Chapter 14: Flashback x2
Chapter 14: Flashback x2
(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.
As of this chapter, the patreòn is 8 chapters ahead at chapter 22. I'll be writing 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord
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-Flashback Continued-
"So... Yao, Huh?" Peter says as the Ancient One turns to him with a stern glare.
"Is it so interesting that I have a name just like everyone else?" She asks as she takes a seat and conjures some tea.
"I mean, yeah." Peter nods as he takes a seat as well.
"Well, I would ask that you don't use that name. It's a thing of the past and should be left there." She says seriously as she sips her tea.
"Sure, I won't tell a soul." Peter says with an understanding nod.
He could tell that there is some history behind this, which he'll probably never know. Though he'll respect her wishes and not use her name. Peter's just happy to be one of the few to know the real name of the Ancient One.
"So, are we not going to talk about the spider lady that kidnapped me?" Peter asks as he drinks some tea as well.
"The Great Weaver is a neutral entity in the vast dimensions. Though that doesn't mean she will have your best interests in mind. Neutral doesn't mean good. Be wary of her intentions." The Ancient One explains as she tops off her tea once again.
"That's it?" Peter asks as he barely learned anything.
"If you want to learn more, find out on your own time." She says as she waves her hand, drawing a spell circle made of Eldritch energy in the center of the air. "Now is the time for training. Tell me about this."
Knowing that he won't get anything out of her, Peter just goes with the flow and decided to look into this when he has the opportunity.
"It's a spell circle. They're the building blocks of the Mystic Arts and are used to perform most magic. The few arts that don't need spell circles are personal energies, forming energy weaponry, and astral projection. If there are any other subjects that don't fall under the spell circle umbrella then I haven't learned them yet." Peter explains.
"Anything else?" She asks expectantly.
"Spell circles are made up of spell lines, runes, glyphs, and other symbols. Almost anything can be done with the right combination of these things. Certain powerful spells will require the spell circle, or circles depending on the difficulty, to be accompanied by certain chants or incantations." Peter explains further.
Although Peter didn't read about it in any books, he had a theory about advanced spells. Based on seeing the Ancient One always using magic without any visible spell circles, Peter has guessed that she doesn't need them for menial tasks anymore. His theory is that she has mastered the spell and therefore needs no spell circle.
Either that, or she's using some sort of invisible or microscopic spell circle. Peter didn't mention this as he wasn't sure if he was correct or not. He'll ask her when his skills in spell crafting are up to par.
"Hmm, good enough." The Ancient One nods as her spell circle turns slightly and a jet of water shoots out, pushing Peter across the room before disappearing. "Go to one of the courtyards and practice that spell."
Spitting some water out of his mouth, Peter glares in the Ancient One's direction only to find her leaving the area.
"I expect you to have this spell learned within the hour." She says as she rounds the corner, leaving the room. "Don't destroy the fabric of the universe while I'm gone!"
-Flashback End-
Ever since that day, Peter has been learning spells everyday. All of the spells he's learning consist of three different types of magic conjuration, transmutation, and enchantment.
Conjuration is magic that conjures anything from thin air. A subdivision of this art is Transmutation, which is simply a conversion of one object or individual into another. Making creatures with either art would create a real, living, and breathing thing. Truth be told, the spell circle is a bit simpler when Transmuting compared to Conjuring. Having physical matter to use instead of nothing but the air just makes it easier.
Peter has learned to conjure/transfigure some small animals and objects. The objects came out warped and messed up at first but he got the hang of it. The real horror came when he was making living things. Let's just say that terrifying Lovecraft-style creatures were created and sometimes still made during Peter's practice to this day.
Of course, they are dealt with swiftly, so as not to prolong any pain or risk them getting loose among the public.
Enchanting is magic that adds certain properties to an object or individual. Peter learned many enchantments. For example, he could make objects or people as light as a feather or as heavy as a mountain. He thought of Thor's hammer while learning these enchantments.
There was one enchantment that he loved learning, which was the flying enchantment. Peter could make objects and individuals, like himself, fly. Though he can't move very fast while doing so and it's not the easiest to control. The fastest he could fly while using this spell on himself is around 10 MPH, which was pitiful compared to his normal top speed of 108 miles an hour. Though, that speed can be increased with practice.
That's right, thanks to his training in the spider lair, Peter has upped his running speed from 100 MPH to 108 MPH. This isn't the only thing he enhanced as his strength grew to almost 11 tons as well. It was a slow build but compared to normal people, Peter was growing at an astronomical pace.
Finally being able to practice spells, Peter felt amazing. Thankfully, his time spent studying in the library for a month came in handy, as he didn't have to sit in lectures and learned around 1-3 spells a day, depending on how hard they were.
As the school week came to an end, Midtown High hosted a pep rally followed by a football game, which welcomed everyone in the community to attend, eat some food, and enjoy themselves.
Peter, Ned, and MJ went together, but their families had work and couldn't make it to these events. This was fine as they didn't really care about the football game and just hung out and ate some food together.
Speaking of Ned and MJ, their meeting was a fairly awkward one.
A/N: A lot of flashbacks lately, huh?
After Peter and MJ were suspended from school, Ned rushed over to Peter's apartment as soon as school was out. Knocking on the door, May let him in and Ned rushes past her without thinking, heading straight to Peter's room.
Pushing open the door, Ned speaks before he could take in his surroundings.
"Dude, what's going on? I thought you had a crush on Liz?" Ned says as the room goes silent.
Sitting in the room alongside Peter was MJ, who heard exactly what Ned said as clear as day. She and Peter were sitting in front of his computer, watching random YouTube videos together. He invited her over after their suspension and neither of their guardians had a problem with it. They were suspended from school, but they didn't exactly do anything wrong.
"Uhh... Hey, Ned." Peter says awkwardly as he pauses the video.
Ned stands out of place in the doorway. He didn't know what to say and neither did MJ, who stared between Peter and Ned questioningly.
"MJ, this is Ned. He's my best friend. Ned, this is MJ. My new... friend." Peter carries on the awkwardness as he introduces them.
"Uhh... Hey, MJ." Ned says as he starts speaking without thinking. "I didn't know... You're obviously better than Liz... Umm..."
As Ned starts putting his foot in his mouth, MJ just stares at him blankly, her eyebrow inching higher as he speaks.
"Dude, just stop talking... Please." Peter tells him in exasperation.
After a moment of silence, MJ tries and fails to hold back her laughter.
"You guys are losers. You know that, right?" MJ says as her giggles subside.
"It takes a loser to know a loser." Peter says with a smile as the awkward atmosphere slowly faded away.
"I guess you're right." MJ laughs again and wipes her tears.
She wasn't worried about Liz Allen. If Peter wanted to ask her out he would've, but that didn't happen. Also, Peter wouldn't have stood up for her so extremely if he wasn't interested. Maybe he would've helped, but he wouldn't have gotten physical with Flash. Peter's known as a straight-laced nerd, who never gets in trouble. Punching someone in the face in front of the entire school was definitely out of character for Peter.
"Uhh, did I fix it?" Ned asks cluelessly.
Hearing him ask this, Peter and MJ just look at each other and shake their heads in exasperation.
"Yeah, man. Don't worry about it. Do you want to watch YouTube videos with us?" Peter says as he motions towards the computer.
"Yeah, sure." Ned agrees easily.
-Flashback End-
After that plane crash of a first meeting, Ned and MJ got along just fine. The awkward first impression may have actually made it easier for them to become better friends. There was no awkwardness or third wheel type feelings when they all hung out together.
Ever since that day, the three of them became a sort of friend group, and that was a first for all three of them. MJ has always been a loner while Peter and Ned have only ever had each other and two isn't a group.
A/N: 1603 words
[DONT FORGWT MY STONES! Or... I'm too lazy for this today 😓 just give me stones pls.]
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