Chapter 93 The First and Fifth Eras? (edited)
Once Mirage was done talking, he was met with a raised hand from one of the students in the class.
"Are there any after Rank A?" they asked.
Lillian stared down at them and thought, 'After Rank A... in other words, Rank S—the pinnacle of control.'
Mirage nodded at them, "What you are referring to is related to a theory. Is there a Rank above A? What would it be called? What would happen if an individual were to reach it? And would said individual reach the peak that is control over their element?"
He then gave a dramatic pause leaving everyone tense. Of course, only a select few were not too bothered about what was going on.
Mirage then smirked.
"Nobody knows."
This caused everyone to sigh in disappointment and also subtle annoyance—Millis included.
Lillian's ears twitched as she listened in on Millis's predictions.
"I feel like this guy is going to pull things like this every now and then..."
Lillian couldn't but chuckle at how accurate she was. However, she did have to admit that it was rather entertaining.
Mirage then spoke up again, except this time with something note-worthy.
"Fortunately, you guys won't need to study that unless you want to. Why? That's because it won't be in the written exam at the end of the semester."
Just as everyone was about to unconsciously yell in joy, Mirage shot them down.
"But that doesn't mean I don't expect you guys to study how to increase your Affinity. I expect those in E to be in D by the end of this semester and those in D to be at C..."
He then threw a few glances towards the Prince, Marionette, and Millis before saying:
"And those at C... well... try and survive long enough so you can do some good in the world."
After saying that, he finally started teaching and it seems... he began with the most wordy subject—History.
Lillian blocked 90% of it out. While she may have skimmed through most of the books in the game that related to history, she could still do decent if there was a test about it.
However, that didn't stop her from writing down what she could on the notebook she fetched from her ring.
The exact one she had used to list most of the important events in this world, which she hadn't gotten to finish noting.
The topic Mirage seemed to be teaching was the 7 primary eras of the world in which the Trials take place.
The first was the Era of Echoes—the beginning. It was said that a certain vibration shot through the void, causing it to react and coalesce into divine beings.
It was these same divine beings that then brought on the beginning of the world.
It was stated that Space, Light, and Darkness were the first to appear and built the foundations for more to appear.
The next were the four main elements; Earth, Fire, Water, and Air.
All in that order of age.
Earth formed spheres of rock and hard material before eventually growing bored with them and decided to create something softer—dirt.
Eventually, Fire came and took Light's place bringing well... light into the world as well as warmth.
It was during this time that Water and Air were brought into the world, and began to mess around with Earth's creations.
This caused the first signs of mortal life to exist.
After a few millennia, other divine beings began to be birthed into the world—some more special than others due to the concepts they brought with their existence.
Eventually, after a few more thousand years, Humans arrived and inevitably worshipped the divine beings and named them 'Gods'.
They built temples, and entire civilisations as they gazed up towards the sky—deciphering a rare phenomenon where the stars align and form patterns.
It was later called the 'Whispers of First Light.' And also believed to be divine messages.
Divine messages of curious Gods as they gazed down at the humans who continued to worship them and even went to war over their beliefs.
The Gods who had only had the void—and the founding Gods, who told tales of the past—as their entertainment were thrilled at the possibilities of newfound opportunities the humans brought.
Not long after, the next age came. The Era of Luminaries.
Lillian stared down at her notebook dazedly, scribbling down her notes. She then reached the end of the page and realised that she had spent a bit too much time on the first Era...
She looked up and noticed that Mirage had already moved on to the fifth Era. The Era of Twisting Currents.
Lillian smiled wryly at her incompetence in paying attention and turned her page, writing down whatever she could before the lesson ended.
The Era of Twisting Currents was known as the Jester's Awakening. Not the era in which it was made but the era in which it unleashed monsters into the world.
The scriptures, books, or any information material didn't particularly state the reason why it suddenly went chaotic.
It was also during this period that the Gods had already retreated from the world after their catastrophic war.
Lillian glanced to the side, staring as Marionette dutifully noted down whatever she could on her notebook—the one found in the dorm room's desk.
She stared at Marionette's beautiful hand-writing that left her distracted for a bit... until Marionette eventually noticed and told her off.
"Not the best time to be distracted, Lillian..." she scolded.
Lillian pouted before glancing towards Millis and found her focused on her work as well.
She widened her eyes at her neat her handwriting was.
While Marionette's handwriting looked exactly like what a hand-written note from the royal family would look like, Millis's would be one you would see on a scholar's paper.
Lillian looked up from Millis's notebook and found her staring back.
Millis tilted her head curiously at her before whispering, "Did you need something? If you need a pen, then I think I got a sp—"
Lillian shook her head.
"No no, it's not that. It's just... your handwriting..."
"Hm? Does it look bad? Aw, man..." Millis stared disappointingly at her notes.
"Huh? It's the opposite actually. It looks really neat, Millis. Did you practice or something?"
Millis smirked smugly before answering in a proud manner.
"Of course. The girls love someone who can write well, right? Don't you think so?"
Lillian nodded, glancing at Marionette briefly before answering, "I suppose..."
Millis then leaned over Lillian's shoulder and stared down at her notes.
"Anyway, I'm sure your one is way... prettier..."
Millis stared down, her voice slowing as she noticed... how small Lillian's handwriting was.
Lillian smiled wryly.
The past Lillian and her had quite varying styles.
She didn't have to write much in her world and did it all virtually through emails, so it was quite messy.
Past Lillian, however, wrote in quite the cutesy style in bold letters.
While muscle memory did help Lillian in writing, it seems her messy handwriting still slipped in a bit and caused her writing to shrink to a size only she could read.
Lillian stared at Millis, who squinted her eyes before leaning back.
"Eh... it's good. As long as you can read it I guess."
Lillian nodded, "Good enough, right?"
She then paused.
"Hey Millis... what happened to your accent?"
"Huh? What accent?"
"You know... the one you usually speak in?"
"Oh, that one? I usually have that on when I feel like playing around or when I'm not serious." Millis shrugged, "I managed to get into this class, so I want to learn as much as I can, you know?"
"Yeah... wait. When you're not serious? Does this mean you weren't serious in the Entrance Ex—"
Before Lillian could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by the Academy's bell.
Ding... Dong... Ding... Dong...
Mirage, who was facing the chalkboard, turned towards the class.
"Alright everyone, you may all leave for your thirty-minute break. Come back in this room for Magic Theory. Your next teacher will be with a specialist in their field."
He walked towards the door before stopping. He turned back towards the class and then said:
"By the way, I have placed the badges needed to access the Academy's facilities into your blazer pockets. Today was the only day in which you could enter this place without any intervention."
After saying that, he then left. Following that, everyone scurried to their feet, exiting through the doors once packing up.
Millis raised an eyebrow, "Placed it inside our blazer pockets? Seriously?"
Lillian nodded and roamed through her pockets, pulling out a light metal badge with the Academy's symbol on it.
"This thing right here."
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Millis roamed into her pockets and found it as well, "How the hell did he do that without us noticing?!"
Lillian shrugged before looking towards Marionette to find her staring at the very same badge.
She then asked:
"Are you ready to go?"
Marionette looked up and nodded.
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