I, the Weakest Traveler, Start by Taming the gods of the Old World.

Chapter 47: A maid's pride.

The morning sun shone on the farm land. The farmers that joined Ha Joon and worked the whole night were sleeping on the field.

Some had fall asleep inside the machines, some on the g; ev the Prime minister Ha Joon slept on the sack of sands they had set to the side.

Mordred was also asleep inside one of the buildings, her back resting on the bags with her legs crossed while she was sat.

On the other hand…

Yukio knelt beside Ha Joon's sleeping body, her hands cupping her cheeks as she regarded him fondly.

She gtly swept his hair to the side with her fingers, a small smile on her face as she admired him.

"You've be working all night, you must be really exhausted." She said, her hand patting his head.

Yukio kept at it, rubbing his hair in an attempt to shower him with her affection, wh she th noticed his soft succult lips.

Just the sight made her remember what it felt like wh he kissed her lips, wh he held her close and made her feel….

She wanted it again.

Looking a, she confirmed if everyone was still asleep, and they were, the whole field was filled with exhausted farmers.

Th, she turned her gaze back at Ha joon, this time with a bit of conviction.

Yukio gtly placed her hands on Ha Joon's cheeks, and slowly began to pull her lips closer-

"Is he still asleep?" Mordred uttered as she walked out of the stable.

This startled Yukio, but she played it cool almost instantly. She wiped Ha Joon's cheeks and th looked forward to seeing Mordred approaching her.

"Yes, he's still asleep." She replied.

"Figures, for some reason he thought it was wise to work all through the night, ev wh the other farmers were asleep, this stubborn idiot refused to nap." Mordred moved closer.

"My apologies, I had no idea. I fell asleep while keeping watch." Yukio stood on her feet.

"Don't sweat it. Not everyone is a workaholic like this man over here."

As she said this, Mordred grabbed Ha Joon's hand and gtly lifted him up before carrying him on her back.

"Where are you-"

"I'm taking him back to the capital, he can rest there, and once he's done, he'll come back. You handle things from here, I'll join you." Mordred explained.

"You'll…join me?" Yukio repeated, clearly in disbelief.

This was Mordred, the Knight known to only care about herself and no one else. And not only was this same Knight helping Ha Joon, she also wanted to come back to help on the field.

Mordred glared at Yukio, "What?! You got a problem with that?!".

"No, have a safe trip." Yukio bowed her head a bit.

Mordred grunted and th walked away while carrying Ha Joon on her back.

Yukio watched for a while, before she heard the sound of some farmers waking up.

"Oh no, we fell asleep." One of the farmers sleeping inside the machine uttered.

"Ev you…"

"Dude, how could you let me fall asleep?"

"I didn't know you did, I also fell asleep."

One by one, the farmers woke up from their slumber.


"Hey guys look, this barn is empty, someone already planted the whole seed here." A young farmer yelled, "Did you do it?".

"No, I hav't finished with the fourth row yet." The other farmers replied.

"Check this out, ev this barn is empty."

Yukio watched as the farmers all began to wake up, realizing that in their slumber, someone had be doing most of the work.

It didn't take long for them to realize.

"What if… it was Lord Ha Joon?".

"He was the only one who knew where I kept the seeds now that I think about it."

"By the gods, you mean to tell me he did it all by himself?".

They all seemed impressed and shocked at the same time. But some felt incompett, how could they fall asleep while he did all the work?


Yukio called their atttion, her cold eyes scanning the field of farmers.

They all looked at her.

"It fills me with joy to see that a majority of you have awaked from your sleep. That said, we ar't done with work, there's still quite some work to do. I understand it's early, so how about we take a break-"

One farmer cut in-

"I'm sorry ma'am, but a break isn't possible."

Yukio looked at the farmer, but before she could say a word, another farmer spoke -

"Lord Ha Joon has managed to bless us with gifts that made us achieve a month's work in a day. It would be a total disgrace to our pride as farmers to take a break after leaving him to work by himself."

"Ohh?" Yukio muttered.

"If anything, I want to see him smile wh he comes to check up and sees how far we've gone."

"Yeahhhh! Hell, I wanna start right now!!! Shouldn't be that hard to get things done as a Beast man".

"Give me the Bulldozer, I want to use that."

"Me too!!!"

"Hand it here!"

One by one each farmer resumed their work, everything they had learned from Ha Joon, they began implemting on the field without him there to supervise.

Yukio watched this and smiled, somehow, her master, Ha Joon, had managed to touch the heart of Camelot's farmers. This gave her a sse of pride.

But appartly not all were in good faith.

While the farmers were working, Yukio noticed the old man who was meant to be in charge of the farm business, but got fired by Ha Joon, was sneaking into the barn where the animals were stored.

After observing him for a while, Yukio simply smiled with a shake of her heart.

"My master simply has a good heart, I knew you'd d up being a problem for him. And now, I have to step in, as a maid should." She said out loud before walking towards the barn.



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