Chapter 11 The Special Person?
"Ow... did ya really have to hit that hard?" Millis rubbed her head; she could swear there was now a small bump on it.
Lillian stared at her with her arms folded. She huffed, "Don't so randomly scream such a thing out, Millis. People can misunderstand."
"Hm? But what if I do wanna marry ya?"
Lillian twisted her face away from Millis's playful smirk, a tint of redness on her cheeks. Millis's lips widened into a grin as her eyes sneakily drifted to the side, staring at thin air, her eyes moving left to right like she was reading something. (3)
Lillian was, of course, unaware of what Millis was doing. She was instead focused on the time displayed on her phone. At 8:15 or so, the headmaster would appear at the elevated platform, followed by the sudden appearance of a member of the royal family.
"That's quite a cute phone case, Lillian!" Millis leaned over Lillian's shoulder, intruding into her personal space.
"Thanks. Your one is quite cute, too."
"Eh? For real?" Millis pulled out her flip phone, "It's just a cheap phone I bought with some leftover money from my travels here... it don't even got any games..." She pouted at her phone. Lillian could swear she sensed Millis crying inside.
"I can buy you a phone like mine if you'd like."
"... Deadass?" Millis stared doubtfully at Lillian.
"... Ehm... sure." Lillian shrugged. (3)
"But why? You met me about half an hour ago. What made ya decide to buy me a phone?" She tilted her head.
"Because I want to be friends with you, Millis." Lillian smiled brightly at her, totally having no hidden intentions.
'If I want to be engaged with the major events in the story, even with the necklace, being friends with you is a must-have.'
"Eh? Were we not friends before?"
Millis stared at the outstretched hand before shaking it. She laughed, "Hahaha, it's a pleasure to be your friend, Lillian!" She then pulled her into a hug, rubbing her cheek against hers.
Millis was about the same height as Lillian.
"And thank you for the offer to buy meh a phone, love!"
Lillian couldn't help but pat the back of Millis's head like she was a dog, "Don't worry about it!"
Moments later, the lights soon darkened, and at the elevated platform, a portal appeared, and from it, an elderly man with a comically long beard. He wore a suit that seemed to be black before but was now splattered with paint of a variety of colours.
He wielded a unique look staff with a gem in its head that radiated brilliance. His brown eyes were filled with both wisdom and even a hint of silliness.
It was the headmaster.
Behind him, two separate portals were made with a snap of his fingers, and from them were two large speaker boxes. He then summoned a microphone that, with a few taps from his finger, caused the speaker box behind him to erupt.
"Whew! Looks like everything is working!" He then coughed a couple of times before beginning.
"Greetings, future students of Louis Mana Academy!" He yelled, his arms raised high, followed by a cacophony of cheers from the crowd of adolescents below him.
"I am Louis Zen Craz! The headmaster of this dear academy of mine. As you can see from my outfit, I had just gotten out of quite a messy hobby of mine, which is painting!" He chuckled.
"Now then, I would like to clear up some misunderstandings some of you may not know if you don't follow our website! While we may call this an entrance exam, it isn't in the sense you must do well to be able to join us! The way to get in is for you all to pay a hefty sum or have one of our staff recommend you to us. Greedy, I know, but I gotta keep this place maintenance. Have you all SEEN the size of this place!? It ain't cheap, I tell you." He wagged his finger at the crowd, causing a few to giggle.
"Anyway! Before I begin explaining any further, could I have you all turn your gaze towards our lovely doors for a special someone will be joining you all in your endeavour to greatness!"
Everyone's curious gaze turned towards the door, their eyes filled with excitement. Most already knew who it might be, while some didn't watch in anticipation of who it was for the headmaster to speak so highly of.
'Here he comes...' Lillian thought while trying to pry the still-clinging Millis from her body.
The doors slowly burst open, followed by a bright light behind a man with short, light, messy blonde hair, pale blue eyes that seemed to be sunken a bit, perhaps due to a lack of sleep, a handsome face, and wore the academy's uniform with a yellow tie.
His back is a bit hunched over with his hands in his pockets. He looked quite the delinquent.
"Greet the Second Prince of Restara, Reph Von Lionbright!" Louis yelled, his arm pointed towards the young man with his palm facing upwards.
Everyone around the Second Prince gave their greeting to him. In response, he waved at them dismissively while holding back a yawn. "Yeah, yeah, hello to you guys too."
Lillian watched this, her eyes lips twitching a bit, 'Even in real life, this scene is so underwhelming!'
"Could you get off already!?" (10)
"Just a little bit more touching!" Millis retorted, still clinging onto Lillian with all her might.
Marionette, who was off to the side, watched the prince keenly and with subtle interest before glancing away from her a split second later and looking towards Lillian, who was still struggling to get the stubborn Millis off her.
"How humorous." She said to herself before looking back to the headmaster, who began to explain the details of the exam that was about to take place.
"This exam will be a duo or solo exam about monster slaying!"
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