don’t even have to hold back.”

He swallows slowly and nods affirmatively. I don’t have to say a word before he is at my side, ready to depart. Glancing at Daki and the sentries to take care of our guests for now, I start walking back into the settlement.

One bastard whipped up into shape.

Now I just need to keep a complete bitch in heat off him somehow.

Good thing I took that leash with me.

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