I’m Her Favorite Character (in a Reverse World)

Chapter 1: It Begins

The glow of my phone illuminates my face in the dim corner of the library, casting eerie shadows as I scroll through r/yandere. My eyes fixate on an image of a girl clutching a bloody knife, her twisted smile reflecting my inner turmoil. The bitter taste of betrayal lingers on my tongue.

Jake’s concerned voice breaks through my trance. “Rich, is it true? Did you really catch your girlfriend kissing another guy?”

I look up, my fingers tightening around my phone. The memory of what I witnessed flashes through my mind, tangled limbs, muffled moans, clothes strewn across her bedroom floor. My stomach churns.

“I caught her doing a lot more than just kissing,” I mutter, unable to meet Jake’s eyes. The words feel like acid in my throat.

Jake slides into the chair across from me, his brow furrowed with worry. I can see the questions forming on his lips, but I turn back to my phone, seeking solace in the twisted fantasies flickering across the screen. At least these fictional characters understand the depths of true devotion, unlike the lying cheating whore that said 4 inches is actually pretty big.

“Rich, man, talk to me,” Jake pleads, reaching for my arm. “What happened?”

I jerk away, my chair scraping loudly against the floor. The librarian shoots us a glare, but I barely notice.

Jake leans over, his eyes widening as he catches a glimpse of my phone screen. The image of a girl with brandishing a bloody knife flashes across it.

“Dude,” Jake says, his voice full of concern, “just because you got cheated on doesn’t mean you need to fall down the depraved ‘I want someone that loves me enough to kill for me’ rabbit hole.”

I feel a surge of anger at his words. How dare he judge me? He has no idea what I’m going through, the pain that’s eating me alive. My fingers clench around my phone, knuckles turning white.

“You just don’t get it, Jake,” I scoff, my voice low and bitter. “This isn’t about wanting someone to kill for me. It’s about finding someone who actually gives a damn, who wouldn’t betray me like she did.”

Jake’s eyes widen, a mixture of surprise and worry dancing across his features. He leans in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “Dude, come on,” he says, his tone softening. “I get that you’re hurting, but this isn’t the way.”

I’m about to snap back at him when I notice his hand dipping into his pocket. He pulls out a small, nondescript bottle, holding it up between us like a secret treasure. The amber liquid inside catches the dim library light.

“I finally got it,” he says, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Ipecac.”

My heart skips a beat as I process his words. The anger and bitterness that had been consuming me moments ago started to dissipate, replaced by a familiar spark of excitement. “Holy shit,” I breathe, my eyes locked on the bottle. “That means we can take it together and vomit all over your bedroom to get back at your mom for taking the Xbox away.”

Jake’s face breaks into a wide grin, his eyes lighting up with exhilaration. “You fucking know it,” he says, nodding enthusiastically.

The heavy atmosphere that had been weighing on us lifts, replaced by a surge of adrenaline and anticipation. The pain of betrayal, the dark thoughts that had been clouding my mind, they all fade into the background. In this moment, it’s just me and Jake, two friends about to embark on an adventure that could change the very course of our lives forever.

As Jake and I stand up, ready to plunge into on our ill-conceived journey, a deafening roar shatters the library’s quiet. The floor beneath us trembles, books tumbling from shelves. Before we can process what’s happening, a massive shape bursts through the wall in an explosion of brick and mortar.

A big mac truck, its chrome grille gleaming like the maw of some mechanical beast, barrels towards us at breakneck speed. Time seems to slow as I watch the enormous wheels spinning.

In that split second, my body moves on instinct. I lunge forward, my hands connecting with Jake’s chest as I shove him with all my might. He flies backward, arms pinwheeling, as the truck rushes past where he had been standing moments before.

But there’s no time for relief. The world spins in a blur of motion and pain as I’m swept up by the truck’s massive front wheel. My body contorts at unnatural angles, bones shattering like brittle twigs. The sickening crunch of my ribs collapsing echoes in my ears as I’m pulled under the chassis.

Finally, with a screech of tires and the smell of burning rubber, the truck grinds to a halt. Silence falls over the destroyed library, broken only by the hiss of the truck’s engine and the distant wail of sirens.

I lie in a crumpled heap. The taste of copper fills my mouth as blood bubbles up my throat. Through blurring vision, I see Jake scrambling towards me, his face a mask of horror.

“Rich! Oh God, Rich!” he cries, falling to his knees beside me. His hands hover over my broken body, unsure where to touch without causing more harm.

I try to speak but only manage a wet, gurgling cough. A rope of blood and saliva dribbles from my lips. I feel a strange pressure in my abdomen, and with detached fascination, I watch as my insides begin to slip out of a gaping wound in my stomach.

Jake’s eyes widen in terror at the sight. Tears stream down his face. “Hold on, Rich,” he sobs. “Help is coming. You’re gonna be okay.”

But we both know it’s a lie. I can feel the life draining from me with each labored breath. With monumental effort, I manage to croak out a few words.

“Guess we’ll... have to... rain check... the puke party,” I wheeze, a grotesque smile twisting my bloodied lips.

Jake’s face contorts in anguish as he cradles my broken body. Tears stream down his cheeks, dripping onto my blood-soaked shirt. I can see the guilt and horror etched in every line of his face.

With my last remaining strength, I grasp Jake’s trembling hand. “Listen closely, Jake.” Blood bubbles at the corners of my mouth as I speak. “Show the world... my internet history. I want society... to know... the monster it created.”

A choked laugh escapes Jake’s lips with the tears still flowing freely down his face. “It should have been me,” he sobs, his whole body shaking.

I cough wetly, more blood spilling from my lips. The pain is fading now, replaced by a spreading numbness. With my vision growing dim, I summon the last of my strength to speak once more.

“Do not feel bad for me friend,” I gurgle, a macabre grin spreading across my face. “For I am off to become... an overpowered protagonist... in a world of big titty women.”

Jake cries even harder at this, his shoulders heaving with each sob. “Dude, no way,” he chokes out between gasping breaths, “you’re definitely going to a Yaoi world.”

As darkness closes in around me, I feel a strange sense of peace. The last thing I hear is Jake’s anguished wails echoing through the ruined library as I slip away into the unknown.

‘I’ll miss you buddy.’


After I died, there was darkness. And then a bright flashing light.

I finally woke up again when I was 3 years old. My new name was apparently Elwin Warbringer. Not a bad name, but it didn’t really fit the vibe that was Richard West.

I was a prince. And I had 12 older sisters.

As I toddle through the grand halls of the palace, my tiny feet pattering against the cold marble floors, I can’t help but marvel at the sheer opulence surrounding me. Tapestries depicting epic battles and mythical creatures adorn the walls, their intricate designs catching the light from ornate chandeliers hanging overhead. The air is thick with the scent of incense and polished wood, a constant reminder of the wealth and power that permeates every corner of this place.

As I round a corner, I spot my mother, Queen Morgana, striding towards me. Her long raven hair flows behind her like a dark river, and her emerald eyes lock onto mine with an intensity that would make most grown men quake. But I feel only warmth and love.

“Elwin, my little prince,” she coos, her stern features softening as she scoops me up into her arms.

“My sweet boy. Momma just can’t help but tell you how important you are to her,” she murmurs, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “You have no idea how much Momma loves you!”

“Your sisters,” Mom continues, her voice taking on a harder edge, “they are strong, clever, and ambitious. But they are bound by the ways of our people, the endless cycle of fighting and bloodshed that has graced our family for generations.”

She pulls back slightly, her green eyes boring into mine with an intensity that makes me shiver. “But you, my darling Elwin, you are different. I can love you without fear of betrayal. You are pure.”

I nod solemnly, feeling the weight of her expectations settle on my tiny shoulders. It’s a lot for a three-year-old.

‘I can’t believe this woman shit out 13 kids.’

Suddenly, the door bursts open, and a whirlwind of chaos ensues. My sisters, I realize. Twelve of them, ranging from what looks like early teens to young adults, all crowding around us with excited chatter.

“Is he awake?”

“Can we play with him?”

“Mother, you’re hogging him again!”

Their voices blend together in a cacophony of excitement, but I can’t help noticing the undercurrent of something else. Tension? Jealousy? It’s hard to pin down exactly, but it makes me uneasy.

Mother’s arms tighten around me protectively. “Girls,” she says, her voice suddenly stern. “Wait your turn.”


By the time I turned 10, only 6 of my sisters remained. The palace halls, once filled with the constant chatter and laughter of a dozen princesses, now echoed with an eerie quiet. But their immense love for me never dwindled.

I had grown accustomed to the gruesome killings. The sight of blood-stained marble and the muffled screams in the night no longer fazed me. It seemed it was mostly the older sisters killing each other for now, their ambitions and rivalries reaching a deadly crescendo.

Today, Diana, my eldest sister, is playing with me in the royal gardens. The sun hangs low in the sky, casting long shadows across the meticulously manicured lawns.

Diana sits cross-legged on a plush blanket, her long dark hair cascading over her shoulders. She looks resplendent in her royal attire, a deep blue gown embroidered with silver thread that catches the light with every movement. Her icy blue eyes are fixed on me with a mixture of adoration and curiosity.

“Elwin, my dear brother,” she says, her voice as smooth as honey, “what do you want to do when you grow up?”

I pause, considering my answer carefully. She doesn’t know I lived until 18 before this, doesn’t know about the life I left behind or the strange circumstances that brought me here. In my mind’s eye, I see flashes of my previous life, the library, Jake, the truck, Mr. Hands’ tragic accident. But they feel distant now, like a half-remembered dream.

“An astronaut,” I say finally, my voice filled with wonder that isn’t entirely feigned. Even in this new life, the mysteries of the cosmos still call to me.

‘God, I miss Star Wars.’

Diana looks at me, her brow wrinkled in confusion. “As-tro-naut?” she sounds out slowly, as if tasting each syllable. “I’ve never heard of such a thing. What is that, Elwin?”

I take a deep breath, my eyes shining with excitement. “I want to fly among the stars and meet hot women and become a Jedi!” I exclaim, my voice filled with enthusiasm.

Diana tilts her head again, her confusion deepening. “Elwin, darling,” she says gently, “it is most unbecoming for a man to make the first move. You must wait for a lady to approach you.”

I blink at her, momentarily thrown off by her response. “Wait, we’re just going to look past the Jedi thing?” I ask incredulously.

Diana waves her hand dismissively as if swatting away an annoying fly. “I’m sure ‘Jedi’ is just another one of your charming made-up words, little brother,” she says with a fond smile. “But we must focus on what’s important. You’re a prince, Elwin. Your duty is to be a symbol of purity and virtue for our kingdom, not to go gallivanting among the stars or chasing after women.”

I sigh, realizing once again how different this world is from my past life. As Diana speaks, I reflect on everything I’ve learned since waking up in this strange new existence.

From the moment I could understand words here, it became clear that this was a world where traditional gender roles were completely reversed. Women held all the positions of power and authority, while men were expected to be demure, pure, and supportive. My mother, Queen Morgana, ruled Sunhaven with an iron fist, respected and feared throughout the land.

The kingdom’s military might was legendary, comprised entirely of female knights renowned for their skill and ferocity in battle. What we lacked in numbers, we more than made up for in sheer martial prowess. No one dared to openly challenge Sunhaven, even if we had few true allies.

I’d learned early on that it was historically unprecedented for our royal family to produce any male offspring. For generations, the Warbringer line had only birthed daughters, fierce and ambitious women who fought tooth and nail for the right to succeed their mothers. The fact that I existed at all was seen as something of a miracle.

“Diana,” I say carefully, choosing my words with the diplomatic skill I’d been honing since I could talk, “don’t you think it’s a bit... limiting to say I can’t explore the world?”

My sister’s eyes narrow slightly, a hint of steel entering her voice. “Elwin, you must understand. You are precious to us, to all of Sunhaven. Your very existence defies everything we thought we knew about our bloodline. You cannot risk yourself on foolish adventures.”

I sigh deeply, my eyes drifting to the vibrant garden around us.

“But sister,” I say, my voice taking on a dreamy quality, “I wish to be loved by someone with crazy eyes. To really feel what it means to be craved by my partner.” I pause, my gaze unfocusing as I picture the intensity I long for. “I want to see the fire of passion burning in their eyes, to feel the electricity of their touch. I dream of a love so fierce and all-consuming that it defies reason.”

Diana’s face contorts in a mixture of shock and annoyance. Her hands clench in her lap, wrinkling the fine fabric of her gown. “Elwin!” she exclaims, her voice sharp. “We can talk about this when you’re older.” She takes a deep breath, visibly trying to calm herself. “And stop reading Lydia’s books. They’re clearly having an impact on your emotional growth.”

She reaches out, her cool hand gently patting my head. Her touch is meant to be comforting, but I can feel the tension in her fingers. “Remember, little brother,” she says, her voice softening but still carrying an edge of steel, “you need to stay pure.”


Eight years have passed in the blink of an eye. I stand before a gilded mirror in my chambers, barely recognizing the young man staring back at me. Gone is the chubby-cheeked boy who dreamed of becoming a Jedi. In his place stands a prince on the cusp of adulthood, with flowing brown locks and piercing blue eyes.

The palace halls have grown even quieter over the years than before. Where once twelve princesses roamed, now only four remain. Diana, Lydia, Celestia, and Rowena. My four favorite sisters, each formidable in her own right. Their survival is a testament to their strength, cunning, and perhaps a dash of luck.

I smooth down the front of my elaborately embroidered tunic. Today is a pivotal day, one that could change the course of my carefully sheltered life. With a deep breath, I steel myself and make my way to the throne room.


The throne room is a marvel of architectural grandeur, its vaulted ceilings stretching impossibly high overhead. And there, seated upon her throne of absolute power, is my mother, Queen Morgana Warbringer. Her presence is commanding, filling the vast space with an almost palpable aura of authority. Her emerald eyes angry ay my request.

“Absolutely not!” She screams, her voice reverberating off the walls.

“Please, Mother,” I plead, allowing a hint of desperation to color my tone. I gaze up at her with wide, imploring eyes, the same look that has softened her heart countless times before. “All I’m asking is for the opportunity to meet with other princesses at Star Crest Academy. I can strengthen our country from the outside.”

In truth, I just want freedom from my family. I have no alone time here, and I’d really love to travel and meet my fated one.

Mother’s frown deepens, lines of worry etching themselves across her regal features. Her fingers drum a restless rhythm on the arm of the throne.

“Can you really not find a woman among the millions of citizens we have here?” she asks, her voice a mixture of exasperation and concern.

I seize upon this opening, knowing it might be my only chance. “Do you really want me to marry a commoner?” I counter, my tone carefully respectful but with an undercurrent of challenge.@@novelbin@@

Mother’s eyes widen slightly, and I know I’ve struck a chord. The idea of her precious son, the miraculous male child of the Warbringer line, wedding someone of lesser status is clearly abhorrent to her.

She rises from the throne, her eyes flashing with anger. The air in the room seems to crackle with energy, and I can feel the weight of her fury pressing down on me like a physical force.

But then her gaze meets mine, and I see her resolve waver. My pleading eyes have always been her weakness. With a deep, weary sigh, she sinks back onto her throne, the fire of her anger extinguished as quickly as it had ignited.

The tension in the room dissipates, replaced by a heavy silence. Mother’s shoulders slump slightly, a rare show of vulnerability from the indomitable Queen Morgana. When she speaks, her voice is soft, tinged with an emotion I’ve seldom heard from her, fear.

“Is this really what you want, Elwin?” she asks, her emerald eyes searching my face. “You must understand, if you marry someone who becomes a queen, you won’t be able to live with the family anymore.”

I watch in astonishment as her eyes begin to glisten with unshed tears. The sight of it tugs at my heart, but I steel myself against the guilt threatening to overwhelm me.

“Mother,” I say gently, taking a step closer to the throne, “don’t you want this country to thrive stronger than it is? In two years, I’ll be eligible to attend Star Crest Academy. Think of the alliances we could forge, the power we could amass.”

I pause, letting my words sink in. The grand tapestries adorning the walls seem to whisper of past glories and future possibilities.

“Imagine,” I continue, my voice growing more passionate, “Sunhaven’s influence spreading across the continent, not through conquest, but through diplomacy and marriage. We could usher in an era of peace and prosperity, unlike anything our kingdom has ever known.”

Mother’s face contorts into a grimace of disgust as I speak, her nose wrinkling as if she’s smelled something foul. “Peace is disgusting, Elwin,” she spits out, her voice dripping with disdain. “You are the one exception. We only participate in that practice with you.”

I blink, momentarily taken aback by her vehemence. Rallying quickly, I press on, “But wouldn’t it be nice to spread our bloodline?”

She sits back, her brow furrowed in deep thought. Her fingers tap an irritated rhythm on the arm of her throne as she mulls over my words. Finally, her face twists into an annoyed expression, lips pursed, and eyes narrowed.

“Is this genuinely what you want for yourself?” she asks her tone a mixture of exasperation and resignation. “You’re sure?”

I nod emphatically, hope swelling in my chest. “Yes, Mother. More than anything.”

‘I gotta meet a Yandere Princess. It’s just too good a chance to pass up.’

She lets out a long, heavy sigh, her shoulders slumping slightly. “Fine,” she says, at last, her voice laced with reluctance. “In two years’ time, we will enroll you in Star Crest Academy and let you search for your little ‘fated one.’” Her tone turns mocking on the last words, but I barely notice, too elated by her approval.

I beam a smile up at her, my heart soaring with excitement and gratitude.

“Thank you, Mother!” I exclaim, my voice ringing with genuine joy.

Mother sighs again, but this time, there’s a hint of fondness in the sound. Her stern features soften, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

“Anything for my favorite child.”

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