I Shall Survive Using Potions!

Chapter 97

(Girl)Wh, w-w-wha

Once again, the girl was stunned like before but this time she could finally reboot herself.

(Girl)W-why are those in hereeeeee?!

No, even if you say it like that@@novelbin@@

(Kaoru)Thats because this is a convenience store!!

Yup, this is the only reply I could give.

Because its convenient, therefore its a convenience store.

Even if the other store is closed.

Even if this is not a store specializing in seeds.

Still, because it sells everything, it can be called a convenience store! Fuhahahaha!

(Girl)Well, h-how much will it cost?


Not good, I dont know the market price. But because these are vegetable seeds, small fruits and leaves. It shouldnt be that expensive. It will affect the store reputation if she sees at a glance and thinks that we ask for excessive profits

(Kaoru)Its six small silver coins

Yup, this amount should be fine. Two small silver coins are equivalent to a total of 600 yen. If its like this, it shouldnt be that expensive.


And why do you have a face that looks like its the end of the world?

Is it that expensive, six small silver coins!? Did you come to shop with less than 600 yen worth of moneyyy!?

(Girl)I-Im sorry, I dont have enough money in my current hand right now. I will certainly bring it tomorrow! Therefore, please pardon me with this for now!!

Having said that, the girl removed a pendant from her neck and gently put it on the counter.

No.. well, this is absolutely more than six small silver coins, right? Or maybe even at least two or three digits, right?

In the first place, why do you go around the city to do a quick shopping without having even six small silver coins in hand?

Ah, while I was being captivated, she put the three containers into her pocket and ran away.

its.. not stealing, right? I wonderif she judged my silence as an acceptance. Shes probably that, the kind of person who thinks, When theres no objection, answer with silence.

Or maybe, she was in a hurry and couldnt wait too long for a reply, huh?

Well, whatever. Its not a big deal. Maybe she will come tomorrow to retrieve this pendant..and also bringing 6 small silver coins.


(Girl)I am sorry!

(Kaoru)Even if you apologize, I will still forgive you!

(Girl & Old Man)Eh?

A girl and an old man were standing with their mouth wide-open at the store entrance.

(Kaoru)Ah, no, its nothing! Welcome!

Who came to the store were yesterdays pendant girl and a grandfather with a white beard.

(TL Note: Gandalf, is that you?)

(Oldheim)Im Oldheim the healing sage. Yesterday, this person was impolite. We will pay the money, thus please return this persons pendant. It appears to be her mothers memento

(TL Note: Someone had suggested to use Ohdamn instead of Ordeim in the discord, credits to everyone in discord for the name suggestion)

What was that for!? Dont look at people with the eyes like you have seen a bad guy! The one who could not pay with only six small silver coins and left the pendant behind on her own, is your side, right?! Damn it

In any case, I took out the pendant from under the counter and put it on top of the counter. The old man who saw it, put his hand in his pouch which was pulled out from the pocket and grabbed the coins.

(Oldheim)..however, even if its a business, its still an excessive profits

Having said that, the old man put six coins on the counter.

Eehh, you are complaining that far for six small silver coins? I think I have done more with the glass containers that were brought with the seeds and leaves as a bonuswait! What is this!?

(Kaoru)What is this!? I got fake coins right from the start of early morning! You have some nerve, huh, gramps!



This bastard gramps.., gramps is enough.. and the girl appeared to be somewhat surprised, but even though Im from another kingdom, I have known what kind of money there is in this kingdom. Thats because our store didnt just open recently.

Therefore, its obvious that the coins which are placed on the counter right now, are not small silver coins, and of course, its neither silver coins, gold coins, nor small gold coins.

(Kaoru)If you cant pay just six small coins then its fine, okay Just take it and go back. Both of you, please dont come to this store again, you are not allowed to come!

Having said that, I pushed out the pendant on the counter and the fake small silver coin towards the two of them.



(Girl & Oldheim)Eeeeeeehhh!?

What are you surprised for when you are the one who put out a clearly fake small silver coin in the first place?

Then the gramps told me while trembling.

(Oldheim)Umm~ thats not a fake small silver coin, but a sacred silver coin though


When I was told in detail, it seems that these six coins are sacred silver coins, which was produced from the so-called sacred silver (mythril), which is equivalent to 10 gold coins each. .then, that means, its about 1 million yen.

No, I knew the existence of the sacred silver coin, but I have never seen it until now. I have heard from the commoner that this coin is not publicly distributed and the nobles or temples will only use it for some formal exchanges.

Its not like its hard to get sacred silver coins, its just that people normally use only until gold coins. Its too hard to come by using sacred silver coins and its difficult to use it normally. In addition, there are only a few people who can identify it as genuine. Thus, its more normal to have 60 gold coins instead of six sacred silver coins. The sacred silver coins weigh less than 60 gold coins which is 500 grams and not too bulky either.

Because they thought that I have said six sacred silver coins, it seemed that they converted 60 gold coins into six sacred silver coins.

Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Waittttt!!

Why did the 600 yen become 6 million yennnnnnn!?

Not good, I-Im trembling, my hands are shaking Ah, I hit the hand bell that calls Francette and the others, and instantly

(Francette)You thieves! Atone for your sins with your blood!

Francette and Emiles sword were put closely to the old mans neck. While Rolands sword and Bells knife to the girls neck.

(Girl & Oldheim)

The two who have a ghastly paled face and gushed out sweat were completely frozen.


(Kaoru)and, you thought that I said six sacred silver coins rather than six small silver coinsand you tried to pay

(Girl)Y-yes, thats right!

After that, I asked everyone to put down their swords and knives, changed the open wooden billboard to in preparation, locked the door, and brought everyone to the second floor. I gave back the pendant to the girl, and the sacred silver coins to the old healing sage.

As a result of me asking, the girl explained the detail desperately.

(Girl)Because hemalt seeds, maltger fruits and kurkol leaves cant be bought with only 6 small silver coins, you know! At this time, even if they have a poor quality, it still costs 20 gold coins, and 40 gold coins if its in top condition. Thats why, when you told, *mumble mumble*six silver coins, I thought you were supposed to say 60 pieces of gold, that is, six sacred silver coin, you know!

(Oldheim)Umu, thats why, I was convinced that youre a corrupt merchant who wants excessive profits. If its ridiculously priced like only six small silver coins by an eccentric merchant, sacred silver coins is a million times more credible!

The girl and the old man continued with their claims. Roland and Francette who were hearing their claims have an Ahh~ look stuck on their face. Then, in the same posture, Francette let out a groaned voice.

(Francette)Umm~, Kaoru-chan, do you know what hemalt seeds, maltger fruits and kurkol leaves are being used for, where they are located, when they can be picked, their market price, and such?

(Kaoru)I dont know

The old man who heard my reply to Francette quickly took out his pouch from the pocket and took six small silver coins out of it and placed it on the table.

(Oldheim)Well then, were sorry for this and please excuse us!

That being said, the old man tried to get out of the room quickly when he stood up grasping the preplexed girls arm.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

Francettes, Rolands and my voice are perfectly aligned.

Yeah, well, because its a word that I use a lot, right

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