I’m Her Favorite Character (in a Reverse World)

Chapter 12: Eye am not paying for this

The manager’s office is a stark contrast to the opulent dining room we’ve just left behind. Where the restaurant was all gleaming crystal and polished mahogany, this room is utilitarian and small. The walls are a dull beige, adorned only with framed certificates and awards. A large desk dominates the space, its surface cluttered with stacks of papers and ledgers.

The air is thick with tension, so palpable I could almost reach out and touch it. The soft tick of an antique clock on the wall seems unnaturally loud in the strained silence.

I stand beside Rolo, our shoulders nearly touching. I can feel the heat radiating from her body, a reminder of our interrupted intimacy. Her crimson eyes are wide and alert now, all traces of our earlier intoxication seemingly evaporated in the face of this unexpected turn of events.

Across from us, the restaurant manager, a stout woman with graying hair pulled back in a bun, bows so low I fear she might topple over. Her forehead is beaded with sweat, and her hands tremble slightly as she straightens.

“Your Highnesses,” she begins, her voice quavering, “I cannot express how deeply sorry we are for the inconvenience earlier this evening. Please allow us to comp your entire meal and provide you with a lifetime of complimentary dining at our establishment.”

Before I can respond, a familiar voice cuts through the air like a steel blade.

“Perhaps,” Diana says, her tone as cold and sharp as midwinter ice, “if you hadn’t over-served my brother, your waiter’s eye wouldn’t be in need of healing.”

I turn to face my sister. Diana stands in the doorway, her tall frame nearly filling the space. Her icy blue eyes are hard, her jaw set in a rigid line of disapproval. She’s still dressed in her training gear.

The manager’s face pales further if that’s even possible. She opens her mouth to speak, but no words come out. Instead, she merely gapes at Diana like a fish out of water.

I feel a surge of protectiveness wash over me. This isn’t right. It wasn’t their fault.

“Diana,” I say, my voice firm despite the slight slur that still clings to my words, “I’m at fault, not them.”

Diana’s piercing gaze swings to me, her eyes narrowing slightly. I can see the muscles in her jaw working as she grinds her teeth.

“Elwin,” she begins, her voice low and dangerous, “you are a prince of the Warbringer line. You do not take blame for the failings of others.”

Diana’s piercing gaze shifts from me to Rolo, her eyes narrowing with barely contained fury.

Rolo, who until now had been standing tall and proud beside me, seems to shrink under Diana’s scrutiny. Her shoulders hunch slightly, and I can see a tremor run through her body. The fierce warrior princess who had so confidently recounted tales of goblin slaying just hours ago now looks like a scolded child, her crimson eyes wide with a mixture of fear and shame.

“How could you allow this to happen?” Diana’s voice is low and dangerous, each word dripping with disdain.

“How dare you get my brother so drunk he tried to use a gold coin for a paltry little dinner? What even was your goal? To bed my brother?”

I feel a surge of anger rising within me, hot and fierce.

“Enough!” I roar, my voice echoing off the walls of the small office.

Diana turns to me, her eyebrows raised in surprise. For a moment, her mask of authority slips, and I catch a glimpse of the sister I grew up with, the one who used to sneak me extra desserts when my tutors weren’t looking.

“I got her drunk, sister,” I declare, my words slightly slurred but filled with conviction. “I wanted her drunk so I could take advantage of her! Not the other way around!”

Diana’s face contorts with a mixture of shock and fury, her icy blue eyes blazing with an intensity that could melt steel beams. Her hands clench into fists at her sides, the leather of her gloves creaking audibly in the tense silence.

I turn to the manager, who stands frozen terrified of what is to come to next. I speak with all the regal authority I can muster despite the slight slur that still clings to my words.

“I, Elwin Warbringer, First Prince of Sunhaven, take full responsibility for this incident,” I declare. “As restitution, I insist you keep the gold coin and allow me to pay for the healing services for your waiter.”

I move to bow my head, a gesture of humility rarely seen from one of my station. But before I can complete the motion, I feel a warm hand on my arm, gently but firmly stopping me. I turn to see Rolo, her crimson eyes full of concern and a hint of admiration.

“Your Highness,” she says, her voice trembling slightly with nervousness, “that would be too far for a prince to go.”

To my surprise, Diana’s expression softens, the fury in her eyes replaced by a glimmer of approval as she regards Rolo. A small smile, barely perceptible but undeniably present, tugs at the corners of her lips.

“Perhaps,” Diana says, her voice losing some of its earlier edge, “you would be a good influence on my brother after all, Princess Rolo.”


As we step out of the restaurant, the cool night air washes over us, a welcome relief from the stuffy tension of the manager’s office.

Diana walks between Rolo and me, seemingly as a means to insert her dominance.

“I still can’t believe it,” she says, shaking her head slightly. “One of my aids just happened to be dining there and saw the whole mess play out.” A note of incredulity creeps into her voice as she continues, “She swears the gold coin really did land in the waiter’s eye by accident. Is that true, Elwin?”

I nod, feeling a flush of embarrassment creep up my neck. “It is,” I admit, running a hand through my hair. “I wanted to impress Rolo by looking cool and flick it to him, but... well, you saw how that turned out.”

Rolo, who has been quiet since we left the restaurant, suddenly chimes in. Her voice carries a note of wonder as if she’s still processing what she witnessed.

“It was the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen,” she says, her crimson eyes wide with remembered disbelief. “The coin just... arced through the air like it had a mind of its own. I’ve seen arrows fired with less precision.”@@novelbin@@

I shake my head, a frown creasing my brow. “I’m not thrilled about this,” I mutter, my voice tinged with genuine remorse. “I didn’t mean to blind someone.”

Diana scoffs, her icy blue eyes rolling dramatically. “Oh please, Elwin,” she says, her tone dismissive. “It was just a commoner. Their new eye will probably be better than the old one anyway.”

I pause for a moment, considering her words. The alcohol still buzzing through my system makes it hard to focus, but there’s a certain logic to what she’s saying. “That’s true, I suppose,” I shrug, the weight of guilt lifting slightly from my shoulders.

Diana turns to Rolo, her lips curving into a wry smile. “As you can see, Princess Rolo,” she says, gesturing towards me with a flourish, “my brother is quite the handful.”

Rolo nods, a soft laugh escaping her lips. The sound is like music in the quiet night air, light and melodious. “Yes,” she agrees, her crimson eyes twinkling with amusement as they meet mine, “he certainly is.”

I feel a surge of frustration well up inside me. Here I am, trying to impress the woman I’m falling for, and my sister is doing her best to embarrass me. “Diana,” I groan, my voice a mixture of exasperation and pleading, “can you not fuck this up for me?”

Diana’s expression softens slightly, a flicker of understanding passing across her face. “Sorry,” she says, her voice gentler than before. “It’s hard to watch the family baby grow up.”

Diana’s gaze softens as she looks between Rolo and me, her icy blue eyes reflecting the warm glow of the street lamps.

“Alright,” Diana says, her voice tinged with a mixture of resignation and amusement. “I have somewhere to go, so please walk my brother home and keep him safe, okay Rolo?”

Rolo nods, her crimson eyes glinting with determination. “Of course.”

Diana gives us one last appraising look before turning and striding away. The sound of her boots on the cobblestones fades into the distance, leaving Rolo and me alone in the soft glow of the street lamps.

As soon as Diana is out of sight, I pull Rolo close, my arm slipping around her waist. The warmth of her body against mine sends a thrill through me, igniting the embers of desire that have been smoldering all evening. We begin to walk towards my dorm, our steps in perfect sync.

The campus is quiet at this hour, the buildings looming like sleeping giants in the darkness.

“You know, I have plenty of wine in my dorm.”

Rolo turns to look at me, her crimson eyes searching mine. For a moment, she seems to hesitate, her lower lip caught between her teeth in a gesture that’s both endearing and incredibly alluring.

“Elwin,” she says finally, her voice soft but firm, “classes start tomorrow, and it’d be a real shame if you weren’t at your best.”

Her words hang in the air between us, a gentle but unmistakable rejection of my advances.

I say, “Is there something about me you find unsatisfactory?”

Rolo’s eyes go wide, crimson irises expanding like blooming roses in the moonlight. “No, no!” she exclaims, her voice a mixture of panic and earnestness.

She pulls me close, the warmth of her body enveloping me like a cocoon. Her heartbeat thunders against my chest.

“I’ve never been chased by a boy before,” Rolo confesses, her words tumbling out in a breathless rush. “Let alone by someone as aggressive as you.” Her fingers trace patterns on my back, sending shivers down my spine.

“Usually, a boy with your demeanor would be a gold digger.” A wry smile tugs at the corners of her lips. “But gods know your family is far richer than mine.”

She looks at me nervously, her crimson eyes vulnerable. “Elwin,” Rolo whispers, her voice trembling slightly, “are you just trying to bed me because you think I’ll leave you otherwise?”

I sigh softly, reaching up to cup her face in my hands. “No, Rolo. I want to bed you because I want to feel you.”

My hands begin to wander, tracing the curves of her body. I run my fingers slowly up her legs, feeling the toned muscle beneath the silky fabric of her dress. As I reach her inner thighs, I can feel the heat radiating from her core.

“I want to join with you,” I breathe, leaning in close so my lips brush against her ear. “To become one.”

My fingers ghost over her most intimate area, eliciting a soft gasp from Rolo. Her body trembles against mine, a mixture of desire and uncertainty evident in every quivering muscle.

“I want to fill you with my seed,” I whisper, my voice thick with longing. A smile tugs at my lips, and I can’t help the soft laugh that escapes me. The sheer joy of being here, with her, in this moment, is overwhelming.

I pull back slightly, meeting her gaze. My eyes search hers, trying to convey the depth of my feelings. “I think you’re the one, Rolo,” I say, my voice filled with earnest conviction.

Rolo’s eyes look lost, a maelstrom of emotions swirling in their crimson depths. I can see the panic there, the fear of the unknown, the weight of societal expectations bearing down on her. But beneath that, burning like embers in the darkness is an undeniable hunger. Her pupils are dilated, her breathing shallow and rapid. The flush on her cheeks has spread down her neck, disappearing beneath the neckline of her dress.

“How about tomorrow night, you come over, and we have dinner together?” I suggest, my voice soft and hopeful.

Rolo’s eyes light up, a smile spreading across her face like the dawn breaking over the horizon. She nods eagerly, her raven hair shimmering in the moonlight. “Yes,” she breathes, her voice filled with anticipation. “I’d love that.”

For a moment, we stand there in silence, drinking in the sight of each other. The world seems to fall away, leaving just the two of us suspended in this perfect moment.

Then, something shifts in Rolo’s crimson eyes. A spark ignites, growing into a roaring flame of determination and desire. In one fluid motion, she closes the distance between us, her hands coming up to cradle my face.

Her lips crash into mine with a passion that takes my breath away. The kiss is deep and urgent, filled with all the longing and desire we’ve both been holding back. Her tongue sweeps into my mouth, tasting of sweet wine and promises. I feel myself melting into her embrace, my hands finding a home on her hips, pulling her closer until there’s no space left between us.

When we finally part, both of us are breathless. Rolo’s eyes are dark with desire, her chest heaving as she tries to catch her breath. She leans her forehead against mine, her warm breath fanning across my face.

“Starting tomorrow, I’m done holding back. If you want me this badly, then fine. Because I want you even more.”


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